@nilshaukThis evening I’ve been trying to build a minimal http://glitch.com app which supports IndieAuth login. After some head scratching I see it’s a tweaked oauth2 flow, I think.
- remixable (Glitch shines there)
- transparent
- well tested (twitter.com/_/status/1016121386077687810)
[jgarber]Looking at the Verification section of the Webmention spec, I came across this: “In a JSON ([RFC7159]) document, the receiver should look for properties whose values are an exact match for the URL.”
sknebelits a bit odd that something apparently nobody ever did made it into the spec. there was some talk to use it for some of the JSON-LD based W3C specs, but I believe they all recommend LDN now
[jgarber]I was surprised to see that in the spec. But… if someone’s out there doing it, I can write support for it into this verification library I’m working on.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "web annotations" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "web annotations is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiAnnotations are comments (including marginalia), highlights or any other interactions that add to (part of) a post, typically added by individuals other than the author https://indieweb.org/annotation
[jgarber]Based on the way the spec is written, it seems to imply that only values in a JSON object that _exactly_ match the target URL should be considered valid.
aaronpkI think because JSON lacks both a hyperlink mechanism as well as a mechanism to say what content type values are so a partial match might lead to false positives
[jgarber]…and I imagine a conforming verification library would need to crawl all the way down the JSON structure until one runs out of key/value pairs?
[cleverdevil]Yeah, [aaronpk] I’m gonna have to figure out how to do the token exchange without passing it as a GET parameter. I’m doing it that way now because it was an expedient way to have the Lamba app redirect to the static website which then generates the links using JavaScript.
[cleverdevil]Now, a gen 3 type customer could sign up for Micro.blog, then sign into Aperture, Indiepaper, and Together/Monocle and have a great experience.
[manton]When I have a chance to think through more of the Microsub stuff, it probably makes sense to have a field on Micro.blog that adds a <link> tag for Microsub for the user, similar to how it works for Twitter, etc.
Loqi[aaronpk] @manton OAuth has become the de facto standard for authorization and authentication on the web. Nearly every company with an API used by third party developers has implemented OAuth to enable people to build apps on top of it.
While OAuth is a great ...
snarfedhey GWG. one thing that makes reviewing this PR hard is that there's no diff, since the code moved across files. ideally there are no functionality changes in this kind of PR, just moves...but i noticed that eg admin_menu is entirely new. are there other new things i need to find? can you tell me where?
[manton][aaronpk] I just realized why that webmention was showing up on Micro.blog all of a sudden. My old blog didn't support receiving webmentions! When I moved manton.org to M.b, the webmentions started arriving.
skippywhat are folk's workflows for reposting something and syndicating that repost to twitter? Do you repost non-Twitter sources and syndicate those reposts to Twitter?
[eddie]Gotcha. I thought retention_days = 0 might be it but I was worried about testing that without verifying for fear that it would delete everything. haha
tantek__several times got close to implementing /repost posts on my site, but fell short of the required time to finish it while keeping the whole design "in my head"
skippyno real questions. Only need to decide if I want to undertake the effort to fetch source contents from URLs for truncated inclusion in syndicated tweet...
LoqiLiking and disliking things is a false binary. There’s really 4 potential states.
Passive Dislike (e.g. “Not for me”)
Active Dislike
No Opinion
We should strive to have as few things in our “Active Dislike” column as possib...
[eddie]Ohhh I’m seeing an error from predis. Is that a somewhat new use? It’s been a couple of months since I updated Aperture, I don’t think it was being used before?
stevestrezayou can get one cert that covers multiple subdomains that isn't a wildcard cert, I'm not exactly sure how it works but the letsencrypt docker image I use does it
LoqiIf either of you has any connections in desperate need of a co-sponsor in the City who can make a space donation. Three rooms, projectors, solid wifi.
tantek__[jgmac1106]: interesting, that post has no link to bridgy but has other problems, e.g. the "Also on" Twitter link is a local-to-twitter-com link which makes it 404 on your site. in general your syndication links should use absolute URLs, unless you're planning on adding local redirects / caches for your syndication links!
[jgmac1106]But now leaning on recommending to folks who don't want to change theme to: A use a subdomain and a new WP instance for their status updates or B: use a page builder on a static homepage when using an IndieWeb theme
tantek__[jgmac1106]: there's almost enough useful things in WP themes by default for old style hAtom (with class="hentry") that we should be able to figure out a way to make it work backcompat
[jgarber]I’d… argue they’re semantically consistent activities (commenting on a run of text and commenting on a length of audio), but I won’t since the community’s already made the decision that they’re different things. 😄
[jgarber]Related to sending webmentions to media elements, the spec outlines a few and the list of elements that would allow linking documents, files, etc. is…