Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 49 minutes ago: that’s strange... my reader just got a bunch of your posts of August to reappear in my channel as new... 🤔
aaronpkThat's one of the good/bad things about activitypub... it *only* works via fat ping delivery so you have to do that from the beginning but then also everything is real-time off the bat
bltavaresHey there! I've been following the community over the last couple of months already, and I'm starting to consider the possibility of adopting more of the procotcols, but over my static Github pages website
petermolnarso: Vouch as chained whitelist should be a good enough protection, shouldn't it? I don't think block/blacklists would do any good for webmentions; greylists, on the other hand, my be useful, if we can adapt somehow.
ZegnatI think aaronpk just pointed out a weakness with the vouching, but it could’ve been lost in the rest of the discussion. He would like/favourite something that got reposted by someone he followed. But at that time he doesn’t know anything else about this original poster, neither history nor future.
petermolnarthere's a very simple workaround: the vouch list is static or only partially automated, building up to trusted level by having multiple likes, etc.
ZegnatStatic and shared lists could be interesting. Approximation of a web of trust. I have my own list, which I share, and my system also collates a collaction of other people’s lists so when a link exsists on X+ of those lists it also gets whitelisted.
ZegnatE.g. example.org isn’t on my own list, but it is on the lists curated by petermolnar, aaronpk, and gRegorLove, so my endpoint will let it through. While example.net only exists on petermolnar’s list and therefor gets hold for approval.
petermolnarZegnat: this is why I had a session with aaronpk about what email already has; what I described is the reverse of weighted dnsbl I've been using on my postfix for years
ZegnatVouch << [[2016/Brighton/webmention|What can Webmention learn from Email], a session at IWC concerned with how email spam systems may apply to webmentions
[grantcodes]Also lots of nice updates to together as well. It'll live update content if you leave it open now. As well as a few other things here and there