petermolnarhuh. an idea: auto-check in. Once you've been at a place for X amount of time, and you already have a check-in for that location, it checks you in. is anyone doing something similar?
iDanoo16, renem, decode1 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel martijnedited /Leaders () "(-1784) Remove previous code of conduct issue: all specifics contained within have been resolved and mentioned wiki pages have been updated." (view diff)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "location tracking" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "location tracking is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ZegnatTo be fair, logging to flash memory is all I want. It is all I do right now. I just want accurate logs, don’t need live internet connections. That just introduces attack vectors
aaronpkdownside is it only tracks at predefined intervals, 5 minutes is the most you can do without paying for an upgraded plan which gives you 2.5 minutes.
ZegnatGoal: create a log of where I (the device) was at any time. Actual battery life isn’t super important as long as it is over 24 hours. I will most likely have a chance to recharge every day.
ZegnatLiving on the Swedish country side I can not risk running the battery on my main phone dry, ever. Especially as someone who doesn’t have the option of getting in a car and driving to the closest town. So I am very hesitant to move to anything that does more regular polling or continuous tracking than my very conservative backitude settings.
[grantcodes]It's weird, works with one token I already have, if I put a fake one in I get the message I expect, but if I use another valid one it properly breaks.
[grantcodes]Also while I'm at this whenever I save a users url that they enter for indieauth I should follow any redirections and save the final url right?
[grantcodes]I have been bad and just stored whatever the user entered in the form. But means if you write a different url it will make you a new user. Which obviously isn't quite right
[grantcodes]!tell schmarty Been using your indieauth lib, but I can't open issues on So 1. It should support scopes, 2. Should be able to get a token 3. Resolve and return redirected user urls. Happy to write pull requests, but don't want to create another separate npm module
[grantcodes]Hmm yeah I know it's just minimal auth but if it doesn't support scopes you need another library / to do them manually, which seems like a waste
[tantek]Thinking about UI / community friction/barriers/filters and Derek Powazek’s Argument Machine post which makes a good case for *some* UX efficiencies amplifying more negativity than positivity
vilhalmerwasn't there one point that twitter was going to make names not count as part of the character limit? that would be nice except for all the spam implications
tantek___Aside re: income being eliminated, at Technorati we used to get very nasty hate emails (personal, and through support) from spam blog farm maintainers saying Technorati blocking their spam blogs were hurting their income and were to blame for their kids not getting healthcare etc. It was some really nasty stuff.
Loqipstuifzand: [grantcodes] left you a message 19 hours, 30 minutes ago: I've made an independent rel scraper library. Feel free to give it a go
tantek__grantcodes[m]: minor naming nit - looks like your library does actual HTTP header and HTML parsing, didn't see any regex use in there. So you have a relparser technically, not a relscraper.
tantek__making the distinction because there are *actual* scraping libraries out there that use regex to get rel values from headers and/or say the first 1k of an HTML document
sknebelI'd say "scraping" is extracting information that's not specifically encoded to be machine readable, but doesn't say anything about what tools are used. But since rel= is clearly dfinied and intended to be parsed, parser is the better label, yes
tantek__sknebel: that is a reasonably precise definition yes. In coarse terms, usually when code is using a regex to extract apparently (rather than explicitly) machine readable information, then it's "scraping"
LoqiScraping is extracting data from an unstructured web page, opposed to from an API or embedded structured data like microformats
tantek__sknebel,grantcodes there is another nastier subtler misconception lurking here from the old XML days, and that's the myth that if you're machine parsing information from HTML, you're inevitably "scraping" (as opposed to XML, which of course is clean, well defined, always valid, and thus always "parsing")
tantek__delete is definitely very useful (especially if it's quick & responsive immediately after a publish). undo implies very different semantics. like Gmail's undo send.
tantek__if it is, that would be a motivation to figure out how to syndicate an indie /event via RSS so that it showed up in my, and allow folks to RSVP to it from
tantek__even if it is low on the list for mb I'm willing to help work on it, to answer questions, make it easier etc. until enough folks ask for it that it's worth building/shipping/maintaining
[tantek]Easiest way I could think of enabling that is to make it so when I posted an indie event, my existing Atom feed syndication to mb cause the creation of an indie event post on my mb
tantek__Manton, not currently no because I there was no obvious way to do "Atom event posts" or "RSS event posts" for that matter so I just named them "Event" (which I realize is not very helpful)
tantek__However if you know of anything resembling a decent/simple way to post an "event" in an Atom entry or RSS item, I'm willing to do the experimental dev work to publish it as such and post one to try experimenting with
ZegnatYou could also add an (auto-generated) iCal file as an enclosure to the item. So if the item (whether in Atom or RSS) has a text/calendar enclosure it probably denotes an event.
tantek__Manton, would it be reasonable for an Atom feed consumer to look for a sole <div> child like that with a class name of h-* and then treat that entry as that h-* ?
tantek__(read: no open test suite for ics, no actual testable interop, you have to test one calendar user agent at a time, worse than browsers in the early 1990s)
ZegnatIsn’t WP by default all HTML-as-CDATA in feeds? I am just thinking of practicality here in case your proposal becomes the defacto standard for recognising events in feeds.
tantek__Zegnat, I'm ok with restricting this to Atom-only (no RSS), well-formed XHTML div inside Atom <content> only as a way to get this started. Then if the only consumers of such "feed events" also require that, then publishers will comply (otherwise their stuff won't get picked up).
tantek__as a fallback, publishers can publish "simple" events (like my tweet example above) if they can't handle publishing "well formed XHTML" in general
tantek__otherwise I'll figure out the aforementioned XPath for "h-event in Atom content" detection, and then feed consuming code can hand-off the h-event div to a mf2 parser to get mf2json
[manton][tantek] An extra div with h-event to wrap the post content seems fine to me too. It wouldn't have to be Atom-only, would it? Seems like a similar approach would work with RSS or JSON Feed.
[tantek]IIRC, RSS had a few different ways of putting HTML into <item>, in particular I recall HTML escaping. Or maybe CDATA? Is there only one way that extracts HTML content from RSS item elements, or multiple?
AngeloGladdingjust got v3 .onion addresses working and stumbled upon another interesting consequence -- even if I have HTTPS enabled on my (non-shared-hosting) site a user's ISP will know that they are interacting with me (reverse DNS lookup)
aaronpkcrap yeah, I need to run my autolinker *after* the markdown->html conversion, using the same rules I use for html autolinking (traverse all the text nodes except the contents of <a> <pre> <code> and autolink the nicknames inside)
aaronpksecondly, I want to take a @-mention from a PESOS'd post like from instagram and transform that back to a link to the person's website when my site displays it, but that's an even harder one
aaronpkanyway, the reason I can't autolink markdown *before* the html conversion is that [this mention of @tantek]( should not be autolinked
aaronpkin order to do that pre-html conversion I would need to do that crazy trick of substituting all the non-replaceable bits with random strings, then do the replacing, then swap them back
aaronpkother non-replaceable bits include code blocks in `` as well as triple multi-line ```, plus there's the question of what to do for embedded HTML