#dev 2018-09-04
2018-09-04 UTC
[kevinmarks] mung markdown into html, then use html conventions makes sense to me. at least html only has 2 magic characters

snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and AngeloGladding joined the channel
snarfed, eli_oat and iasai joined the channel
renem joined the channel
[kevinmarks], eli_oat1 and [tantek] joined the channel
eli_oat2, eli_oat, eli_oat1, [kevinmarks], [eddie], GeekDude4 and [iambismark] joined the channel
ludovicchabant hey here, do you people send Webmentions for all links in your articles, or just the one tagged with `in-reply-to`? Or something custom? What's the general Webmention etiquette?
danyao, Kongaloosh, dgold, [kevinmarks], barpthewire, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
[Niklas] joined the channel
[Niklas] Hey Dev’s! I am currently building my website with the Kirby CMS “new” and have now integrated Webmentions. The whole thing is local and I don’t have any reactions via webmentions yet, so I can’t test the display and function properly. Is there a way to create Webmentions for testing locally?
KevinMarks joined the channel
petermolnar "The property occupation is not recognised by Google for an object of type Person." - shall I use PerformerIn...? Google gonna' google.

petermolnar or brand? Am I a brand?

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Niklas, did you find webmention.rocks

[kevinmarks] The /webmention page shows how to send them with curl

eli_oat joined the channel
Zegnat There is also https://github.com/voxpelli/node-webmention-testpinger for sending test webmentions, but I have heard that might be a little finicky to set up sometimes

acerbic14, jeremych_ and eli_oat joined the channel
jeremycherfas ludovicchabant I send to all when it is automatic, from my stream on Known, and select when I do it manually, via Telegraph.

egos24, foddo10 and [Niklas] joined the channel
[Niklas] Great, thanks for your solutions!
[Niklas] I will test it
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Loqi [Kevin Marks] @kaniini you choose to use markdown. Now you don't know how many problems you have as everyone does lists differently. http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/?normalize=1&text=+8.+item+1%0A+9.+item+2%0A10.+item+2a

[jgmac1106], eli_oat1, cweiske, eli_oat, barpthewire, m4v2, snarfed and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] What is webmention?

Loqi Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention

[keithjgrant] ☝ has a webmention.svg.png

[keithjgrant] Anywhere I can get an actual svg?

[keithjgrant] (of the logo, I mean)

[keithjgrant] Oh, n/m. Found it here https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/blob/master/public/img/webmention-logo.svg

jjuran, eli_oat and CGML7 joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] can you pass it a 'get url for nickname' function?

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Yes that's what mine does too

[grantcodes] Yeah!

[grantcodes] Mine takes read into account

[grantcodes] What it doesn't do is look look at a next page of results

[grantcodes] But same thing, not likely to have more than a page of entries every minute

[grantcodes] The other thing is maybe like to do is have some way of viewing the notification in your reader of choice but don't know how I'd handle that across readers / devices

[tantek] joined the channel
Loqi An autolink is a hyperlink that was automatically added to some text to link that text to an obvious or useful destination, like hyperlinking a URL in plaintext to the URL itself, linking hashtags to search results, and @-names to their profile pages https://indieweb.org/autolink

jeremycherfas I was just reading about the dangers of SVG in WP and worried that I might make a mistake.

Zegnat aaronpk, “it's "get url for nickname" or "get silo-specific nickname for nickname" depending on the context”, does that really matter? Both would just be a call to something like translateMentions($html, $lookupSystem)? Just that when you are readying the text for twitter you are using the Twitter-specific $lookupSystem?

Loqi ok, I added "[[Falcon]]" to the "See Also" section of /CASSIS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51470&oldid=50127

eli_oat joined the channel
[Serena] joined the channel
petermolnar Zegnat: I barely ever do that, unless there's no way to avoid it; I'd rather make a conditional template based on meta information

MobileMatt27 joined the channel
ludovicchabant Thanks Zegnat and jeremycherfas for the replies last night! This means I should be able to use ronkyuu to do pretty much all the webmention related stuff
aaronpk compare to this which I wrote as text https://github.com/aaronpk/testing/issues/2

[kevinmarks] I always paste URLs for issues , and GH seems to cope

[kevinmarks] yes, I do that because they have a 'make a link' button in the editor

[kevinmarks] and I don't know their short syntaxes

@kevinmarks You have a text editing problem. You decide to use markdown. Now you don't know how many problems you have as everyone does lists differently. http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/?normalize=1&text=+8.+item+1%0A+9.+item+2%0A10.+item+2a (twitter.com/_/status/1036975704569729025)
jackjamieson joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ludovicchabant Do you figure out the appropriate silo usernames by scraping the person’s website homepage? Or by entering manually?
ludovicchabant And what do you do when you POSSE to a silo where the person doesn’t have an account, or you don’t know what it is?
ludovicchabant Well parse yes, sorry :)
ludovicchabant Ok, because the thing I’m wondering is if you write @tantek then how can you automatically figure that you need to go parse tantek.com?
[kevinmarks] it is s legitimate term for something you don't ever want to share

[grantcodes] So you could give tantek a rude nickname if you are so inclined 😛

[grantcodes] But more realistically it might be cool to have relations as alternate nicknames, eg. @mywife @mydad etc...

[grantcodes] yes, just whatever works for you 🙂

ludovicchabant [tantek]: I think Aaron answered my question now that I know his CMS has an address book. But I still think there’s some UX exploration to be done for this kind of thing, especially when you first mention someone
aaronpk like if you look at https://aaronparecki.com/replies there are almost no @-mentions there at all

eli_oat joined the channel
ludovicchabant Hehe
[tantek] Worth adding to /autolink#Brainstorming (and thought I had but obviously it’s not there)

Zegnat Who came up with resources as a single type?! To who did this ever make sense? https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/e1d7ee427a7d6b04c724f4f65e49d28d

dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
aaronpk [cleverdevil] shouldn't the prompt on https://www.indiepaper.io explain to log in with your microsub server URL instead of your website?

eli_oat joined the channel
tomaw12 joined the channel
Zegnat Joys of trying to standardise interop between PHP frameworks, [tantek] ;) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/php-fig/ThSxlGT8i14/okN-bhTUAwAJ

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Note that Facebook autolinks plain names if they're in your friend list too (dynamically autocompleting as you type)

[kevinmarks] It does both

[kevinmarks] Same way Gmail/apple mail does - where the names become lozenges

Zegnat So if you ever need file handling apart from reading an entire file into a string, I recommend you check out https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.splfileobject.php

eli_oat, snarfed, eli_oat1, cweiske and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Kongaloosh hey snarfed! do you mind if I ask you a question about bridgy-fedrated? I'm looking at my web-finger and it's saying my hub is bridgy-fed. Is that correct? that's not my actual hub, but it's what generated.

Kongaloosh r

Kongaloosh thanks :)

[cleverdevil], benwerd, eli_oat and iasai joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich ↩️ @derhess @memotv Reminds me that I need to circle back to this discussion:
https://boffosocko.com/2018/09/04/reply-to-florian-weil-on-annotations-and-webmention/ (twitter.com/_/status/1037039841668558848)
snarfed joined the channel
eli_oat joined the channel
Kongaloosh :) Hey tantek! It's good to be back.

snarfed ok Kongaloosh. re bridgy fed, you were asking about your websub hub? you can have your site advertise any hub you want. bridgy fed doesn't actually care about it, you just need it for mastodon etc to federate with your site and show your posts inside mastodon. (which even then is difficult and unreliable. you can start learning more at https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/1441#issuecomment-302969948 )
Kongaloosh snarfed++

Kongaloosh thanks snarfed!

Kongaloosh I was confused about mastodon and whether or not it was me, or if it was just kind of flaky right now.

[jgmac1106] If I try to remote follow someone from jgmac1106@jgregorymcverry.com it just redirects me to my homepage.....I end up just having to go to my mastodon.social accont

Kongaloosh that's the hub's responsibility, right?

snarfed [jgmac1106]: you mean trying to follow a mastodon user from your site, via bridgy fed? yeah it doesn't support that. PRs welcome! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues
Kongaloosh huh, interesting. yeah, that issue describes what I was doing. I was logging onto mastodon and searching for @kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com

Kongaloosh I'm able to discover myself but end up with a wait for verification

eli_oat joined the channel
[jgmac1106] thx [snarfed] I don't really know how it all supposed to work...reading the getting started guide I am wondering if I still need to add the atom feed plugin...my atom feed looks good

aaronpk so this file acts as both the webfinger response as well as the activitypub actor 😂 https://avocado.lol/.well-known/user.json

Kongaloosh snarfed: do you think that it's not really worth the effort to try federating right now?

snarfed joined the channel
Kongaloosh Cool. On labour day I was noodling with it and trying to get hub communication and things going, but it seemes like I can't reliably get subscriptions to my feed *shrugs*

[jgmac1106] I do it using WP plugins and through OStatus

snarfed [tantek]: yes. known plugin, https://www.arush.io/?p=94127 , maybe others
[jgmac1106] will do but I will defer to [pfefferle] on how oStatus, salmon, and the other plugins all work to POSSE... I really don't what happens with jgmac1106@jgregorymcverry.com I know I see the post since I follow myself and the account gets followers...but that is all I know

eli_oat1 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I think something like indieweb.xyz could be spun up in a federated but decentralized Mastodon like environment,just hve different columns for different tags....heck one could technically just POSSE everything to this chat if you know all the Loqi triggers for different rooms

eli_oat joined the channel
Kongaloosh side note: I'm finding the documentation for most of the pubsubhubbub services are also pretty confusing.

@jgmac1106 Like I know typing webmentions goes right to the dev channel. I don’t need a Mastodon like service. I think we can build decentralized approach where folks always own their content from their own domain (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6438-2/) (twitter.com/_/status/1037048400351514624)
Kongaloosh like, it's very confusing to tell what the requests are supposed to be and what the responses should contain.

Kongaloosh so when things break, or just don't work from the start you don't exactly have many debug leads

aaronpk here's my hub, I tried to make its own docs easy to understand https://switchboard.p3k.io/docs

aaronpk I also wrote this up as a more thorough guide https://indieweb.org/How_to_publish_and_consume_WebSub

Kongaloosh aaronpk: that's so much better than the superfeedr docs, oh man.

Kongaloosh aaronpk++

Kongaloosh I think I've actually narrowed it down to what's broken now. I made a little superfeedr subscriber which is able to subscribe to my hub: a bunch of mastodon instances are able to see my federation, but there seems to be something messed up in mastodon.

snarfed joined the channel
Kongaloosh it's showing me as following @kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com, but that the profile also has zero followers and zero toots.

jackjamieson joined the channel
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Kongaloosh ah, actually, I guess I have a question about formatting.

Kongaloosh is rel="self" supposed to be a feed, or is discovery done for feeds on rel=self?

Kongaloosh so if my hub.url is my site, will whatever's making the request look for, say, "application/atom+xml" to consume?

Kongaloosh or will it make a request expecting the site to return an atom feed?

leg joined the channel
gRegorLove I have rel=self in my notes h-feed

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ludovicchabant [tantek]: FWIW I'm doing auto-POSSE to Mastodon, but no back-feeding or whatever
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[metbril], [pfefferle] and benwerd joined the channel
ludovicchabant I’m using a tool I made called SiloRider
Kongaloosh [tantek]: that's what I thought, but *should* and *are* seem to not overlap entirely :'D

ludovicchabant It’s CMS agnostic since it’s just reading your published HTML and going from there
Kongaloosh ludovicchabant: that's an excellent header image :P

ludovicchabant Thanks :) It’s very early though — it needs better auto formatting of posts (especially when handling links)
ludovicchabant I’m adding support for POSSE’ing to Facebook and Instagram, and sending webmentions
[grantcodes] and benwerd joined the channel
[grantcodes] ludovicchabant: If you figure out Facebook posse now that they killed the api you will be ahead of everyone else!

[grantcodes] But looks awesome!

[grantcodes] ludovicchabant++

Kongaloosh I have given up on caring about facebook posse.

Kongaloosh mostly because there's been a pretty heavy diaspora to twitter it seems

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
kaushalmodi joined the channel
kaushalmodi Hello all

kaushalmodi I have a question about JF2 feed: https://www.w3.org/TR/jf2/#jf2feed_required_fields

kaushalmodi I'd like an "updated" field at the very top level of the jf2feed.json that says when that feed was updated.

kaushalmodi But the spec says "updated MAY be present on any entry object which is a direct child of the top level feed object. If present, this property MUST be a single string value and MUST be formatted as specified by [ISO8601]. "

kaushalmodi >> "which is a direct child of the top level feed object"

kaushalmodi so.. I cannot have "updated" in the top level object?

kaushalmodi or, to put it other way, if I have an "updated" key in the top level object, will that invalidate the whole feed?

benwerd joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
gregorlove.com edited /site-deaths (+495) "archive Yahoo Messenger, inline download chat history instructions" (view diff)

Zegnat kaushalmodi, interesting question. I don’t think it would invalidate the whole feed (in that few checkers will stop parsing because of an additional object member). But jf2 is an almost-straight mapping of mf2, and h-feed does not have an updated property either: http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed

snarfed joined the channel
gregorlove.com edited /site-deaths (+797) "archive Wikispaces, inline why and phased shutdown dates" (view diff)

[davidmead], snarfed, eli_oat, jackjamieson and kaushalmodi joined the channel
kaushalmodi Zegnat: Use case is to check when a site got last updated.

kaushalmodi This is probably specific to my site generator (that can fetch remote JSON objs)

kaushalmodi See the "Last modified" col here: https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/

kaushalmodi I fetch those using github/gitlab API (committed time)

kaushalmodi For folks not using github/gitlab, I was wondering if there's a way to know the last update time using "some" JSON

kaushalmodi I don't know how to parse a random URL's "HTTP Last-Modified header" in Hugo

kaushalmodi No problem. Ping me if you have another way to do what I want.

kaushalmodi I might just resort to suggesting a custom Hugo output format in JSON.

kaushalmodi Folks interested in getting listed on that page (and not using github/gitlab) will simply need to auto-publish a little JSON on their site root containing the update time.

[jgmac1106], [eddie], benwerd and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] You can follow mastodon profiles because they have h-feed markup

eli_oat1 joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Etag/last modified support is a good thing to build

snarfed joined the channel
[kevinmarks] This is still the clearest explanation http://getpython3.com/diveintopython3/http-web-services.html

jackjamieson, benwerd and eli_oat joined the channel
@rubygems jekyll-webmention_io (2.9.7): This Gem includes a suite of tools for managing webmentions in Jekyll:
* Tags
*… https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-webmention_io (twitter.com/_/status/1037102698976477186)
snarfed, jackjamieson, [tantek], benwerd, [aaronpk], eli_oat1, renem, eli_oat and KartikPrabhu joined the channel