tantekthen again I can "just" use URL or @-name for a venue, have my code translate back/forth as needed for primary post / POSSE tweet, and show map / set tweet location
gRegorLoveSo not sure my exact question, but it seems like the mp request could change quite a bit over time and I'm wondering if I should change it now, or wait until it's more stable
gRegorLoveGoodreads structure is a bit weird. When you add a book to your shelves, it's a "review" entry and I think the recommended-by is one of the fields on that entry, among many others.
tantek__since issues can have labels in them (as tags/categories) and Bridgy POSSEs them along with the issues, I wonder if the same is true for replies to / comments on issues
[eddie]tantek: I add project tags when creating issues from my site but those project tags shouldn’t be labels on GH because every issue in the repo would have the same tag
sknebelthat should work with bridgy as long as you don't have a "monocle" label in your repo, but it's still something that could go wrong with a more generic case
jgmac1106_[eddie] headed here since we started using parsers and mf2 talk. The entry-content e-content is still enough for the parsers so I will go titleless,
@Archan79Elon Musk just putted almost impossible engineering stunt creating his microsub. His team literally worked 24h day to achieve that. Fortunatly this Sub wasn't needed, but was almost ready if there will be need. And this amazing piece of engineering can be used in other situations (twitter.com/_/status/1016750055481643008)
gRegorLove[kim_landwehr], Looks like there's 2 microsub endpoints in the HTML of your page. The first is 404, but the second works. I think the discovery process uses the first one it finds.
[eddie]Micro.blog lets you edit the footer, which is where this stuff is located, so I think it should be as simple as logging into the micro.blog footer and removing the microsub link there.
aaronpkthe other solution is for micro.blog to have a field to enter a microsub URL like manton was suggesting, then people wouldn't have to mess with HTML at all
LoqiWebmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
tantek__this often happens with new specs, there are aspects that allow for a number of axes of flexibility initially, because proponents of different approaches want to preserve the potential of those different approaches