#dev 2018-07-11

2018-07-11 UTC
snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
[kim_landwehr] I think I’ve seen www.wrke.online before. If you originally signed up as www. In Aperture the www. And the naked domain probably don’t match
Because the lack of authorization in that screenshot is just “wrke.online”
Thanks to [aaronpk] I realized I cleaned things up too well and had removed the indie auth and indie token gotten from aperture, trying again
snarfed joined the channel
edited /read (+1781) "LibraryThing link; Why section"
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Ok I can now log into aperture but still getting error message on Monocle, also when I try to use Indigenous I can log in but no channels load
snarfed joined the channel
Thanks for expanding, [chrisaldrich]. Did you see the tell I left you the other day?
Sounds like Monocle and Indigenous are facing the same errors. Indigenous just isn’t good with communicating those (which I need to do better)
What are the errors from Monocle, [kim_landwehr] ?
It looks like we don't have a page for "errors from Monocle, [kim_landwehr]" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "errors from Monocle, [kim_landwehr] is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tbbrown joined the channel
Image from iOS https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FBNBE8AFL/.jpg?pub_secret=a095d62f71&name=.jpg This is what is still coming up @eddie
i'm really confused now, when I try to visit http://wrke.online/ I get a generic nginx page
Thoughts in My Head
Loqi doesn't apparently
I think it is a recent micro.blog convert
[kim_landwehr] did you switch it to Micro.blog in the last 48 hours?
thinks it’s DNS again maybe?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[gregorlove] I saw it in #meta I think. Sill need to pull up my db to figure out when my first u-read was. Don't think I've ever done a p-read yet.
[chrisaldrich]: jeremycherfas left you a message 3 weeks, 2 days ago: I noticed that Telegraph was unable to send a webmention from https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/this-is-my-indieweb to https://boffosocko.com/2018/06/15/defining-the-indieweb/ Error is 401 "The webmention endpoint did not return a status URL"
[chrisaldrich]: gRegorLove left you a message 22 hours, 31 minutes ago: I think this was your first use of u-read-of: https://boffosocko.com/2017/12/09/read-pages-381-461-of-origin-by-dan-brown/ Do you still use that? When was your first use of p-read-of? I'm updating documentation on /read
Yes, [eddie] just connected that domain to micro.blog early this morning
[chrisaldrich], your recent read posts on https://boffosocko.com/kind/read/ use p-read-of. Maybe that's one of the plugins doing the markup
[kim_landwehr] DNS can do funky things, so that might be it. The server might not be able to verify something. Just to verify. When you log into Aperture (which works?), you enter “http://wrke.online”?
Thoughts in My Head
KartikPrabhu: yes that is how specs *should* ideally be developed, and the smaller the community that develops them, the more likely they start out more specific and expand to suit new uses instead of the other way around. Webmention started narrower here in IndieWeb, and was broadened in terms of other content types in the broader community of W3C participants.
I decided to let it go until the morning, to give everything time to settle down thanks all
[jgarber] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu: I regret missing the earlier Webmention spec conversation. That’s basically what I’m working on right now.
Pre-v0.1.0 webmention verifier (in Ruby natch) that supports verifying plaintext and HTML based largely on the spec. JSON’s the last bit of the puzzle.
iasai_ and renem joined the channel
edited /next-hwc (+1) "r+"
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are there plans to implement the openid-to-indieauth delegation service as part of indielogin.com or the other indieauth.com-replacing service? or are we basically thinking it's too much effort given how few openid consumers there are?
[jon] joined the channel
the one that's at indieauth.com right now?
that would fall under the yet-to-be-developed half of the replacmeent of indieauth.com
but I'm not particularly interested in implementing it, because I'm pretty sure stackexchange was the last major consumer of indieauth.com's OpenID, and that's going away
created /URL_shortener (+233) "prompted by tantek__ and dfn added by tantek__"
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created /is.gd (+142) "prompted by tantek__ and dfn added by tantek__"
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edited /is.gd (+1) "linkify ('x is y. <url>.' pattern)"
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edited /URL_shortener (+38) "tantek__ added "[[permashortlink]]" to "See Also""
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I really need to actually log the openid consumers that are still being used on indieauth.com
yeah, might be worth gathering that info
but also yeah, it's most likely not being consumed enough to be worth reimplementing
at this point anyone talking about openid is talking about openid connect, which is oauth more than it is openid 1
aaronpk, could be interesting to see a openid consumers leaderboard
heh i'm probably the biggest provider left
i started using gitea.io recently and it supports openid (1? 2? idk) but it'd probably be way easier to get the gitea folks to add indieauth support than to keep delegating ye olde openid :p
oh please feel free to +1 this issue
[aaronpk] It would be fantastic if Gitea were its own OAuth2 provider! In fact, [IndieAuth](https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth/) is the perfect candidate for how to implement this. IndieAuth is an OAuth 2.0 extension, which avoids the centralized problems with...
[coolaj86] #3837 Simpler UX for OAuth2 login with GitHub
those conversations and a few others are what prompted me to write that blog post this weekend
indieauth is a perfect fit for gitea honestly :3
it really is
"it's like a convenient version of indieauth" *proceeds to describe a less convenient version of indieauth* nice
iasai joined the channel
oh, huh, your "oauth for the open web" article says that redirect uris are required to be on the same domain as the client id? i'm not verifying that, i guess i should be :o
hmm, checked the spec, and i think i'm okay? i do <link rel="redirect_uri"> verification and additionally *always* display the redirect uri for manual verification, so if anything i'm just losing out on the convenience of knowing a redirect uri on the same domain as the client id Should Always Be Valid
Yeah if you're checking the link rel that's the equivalent of redirect url registration so it's fine.
If you're not actually checking that, then the next best thing is to show the user that the domains don't match, but really that should only be used when you can expect the user to understand the situation
!tell tantek why aren't you using the event name as the name in the atom feed? It just shows up as "Event" in micro.blog http://tantek.com/2018/192/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
because I got lazy with implementing Event posts in Atom when I couldn't find any AS1+Atom examples of Event posts :P
maybe I should put a static explanation like that in the Atom entry content
AS doesn't factor in to this discussion tho
tantek joined the channel
You're telling micro.blog to consume your atom feed, and micro.blog doesn't care about AS1, but it seems like providing a high resolution version of your post makes sense, and using the event name as the Atom title seems reasonable
my process for implementing each post type for Atom was trying to figure out the AS1+Atom way of doing it, when I couldn't do that, I gave up basically. But I think that was before I told micro.blog to consume my Atom feed
goes to create a POSSE HWC event for FB :/
That's some serious dedication to Atom AS... what ever actually consumed that? I would have just fallen back to generating regular Atom posts if anything
I does generate Atom from h-feed! not very clean but it seems to work
aaronpk I was trying to set a good practical AS example as another potential building block, hybrid/plurality approaches and all that
maybe I need to treat Atom like a lower fidelity POSSE destination like Twitter
yes! that is my attitude at the moment
but the micro.blog consumption case is an interesting one
main stuff is my site HTML+mf2, atom is a side-thing like POSSE
maybe that should now be the top priority use-case for Atom, if you're going to bother with Atom at all
↩️ The support guys at @WordPress are being helpful trying to work out where the #webmentions are going... I'm almost out of my depth here! haha
snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I think blogger still supports openid login for comments. Not sure about wp
loicm, matpacker, [kevinmarks], leg and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] there is a plugin for wp (from the DiSO project)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
here is someone who takes their webmention testing serious: http://johnjohnston.info/blog/webmention-test/
[john] Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Test 13 Test 14 Test 15 Test 16 Test 17 Test 18 Test 19 Test 20 Test 21 Test 22 Test 23 Update test 1 Testing webmentions, presumably sent by...
thx Loqi that was awesome
you're welcome
[mrkrndvs] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
hm, looks like the openid login is gone on blogger now
[jgmac1106], jackjamieson, eli_oat, [wiobyrne] and TripFandango joined the channel
I've been trying to make some headway in using Hypothesis a bit more in my IndieWeb work. Jon Udell indicated that this project (https://github.com/judell/h_notify) polls Hypothesis and sends notifications by way of email, RSS, or Slack. He indicates that it might be a starting point for some DIY webmention service.
[judell] h_notify: hypothesis notification prototype
My problem/challenge is that I don't have the headspace or background to figure this out...but it's important to me. If you can...please send along some first steps/places so I can educate myself. Thanks in advance. 🙂
loicm joined the channel
[wiobyrne] It is complicated given that annotations use a different schema than mf2, the closest I have gotten is to use John’s html output and just wrapping the entire <body> or <article> of the page in h-entrty
given your theme the pages, and unlike posts may not even be set up with an hentry and you may have to hardcode it
if you want to add the correct (which is really just proposed currently) mf2 to every single annotation on a page it takes an ass ton of time and nobdy is consuming them so there really isn’t a reason to do so yet
I broke bridy on my site….grrrrrrrr
[wiobyrne] this is the page you need https://indieweb.org/quotation I think with time I can play with judell’s app and have it output correctly but its just above my skill level so will take more time than I have, John said if I map it out he will help
[wiobyrne] I am going to have my students use fragmentions on their websites but keep hypothesis for the pdfs…I think….
!tell tantek the setting is SNAP for shortened url is %SURL% versus %URL% I should be back to full url now
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
just launched place search in quill's event interface
now it posts an h-card to your micropub endpoint
hopefully this means I start posting events more regularly
aaronpk has 156 karma in this channel (1673 overall)
oh that's so cool, it works great
[wiobyrne] one this to remember is hypothes.is could add mf2 to their annotations as well as their schema.org, SemPress does this will as a WP theme, they choose not to. They came up with “open standard” only they use. The ultimate goal is to “white fence” help into taking their Hypothesis API and rendering an HTML file that adds the mf2
first step is to write up each kind of possible annotation, that would be a highlight, a quote with a reply, a reply to an annotation, a reply to an annotation with a quote, an image in each variant and a video in each variant. That is what judell needs from us for step one, but these are experimental post types to begin with: https://indieweb.org/posts#Kinds_of_Posts
omg why didn't I do this ages ago
onlye the first section of post types are recognized as “official” on the mf2 wiki,
[aaronpk] do you have ann excample to see
[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk++ That’s awesome
aaronpk has 157 karma in this channel (1674 overall)
folks were just saying events are so hard
lemme screencast the next one I post
Now I just need events to post!
I made my house into an hcard so I can checkin when I get home, now I can make dinner an event
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk: that is awesome!
can i get you to add featured image and content fields? if so i can replace /Slater ;}
(j/k i will probably actually use this to add venue search to Slater, for multiple implementations)
oh just thought of another improvement
reminds me [schmarty] I need to get back to Kapowski and see if I can add the form fields I want, I am sure what I did is broken but fixing it will be good learning
I should set the timezone offset automatically based on the location
aaronpk: oh wow, i haven't used the google places API. the fact that they include typeahead is neat!
yeah! it's so good
we better get dramatic background music, or just have Marty use his indiewebnews voice
now that I don't work at a very large mapping company anymore I don't have to feel bad about using google maps 😂
haha! 😆
wont google maps start charging you?
yeah they just changed their pricing scheme apparently, as of 2 weeks from now
$200 free tier
[kevinmarks] was recommending leafletjs, it uses esri now correct?
there is an option for leaflet to use esri
we developed that library at our office
looks like the main thing i'll be charged for is the places API usage, which includes 11,500/month in the free tier
so I just have to make sure all the quill users post fewer than 11,500 events per month...
that would be a ton of events
and includes 10,000 "autocomplete sessions" which i'm not 100% clear on what a "session" is
ooh I see it in the docs now
[wiobyrne]: what exactly would you want a hypothesis integration for your site to do?
iasai joined the channel
yesss now the timezone is set automatically
That is awesome!
that's great!
heh, reading the related Google API ToS reminds me why I dislike using APIs ;)
snarfed, jackjamieson and iasai_ joined the channel
[Aaron Parecki] Quill's event creation UI now has venue autocomplete and a map preview, and sends the full venue information to your Micropub endpoint as an h-card! Selecting a location also sets the timezone offset of the event start/end date properly too! This ... https://aaronparecki.com/2018/07/11/8/photo.png [video]
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
Hey @sknebel, I would see it as being three levels. 1) embed an individual annotation in a WordPress post in a workable fashion; 2) pull annotations from a source and copy/paste/embed into WordPress post for use in bookmarking/read/reply; 3) pull annotations across tags/categories/user to copy/paste/embed in WP post.
That would be basics. To really rock and roll, I'd want this https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/1015346521301061632
@wiobyrne @heatherstaines @xolotl @hypothes_is @remikalir @onewheeljoe @Seecantrill @dr_jdean @i_annotate @judell When it comes to the "conversation" side of what you're looking for, I think the biggest piece you're really missing is that http://Hypothes.is doesn't support sending webmentions. [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/06/reply-to-ian-obyrne-relating-to-annotations/
aaronpk has 158 karma in this channel (1675 overall)
loicm and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Did you look at foursquare's api?
I found leaflet.js very easy to use and very flexible with whose map tiles you can choose from
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Wow, nice job aaronpk!
[eddie]++ for the pull request for Indiepaper for iOS! You rock.
eddie has 38 karma in this channel (67 overall)
tbbrown joined the channel
I’m headed to the airport for my long trip home. Not sure I’ll have the brainpower to do a full review/merge yet. But I’ll get to it as soon as I can.
[eddie] joined the channel
No worries 🙂 Take your time
It looks awesome. I’ll keep my eye open for iOS widgets for the tagging UI.
That does look promising. I have yet to get a project to build properly with Carthage (Seems like a better dependency library than CocoaPods). But I definitely need to figure it out because I need to add a 3rd party library or two to Indigenous to get some features that I shouldn’t build from scratch
I tried to do another tag library but ran into issues. Not sure if it was the library, Carthage or my Xcode Beta
I wish Apple had something native for packaging like this rather than having to use third parry tooling. It introduces complexity.
We will figure it out.
Shame Apple doesn’t have NSTokenField in UIKit. They clearly have something (they use it in Mail on iOS), but it must be private at the moment.
Yeah, I was surprised that they wouldn’t have it as part of the system. Mail, Messages, it’s all over the place
And yeah, it would be great to have an official package manager, especially if it was built in Xcode
jackjamieson joined the channel
[kevinmarks]: afaik foursquare has fairly strict rules about presentation, e.g. you have to link to their page and add attribution always, which would be a bit odd/difficult for a micropub client
[jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], snarfed, snarfed1, [wiobyrne], KartikPrabhu, chrisaldrich, iasai_ and iasai joined the channel
edited /Glitch (+700) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add my Glitch projects so far"
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sketchess and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
What is IMAP
It looks like we don't have a page for "IMAP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IMAP is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is email
Email is a decentralized, non-web messaging transport, with typical user interfaces that encourage excessively lengthy messages, in contrast to texting https://indieweb.org/email
[dougbeal], KartikPrabhu and iasai__ joined the channel
aaronpk: should Twitter relme links work with indielogin.com? i'm working on 🕸💍 and getting an error that a twitter profile URL isn't supported:
I thought I fixed that but try changing it to all lowercase
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk: that did it
aaronpk: womp womp, capitalization bites on the other end as well:
snarfed and iasai joined the channel
(so, for a twitter name with capitalization, when capitalized in the rel=me link, indielogin doesn't recognize it as a twitter connection to begin auth. when lowercased in the rel=me link, indielogin detects a mismatch when returning from auth.)
looks like the issue is still open. i added this discussion to it: https://github.com/aaronpk/indielogin.com/issues/13
[MegaByte] #13 Capital letters in account names not recognized
haha whoops i'll go fix that...
schmarty: should be fixed now!
aaronpk 🎉 i can log in! i think i'll put back the old capitalization. also, lol congrats message:
what browser
that was chrome (Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)) n a private window
can you do a hard refresh to make sure you have the latest css? I just changed some footer stuff the other day
did a cmd-shift-r and started over from the homepage. looks the same. :/
weiiiird, I am using the same version Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)
might be a screen size issue? seems like the text is perfectly centered if the footer wasn't part of the viewport calculation.
I can't get it to do that tho
at any size
hmmm, even weirder i can scroll below the footer
so i think it's a footer placement issue
I was having that problem until I fixed the footer css...
i might be the only one seeing it. 🤷‍♂️
in other news, 🕸💍 will now use indielogin.com if authorization endpoint discovery fails, and it was really easy to set up!
aaronpk has 159 karma in this channel (1677 overall)
oh I see the problem now... ok back to the drawing board
there are so many things to hold @elonmusk to task for, but building a microsub at the bequest of a rescue team isn’t one of them.
tantek__ and tbbrown joined the channel
schmarty++ I'll try it!
tantek__: jgmac1106_ left you a message 6 hours, 30 minutes ago: the setting is SNAP for shortened url is %SURL% versus %URL% I should be back to full url now
schmarty has 16 karma in this channel (92 overall)
what is SNAP
SNAP (Social Network Auto Poster) is a POSSE plugin for WordPress https://indieweb.org/SNAP
jgmac1106_: perhaps add a "How to use full URL" on /SNAP with that detail?
hahaha I got a barchart!
tantek__: lol
ah SNAP. seemingly both the best and the worst wordpress POSSE option, for as long as i've known it
[kevinmarks] and snarfed joined the channel
schmarty: my IndieWeb Webring membership is live: https://tantek.com/
oops still http://tantek.com/ for now
Tantek Çelik
jackjamieson joined the channel
tantek++ 🕸💍🎉
tantek has 38 karma in this channel (454 overall)
jackjamieson joined the channel
tantek: heads up your https url three a warning on safari on my iPhone 🤷‍♂️
jackjamieson joined the channel
schmarty yeah because it's a self-signed cert
I use it for my posting UI
tantek: oh, that makes total sense :}
↩️ @kathbarbadoro But Kat, he sent an untested microsub to test...I mean to help, yeah, those cave kids....
[eddie] joined the channel
schmarty: pushed a fix for the stupid footer
aaronpk: haha, nice! looks fixed to me!
KartikPrabhu and [jgarber] joined the channel
If anyone is interested in testing this out on some real-world webmentions, I’d be most appreciative: https://github.com/jgarber623/webmention-verification-ruby
[jgarber623] webmention-verification-ruby: A Ruby gem for verifying a received webmention.
snarfed joined the channel
Hello, snarfed
hey GWG
As Ed Koch used to say, How am I doing?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
hah. great!
edited /Ruby (+140) "/* Libraries */ Add webmention-verification-ruby to list of libraries"
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“If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.”
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed1, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel