LoqiHey @manton I am trying to get my micro.blog working with Monocle. I can sign into Aperture fine but when I try to log into Monocle I get this error message. I think it might be caused by something I added to the CSS but I am not sure. Can you help.
[eddie]I think the other issue is her token endpoint has changed from IndieAuth.com to micro.blog. Do you think she might need to log in to Aperture so it’s pinging the right endpoint with the right token?
[eddie]aaronpk: In other strange things, following up on earlier, from everything I can tell, my server isn’t receiving any post data. I’m logging the body to the console and it’s completely empty, and my endpoint works with normal token based logins so it’s not the Node.js libraries.
aaronpkmost higher level web frameworks will convert all the multipart params to the same way that form-encoded params are handled, so that's why this hasn't come up before
[eddie]“Hover over the domain” especially if one is using iOS 😁 sometimes Hover actions work with taps and sometimes they don’t. I’m guess this is one of those times it doesn’t, because I tried tapping everywhere and no dice
[eddie]Thanks! ... I think the css doesn’t want to reload (despite my tricks), but also.... what page should I be looking at? The Dashboard? The user menu in the top right? 🙂
Loqimblaney: [grantcodes] left you a message 7 hours, 40 minutes ago: I think I finally may have fixed your together issue, it may have had issues with quoted rel link headers
iasai, chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [davross], barpthewire, benwerd, [tantek], deathrow1 and deathrow1|absnt joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[kim_landwehr]Sorry for disappearing I was getting frustrated because I think I removed everything I feel safe removing and I am still getting the same error in Monocle.p3k.io When I log into Together I get error finding Token [manton] [aaronpk]
[kim_landwehr]the request. Please try again or email <a href=\\\"mailto:help@micro.blog\\\">help@micro.blog<\\/a>.<\\/p>\\n\\n<\\/body>\\n<\\/html>\"}}",
[kim_landwehr]processing the request. Please try again or email <a href=\\\"mailto:help@micro.blog\\\">help@micro.blog<\\/a>.<\\/p>\\n\\n<\\/body>\\n<\\/html>\"}}",
[manton][kim_landwehr] I may need to wait until [aaronpk] is back to understand what is happening here. I don't see any errors on the Micro.blog side. Maybe you have to sign back in for it to try again?
schmartyjgmac1106_: if people can tolerate the long build times, hosting a site on GH Pages, with Glitch running the various Micropub / Webmention services needed to handle easy posting and interactivity, should be possible by kludging some existing projects together.
schmartykevinmarks: fly.io can be used to point custom domains at glitch.com projects, though currently it doesn't seem to work with "apex" domains, so you have to use a subdomain.
schmarty🕸💍 is hosted on glitch.com, but with the apex domain issue i ended up setting up an nginx proxy on one of my own machines so i could use the bare domain.
schmartyi *think* there's something possible in the middle by setting up a static site github repo, hosting the actual domain with netlify, and using netlify's functions to handle Micropub / Webmention / IndieAuth / etc.
[manton]Heroku's free plan will spin up the app when a request comes in, but it's pretty slow for the first request. Probably not great for a normal web site.
schmartydougbeal: sorry if i muddied the vocab waters earlier. by "apex domain" i meant, e.g. "dougbeal.com", versus a subdomain like "www.dougbeal.com". since most DNS providers only allow apex domain records to point to real IP addresses, and most free hosting only allows CNAME alias records, these two things often don't line up.
schmartyso for example you could still own your own domain with fly.io pointing at a site on glitch.com, but that domain would need to be something like "www.yourdomain.com" rather than just "yourdomain.com".
[cleverdevil]Eventually, I'd love to host my personal website on Lambda, and I was actually pretty close the other day to having Known running on Lambda 🙂
LoqiA subdomain typically refers to a domain with one more "name(dot)" component than that which someone actually has registered which is often seen indieweb sites with a family name domain like joel(dot)franusic(dot)com, or often on silos like matt(dot)wordpress(dot)com https://indieweb.org/subdomain
[manton]I usually call "example.com" a root domain vs. a sub-domain. Not sure where I picked up that terminology. (Pretty much everything about DNS confuses regular users... Just trying to come up with the most friendly way to talk about it.)
[ryan339]Bit late to the discussion on free indieweb hosting but I just moved everything over to netlify. build times aren’t great but it does everything i want including server side redirects, apex domains, git lfs, hugo, etc… all for free. i wish they had a $10/month “please stay in business” plan…
[jgmac1106]I used to let code dojo clubs and Mozilla Clubs piggyback on mine domain and give each a subdomain. Something like that wouldn't be hard to do
aaronpkat this point we’re gettign far enough that monocle has a token from micro.blog. Monocle makes a request to Aperture with that token, and Aperture checks the token at the token endpoint
snarfedif pip install -U, that's overly aggressive at upgrading other related packages. and if you install mf2py in a fresh virtualenv, it will pull the latest versions of deps
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "RFC 6648" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "RFC 6648 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gRegorLoveBut that makes me wonder, if a server supports x-read-status and ibc continues to support that, what reason is there for the server to update to the later-standardized property?
@nilshaukIndieAuth, WebMentions, Websub and Social readers are all nifty building blocks for a better web. And then there’s Vouch which will be integral as well, currently an unfinished idea for anti-spam mechanics in a decentralized #IndieWeb future. (twitter.com/_/status/1019708828206731264)
[ryan339], benwerd, [cleverdevil], [matpacker], [Chris_Lott] and tantek joined the channel
[cleverdevil]Sigh... Apple has replied to my ticket about Indiepaper TestFlight issues for the iOS version, and basically said "please send us a video proving something is wrong."
tantek__aaronpk, re: X-Forwarded-For and the whole mnot RFC about disliking x-, all the examples that drove that conclusion were x- that hung around "too long", or rather, with too slow a process for actually assessing x- experiments and then either rejecting or accepting