#LoqiAn invitation is an optional feature of an event post (an event with invitations), or a reply to an event post that also notifies a list of invitees that they've been invited to the event, or a special case of that, an RSVP to an event that also invites additional people to it https://indieweb.org/invite
[eddie], TripFandango, kicks, snarfed, tantek and barpthewire joined the channel
#[eddie]!tell [kim_landwehr] so what is happening is Indigenous is trying to send Micropub post to endpoint that is listed on your login url. It looks like that would be “http://www.wrke.online/micropub” oh! Looks like there is a space or a line break in your url that probably needs to be fixed
#Loqikartikprabhu has 26 karma in this channel (210 overall)
#[snarfed]sounds like you got the real PR(s) reviewed though? if the new one (s) are just bumping the version, docs, etc, i think it's ok to release anyway
#KartikPrabhu[snarfed]: yeah the real stuffs got reviwed. I already cut a release on github. putting on pypi now (if i can find the tutorial I used last time)
#pstuifzandI see, there is also a token=None in the url
#[manton]This is great! I just tested it with Micro.blog and it's "working" although I get bearerToken=None in the "Configure Indiepaper for macOS" button.
#[cleverdevil]So, everything is happening server side, except once the token is received, its passed to the static site as a callback and then the bookmarklet and other link are generated via client side javascript.
#aaronpkwhat parameters are you sending in the POST request to the token endpoint, and are you handling the case when the endpoint returns an error?
#[cleverdevil]The only thing I don't like about the way I did it is that the token ends up in a query string, which could bleed into browser history.
snarfed joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]The endpoint and server-side stuff is on Lambda, but the website is static and lives on S3/CloudFront.
#[manton]Still getting "None" here for Micro.blog, although I can see it did generate a token on my server. So maybe something in the response doesn't match what you're expecting.
#[cleverdevil]Once I have at least one use case, I'll update the front site with details.
#pstuifzandAt the moment I use it with the microsub server
#pstuifzandI guess the use case would be to have a (perhaps hidden) "archive" channel/tag on the blog and automatically post there
#pstuifzandI know aaronpk has channels on his website, that can be bound to tokens, so with Indieauth and channel selection, you could create your own archive of articles
#aaronpkyeah I was considering doing this with my "bookmarks" page
#aaronpkso anything I post via indiepaper goes into my bookmarks
#pstuifzandfor the second article that I added it found an author, but it's not an h-card, so the blog doesn't show it
#aaronpkthis is pretty cool. my replies are all over the place... replying to github issues, mastodon posts, tweets, indie websites... https://aaronparecki.com/replies
#[cleverdevil]Then an ESPN article as a test of the fallback, which also worked.
[manton] joined the channel
#[manton]Alright, I deployed support for scope=save on Micro.blog. It routes Micropub posts to a special queue and makes the posts available as JSON Feed with a unique feed URL for each user. Fun! Not sure the best way to frame this for regular users, but it's there as a secret feature to play with.