snarfed...because his site returns a variable amount of binary data to HTTP requests from app engine (with Content-Type: text/html), but normal HTML from elsewhere
jgmac1106what is the difference between (e-content content) and (just e-content)? messed up my course template and made each section itsown h-entry on the page
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "difference between (e-content content) and (just e-content)" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "difference between (e-content content) and (just e-content) is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie]Just interacted with a recommendation on Facebook and thought how amazing this would be for the IndieWeb, and I started thinking about how readers could make that a really awesome experience
[eddie]I think the most challenging thing is how you define the “recommendation request”. On Facebook it has you select a predefined “placename” which in the backend it contains the geo-coordinates. But I think for cross-site requests you would have to provide a lat/lng and radius length? Of course the Micropub client that generates a recommendation request could generate that automatically based on its own databases
jmac.orgcreated /Plerd (+2101) "Created page with "Plerd is a free and open-source static site generator developed by {{jmac}}, optimized for use with single-user blogs. Initially created in 2014, Plerd runs Jason's weekly blo..."" (view diff)
jmac.orgcreated /Web::Microformats2 (+610) "Created page with "Web::Microformats2 is a [[microformats2]] parsing library for the Perl 5 programming language, developed by {{jmac}}. It is free and open-source software, and is available thr..."" (view diff)
jgmac1106will do I forgot I left the plug-in on and was sending all my notes from WPO to Medium and got a warnign showing me with a negative score on allowed posts per day
jmac.orgcreated /Web::Mention (+856) "Created page with "Web::Mention is a [[Webmention]] library for the Perl 5 programming language, developed by {{jmac}}. It is free and open-source software, and is available through [https://www..."" (view diff)
[grantcodes][eddie] yeah I remember thinking that is a really cool feature but seems like a very difficult thing to do in a decentralized way without a common ui
jgmac1106Hey I published my Promotion and Tenure file there <black> pot<—kettle</black> because iI was pissed it was still a binder and I douldn’t use my website
[eddie]I figure, person A uses their Micropub app to create a recommendation request. It could use any interface, but essentially it would need to at a minimum output a p-name and lat/lng and some way to define a radius from the lat/lng.
[eddie]And I actually wonder if a geo uri could be used where the uncertainty defines the radius? I’m not super familiar with geo uri so I would need to investigate more
[eddie]So person A’s Micropub app posts a post to their site that has a future defined mf2 property that contains either a url or an embedded h-entry that would contain the p-name and geo uri location.
[eddie]Person B is using a reader of their choice that detects the post as a recommendation request and adds a “add recommendation” button. Different readers could handle this differently. Indigenous could have a built in Recommendation UI whereas Monocle could forward the user to Quill with the reply url set to the post url, allowing Quill to detect that the user is trying to reply to a recommendation request (when Quill fetched the content of the
[eddie]while the geo uri’s uncertainty isn’t 100% the same intention as a search radius, I do feel like their overlap into an acceptable purpose. The Foursquare Venue search api needs a lat/lng and a radius that is measured in meters (the same number represented by the geo uri’s uncertainty)
[eddie], leg, [snarfed], cweiske, snarfed, loicm_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks]Can you use an h-card as the recommendation target? Naturally, people will ask "can you recommend a restaurant for a celebratory meal in San Francisco?" or "a sushi restaurant in Middlesbrough" rather than a geopoint and radius.
jgmac1106!tell [swentel] What would be the easiest way to check if my insall of drupal comes pre loaded with composer? I am seeing a composer folder in the directory
Zegnatjgmac1106, if you have shell access, write `composer --version` and see if that works? Else look if there is a composer.phar file somewhere, then you can execute that one instead (e.g. `php path/to/composer.phar --version`).
Zegnatcomposer is a CLI tool that will go out and get you dependencies that you need. Unless your hosting somehow triggers it automatically for All The Things you will need to run it manually to grab the IndieWeb module’s dependencies.
jgmac1106okay from installatron I have a vendor folder, composer.json, composer.lock, butno composer.phar so I think I need to add it. Just seeing the vendor folder made me wonder if it came preisntalled with 8.5.3
[kevinmarks]Latitude and longitude are not very usable. You can turn them into a map, but then you do need a zoom factor/radius too. When asking for recommendations, you usually have a travel time metric in mind rather than a crow flies distance.
[kevinmarks]So "where should we eat after HWC SF at Mozilla?" is not a radius query (as half the circle is in the bay) but a complicated question about time, distance and busyness.
[kevinmarks]One of the key variables is "is there a baseball game on at at&t Park?" which means that a whole swath of choices are less attractive as loud baseball fans will crowd you out and make it hard to hear each other.
jgmac1106it was either Ben or Erin Jo but now that I think about it I am prettysure it just used iftt to warn of a game and not go eat lunch there, couldn’t find it on I think it was on Erin Jo’s blog but this is a few years back
[kevinmarks]Right, I live in a village/suburb with 2 barely adequate takeaway shops and a lot of good food places within a 30 minute drive. If I go south this means country pubs, North it means city eateries. I'm happier driving much further south because countryside is pretty and less congested, so going into town has a higher barrier
jgmac1106this is where scary Google is cool google. It knows my travel routes, food preferences, just need the location tracker to learn to lie to my wife when I am at the pub. Then it will be awesome
[kevinmarks]Both have sparse datasets here - I am trying hard to add the good places to both, but many foursquare venues don't hit the # of reviews threshold for recommendations.
petermolnarmy is currenctly 302 redirecting everything to by return 302 []. I need to be able to serve some static files and redirect everything else, but I think I'm approaching with the wrong idea; let me try one more thing before asking more questions :)
@jgmac1106Here is a post where I share mock ups of what a headless LMS could look like using microformats, the micropub api, and microsub. We can have students learn on their domain while we teach and deliver feedback from our readers. This future is closer than… (
[jeremycherfas], [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@jgmac1106↩️ These are amazing goals. Did you know with webmentions and bridgy you can do all of this from WordPress and stay connected on social media. Running weekly blogging 101 bootcamps twice a week if you want any help. #edtechie18 (
[eddie]!tell kevinmarks I guess there are two types of recommendations. One type would be “where should we eat after HWC SF?” And the other is “where should I visit while I’m touring Washington D.C.?”
Loqi[kevinmarks]: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 30 minutes ago: I guess there are two types of recommendations. One type would be “where should we eat after HWC SF?” And the other is “where should I visit while I’m touring Washington D.C.?”
[eddie]I’m talking about a distributed version of Facebook’s recommendation requests, where you can ask friends for recommendations of places to check out
[eddie]I was also wondering in the back of my mind if there was a way when providing a recommendation to be able to link to a previous review or checkin
eddiehinkle.comedited /recommendation (+345) "Moved recommendation request info to it's own page and added additional information about the recommendations themselves" (view diff)
@DavidWolfpaw@ChrisAldrich Do you know of any exports of test or demo micropub/webmention content that could be used for WordPress theme and plugin development? I don't have enough action yet on my live site to cover a variety of cases. (
snarfedeg if a site links to you, but it doesn't send a wm, someone else can still send a wm, and that site's author etc will end up in your responses. if they don't want to, due to GDPR or whatever, the concern still applies.
[cleverdevil][aaronpk] question for you re: Overland/Compass... the data that is passed in the API, is the array of locations ordered by timestamp? If so, is it in ascending or descending order?
[cleverdevil]Got it. Is the idea that the very last item in the list should be considered the "current" location unless the "current" is explicitly provided in the payload?
aaronpkI added "current" because when I land from a long plane flight it takes a while to get all the data from the app to the server, but I often need my server to know where I am right now
aaronpkit was an optimization because otherwise I'd land, it starts flushing data, I post a coffee or something and it shows that I drank it over the middle of the ocean.