@jgmac1106If folks at #WPCampus would love to learn more about how #IndieWeb themes and plugins work let me know. Happy to have convo. Webmentions are a glue to hold students together. (twitter.com/_/status/1018350098831609856)
GWGThe problem is that I have to make sure things work during intermediate steps when I intend to switch to functionality that has those pieces built in
GWGsnarfed, for the Micropub Endpoint, it would have to be a massive PR to rewrite every single test to use the request object over a direct query check.
snarfedah, sure! i probably could have been more clear. i'm definitely looking forward to seeing more tests!...but it wasn't required for this PR itself, just in the (near) future
snarfedheh #-dev isn't ideal because this is narrow, for a single PR; #-wordpress isn't ideal because it should ideally be welcoming for non-technical people; DMs aren't ideal because then other people don't see the conversation
@jeffwatkinsDo I know anyone who would be willing to write an Amazon Lambda WebMention thing? I’ll release the code as open source and (if necessary) pay you a bit for your time.
This is intended to work with a Jekyll-published Website. (twitter.com/_/status/1018549298726821890)
sketchessAfter reading about CSP, lets encrypt, HTTP or HTTPS and so on.... it just hit me. My Domain is as plain as it gets. Typ it www. or leave it aside and does not matter..
Loqi301 (301 Moved Permanently) is an HTTP status code returned from a web server to indicate the URL is permanently redirected to another URL https://indieweb.org/301
dougbealsketchess: Then then webserver (in apache its usually configured in .htaccess) tells the browser (with HTTP status code 301) that it actually wants .domain
sketchessI am aware of my cognitive weaknesses. Well I am not quite the fastest typer as well. I need a little bit of time to process language. I am also not native English speaking.
sketchessI left with some material to read about (links), which I did. And got basically triggered by articles regarding gooles decision to mark HTTP websites as unsecure. ......
sketchessThings went as they had to..... I checked my own Domain. OK HTTP will get marked as unsecure... but wait, realising, doubt... I don't even have THAT anyway. Just a line (CSP) in a .htaccess file can't set my Domain to HTTP. So how do URLs get their HTTP before even think about HTTPS or not.
sketchessLet's pretend may main document got a nice little .htaccess with its CSP line. Is it correct that creating that file won't set my Domain to http?
dougbealTo talk to a computer on the internet, you need an address and a port ( Its kinda of like a building address, and then the aparement in the building
@ChrisAldrich↩️ I have a lot of email spammers talking about my site who can't spell CONVERSATIONS either. What's worse is that when I contact them, none have ever even heard of simple standards like Webmention.
;) (twitter.com/_/status/1018615665111035904)
Loqiissue is a special kind of article post that is a reply to typically some source code, though potentially anything at a source control repository https://indieweb.org/issue
tantek__that detail is irrelevant. whether posting from your own site, or bridgy posting a synthetic post as backfeed, the question (brainstorming) remains of how to represent such actions/posts
snarfedafaik github still renders them in the UI (and i expect the API too) as separate comment and close actions, not combined, even if you created them by clicking the "comment and close" button
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Comment Kind" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Comment Kind is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqiresponses, or interactions, in the context of the indieweb, refer to all the different ways and things people explicitly do to and with others’s posts, from written replies to quick likes, in other words responses = replies + reactions https://indieweb.org/response
snarfed.orgedited /issue (+424) "/* Close and re-open issues when commenting */ github feature is just a UI shortcut, not actual combined comment-and-close object" (view diff)
tantek__still, I'll take the UI-centric view (what you're calling a "UI shortcut) as the "actual" [reflection of reality], instead of the plumbing-centric view (what "events" are created in GitHub's database)
snarfedlol sure....but in these cases, after you take a composite action, there's no visible way to tell that you did that, vs if you did the two separately
snarfedi get that they're a convenience for publishing code in some cases, but they make more work for lots of other code and tools in many other places
snarfedeh ok. i'd love to see more examples of composite actions in silos that are rendered visually later as composite actions. i don't think we have many (any?) yet
tantek__snarfed, in short, I've wanted (and designed a user flow / mockup UIs) a gmail-style "undo" of every possible post/delete sequence in my own posting UI
tantek__might be the kind of thing where I'd need to take a vacation off all other work/email for 1-2 weeks in order to build it. incrementally making progress on it has been insufficient to date.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "microsub channel" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microsub channel is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantek.comedited /issue (+500) "/* Close and re-open issues when commenting */ follow-up to preferring UI model ("shortcut") as more reflecting user-reality than plumbing-centric perspective of API, add Gmail send+archive example which it treats atomically when undoing" (view diff)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "issues link" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "issues link is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiA repository (AKA repo) is a collection of typically code & related versioned files in a folder (hierarchy), issues & their responses, and a set of (named) releases, often hosted in a source control backend such as Git, on a service like GitHub, or on independent sites using open source software https://indieweb.org/repo
tantek__issues link is a common UI element on [[repo]] pages and web standards specifications (often with just a label like “Issues”) that links to the [[issue tracker]], usually to a [[collection]] or [[stream]] of [[issue]] posts, for that repo or spec.
LoqiUsing rel=me on a hyperlink indicates that its destination represents the same person or entity as the current page, which is a key building-block of web-sign-in and IndieAuth https://indieweb.org/rel-me