#@jackyalcine↩️ AJ's up and ported over the standards of IndieWeb to a friendly page (soon to be available on the main site).
ANDD he made some improvements to lazymention, a service for static sites to send out WebMentions (trust me - this is a blessing of a service)
#iws2018 #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/1012123428801871872)
#GWGgRegorLove: When I retrieve your site, what response code do I get?
#[jgmac1106]I still want to play with this idea of a "trusted circle" property in an hcard, be super cool if I could publish to those vouched into my circle
#[jgmac1106]Know that is way complicated and not yet possible but be neat even if it has nothing to do with vouch
#ZegnatYou can definitely built trust based on how people are linking to the other site
#ZegnatE.g. if they used foaf to say that they are linking to a friend vs coworking, you may want to trust friend more.
#ZegnatOr they could have used foaf to say that the person they are linking to is someone they have met in real life, and you could make your bar only to trust people that way (“gRegorLove not only links to this schmarty person, but also says he has met him in real life”)
#[jgmac1106]This is where I like an endorsement more than a vouch. I can know someone and not want to vouch for them. Alternatively I may want to endorse @gwg for WordPress and @zegnat for mf2
#ZegnatIf you want aaronpk to have a look, probably give him a few days to return to normality after indieweb sumit organisation. Otherwise I think you are currently the main active Ruby guy so merge at your pleasure!
loicm joined the channel
#[jgarber]Zegnat: I definitely don’t want to speak for aaronpk, but last we spoke here in dev, his recommendation was to get another set of eyes on it. I’d pinged barryf, too, and have posted here but haven’t had much luck getting feedback.
#[jgarber]I’d love to have some feedback/thumbs up/what have you, but the PR is now six months old and I’m looking to move forward with additional work on the gem. (I certainly don’t want anyone to mistake this as me shotgunning features without review.)
#[jgmac1106][jgarber] I was going to build a RoR blog at the summit but ended up dedicating my time to helping others.... I do like the two eyes solution
#[jgmac1106]Maybe on /Ruby we add a table for each gem with a status if a PR is pending, know it is redundant but all the signals. [aaronpk] was looking for a new steward. You took ownership of that or am I mixing you up
[pfefferle], [wiobyrne], snarfed, [tantek], gRegor-mobile and strugee joined the channel
#ZegnatI asked a friend to try the demo of my archiver, developed yesterday ... and they were able to immediately break it. Maybe it was a good thing that I didn’t live demod it
#ZegnatUnless someone crashed it again, I was just told it got fed a huge WebGL enabled webpage
#schmartySo cool, zegnat! Great use of headless chrome!!
#ZegnatExcept it is currently dying on said WebGL page :P
#ZegnatI need to make an admin site to monitor jobs
#ZegnatAlthough it will be less of a problem once I fix up some of the code, it only support the green-path now.
#schmartyAlso I will dig into 🕸💍 discovery and other issues today. So happy I have good test cases to put through. I hope to update micropub-helper to accommodate more sites
#[jgarber][jgmac1106] Agreed re: two-eyes. I’m just having a hard time finding an available set of eyes. 😭
#ZegnatAnd the archiver is back up, so if anyone wants to test: https://wiki.zegnat.net/cache/ :D Just let me know if you think it has crashed. That gives me more data to debug on.
snarfed, eli_oat, sebsel, [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, [manton], [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#Zegnatsknebel, did you see snarfed launched a micropub-to-feed-service service at IWS yesterday? Using CloudFlare to bridge micropub to Newsblur: https://github.com/snarfed/baffle
#Loqi[snarfed] baffle: Bridges Microsub reader clients to traditional feed reader backends.
#ZegnatI am wondering though, why would I as a user want multiple servers?
#ZegnatI wondered that too in my current reading setup ...
#snarfedexample use case was, he'd put common "public" feeds in one backend that he doesn't trust too much, but private or sensitive feeds in another that he trusts more
#snarfedarguably he could/should just put *all* feeds in the more trusted microsub server, but meh
#GWGAnd there is my suggestion. Couldn't I just be a client and a server and republish?
#snarfedGWG: yes, but that's probably more dev work. easier first step is make an existing reader client support multiple servers
#sknebelalso, bridges. combine a twitter-speaking server with a "normal" one
#snarfedanother example use case is if an existing server doesn't easily support export or migration, but you want to migrate, just add new feeds to a new server and have your client talk to both
#snarfedsknebel: hmm maybe, but eg granary feeds should hopefully work in any server, right?
#sknebelyes, twitter isn't a good example because of that
#GWGI am not building anything right now, just offered to help with someone else building
#snarfedGWG: awesome! do you use an existing feed reader? inoreader, feedly, etc?
#snarfedsee if it has an api, then try adding it to baffle!
#[jgarber]eli_oat What do you imagine would be in a general purpose IndieWeb container?
#eli_oathahaha, that is sort of where I got hung up — my initial idea was trying to build a common stack to help folks get up and running. Maybe WordPress with all IndieWeb bells and whistles running
#sebselthe problem is that docker sort of goes the other direction than the IndieWeb does. Docker starts at what technology you want to use and then builds an app that does stuff, Indieweb starts at what you want to do and then looks for technology for it :)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
#[grantcodes]sebsel: I get what you mean but don't think I agree. Personally I think docker is great to easily run "apps" without needing to do the painful setup. As long as you understand that comes with downsides too
#KartikPrabhuwell you can chain those resonings together "what do you want to do > look for technology to do it > use Docker to build app for that tech"
#ZegnatKinda like the prepackaged RPi wordpress that was shown yesterday. Hook up your RPi, find the package, hit install and have your webserver and everything ready to go
#sknebelI honestly think for many people starting out, docker would be a confusing extra layer, and something that sets up e.g. a fresh ubuntu install with everything might be easier to use
#[jgmac1106]What people need starting out <button>Start Here</button>. Done.
#[jgmac1106]I need to keep better field notes when doing community building activities and onboarding rather than tool building. Learned a lot yesterday about so many different platforms
eli_oat, dougbeal|mb1, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]First time attendees (me) are usually beyond that atleast, but a WP server on a Rasberry Pi...said yes please, every library makerspace that just shot up. Cool Demo!
#[jgmac1106]@zegnat I know how I am going to stress test your archiver, there are so many wikis, important conferences, I need to back where the organizers have retired or sadly passed.
j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
#ZegnatI only have one archiver running right now, so that might take a while. I could probably start a second instance and see how parallelisation does...
[nate658] joined the channel
#ZegnatI'd say: run locally. But it isn't super straight forward
#[jgmac1106]I know I will test one page, I am going to find an archive.org solution or see if there is anyway I get them and put them on my servers