#dev 2018-08-04

2018-08-04 UTC
Guest52565, [dougbeal], [jgmac1106], eli_oat and tantek joined the channel
thinking out loud, could karma be a form of distributed vouching, or maybe # of links from A to B rather than just existence of such a link
or even # of links over time, e.g. in the past year
could solve the problem of accidentally implying a vouch for someone just because you linked to them once
or another way - allowing vouch to be a multi-valued param, allowing multiple vouch URLs, and then perhaps depending on some % of them (or at least n of them) being valid
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I've gotten private feedback to allow vouch to be multi-valued anyway - this might be a good use-case
I especially like the "at least n" (where n is perhaps only known to the webmention receiver) approach, because you can attempt verifying the series of vouch URLs until you have as many as you want
which begs the question of whether there should be an upperbound on # of vouch URLs a receiver is expected to process
to potentially process
created /indiecredit (+26) "accept no substitutes, but accept redirects"
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[tantek] and renem joined the channel
That is basically the way academia has done it since time eternal. Except we then complicate it more by the perceived credibility of where the publication is in an h score
In a way be equivalent of a vouch from someone in the community with greater # links being able to give more "vouchiness" to someone with less
I thi k though distributed karma would have to be community based, how do you dileneate a vouch from different groups?
Could there ever be some kind of private hash you carry around in an hcard that could allow vouching within and group only syndication?
What about geofenced karma... That I find intriguing
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Does group difference matter for sake of vouching? I mean if you "know" the source why do their group affiliations matter?
Or are you using group affiliation as a proxy for "knowing" them?
[chrisaldrich], tantek__, tantek and Erynnn19 joined the channel
edited /Micropub/Servers (+327) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /Micropub/Servers (+259) "/* CMS Software */"
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tantek__, tantek, Menche25, [eddie], jjuran, [kevinmarks] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yeah maybe group doesn't matter but different communities put different value in who is vouching whom. A vouch from you might matter in this community but my teacher friends wouldn't care....but I guess I "aggregate" vouches to reflect different community values
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
it is also contextual - mostly we manage this in our heads, but we weigh response differently depending on the person
“karma” is an interesting measurement for vouch. But decentralised karma sounds like a headache... BLOCKCHAIN perhaps? :P
agree [kevinmarks] hard thing to quantify
@zegnat I have seen some Karma tokenization ideas where the total amount of "mineable" karma is tied to total human population
On another note I was referring to Karma and vouching in groups as I would also like to publish just to a group--semi private..then I get to chapter in Hertling'a book last night about "selective sharing" being one of the few flaws in the indieweb model
an example I've used before is that you'd weigh a tech recommendation from someone differently than a food one, especially if they have different tastes
that is a good example and I would want to weight my recommendation...a food recommendation from my mom, for example, is to be ignored
If you receive a comment to a piece about an indieweb tech from a stranger, but you see me vouching for that stranger, you might want to accept their comment on technology. But if a stranger comments on a personal photo you shared and their vouch is me, you may not want to accept that vouch because we have no social overlap.
So I guess groups could help you decide that way
Kudos - a Validbook token. 1 KDS is generated per 1 living human daily. World human population is estimated for the next 100 years based on 2017 UN population prospects. See analysis here....that is tokenized karma to the extreme
....came out of the verifiable claims community group
They will be putting a monetary value on KDS? I am not sure if I’d like that for my karma
“I have x karma (KDS), so I am worth y (USD)!”
Having a “Statement of Unique Representation of Living Human Individual” sounds interesting, I’ll have to read a little more there
jgmac1106_ and mz`11 joined the channel
!kick mz`11
arahael12 joined the channel
!kick arahael12
jgmac1106_, eir26, Madkiss5, dStruct7, CoJaBo13, raretrack, missnomer13, [pfefferle], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], Yoda4, sophiya, SebastianFlyte23, Waggie25, Alistair27, liguo, percY-8, x49F, [metbril], Guest49781, [kevinmarks], weq7, wraeth9, quarks, wagle_ and GWG joined the channel
jwhisnant10 and ilbelkyr19 joined the channel
↩️ I can't help but read this and think that there's a good use case for the Webmention spec here. Similar to my thinking in IndieWeb and Academic Research and Publishing, it seems relatively obvious that professors could be referencing the DOIs or [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2018/08/04/%f0%9f%91%93-learning-to-love-the-stable-link-uncommon-sense/
ThiefMaster7, RaptorJesus4, benny10, [kevinmarks], [pfefferle], bairdmich and Arokh25 joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+87) "add η to the list"
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created /eu.org (+354) "Created page with "<span class="p-summary"><dfn><a href="https://nic.eu.org">'''eu.org'''</a></dfn> is a provider of free domain names.</span> From their website: <blockquote> The goal of EU.o...""
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dansup left the channel
eeeeeta, ArsenArsen12, rwg15 and sjohnson11 joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
edited /chat-names (+104) "Add NinjaTrappeur nickname."
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dougbeal|mb1, Hink and [eddie] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://m.signalvnoise.com/introducing-boosts-an-all-new-way-to-show-your-support-in-basecamp-fae325634998" to the "See Also" section of /reacji https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50639&oldid=47700
edited /reacji (+480) "/* Silo Examples */ add Basecamp boosts"
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KartikPrabhu, Our, Meanderthal6, rkta, marduk19112, shentino10, Guest73014, Selfsigned26, cyberzeus0, James_T3 and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel