#dev 2018-09-05

2018-09-05 UTC
So I've seen this behavior in Feedly and Inoreader now where websub-notified posts strip whitespace around some HTML tags, like links.
But if I don't send a websub ping and the Atom feed gets polled, no whitespace issue.
eli_oat1 joined the channel
Not sure how to debug if it's superfeedr doing it or if there's some library those readers are using that does it?
I just saw it on a schmarty post, which I presume is also via websub
Zegnat, eli_oat, benwerd, renem, iasai, [tantek] and smeggysmeg16 joined the channel
jimpick and tbbrown joined the channel
grantcodes[m]: oh Facebook killed their API? shit, I haven't been on Facebook for a couple years so I guess I missed that :/
Maybe I'll do like Kongaloosh and just not care about Facebook...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Been reading up on WebMention. Looks like a big waste of time now that Twitter's changing authentication. Can I have that hour's reading back again?
notcareaboutfacebook has 1 karma over the last year
lolwhut ^^
Maybe they meant IndieAuth, but even then...
[eddie] joined the channel
tantek grantcodes aaronpk Regarding the nickname/petname discussion earlier, I actually do exactly that. My nickname for my mom and dad are @mom and @dad https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/08/25/19/photo/
[Eddie Hinkle] @mom and @dad visiting with Luke. https://eddiehinkle.com/media/d5efb3e11e690d31f0ea5588ac47eaa1.jpeg
benwerd, snarfed, [tantek], [dougbeal], [iambismark], KartikPrabhu and rigelk joined the channel
eddie has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
barpthewire, KartikPrabhu, [asuh], [kevinmarks], cweiske, cwre, [dougbeal], jjuran, GingerGeek, swentel, TripFandango and renem joined the channel
swentel: How goes the Android work?
GWG, I'm going to open the app for public release soon
swentel: [eddie] left you a message on 2018-06-18 at 4:09pm UTC: For Indigenous for Android do you currently parse a url in anyway to choose which actions to show (Reply, Bookmark, Like, RSVP, etc) or do you just show all potential options? If you parse it is that local code or using a hosted service like XRay?
swentel: tantek left you a message on 2018-07-22 at 6:06pm UTC: which reader was this screenshot from? https://twitter.com/swentel/status/984772721337929729 and has it improved since I added in-stream reply-contexts to likes/replies on my home page h-feed?
GWG, there's still some missing features, but I'm been running this now for about 4 months, and the basics are working fine imo. And no crashes too :)
swentel: I couldn't talk you into my #1 feature, could ?
GWG, dynamic posts ? location ?
Dynamic posts is complicated
Location is just passing data
GWG, it's probably going to ship along too, testing that now locally
it's ready on the drupal side as well now
just testing to make sure the permissions are ok
so coming really really soon :)
I've been using it too
It's been very stable for me
updating the design now, consistent icons, size, colors and more spacing
once that's done, out it will go
!tell Tantek yes that stream is much better now (the issues - sorry for the late answer)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [eddie] I show options based on the metadata coming from aperture, not parsing right now
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
swentel: Thank you for your work on this. You filled a missing piece for me
[jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell gRegorLove: can you use websub.rocks to see what update is sent out from superfeedr?
KSProgramer joined the channel
Does anyone have time to answer one question?
KSProgramer: ask away
Do you know how can I get all room members in one request in stanza io no matter their role
not sure what stanza is at all
or how it is related to indieweb which is the topic for this channel
what is stanza?
It looks like we don't have a page for "stanza" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "stanza is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is stanza.io
Stanza.io is a Javascript library to allow browser developers access to the core XMPP protocols using JSON instead of XML https://indieweb.org/stanza.io
I found stanza io in this web thought this was for discussion for all kind of developing
Anyway thanks for your time
trip_, jjuran, eli_oat, [eddie], snarfed and jgmac1106_ joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
edited /Indigenous_for_Android (-57) "update screenshots"
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created /Orcid (+482) "prompted by jgmac1106_ and dfn added by jgmac1106_"
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edited /Indigenous (-306) "/* Android */"
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edited /Indigenous_for_Android (-3) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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jgmac1106_, jackjamieson, [eddie], [tantek], barpthewire and snarfed joined the channel
hoo boy, my shared host is upgrading php from 5.6 to 7.1. (only the default.) fortunately i only use it for wordpress, so hopefully i'll be ok...?
wordpress is super strict on backcompat so you'll probably be fine
Well, WP should support every PHP version known to man, right?
5.2 wow
They also had nice graphs somewhere on actual PHP version usage they were getting data from through installations.
The percentage of even < 5.6 versions has always astounded me. Though it is getting better.
looks for page
benwerd, [Serena] and snarfed joined the channel; snarfed left the channel
PHP 5.3 is more popular than current stable 7.2. Versions 7.0 and later only narrowly beat the versions below 5.6 (excluding 5.6 itself): https://wordpress.org/about/stats/
PHP << The [https://wordpress.org/about/stats/ WordPress statistics] give some overview of popularity among PHP versions
ok, I added "The [https://wordpress.org/about/stats/ WordPress statistics] give some overview of popularity among PHP versions" to the "See Also" section of /PHP https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51490&oldid=46555
I seem to recall a break in backward compatibility around 5.4 or so
in wordpress?
no, PHP
yeah php drops stuff between versions, but wordpress is very strict about not using any of the new stuff
Amgine joined the channel
Which I believe can be a little harrowing for plugin devs.
no kidding
i'm all in on 7+ now, there's no turning back for me haha
too much good stuff added to not use it
TripFandango joined the channel
I think jkphl forked the code I wrote at IWC Berlin, specifically because he wasn’t ready for 7 yet :(
is also 100% in on 7
(i'm actually still running 5.6 in parallel with 7.2 on my server, since there are a few super old apps I haven't gotten around to testing in 7.2 yet)
And their using such old style of 5.6 code that it doesn’t run on the 7 branch?
I’ve found a lot of stuff Just Works^{tm}
yeah there are a few things that are deprecated in 7.2
anything I wrote targeting 5.6 features will probably work just fine, but i'm worried about the suuuuper old stuff
e.g. the old mysql functions were removed from 7.2. that one tripped me up the other day
removed in 7.0.0 even
but those had been deprecated in 5.6 already too, I believe? in favour of mysqli?
Right, which is why I said if I wrote it for 5.6 it's probably fine, but I've been writing php a long time :-)
Hehe, same, but I guess I almost always kept on the bleeding edge :P
(And tried to avoid databases like the plague.)
I have a site still running that I wrote in like 2003
swentel, eli_oat1, gRegor-mobile, jgmac1106_, tantek__, benwerd and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Orcid (+722) "shorter definition; see also; pagelogo; example"
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created /ORCHID (+1204) "move page to canonical capitalized spelling"
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[chrisaldrich] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
I'm wondering, in microformats / microsub when is it safe to assume the photo property is a poster for a video property
Currently if there is one photo and one video I set it as a poster
ooh there was a discussion thread about this
But I have some posts in my reader that are 1 photo multi-video
IIRC we didn't come to a good conclusion, but I ended up treating 1 photo and 1 video as the photo is a poster
Did a very light wiki dive and didn't find much to help
oh, now I remember, I just skip any mixed-photo-video posts in ownyourgram
I didn't have a good answer so I punted
this falls under post type discovery though
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
Yeah not much about it there either.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
If there is no conclusion I'll just stick with only having posters when there is one of each
[aaronpk] #29 poster frame for videos
feel free to add some notes there
jgmac1106_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /Perkeep (-72) "Add information about Google's CLA"
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willnorris++ thanks for helping clarify that!
willnorris has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
tantek__: swentel left you a message 8 hours, 9 minutes ago: yes that stream is much better now (the issues - sorry for the late answer)
thanks for the update swentel! glad /composite_stream with inline reply contexts is workable / working thing!
leg, [eddie] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
👏 oooo, I think I’m gonna like AWS Lambda
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil]: snarfed left you a message 4 days, 23 hours ago: hmm! sorry about that. 1.13 or head? mind throwing details into an issue?
Lambda rocks.
Wish it had native support for PHP!
Man, I do too! If it did I would serverless all the aaronpk software! 😆
benwerd joined the channel
Which I have played with (got Known *almost* working with it)
But, its definitely not there yet.
Anything you run on Lambda must be stateless, too, not using the filesystem at all, really.
True makes things a little challenging. Do you find much latency between lambda/s3/dynamodb/aurora?
Have you played with Aurora Serverless with the stuff you’ve built?
I enjoyed Lambda but DynamoDB's limits were really frustrating and hard to find good information on https://stevestreza.com/2018/08/30/aws-is-a-pain-without-a-big-budget/
Aurora Serverless works great, in my experience so far.
Latency isn't generally an issue for me with Lambda.
I actually read that the other day, stevestreza 🙂 It was very informative
Cold starts are an issue. But, there are some good best practices for avoiding cold starts.
Thanks [eddie] :) Admittedly I'm a noob at AWS stuff
Yeah, I was a bit concerned about cold starts. Although, If I’m pinging one or more microsub servers every minute, in one case, I might end up paying like crazy, on the other hand I might not run into cold starts?
leg joined the channel
You won't run into cold starts, and the cost is *so low*.
In fact, the free tier is pretty generous.
You get like 1 million requests per month for free.
(For the first 12 months, sadly).
It looks like it's listed under the "always free" tier, 1 million requests/month
cweiske joined the channel
Ahh gotcha :thumbsup:
If you're a node person, which I believe you are, there is also the serverless framework that makes it even easier to develop with Lambda (serverless.com)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Alrighty, been flying through so many Together updates! Live channel reloading, map actually zooms to markers, quotation rendering, automatically collapsed long posts, classic view navigation controls, huge updates to the gallery view (including videos!) and the scrolling performance is way better
[grantcodes] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
GWG, sending location is ! (except for visibility setting, will see if I can get that in before next release)
[manton] joined the channel
@stevestreza Hi! Unrelated to AWS, but... Ever thought about working on Ohai again, rebuilt for IndieWeb technologies? I loved that app. 🙂
[cleverdevil] Yeah, I’ve been doing it directly in AWS to understand it better, but for long-term sustainability I should probably actually use serverless for the app for itself
[dougbeal] joined the channel
[grantcodes] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
[grantcodes]++ for the *awesome* Together updates!
[grantcodes] has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
what is together
Together is a reader that was initially conceived at the 2017 IndieWeb Summit in Portland by Jonathan LaCour and several others during the Putting it all together session https://indieweb.org/together
Oh also [cleverdevil] did you try my microsub push notifications from the other day? Think that's another big part of the puzzle
Nope, I must have missed that.
The other thing I want is a way to format @-mentions in replies intelligently.
Think @ mentions will need to wait to see how aaronpk ends up doing it, there's been some discussion on it recently
I can see a couple of people tried to sign up but don't know if it's fully working to be honest
Cool, I'll check it out!
edited /Indigenous_for_Android (+33) "/* V1 Features */"
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Hmm, I get an error "missing endpoints."
Ah, I guess that is what the others got too. I will have a look
Do I login with my domain or with aperture?
Ah, that doesn't work either.
Same error 🙂
leg joined the channel
Yeah it's not picking up your microsub link for some reason
Ah it must be requesting json by accident and your site returns a json feed
swentel, great. Visibility isn't as urgent as only one endpoint supports it so far.
[cleverdevil] try https://microsub-notifier.tpxl.io/ again. It picks up your endpoints fine now
benwerd_ joined the channel
Trying now.
"Uh Oh. Error finding user."
Ah that one is to do with redirect and stuff I think. Need to get your https's and trailing slashes right 😛
Heh, I tried adding a trailing slash, and now I get "Error getting token."
Oh jeez nothing works 😂
snarfed and gRegor-mobile joined the channel
Ok, getting your token threw a 400 error for some reason. Probably accepts headers again
well [cleverdevil] if you try again I'm not sure it will work, but you might get a better error
[gregorlove] joined the channel
Trying... so far its just hanging at the redirect after I authorize in Known.
Yeah I saw an error that time that was my fault
[dougbeal] joined the channel
504 GW Timeout.
ok one more go 😛
Back to "error getting token"
Ahh well I can see the issue at least.
It's returning query string encoded, and I'm not parsing it 🤦‍♂️ This is what you get for rewriting code that already worked
Amgine_ joined the channel
Known's IndieAuth implementation is... not great.
One of these days, maybe I'll work on it.
Eh nah it's an issue on my end
Ok [cleverdevil] I am above 50% sure it will work now 😆 that's all I can hope for
I'll give it a shot actually setting up notifications later.
I assume that I should use this with something like Pushover?
Well at the moment it is just webhooks so I use ifttt
But at some point I'll make it more extendable so there can be more notification methods available
Consider it mvp 😛
miklb_, miklb__, [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106] and [gregorlove] joined the channel
Who nests their h-events in h-entrys?
[grantcodes] I’m getting {“error”:“parameter_absent”,“error_description”:“Missing Parameter: state”}
I registered indieping.me, for all your indieweb monitoring needs, comming soon™
benwerd joined the channel