#dev 2018-06-07

2018-06-07 UTC
But 100% the use case is to make micropub clients with it
It just provides a form and returns the mf2 json you would use for a micropub post (more or less)
it seems to be building a micropub request and not mf2 markup then?
I guess so, trying to figure out what I should be calling it
edited /travel (-65) "emojicon"
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hmm is walking travel or exercise
same with running and bicycling I suppose
Depends on why you're doing it.
if you end up in the same place, it was exercise
Can't infer intent from data.
did you POSSE to Strava? then exercise
edited /exercise (+311) "Brainstorming / Specific Exercise Types"
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tantek joined the channel
↩️ Working Groups are only chartered for a certain amount of time (and we were given several extensions). Yes, we finished quite a bit (ActivityPub, MicroPub, Webmention, Linked Data Notifications, and some more), incubation of new things is happening in the Social Community Group
KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#indieweb jgmac1106: I explain to @cathieleblanc how indigineous app for Android and we talk about the future of microsub reader.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
it is the https/http mixed content?
eli_oat and renem joined the channel
jgmac1106: yes it seems like mixed content. I get a warning on FF
Kongaloosh joined the channel
doing the http https search and replace. Changed all the unmug http to https but I dfon’t think their is an ssl cert there. it is the hovercard button I clicked in noterlive.
and doing the http/https search and replace liek I usaluu do breaks all my media that I uploaded. crappit crap crap somebody didn’t make a backup of their mysql database before doing something stupid.
time to download all my content and install a back up from yesterday and then import all my cotent
looks like I will only lose four hours of content today. I downloaded all the posts for June but its probably not worth putting them back.
tantek, chrisaldrich, j12t, iasai, snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Looks like unmung doesn't have https, which I thought it did.
iasai joined the channel
tantek: i switched bridgy github to the v3 api for creating comments. tried it on https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/confluence/issues/288 , works ok. feel free to try yourself!
[tantek] #288 Define "Grace Period" and "can reasonably assume are still a part of the web...
yoroy, cweiske, [kevinmarks] and swentel joined the channel
trying to switch unmung to https and I am in a maze of legacy Google products
Despite serving the domain from appengine, to switch to ssl I have to verify I own the domain, which I registered through google. It redirects me to godaddy, as apparently way back in 2009 google outsourced registration to them. When I log into godaddy, I can't see the domain, as google registred it to their account or something.
barpthewire and yoroy joined the channel
wonder if stef can point you to someone who can help when West Coast wakes up
[xavierroy] and yoroy joined the channel
edited /inari (+278) "/* Itches */"
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edited /inari (+16) "/* Itches */"
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barpthewire, jeremycherfas, swentel and [xavierroy] joined the channel
edited /hovercard (+542) "Added my website's hovercards to IndieWeb Examples section"
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How can I add a screenshot to that page?
and thanks!
No problem, I’ll get a screenshot up soon
It’s a shame to see the examples section so bare. Do other people do hovercards as well?
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
uploaded /File:markdain-hovercards-v1-indieweb.png "How the [[hovercard]] looks on https://markdain.net/ for links to IndieWeb sites containing an h-card. Version 1 of the feature. https://indieweb.org/File:markdain-hovercards-v1-indieweb.png"
edited /hovercard (+74) "Add screenshot of how hovercards look on my website"
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Does that look alright?
It'd look even nicer if I knew a bit more CSS & JavaScript
Coming soon... a triangle at the bottom!
snarfed and [davidmead] joined the channel
!tell tantek migrated bridgy github reactions to v3 API too, both are now working on org repos
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
yeah API
JHSheridan, leg, leg1 and [xavierroy] joined the channel
keyring importer works. just imported a post now
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
well that's interesting
did you have to go authorize the app on instagram?
actually, did you have to go make an instagram app in their developer site?
tantek__ and tantek_ joined the channel
tantek_: snarfed left you a message 54 minutes ago: migrated bridgy github reactions to v3 API too, both are now working on org repos
it worked!
http://tantek.com/2018/157/t1/ that is - Bridgy Publish of a reaction to a GH issue, without having to get repo/org permissions etc.
[Tantek Çelik] 👍
to be clear, that same post failed yesterday on BP using GH API v4
(I didn't touch anything in the post, just did a retry in my posting UI)
snarfed++ thank you for the migration!
snarfed has 63 karma in this channel (387 overall)
Why do I feel like POSSE is an arms race?
Arms race? In what way?
GWG, only with FB/IG (so still one company), and only incidentally as a side-effect. No actual "race" there.
We build an integration, they break it, we rebuild... repeat..
GWG, with GitHub this was more like AB testing. try both ways (v4 API, v3 API) and see which works better
GWG, this wasn't them breaking anything
I believe the only such integration that has been broken with any iteration is FB/IG
it's the exception not the rule
Maybe it is because we call it a silo
jjuran joined the channel
Look forward to the day when Facebook is the exception and not the rule to how folks use the web. @gwg you build possibilities not break personal sites. Don't let anyone's "I quit" message get to you
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
It isn't
swentel joined the channel
I just feel like we take a step forward and two steps back
GWG, it's too easy to be too harsh on yourself. The reality is every year we have made amazing progress over the previous. Not necessarily 100% of everything succeeds. However vast majority of efforts are making steady, sometimes slow, but ever forward progress. A testament to everyone's dedication.
it's more like 10 steps forward, one step back, repeat :)
[tantek] i had to create an app for Keyring.. but I haven;t touched it after setting it up in Jan.
jjuran, [miklb] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
[xavierroy]: so that explains why you get API access... instagram lets you use the API to access your own account
tantek, snarfed and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Not sure what you're all doing with the instagram api but I managed to support posse to instagram with this https://www.npmjs.com/package/instagram-private-api
[grantcodes]: could you add that and how you did it to https://indieweb.org/Instagram#POSSE ?
edited /tests (+207) "tantek added "https://twitter.com/shadow/status/1001686735443628033" to "See Also""
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Sounds risky.. might get for account shut down
It's an NPM package, what could possibly go wrong?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I have only ever posted posse content to instagram so don't really care if it gets shut down.
Only issues I ran into were I had to scale down my photos / fix aspect ratios, and there is a limit of like 60 photos per hour
lol 60 photos/hr (!!!) perhaps add that to the limitations in /Instagram#Features 😂
Ha yeah I have some big galleries!
tantek there’s a PHP version of that private Instagram API https://github.com/mgp25/Instagram-API
[mgp25] Instagram-API: Instagram's private API
scraping has -5 karma in this channel (-9 overall)
yeah, I was just pointing out it’s not just a Node package. Not an endorsement
jjuran and [tantek] joined the channel
Understood. Still worth a short sentence in /Instagram#POSSE if you have a moment miklb
edited /Instagram (+435) "/* POSSE */"
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I did think of doing text notes to instagram photos as well, just for a fun project, but never got around to it yet
oh dear - there's so much of that I see on IG
mostly "inspirational quotes" but still
Ruxton joined the channel
Even I don't spam instagram with them I think it would be cool to have them as the silo preview image
↩️ I am very familiar with #Blockcerts and the current #Openbadges standards. Still thinking too complicated. I literally mean leaving a comment on a blog that sends a webmention back to another blog. A souped up pingback if you will. That is all you need… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3409-2/
↩️ I know heads will explode, I ended up with 81 webmentions in just a few minutes and I am sure they are going to keep rolling in. Let’s do a pop up podcast: – Why is facebook teaching ~~adtech~~ digital literacy classes? – What should our response in… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3421-2/
KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], JHSheridan, [cjwillcock] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I suspect most/all that karma for "scraping" came from snarfed :)
regrets nothing
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Made some good progress last night on my location tracking stuff 🙂
ben_thatmustbeme, KartikPrabhu and barpthewire joined the channel
[wiobyrne], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], jgmac11061, [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Brad thanks for these great FAQs these are exactly the types of thins we want in a WordPress user guide (doing a theme developer guide separately). Luckily you have webmentions installed so I saw this post. #IndieWeb WordPress isn’t easy, but WordPress… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3429-2/
yoroy, KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] will be interested to see how you handle the too many points issue I have
I pick every 100th point 🙂
(Its not a good solution... but its a solution!)
Yeah that'll work. But It is so satisfying to see a line when you are driving or something!
Indeed. I haven't figured that out, yet, in terms of drawing a path using MapKit.JS
Still, I am pretty pleased with what I have so far 🙂
For sure! Looking good
[chrisaldrich], snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
I do not think you have the #IndieWeb webmentions plug in installed. I would see a box below to add my post as a webmention. If you want to spend ten minutes doing a tune up I would be happy to poke around. Just hit me up in chat anytime. Rest assured… https://jgregorymcverry.com/3434-2/
snarfed joined the channel