#dev 2018-08-15

2018-08-15 UTC
edited /Leaders (+7) "/* past */ 2018/Leaders"
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dougbeal joined the channel
edited /IRC (+174) "/* Advanced / Admin notes */"
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[jgarber] joined the channel
I think I know the answer to this, but…
Issue 28 (https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.rocks/issues/28) touches on the subject, but it’s not clear from the resolution that the issue pursued that particular case.
Do any of the tests on https://webmention.rocks test endpoint discovery of relative URLs in `<link>` elements when the page also includes a `<base>` element?
[Zegnat] #28 Test for non-host-relative paths.
I _really_ don’t care for `<base>`, but… it’s there, I imagine folks use it, so libraries should account for its presence.
Nice work, Zegnat! Glad to hear you found the Ruby endpoint gem inspiring. 🙂
KartikPrabhu, eli_oat, eli_oat1, jgmac1106, jgmac1106_, erasmus8, [kevinmarks], renem, [jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
webmention-cli (0.1.0): A command-line interface for Webmention. https://rubygems.org/gems/webmention-cli
tantek__ joined the channel
↩️ But where do I go from there? I can generate a Jekyll RSS feed for my posts and stick that on http://micro.blog, but if people reply (WebMention?) to me there, I'd still be replying back on http://micro.blog and not via a new Micropub Jekyll post? (2/2)
cottongin14 joined the channel
↩️ @voxpelli But where do I go from there? I can generate a Jekyll RSS feed for my posts and stick that on http://micro.blog , but if people reply (WebMention?) to me there, I'd still be replying back on http://micro.blog and not via a new Micropub Jekyll post? (2/2)
↩️ I'm not sure the best way to set it up for your blog, but you can post a reply on your site and send a Webmention to http://Micro.blog, which will then add your reply into the conversation. (If you do that, you probably want to exclude those replies from your feed.)
↩️ That’s what I do. I reply on my website with a Micropub post, send a webmention to http://Micro.blog, and I have a custom feed called microblog.json (JSON Feed) that only provides the posts I want (no replies, etc). Replies in the feed would create… https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/08/15/8/reply/
↩️ Aweome. I have the basic building blocks for everything except webmentions working already, I guess integrating them with @voxpelli's libraries will be the next step.
cweiske joined the channel
[jgarber] re using <base>, my endpoint discovery script uses it for all relative URLs it finds in the HTML (both for <link> and <a>)
mniip28, [metbril], jjuran, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, Dworf15, TripFandango, baweaver0, Geeky_Bear, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], steven29, barpthewire, DenSchub, DenSchub_ and d9b4bef913 joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+123) "Add metbril to /* Nicknames */"
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jgmac1106 joined the channel
edited /welcoming (+64) "less white"
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[tantek], usrX and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
another "decentralized" auth thing (/cc aaronpk) https://id4me.org/
anyone tried to build a blockchain based system for identity providing? (I'm not sarcastic, that might actually be a useful case, though keeping the private wallet "safe" is still an issue)
We’re needlessly sunsetting more stuff. Don’t worry about updating your apps. It’s not like we’ll allow them to exist much longer anyway.
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
Blockchain based id systems abound. The notion that a private key is a better identity than a url is rather undermined by quite how much key theft bitcoin suffers from
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm is an interesting ID system, if that's your thing to read about
elkalamar17, DenSchub, cweiske, [jgmac1106] and [metbril] joined the channel
I had a very short conversation at the IndieWeb Summit 2018 in Portland with @xolotl about the stickers on his laptop. Who knew he was such a subject area expert that @motherboard was using his material? #creativecommons #Webmention #journalism #indieweb https://boffosocko.com/2018/08/15/putting-stickers-on-your-laptop-is-probably-a-bad-security-idea-motherboard-vice/
keybase.io is an option for identity management.
If academics/publications used webmentions when they credited creative commons content, the originator would get a notification. This could also tip them off that their licensed content is being properly used. #digped #openpedagogy #edtech https://boffosocko.com/2018/08/15/putting-stickers-on-your-laptop-is-probably-a-bad-security-idea-motherboard-vice/
edited /Micropub/Clients (+51) "/* In development */"
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created /Wrimini (+134) "Created page with " Wrimini is a Android client for Micropub. * The source code can be found on [https://github.com/pstuifzand/micropub-android Github].""
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what is wrimini?
Wrimini is a Micropub client for Android https://indieweb.org/Wrimini
[kevinmarks], dougbeal|iOS, eli_oat, jackjamieson and [grantcodes] joined the channel
pstuifzand has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
More apps! Awesome!
Happy to test if you're looking for that
@pstuifzand happy to test on Android, I am on the P Beta channel if that is okay jgregmcverry@gmail.com
edited /silo-quits (+763) "Ezra J. Spier quiting Twitter because of the loss of 3rd party apps"
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snarfed and tantek__ joined the channel
snarfed, awaiting beta tester feedback
GWG: great! i saw you already got some from jack
created /stickers (+234) "prompted by tantek__ and dfn added by tantek__"
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edited /stickers (+357) "tantek__ added "2018-08-14 Motherboard: [https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/pawvnk/stickers-on-laptop-operational-security-bad-idea Putting Stickers On Your Laptop Is Probably a Bad Security Idea] <blockquote>From border crossings to hacking co..."
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Oh? Did I?
Found it. Looks like more PHP notices to fix. The 404 is querying the media endpoint, which isn't supported. Only Quill does it.
Should make it do something though
I do not consent to the search of this device. Thanks @eff for all that you do! https://skippy.net/images/2018/08/IMG_0680-960320.jpeg
Like respond not supported
re stickers. :)
[schmarty] joined the channel
php notices are very low priority imho, but if you literally have nothing else to do, go for it
jackjamieson joined the channel
GWG: i don't see anything explicit in the spec about how media endpoints should respond to GETs, so probably 405 (method not supported)
It's an experimental property. Documented on the wiki
[eddie] joined the channel
gRegorLove: I saw you are thinking about making “channels” on your site like aaronpk does?
created /IRSSI (+108) "prompted by tantek__ and dfn added by tantek__"
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edited /IRSSI (+2) "linkify ('… is <url>' pattern)"
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Yep, already experimenting a bit: https://gregorlove.com/channels/
I’m thinking about going that route as well. I think I want the approach to have two approaches: 1) automatic channel rules (if it has a photo, send it here. If it has a title and is not a reply, send it there, etc). 2) manually adding a post to a channel even if it doesn’t match the rules
Don't think I'm going to make them top-level URLs; would take some refactoring
Are you planning automatic or manual or both?
Manual currently
jackjamieson joined the channel
↩️ as a last resort, you can always construct the bridgy source URL and send the webmention yourself! ugly, painful, i hate recommending it, but it does work. https://brid.gy/about#source-urls eg in this case, try sending a webmention from https://brid.gy/comment/twitter/megarush1024/1029691332267257857/1029721636382154754 to https://www.arush.io/?p=94027
Do you use micropub or some other way of creating posts. I’m trying to think through how I want to approach the manual post adding process
I’ve thought of returning channels as part of my syndication targets
My notes stream isn't a channel, so I'm thinking I will exclude certain channels from it, like Stars and Reading.
I don't use micropub near enough. Only for reading posts, really. Yeah, if I used Quill I would probably automate it for stars and photos.
Gotcha :thumbsup:
Articles and Photos I manually post with the CMS; Notes + Stars I have a custom posting UI I use.
Essentially I’m either trying to decide to overload the Micropub syndication targets for channels or having some type of config returned from my Micropub endpoint that tells the Micropub client to add “Channel” options
Ahhh that makes sense
The CMS editor is pretty good, generally. I wanted a front-end editor that also did some magic like prepare for Bridgy Publish, etc.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
lol uh oh. what activated those memories?
[eddie], I noticed on /p3k that aaronpk has channels as part of his authn endpoint
Yeah, that’s pretty good in certain cases (like posting from ownyourgram)
[eddie]: gRegorLove's mention of CMS + bridgy publish
ohhhh gotcha
I guess that doesn't show anything in the mp client though
gRegorLove I think one big challenge is I post *almost* everything from Indigenous
So I need a way from inside Indigenous (and maybe Quill) to be able to say put this post in X channel
cloud-maingo joined the channel
Right now I have a syndication target called Micro.blog that when that syndication target is selected, it’s put into a specific JSON feed. I think that is an early version of what I’m wanting to do with my channels. Essentially I want to turn my “Micro.blog” syndication into a “Timeline” channel, which would be essentially my best guess at posts that would most interest people. But then, of course there will be automated channels for
I <3 ol' dumb Bridgy :)
lol warm fuzzies
(got cut off [eddie], but I get the gist)
Sounds like a good plan
barpthewire joined the channel
Lol, the bridge length always bites me
jgmac1106, I added your email address to the alpha testers list
[iambismark], snarfed, KartikPrabhu and elios26 joined the channel
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+40) "see if we can list both Oxford and NYC"
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edited /next-iwc (+3) "next is Oxford"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "HWC 2018-08-22"
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[kevinmarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
If I am receiving webmentions should I check the in-reply-to, like-of etc, matches the target before saving it?
I think so, someone could reply to another post and link to your site
a post that mentions another site is still a mention of yours
even if it is a reply to something else
but you'd of course treat it as a mention, and not a reply
Yep, what would be the mf2 for that?
edited /Hiveway (+18) "explicit references section"
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for what?
A response that is not a like, repost or reply
just a link, no microformat
Hmm so doesn't count as p-comment
oh, you mean on your site
good question
I think it would be called a mention, if it's not a direct reply. To the wiki!
What is mention?
A mention is a post which links to another post without explicitly being in response to it https://indieweb.org/mention
Should've known aaronpk would have an example somewhere 😛
That example is still marked up with p-comment, doesn't feel right to me, since it is not a direct reply
what is comment?
A comment is a reply syndicated into the context of the original post https://indieweb.org/comment
grantcodes see /comments
snarfed joined the channel
Current status: Collecting orphaned webmentions and attaching them to posts, because fuck you Twitter you will not win. #indieweb
Thanks tantek Says "add it to the "Related Articles" or "Mentions"" but no example of how to mark it up
[grantcodes]: is there some consuming use-case for the markup?
KartikPrabhu: Probably not. More for my backend storage trying to keep it as close to mf2 json as possible.
grantcodes if you're looking for generic term for all the webmentions you receive, /response should work
ooh have we officially concluded the "interaction" vs "response" debate?
I'm leaning to either mention or response
snarfed yes! response "won" quite some time ago :)
grantcodes depends if you want to be specific (mention) or generic (response)
ascends the flaming pyre, drinks the steaming blood of his mortal enemies, and smiles
snarfed, don't get too cocky, we still have /reacji - your next favorite 😂
oh god
In my case I think I will categorise responses into comment, like and repost, then everything else is a mention
snarfed1 and barpthewire1 joined the channel
reads scrollback
runs away
Haha it seems I have led everyone onto a minefield I didn't know existed
if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem
[dgold] joined the channel
Hey, snarfed, back into trying bridgyfed
hoo boy
that makes one of us
Quick q: the acct: change in #27, how does that work in practice?
Oh, oh dear
good q, i've forgotten. looking
heh sorry. re bridgy fed in generally, it absolutely technically still does what it claims. the problem is, that's just a partial incomplete slice of the total experience of interacting with mastodon (etc) that most people want, so in practice it's often unsatisfying.
re acct:, it means if you have an acct: u-url in your h-card, bridgy fed will use that as your activitypub user address, instead of [yourdomain]@[yourdomain]
Thank you, that’s the info I needed.
snarfed: are you interested in adding support for more of activitypub? In particular delivering posts to followers?
aaronpk: eh. not sure. i don't use it myself (any more) so i'm probably not the right person
happily accept PRs though, as usual
looks at aaronpk’s activitypub integration with envy
I've been thinking about what the other half of that would look like in Aperture... handling receiving posts from your followers, since that's what Aperture is meant for
[eddie] are you still doing the Mailchimp newsletters from your feeds? That's part of the reason I'm setting up channels.
Wondered if it's still working well for you
Oh yea I've been meaning to fix mine. For some reason the granary atom feed looks terrible in mailchimp, it loses all formatting and whitespace. Haven't dug into it yet tho.
EvanR16 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
You could help out with this oh. by the way, i should mention the other fediverse thingy i'm cooking up, that isn't pleroma.
i don't have a name for it yet, but it's basically a self-hosted blogging platform with tumblr features. it will support both activitypub and indieweb for federation, though.
[kaniini] oh. by the way, i should mention the other fediverse thingy i'm cooking up, that isn't pleroma. i don't have a name for it yet, but it's basically a self-hosted blogging platform with tumblr features. it will support both activitypub and indieweb ...
Hm, I didn't realise that mastodon copied to body as well as the link
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Hey, [aaronpk], I've been invited to speak at the AWS Summit in Anaheim next week, and I'll be talking about my location tracking service that uses Overland. Thought you might like to know!
Oh awesome!
Oops I need to replace the screenshot on the home page
it looks better now
Oh and use the .app address!
Oh, will do!
kaniini_, [metbril], barpthewire, albel72729, iasai and [eddie] joined the channel
gRegorLove: Yep, still doing Mailchimp newsletters. They are working great. I don’t even think about it anymore, it’s all automated
gRegorLove: It is currently powered off of tags. So the feeds that Mailchimp uses are based on if I tag things as “personal”, “family” or “tech”. If if doesn’t have a tag it doesn’t go in the newsletter
[eddie]: You don't use the Mailchimp API?
Nope, just the RSS to Email
code has -1 karma over the last year
Can you pull feeds into separate sections, e.g. articles in main content, a sidebar of likes.
Not really
I basically just have a different campaign per feed and then everything in the feed gets dumped into the body
Ah, so limited to one RSS feed per campaign
and it does this weird thing where it wants to send all the posts that it hasn’t sent in the last X days, and I wanted it to be based on the month
so I forced my RSS feeds to only output the last month’s items
rather than the last X items
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I might try something more like TWII. I'd like to split up content types a bit.
I would try doing it with Mailgun
TripFandango, jgmac1106, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu and jackjamieson joined the channel
↩️ @rubendetores Bueeeeeno, pois entón confórmome cun Kas e unhas aceitunas (pero só pola microsubárea)
created /remote_content_policy (+388) "prompted by tantek__ and dfn added by tantek__"
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xerox12322 and jgmac1106 joined the channel
haha snarfed
code-- indeed
code has -2 karma over the last year
edited /IndieWebCamps (+40) "/* 2018 */ add NYC, sort by date"
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