snarfedno issue yet, no. feel free to file one, but it'd obviously need more investigation. eg not sure where it ultimately belongs btw, bridgy, and github themselves
Loqijalcine: tantek left you a message 42 minutes ago: What do (features on your website) do you want to finish / launch / start using *before* IWS? Can you add to your entry in ? See mine for example: "Working: for IWS 2018(link)"
Loqi[aaronpk] > What we really need is federated authentication, but that doesn't exist yet.
This sounds like a great use case for IndieAuth.
IndieAuth is an OAuth 2.0 extension, which avoids the centralized problems with ex...
tantek.comedited /GitHub (+916) "/* POSSE to GitHub */ POSSE reply to comment, and when POSSEing any reply, if issue or prev comment has indie permalink, be sure to in-reply-to that" (view diff)
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] I think IndieAuth makes a lot of sense as the way to implement a federated login protocol to provide a "simpler UX for OAuth2" login for Gitea as this issue is named.
It would also be possible to provide support for the "with GitHub" portion (as ori...
aaronpkif the micropub client says to syndicate the post to github, but the in-reply-to URL is not a github URL, then my site checks the actual post i'm replying to and sees if it has a syndication URL that is a github URL, and uses that instead
aaronpkit does mean that someone can trick me in to favoriting or replying to a random post on github/twitter, but I feel like that's a low risk right now
tantekso if I supported showing reacji on my posts and you posted a :thumbs-up: to my reply then your code would automatically syndicate that reacji to the github POSSE copy also?
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] I think IndieAuth makes a lot of sense as the way to implement a federated login protocol to provide a "simpler UX for OAuth2" login for Gitea as this issue is named.
It would also be possible to provide support for the "with GitHub" portion (as ori...
Loqiancarda: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 53 minutes ago: re: what to work on after you get stuff working, check out for step by step new things to add support for to your site, in incremental increasing order of challenge / functionality
ancardaI think I have level 1 nailed. I don't require JS to do anything on my site, but the experience is slightly enhanced if you have JavaScript. Might want to make sure it's not degraded in anyway (e.g. flash of unstyled content)
ancardaBookmark, yes -- I'd be happy to move off Pinboard to my personal website. I do have some private bookmarks, so I'll need to figure out how I can show them to myself (can I login via IndieAuth into my own website?)
sknebelyou could. or build your own login system and have your own site run an indieauth endpoint, so you can use that to log into other sites instead of
ancardaPeople doing POSSE/PESOS/etc..., are you also syndicating comments? e.g. I post an `h-entry` to my website, syndicate it to $silo, and $friend comments on $silo. Do you syndicate that comment back to your website, so it's visible there?
LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts
ancardaThat's half the reason I haven't just blocked Facebook in `/etc/hosts` (or similar), as I sometimes need to go use Facebook Messenger or reply to a comment
firmware i want to ask if can be made a system in wich ads are not used on websites but instead use mining 10% of CPU power of every visitor of a website, legally with a button to accept or not?
ancardaI wonder if that will make me ineligible for HSTS preloading in the future if they ever go to verify eligibility ... as I'd no longer have a service on port 80 to redirect people to 443.
sknebele.g. if I link to your site from mine, and accidentially write http://, my webmention sender will not figure out to use HTTPS if there's no redirect
ancardaIs there a procedure for adding "Level 7" to that page? Sort of tempted to add that to list HSTS Preloading, CAA DNS records, HTTP/2, and maybe TLS 1.3 support.
ancardaaaronpk: If you have mandatory SSL (as in HTTP redirects to HTTPS), then preloading won't really make much of a difference - people already can't use the site without SSL
ancardaaaronpk: In some ways, I think you are already past the point of no return. Since you've been requiring SSL for years, many links to your website go to `https://`. Just now, I searched for your name and the first link on Google was ``. You'd need to redirect HTTPS traffic to HTTP. Even with a 301, it could take weeks/months/years? until links are fixed, bookmarks are updated, etc...
ancardaWould preloading actually make that worse? You'd still need to support HTTPS in some capacity for a few years while browsers are updated to no longer hardcode your domain
ancardaWell, I actually think they would; they really care about privacy. Just an example from yesterday is building anti-Facebook tracking into Safari. They also push hard for HTTPS on apps - App Transport Security - for and security privacy reasons
Loqi[schmarty]: tantek left you a message 15 hours, 58 minutes ago: What do (features on your website) do you want to finish / launch / start using *before* IWS? Can you add to your entry in ? See mine for example: "Working: for IWS 2018(link)"
Loqi[schmarty]: tantek left you a message 15 hours, 58 minutes ago: What do (features on your website) do you want to finish / launch / start using *before* IWS? Can you add to your entry in ? See mine for example: "Working: for IWS 2018(link)"
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "edit history" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "edit history is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekGee I wonder if that (name perpetuation, or what jwz would call "brand necrophilia"), could have anything to do with there being a well-corp-funded *OpenID* Foundation that has to do something to perpetuate its reason for existing
LoqiSecure Scuttlebutt is a P2P system to sync message feeds, used to build (among others) social applications that work in off-grid/sneakernet scenarios
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "OpenID Connect" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "OpenID Connect is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekOpenID Connect is an authentication protocol built on OAuth 2.0, that in practice is not implemented to provide open identifiers across systems, nor does it have anything to do with [[OpenID]] (1 or 2), but is a way to connect (tie) you to one specific identity provider to use that provider’s services.
snarfed(to be fair, i also ask for facebook cookies in . it's horrible practice, i hate doing it. silver lining is, that app doesn't actually store them anywhere...but still.)
snarfedright, but the practice is just as horrible. cookies have no permissions or compartmentalization. i could easily go wipe out someone's account or do anything else i want with their cookie
aaronpkSo ironically, by Facebook preventing apps from using oauth, they are now effectively encouraging these other terrible behaviors because users have no other options
@dsample↩️ I can see that point, but sites like OpenHub, Launchpad and other aggregation sites (GitHub could be one) can help with that, like. If we could also use OpenID for SSO, and WebHooks/WebMentions for comms, then we could potentially provide community across distributed remotes too. (
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, snarfed, AngeloGladding and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes]Also got my mf2 editor (for micropub clients) supporting just about every property I can think of 😃 With inline preview of images, audio and video. Will need to release it as a reusable react component once it's done
[grantcodes]The biggest pain is always going to be going from client to server to micropub endpoint (really starting to loath cors). Especially with the media files, I'll need to think about that