#dev 2018-07-14
2018-07-14 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
gRegorLove I wrote up my conundrum about indiebookclub Micropub. Feedback/suggestions welcome: https://gregorlove.com/2018/07/micropub-properties-for-indiebookclub/

gRegorLove Yeah, I got that idea from Teacup. I saw you could enable h-food

gRegorLove Which is also experimental, so made me question if the -x- is necessary.

gRegorLove Would an -ibc- prefix be preferable to -x-?

gRegorLove Ok

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove I like the deprecated feature notice idea. I'll probably do that.

KartikPrabhu right. the vendor-prefixes are sort of for internal use only

KartikPrabhu and most likely should not be consumed outside the application

snarfed, DenSchub, KartikPrabhu and renem joined the channel
@_am1t “State of Microsub Servers and Client” #newpost https://www.amitgawande.com/state-of-microsub/ (twitter.com/_/status/1017982144201809920)
[chrisaldrich], snarfed, trip_, barpthewire and TripFandango joined the channel
@mtk_ken23 家電店でポタアンにスマホを繋ぐためのOTG対応USBC-Microsubケーブル無いの?と訊いたら在庫は無いですねぇ、と。今時のスマホはUSBTypeCじゃないですか、と言ったらそりゃまぁそうなんですけどね、とか。 (twitter.com/_/status/1018044586139123712)
iasai and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Zegnat gRegorLove, re: -x- prefix, I specifically opted to drop it for pronouns (https://wiki.zegnat.net/microformats/pronoun) after reading https://github.com/brentsimmons/JSONFeed/issues/19 and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6648

deathrow1 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-FBPT4P6D6/gotmetadata.gif?pub_secret=0b4aa556d5&name=gotmetadata.gif Why I like mf2 do you really need this much metadata? From Scalar

[jgmac1106] yeah I was trying to figure out where it comes from all the schema.org is there native this is if you want "extra"

[jgmac1106] .....yes but I could also just use plain html files much easier...which is the reason we are going to just use gDOCS to get book done. "Can you fork and add options for mf2? ;)" for the book sounds so much better than writing the book

[jgmac1106] after it is off to publisher we will explore, but I might move to scalar for all my long academic writing

Loqi Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online https://indieweb.org/Scalar

[jgmac1106] found the html to rdf: https://github.com/anvc/scalar/tree/master/system/application/rdf wouldn't be hard but porject for after book and grant are done

[wiobyrne], [jgmac1106], deathrow1, [mrkrndvs], [jgarber], sketchess, [kim_landwehr], tantek__ and davidmead joined the channel
barpthewire joined the channel
snarfed, [miklb], [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, [wiobyrne], [jgarber] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
[kim_landwehr] That would be really helpful [aaronpk] for those of us who are code message challenge 😅
renem joined the channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] [eddie] out of interest how are you setting up your dynamic site? Node + a database?

[wiobyrne] and [eddie] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Hmmm interesting way to set it up, so the majority of your site will still remain static too?

[grantcodes] Cool. I think my new backend _may_ be able to do static files, not tried that yet though. I might just move to sqllite

[eddie] Although I’m considering if I want to do yaml or JSON as the final data storage once I move completely off of Jekyll. I’ve read about some potential strangeness in Node.js about converting yaml and JSON a lot. So once I implement Micropub updates, I’m wondering if I wanna store data in mf2 json, rather than yaml

[grantcodes] Huh and having only ever used micropub for content on my site, I feel I have no need for static files. But can see why others would like them

jjuran and barpthewire joined the channel
KartikPrabhu what is file-storage?

Loqi File Storage is the practice of storing main (primary) site content in flat files in a filesystem https://indieweb.org/file-storage

KartikPrabhu that ^

sketchess joined the channel
sketchess good morning tech coner
sketchess +r
sketchess Well, how do I start........
sketchess I lack of knowledge. Most tech articles don't address basic concepts needed and leaving me with more questions than answers.
KartikPrabhu pick one question to ask and then go from there

sketchess I am developing a static website. A good amount of content shell be able to download in the future. So security is in mind. I am aware of the existence of https encyption, which is currently not booked. In search of additional layers of security preperations, I came across xss, whitelisting.....
sketchess My goals is a pure HTML5 CSS project. So no scripts at all. Further highly accessible.
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
sketchess I remember that I saw a method to block scrips entirely nearly an year ago. Wonderded since, if script blocks could effect for example screen readers in any way.
sketchess +t
sketchess -d
sketchess I try to find and figure out security layers which are easy to implement by beginners and are beneficial.
Zegnat sketchess, as far as security goes, for a static site I think you have pretty much all you can do if you have HTTPS (as protection against man-in-the-middle attacks/hijacks of your content) and a content security policy (this lets you block other people from malliciously inserting javascript onto your website).

sketchess Even through dowloading files like mp3?
Zegnat If someone tells their browser to download the URL of an MP3, there is really not much happening to secure. The browser requests the file from your server, and your server sends it to them. If you enable HTTPS, the communication between browser and server will be encrypted to outsiders can’t see what is happening. That’s about it.

sketchess How about websites which don't run HTTPS? I just have to ask.
sketchess Like man in the middle, right?
sketchess How vulnerable is HTTPS to XSS?
Zegnat They might put ads on there (I think some planes have done that?) or even cryptominers (that take my PCs CPU to earn money for the attacker). Or they could try browser exploits to get access to other things. Or, less dangerous for me as visitor but bad for you, could change your text to suddenly present extreme political points or something.

sketchess Cross Site Scripts....
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
sketchess No search, no comments, no form fields etc. intended.....
Loqi Content-Security-Policy (abbreviated CSP) is an HTTP directive that a site can use to restrict what external resources are retrieved by a browser, to mitigate some XSS and injection attacks https://indieweb.org/csp

sketchess Jep the script block I have my eyes on it for quite a long time. Sadly I tend to forget things I have known. Same goes with queris.
Zegnat No problem :) But that’s about as much of a security rundown as you would need. If you are responsible for the entire server, you probably want to look at firewalls, rate limiters, maybe fail2ban... But those aren’t really your responsibility if you are just putting a site online and have the server managed by a hosting company.

sketchess The letters CSP don't sound familiar yet.
sketchess I already asked for it at main chat.
sketchess Would be for mine just selfmade conten.....
sketchess +t
sketchess What did the no script line looked like?
sketchess I didn't found it so far. It would have triggered memories.
jjuran and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
sketchess I honestly love it when you guys drop uncomplete lines. It always makes me laugh about myself. So which characters are still missing? Any <> ; ".......
sketchess Destination?
sketchess Aha.
Zegnat See the examples here: https://indieweb.org/CSP#Examples

sketchess researching
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
sketchess Hmm... different ways to implement it.... meta for example.....
sketchess I run on Apache...
Zegnat CSP << [https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/02/implementing-content-security-policy/ Implementing Content Security Policy] by Mozilla Hacks covers the basics of implementing CSP, based on what they learned from implementing it on addons.mozilla.org

Loqi ok, I added "[https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/02/implementing-content-security-policy/ Implementing Content Security Policy] by Mozilla Hacks covers the basics of implementing CSP, based on what they learned from implementing it on addons.mozilla.org" to the "See Also" section of /Content-Security-Policy https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=49960&oldid=43994

sketchess If you won't have mentioned .htaccess, propably would have had a good amount of articles to search throught, not knowing what to look for.
sketchess Luckily I have access to .htaccess. I considered setting up a password once.
sketchess lets see, if I have the same mozilla site open xD
sketchess No, I don't. Got another on through search.
sketchess +e
sketchess Just considered..... :D
sketchess Well if I can't get my hand around CSP and fail to do it correct, I can ask further Support or Indieweb(ers).
sketchess Good to have an easily achievable starting point.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
sketchess Still wondering, if screen readers are somehow effected? Lack of knowledge how they work. (software)
KartikPrabhu sketchess: if your content is in HTML then screen readers should be fine

sketchess I hope one day all those very abstract concepts will become easier to process. (thoughts based)
KartikPrabhu sketchess: there really is no need to first try to understand all these things and then implment them. It is easier to implement first and iterate

sketchess It benefits my nights sleep sknebel.
sketchess That's why I hope even more, KartikPrabhu.
sketchess I have a great idea. Let us switch brains for a day. Can you handle a Ferrari?
sketchess The engine is ok, but for the rest I am giving no garanties. Hahaha
KartikPrabhu if we swtich brains then it won't be very useful

KartikPrabhu also you really don't want my brain :P

sketchess I could say the same.
KartikPrabhu I'll keep my brain, thanks Zegnat

sketchess I thank the heavens for the log. Tomorrow I can reread the whole thing and shaking head by all I have missed.
sketchess Zegnat++
sketchess I always save the odd one. :D
sketchess So enough brain knots for today. Have a very lovely night and sleep.
sketchess bye
gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove The IETF issues with -x- was mentioned briefly, though my takeaway was that with microformats better handles standardizing vs rejecting. https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2018-07-09#t1531178953998900

gRegorLove My gut feeling is that `read-status` is likely to change at some point in the future, to some property that listen, watch, exercise, and maybe others can use, so I'm definitely leaning towards prefixing that one.

Zegnat Seems fine. I guess I am just not a fan of -x- in general. The mf standardising I think doesn’t really help it either. It is no longer experimental when you get multiple consumers using it? So you specifically want live implementations grokking -x-something before dropping the -x-. Which is exactly what the RFC people have seen is problematic, because it is hard to get live implementations to change.

gRegorLove "It is no longer experimental when you get multiple consumers using it?" This was my initial thinking, which is why I proposed adding those properties as proposed to h-entry. But really, a narrow use-case was driving it forward and I hadn't thought about re-use.

gRegorLove Heh, understood. I don't have strong opinions about it; just realized my understanding of the process to add microformat properties was lacking. Want to make sure I don't cause problems down the line.

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
pstuifzand I just implemented Indieauth for the Microsub channels in Ekster. I can now easily connect indiepaper with Ekster and read articles in an Indiepapier channel.

pstuifzand Aperture (the micropub part) is a great example of how Indieauth is something we actually need to have on more websites.

pstuifzand This makes it very easy (once implemented) to connect services to each other

pstuifzand I could see how this will make it possible for websites to send notifications to the microsub backend.

pstuifzand at the moment I only use it for webmentions, but I guess notifications are everywhere

KartikPrabhu webmentions are a kind of notification

pstuifzand and at some point the microsub server could generate it's own notifications

@pstuifzand Ekster now supports actual Indieauth to the Microsub channels. It's now possible for example to connect with http://indiepaper.io and "archive" pages to a channel. But of course the possibilities are endless. https://p83.nl/p/795 (twitter.com/_/status/1018267482015043585)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] If anyone can take a look at the h-card example I wrote for [wiobyrne] in #wordpress be helpful. I got confused on difference between u-uid and u-url since the h-card was on a site different than his canonical url

snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Thx went back and forth on the two