#@voxpelli↩️ I already have a social feed setup using Jekyll: https://voxpelli.com/social/ I can post from apps using my MicroPub endpoint. I can receive mentions and replies from my WebMention endpoint. Building my presence through composable parts that can each shine in their own way. (twitter.com/_/status/1028198622054305797)
#[kevinmarks]The whole "JSON-LD/RDF is a really powerful tool for manipulating data" argument is disjoint from "everyone should publish it"
#petermolnarthe essay-length tootstorms on json-ld are all missing one single thing: the end user perspective. Nobody want's to deal with this, not devs, not users. Instead of all those documents, what they should have done, it a [things] to json-ld converter, where things could be: rss, atom, mf2, mf1, rdfa, microdata, schema.org, etc.
#petermolnarbesides, the I still believe json-ld is the wrong way, I'd rather stick to schema.org if I have to choose; at least that's an addon for HTML and not a completely separate entity
#ZegnatHaving looked at the video introductions, I actually have a much better “feel” for JSON-LD.
#sknebelpetermolnar: what do you mean by schema.org?
#sknebelschema.org is a vocabulary that you can use e.g. for json-ld documents
#vanderven.se martijnedited /OpenPGP (+464) "Remove references section, Articles and Guides goes a way better job. Add article about key transition." (view diff)
#petermolnarsorry, wrong vocabulary, the I meanth itemprop & similar microdata
foamz9, [jgmac1106], Neobenedict6, TripFandango and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#jjuranI made a simple optimization to my language's garbage collector, and now the run time for the webmention script I wrote at IWC Baltimore dropped from 15.3s to 6.3s.
#ZegnatThat’s great jjuran! You never want webmentions to be the slow down on your web stack :)
#jjuranUnrelated, I'm writing my first hostile-network-facing program in this language — an SMTP server.
#jjuranZegnat: It'll get even faster once I have decent parsing primitives. :-)
__idiot__, furiousDingo25 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#Zegnatpetermolnar, I never tried, but somehow, I am not surprised
#ZegnatI do sometimes wonder if it would be fixed if I did try to use proper ALPN. But I doubt it
dmytrish and treora joined the channel
#aaronpkZegnat: are you *sure* you're doing it right? Seems like a lot of tools failing to fetch your site in the same way
#ZegnatI am sure I am doing it wrong. But the way I am doing it wrong only means that tools that explicitly *prefer* the older standard over the new one fail. All other tools failing are because they do not implement the new standard at all, and that’s exactly the point, those failures are expected.
#ZegnatOnly support old standard: fail. Only support the new standard: succeed. Support both standards, prefer new: succeed. Support both standards, prefer old: fail.
#ZegnatI can’t tell nginx not to advertise the old standard as available, which is why the “prefer old” could happen. Still, I don’t mind punishing tools that do not prefer new :P
#sknebelgenerally not so sure the "ch" unit is all that useful
#ZegnatChanging font on either body or html does not solve it. Darn. Guess I need to find a different way.
#ZegnatI was trying to style my textarea to have a max number of characters per line ;)
#ZegnatBut my textarea had a width of 100%, so you can click anywhere on the page to get it in focus. And then I used calc() to calculate a left and right padding for sizing the effective text area.
#ZegnatI needed a mediaquery to switch from the calc() method to a default padding at small sizes though. Which is where the problems began. I’ll find a different way to do it.
#Zegnatch is especially useful here because I am using a monospace font. So the 1ch === 1 character.
#aaronpkit's not really necessary here because we get the same effect having people add themselves to /chat-names
#ZegnatDepends if you may want to give Loqi a self-contained interface via DM. E.g. people who have auth’d via DM can also modify the spam filter via DM. That could be neat.
#aaronpkneither of these authenticates the current IRC connection. i would need to add some hooks to de-register people when they disconnect or change nicks in order to do that.
#GWGIs there a Micropub scenario where an action variable is provided but not a url variable?
#aaronpki guess the question is why do you need to know?
#GWGaaronpk: I'm looking at how the Micropub endpoint decides if something is a create, update, delete, or undelete action.
#aaronpknothing right now sends action without a URL, so if you only are worrying about supporting what works right now then you can make that assumption.
#GWGThe other scenario is no action variable and a URL variable.
#GWGTrying to figure out if that would ever happen.
#Zegnat[jgmac1106], you around? I have a CSS grid question and maybe you know the answer
Hink joined the channel
#dgoldi've been getting abck into Mastodon the last few days, moved instance to a place with proper effective CoC & Mod Policies
#dgoldthe question of "how do I reply/favorite/repost POSSE" is for another day
#sknebelyeah, wondering too if I should start using it on an existing instance first
#sknebelaaronpk: do you subscribe to feeds from Mastodon instances, or have you hooked up ActivityPub "pings"(name?) into Aperture?
#aaronpki originally was subscribing to the h-feeds from ppls profile pages
#aaronpkbut once i hooked up my site to send replies and deliver my content to my followers, it was easier to switch that to handling the ActivityPub inbox deliveries
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#sknebelI wonder how hard it would be to migrate an identity from a self-hosted $whatever to something integrated with my site
#sknebele.g. install a single user instance of one of the projects now, and then later I could just update the .well-known bits to point to my code?
#aaronpkand my activitypub inbox sends posts to aperture
#aaronpkso i read things in the same interface as i normally do
#dgoldI've been looking at replies/fav &c, but keep hitting a wall in "how will my site know this is a Mastodon post"
#aaronpkevery URL I reply/fav I do basic discovery on, looking to see if it's a mastodon/activitypub post or if it has a webmention endpoint
#aaronpkthen i send the reply via the appropriate method
#Zegnat[jgmac1106]: you have been working with this, do you know if it is possible with css grids to do a 3 column grid where the middle column will never be wider than 20ch?
#dgoldaaronpk: aha. What do you use to make this determination?
#aaronpkwith the right accept header, mastodon will send back JSON when you fetch a permalink
#ZegnatYou need to set something for the middle, sknebel. So that would be 1fr for all, and then a max-width on the middle element? I don’t think that works, because the grid doesn’t change depending on sizing of its items. I think.
#Zegnataaronpk, that 406 feels wrong from her site. Unexpected.
#aaronpkyeah especially cause this is what XRay sends Accept: application/mf2+json, application/activity+json, text/html, application/json, application/xml, text/xml
#Zegnatmaybe it fails because application/activity+json and text/html are of the same q-value (same preference) and you aren’t breaking the tie, rhiaro?
#rhiaroaaronpk can you see what comes back in the content of the response from my site? that should tell you exactly what it sees
#aaronpkit says "application/mf2+json is not a supported media type."
#aaronpkfor a while, Loqi was pattern matching URLs for the link preview here, looking for domain/@username/id
#aaronpkbut that only matches mastodon, not other ones, so now Loqi just runs everything through XRay since it handles it
#dgoldso what is your site looking for that says "Yes! This is a Mastodon Post i am asked to reply/fave?
#aaronpkspecifically it looks for an "id" property as well as an "attributedTo" property, then it fetches the attributedTo (profile URL) and looks for an inbox
#aaronpkthe permalinks themselves don't tell you where to send replies, you have to go fetch the author's profile first
#Zegnatsknebel, I think there might have been something weird about the button element again... I should just put a wrapper element around everything that relates to forms *facepalm*
barpthewire joined the channel
#dgoldaaronpk: so this all takes place in the activitypub space
#aaronpkthis is part of my "find out if this post accept responses" code
#ZegnatLets just drop that in for now and see how things react, hehe
iasai_ joined the channel
#ZegnatThe trick is going to be that H3 should be a button element (submit button for save), but the button text should really always align to M1. So basically it will have a big right-padding extending the clickable area...
#Zegnatnotices he hasn’t been doing serious CSS for months
#ZegnatSo the entire top-right in green is the submit element. But I have a sub element in darkgreen that I will be using for styling
#ZegnatSo the button you will see in the final design seems to be 1/3 the width of the editable textarea below, but in reality (and important for touch) you can touch anywhere in the top right to submit
#ZegnatSure. But just holding your mouse key down doesn’t make anything happen. So I never really understand why I would need to style that. And as soon as you release, the form submits and you will be off of the page not seeing any styling anymore.
#ZegnatBut will see what sort of styling I end up with in the end, and whether it makes sense to add an :active
#Zegnat:focus is a lot more important to keyboard navigators like me :P
#ZegnatI already notice that this iteration doesn’t have the focus styles on the top-left options. So I keep tabbing past
#ZegnatHere is a thing I haven’t fixed yet: there is a :focus style on the Store button, but the bottom outline falls outside of the element and I don’t know why
#KartikPrabhuhmm yeah not sure. your <header> is smaller than the <button>s somehow in FF
#Zegnatyep. But the button is 100% height, so I am clueless what‘s making that happen
[kiai], GorillaWarfare0 and barpthewire joined the channel
#ZegnatGot rid of <header> entirely, no more nested grid, just using the main grid from <body> for the three columns now. Liking this design more and more
#ZegnatHopefully finishing it tomorrow :D Have a good night all!
#GWGI'm really liking Micropublish since the last time I checked it