#LoqiEmail is a decentralized, non-web messaging transport, with typical user interfaces that encourage excessively lengthy messages, in contrast to texting https://indieweb.org/email
#LoqiAn email list is a group of email addresses used for broadcast (like announcements), deliberate collaboration (like W3C mailing lists), or any other purpose based on some form of explicit group identity https://indieweb.org/email-list
#aaronpkhm to a private list? I haven't done that before
[chrisaldrich] and cloud-maingo joined the channel
#jgmac1106[chrisaldrich] and I apologize to dev for brinign in WordPress but…Chris could the changes you had Ian make manually to yoru MySQL database be overriding the plugins making SL disappear?
#[chrisaldrich]no that shouldn't make a difference at all... or should only have made changes to one or two small places, not sitewide.
#[chrisaldrich]those changes were to individual semantic linkback types and shouldn't affect avatar displays.
#jgmac1106[swentel] when the isntall instructions for Drupal8 indieweb sayL composer require indieweb/mention-client composer require p3k/xray are those two additional modules I need to install?
#jgmac1106I uploaded the module and am already so impressed. Especially the control you give folks assigning microformats.
#swenteljgmac1106, you need to run those commands in the root directory of your installation
#jgmac1106yeah reading the documentation now. I used installatron I didn’t have to uild and have ben uploading moduels through sftp
#jgmac1106If I can get thought my hour hand have composer installed I will be happy
#jgmac1106ooops: I just figured moduels go in the folder called modules: “Be careful not to use the Drupal core 'modules' folder for your new module.The 'modules' folder that resides at [d8-root]/core/modules is reserved for Drupal core modules (the ones that come with the original download of Drupal)."
#jgmac1106sweet [swentel] I think my install came with composer built in. I already see all the files I was supposed to add
#swenteljgmac1106, you should also see a vendor/indieweb directory
#swentelwhich contains the mention-client and link-rel-parser directory
#swentel(there's another requirement coming up too, but that's for the next release)
#jgmac1106not yet but i didn’t finish installing the two external libraries
#jgmac1106but I just dumped yoru entire indieweb module into the modules folder. I didn’t use Composer for that
#jgmac1106got composer installed so I may delete the module and start over
#jgmac1106well [swentel] I got far this mornign. I think I got the indieweb module and all dependant libraries installed. Published my second link but it didn’t syndicate to Twitter so that will be tommorow’s problem….and the importing of a 4 gig WordPress site. I can’t imagine that being easy
#jgmac1106but I think without the correct php cache set up I might be stuck, but pretty cool how far I got. I ened up using the libraries API module to upload the dependancies to the webmention module
#[jgmac1106]@swentel will syndication always be cached? Can I change it to do real or close to real time. Drupal won't work for me if conversation can't happen in real tims
#swentel[jgmac1106], I had problems doing it real time, maybe I should give it another go
#swentel[jgmac1106], I have cron command which runs every minute
#[jgmac1106]super excited to start the Drupal experiment, do you do any other post kinds beyond article and note? Do you hand code the mf2 into each post if you do?
#swentelso I have made content types for every post type that the drupal micropub supports
snarfed, [jgmac1106], snarfed1 and snarfed2 joined the channel
#@thorkonWhat a hard Facebook decision! Can‘t believe it, because public likes and comments can‘t be a data security problem. Public is public.
@schnarfed, I really think the (potential) end of Facebook backfeed affects the attractiveness of webmentions and POSSE. :-( (twitter.com/_/status/1002230399744053250)
#ZegnatIsn’t <field></field> an empty string and <field /> a nil value? Maybe not, can’t actually recall. Both should be fine for atom, I think, either way.
#dgoldyeah, ran the < /> through validator, it complains that titles should not be nulls, but it validates ok
#ZegnatI’d follow whatever validators say, actually, so you can always point back at those :P
#ZegnatThe real question should maybe be: why are you hand-editing XML in the first place
#ZegnatThe best XML written, is the XML output from libxml. Is my thinking. Templates for what is really a data serialization format always feel icky to me.
#Loqi[Christian Weiske] Validating an Atom feed locally
[cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel
#dgolddamnation. Hugo's .Summary attribute, for $reasons, takes the first 70 words of the content unless a summary is provided in metadata or by a marker
#Zegnat[jgmac1106], re: marking things up with u-photo. As soon as a photo property is found, post type discovery says it is a “photo” type post. And that carries some implied meaning: https://indieweb.org/photo . Think Instagram post.
#ZegnatThe post you made, with the nice GIF, is first of an informing post I would say. It isn’t you posting a GIF that happens to have some text going with it.
snarfed1, chrisaldrich, AngeloGladding, KartikPrabhu, jackjamieson, barpthewire, leg, jackjami_ and snarfed joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel