#dev 2018-09-02

2018-09-02 UTC
[kevinmarks], KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
Does Micropub have a logo?
The M with an arrow?
Is that the logo? I thought that was the upside down Webmention logo
the closest is what's on micropub.rocks
but it's not really a micropub logo officially
please don't use the upside-down webmention logo
Do we need one?
coordinate it with a microsub logo while you're at it
We need someone artistic
Not me, alas
yeah we have a whole host of icons we need
there's a chance we'll be able to pull that off this year
Oh? Recruiting someone?
renem, eli_oat, [eddie] and phoe12 joined the channel
!tell aaronpk that’s strange... my reader just got a bunch of your posts of August to reappear in my channel as new... 🤔
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Cronus20 and [jon] joined the channel
Hmm weird
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 49 minutes ago: that’s strange... my reader just got a bunch of your posts of August to reappear in my channel as new... 🤔
They had appeared already before?
Could be I was in a low polling tier?
Nope, I’m pretty sure they had appeared before because I had read them before.
Wait, I don’t see them earlier in my channel, but I have other posts at the accurate time for aug 27...
Maybe it’s two different feeds I’m following
Oh that could be
One in a low polling tier one in a high tier
And then I think I saw the post that looked familiar in a different context (IndieWeb planet or tweet reply in IRC)
I'm starting to want to convert this to fetch permalinks so that I can better dedupe posts from different feeds
Ahh. Yeah that makes sense... although I’m thinking WebSub subscriptions to feeds I would probably rank higher than de-duping
You're probably right :-)
Also easier
Heh! Easier is good!
That's one of the good/bad things about activitypub... it *only* works via fat ping delivery so you have to do that from the beginning but then also everything is real-time off the bat
Yeah, definitely a good/bad situation. Added complexity at the start but guaranteed real-time. Tricky trade offs
barpthewire joined the channel
Looking at h-cite. All of my bookmark-of properties are nested h-cites
KartikPrabhu, eli_oat1, icywiz16, eli_oat, raucao and jeremych_ joined the channel
edited /typography (+962) "Tidying up and expanding See also descriptions"
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eli_oat1 joined the channel
created /RSS/IndieWeb_examples (+2118) "Breaking main RSS page into smaller chunks"
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edited /RSS () "(-1801) /* IndieWeb Examples */ Moved to own sub-page"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
created /RSS/silo_examples (+2321) "Moving to sub-page"
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edited /RSS () "(-2074) /* Silo Examples */ moved to sub-page"
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edited /RSS/silo_examples (+324) "Adding links back to Projects and RSS"
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edited /RSS (+138) "/* Praise */ Add Brad Feld piece"
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edited /RSS (+453) "/* IndieWeb examples */ Moved alternatives higher"
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edited /RSS (-445) "/* Alternative */ Moved"
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sabre10416, fractal17 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
sex is cool but have you ever successfully parsed wikitext
edited /RSS (+342) "Adding use for podcasts"
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[jgmac1106], ThiefMaster11, davidmead and Guest43163 joined the channel
!tell Chrisaldrich I am not sure if it happens to you as well but on this page: https://boffosocko.com/about/following/ it never totally loads because of a data transfer to ma.tt
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed, jeremych_, KevinMarks_, [jgmac1106] and KevinMarks joined the channel
edited /commonplace_book (+147) "/* Indieweb examples */ added myself"
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[jon], [tantek], mattcode, KevinMarks, AngeloGladding, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, benwerd, eli_oat, [keithjgrant], bltavares and barpthewire joined the channel
Hey there! I've been following the community over the last couple of months already, and I'm starting to consider the possibility of adopting more of the procotcols, but over my static Github pages website
How is the interest around micropub currently? Would there be interest on a small service that uses the Github API to publish new blogposts?
very cool, and welcome
I seem to remember someone making something like that
[voxpelli] webpage-micropub-to-github: Self-hosteable Micropub endpoint that publishes to Jekyll by committing to GitHub
yep, I used to use that with my Jekyll IW site
and used Travis and the jekyll-webmention plugin to build/deploy after posting with Quill
Hi aaronpk and milb_ :)
miklb_ hehe
Yeah, I've seen this on the wiki and I was considering using it at first
But at the same time I was considering writing something to better understand as well
really cool movement btw, I quite like the own your content idea
leg joined the channel
Having micropub.rocks as a test bed will be very useful
miklb__ joined the channel
Could #indieauth help in presenting blog content at diff levels of access/social distance? https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2018/09/indieauth-and-social-distance-dependent-content/ #indieweb #stm18
iasai joined the channel
bltavares: that project is built from three sub-components that you can reuse individually as well :)
AngeloGladding, [tantek] and leg joined the channel
voxpelli: yeah, it looks really well written
iasai and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
so: Vouch as chained whitelist should be a good enough protection, shouldn't it? I don't think block/blacklists would do any good for webmentions; greylists, on the other hand, my be useful, if we can adapt somehow.
This could inadvertily have whitelisted (that is: created a vouchable URL on aaronpk.com) for this person to use.
I think aaronpk just pointed out a weakness with the vouching, but it could’ve been lost in the rest of the discussion. He would like/favourite something that got reposted by someone he followed. But at that time he doesn’t know anything else about this original poster, neither history nor future.
So it is very important that the sources for the Vouch whitelists are very good.
That might quickly spiral into the whole web-of-trust thing :(
yep, that's what I was getting at as well
there's a very simple workaround: the vouch list is static or only partially automated, building up to trusted level by having multiple likes, etc.
Static and shared lists could be interesting. Approximation of a web of trust. I have my own list, which I share, and my system also collates a collaction of other people’s lists so when a link exsists on X+ of those lists it also gets whitelisted.
E.g. example.org isn’t on my own list, but it is on the lists curated by petermolnar, aaronpk, and gRegorLove, so my endpoint will let it through. While example.net only exists on petermolnar’s list and therefor gets hold for approval.
needs to start digging into Vouch
Zegnat: this is why I had a session with aaronpk about what email already has; what I described is the reverse of weighted dnsbl I've been using on my postfix for years
IT is running in circles, the trouble is, most circles are unaware of eachother
The idea with the wiki is to document as much prior art as possible, so we do not end up reinventing the wheel on IndieWeb things. Haha
Vouch << [[2016/Brighton/webmention|What can Webmention learn from Email], a session at IWC concerned with how email spam systems may apply to webmentions
ok, I added "[[2016/Brighton/webmention|What can Webmention learn from Email], a session at IWC concerned with how email spam systems may apply to webmentions" to the "See Also" section of /Vouch https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51438&oldid=49587
Never losing that page from memory again :P
Whitelist isn’t really vouch though. Vouch is a sender providing some sort of proof of themselves being known in the receiver’s circles.
So might need a different name
Macuser, KevinMarks, TripFandango and [grantcodes] joined the channel
!tell pstuifzand: I've made an independent rel scraper library. https://www.npmjs.com/package/rel-scraper Feel free to give it a go
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Also lots of nice updates to together as well. It'll live update content if you leave it open now. As well as a few other things here and there
oo nice
I do have a map that can live track where you are aaronpk 😛
omg really
Need to find more peoples checkin feeds to make it a bit less weird
I've not checked if the map will live update, but I think it should
But we've not got a better option than polling the microsub endpoint yet do we?
nope :(
i'm thinking an endpoint that supports eventsource would work well though
Also I ran into issues with my channel ordering because of the idea of hiding the notifications channel
On my end
oh interesting
I didn't think that was going to conflict
But can see others running into it so may be worth noting somewhere
can you write up a description of the problem as a github issue? https://github.com/indieweb/microsub/issues
I had it because I hid it in the ui but it was still in memory so indexes where off by one
I don't think it's an issue. But maybe something to note
hmm k. if you have some advice, then you could add that to the wiki page
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Yeah I'll add to the wiki
Was also thinking about making another microsub client that purely sends push notifications somehow.
yeah I would love to figure out a good push notification story
Well with the non centralized nature, it would be possible to make a notifier that could work for all readers and servers
You couldn't get native, native push notifications that way, but via email, chat app, webhook all would be easy
true, I guess you could treat push notifications to the phone as its own "client"
there are dedicated push notification apps you can hook into too, like pushover or boxcar
Or web notifications would work. Don't know if iOS supports that though
Yes, those are options too
I think I will make a webhook first then I can direct people to ifttt
I'm wondering if we can converge on terminology that isn't blacklist and whitelist as that had bad overtones. Blocklist and showlist?
I also think that more kinds of list will be required.
edited /Microsub-spec (+199) "/* Feedback */ Add note on notifications channel when reordering"
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iasai, nortoh6, ludovicchabant and KevinMarks joined the channel