#dev 2018-09-07
2018-09-07 UTC
renem, benwerd_, [tantek], bradenslen, tbbrown, mblaney, mblaney1 and iasai joined the channel; mblaney1 left the channel
unicyclic.com mal uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:unicyclic block.png]]" https://indieweb.org/File:unicyclic_block.png"
mblaney1, mblaney, [manton], benwerd, cweiske, Vyoma1, tantek__, barpthewire and swentel joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
petermolnar morning all

petermolnar I've tried the new chrome, jesus, the url thing is absolute insanity

petermolnar I have no idea how this feature got into an actual release

eli_oat, benwerd, bradenslen and barpthewire joined the channel
@khurtwilliams ↩️ @kickscondor I was wondering that out of the blue Webmention was about. :-) (twitter.com/_/status/1038080998737629189)
sknebel https://runbook.cloud/blog/posts/how-we-massively-reduced-our-aws-lambda-bill-with-go/ <- when the advertised program style conflicts with the billing model
[xavierroy] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel; Jeena left the channel
[keithjgrant] well crap. Looks like I just found a Chrome bug that's gonna delay the release of Omnibear

[keithjgrant] I was hoping to get it out today. But I think you'll kind of need to be able to scroll the window if the content is long. Seems like an important feature

TripFandango, benwerd, tantek__, swentel, jackjamieson, snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jackjamieson GWG, BTW I finally reproduced the timeout error I had mentioned before. Turns out it wasn't with the parse-mf2 class directly, but rather a timeout in masterminds/html5...
jackjamieson Yeah, it seems quite snappy now
jackjamieson Am I right that parse-this will work just fine without masterminds/html5 installed? Looks to me like it should fall back reasonably, so I thought removing it would be an option
jackjamieson Nice, in that case I'll omit it for now I guess
jackjamieson Well, I'll keep testing as much as possible - so far it's working quite well for me
jackjamieson GWG: Ah, I thought it was new, but I must have just missed it before
jackjamieson sknebel, of course! I've been getting an error intermittently so I'll add some more detailed logging so I can try to narrow it down. I can do that today
jackjamieson GWG: Did you see my notes on github about the post type discovery?
jackjamieson Thanks, hope it's helpful - really the only issue I noticed
jackjamieson Well, I appreciate it very much. Hopefully it's useful to others too, but I'll make good use of it regardless :)
jackjamieson sknebel - the error I've been having with masterminds is "PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /.../wp-content/plugins/yarns-microsub-server/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Parser/Scanner.php on line 82"
jackjamieson I've added some extra logging so next time it occurs I'll be able to find out which url triggered it, and if it happens consistently
jackjamieson Scanner.php line 82 is part of public function current(), which gets the current character, but I'm not sure in what situation this leads to that error
jackjamieson Maybe just a result of polling several urls in a row (e.g. when checking for new posts among several sites at once)
jackjamieson Hmmm... when I get those timeouts it's always at line 82 of scanner.php - so it's consistent that way, but unless I can reproduce it more reliably I think you're probably right
jackjamieson At any rate, I'll just keep an eye on it for now - might just be a sign to better optimize my polling
Amgine and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Big update to https://microsub-notifier.tpxl.io it's a proper app now!

[grantcodes] I can send emails now and sort of works with kindles! For [eddie] [cleverdevil] and aaronpk

[grantcodes] Html formatting is still quite janky though

[grantcodes] And if anyone wants more notification methods it is quite easily extendable now

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Niiiiiice

[eddie] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Says your site timed out [eddie]

[grantcodes] Only needs the read scope

[grantcodes] Hmm should be at the end of the url

[grantcodes] Oh yeah

[grantcodes] I am using martys fork of my micropub library, which is not meant for getting tokens really 😩

[kiai] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Give me 2 minutes and I'll try and fix that

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[grantcodes] [eddie] you should be able to log in now

[grantcodes] I think I know what is wrong with the html formatting in the emails now, so going to try to fix that too

[grantcodes] Yay

[grantcodes] See if you can figure out how to use it 😛 May be a bit confusing

[grantcodes] Wait one second

[grantcodes] Ok html formatting should work now

[grantcodes] You need to make sure to add the email address to your allowed list on amazon too

[grantcodes] Ok good to try now

[grantcodes] Awesome! It works for me!

[grantcodes] Only problem is they are all just going to be called "article" at the moment

KevinMarks joined the channel
[grantcodes] The other thing I want to do is append a link to the end of the article so you can click it to mark read, but that requires generating secret links

[grantcodes] Special characters I am not sure about, I don't know if I should handle them or not. It should be valid html

[grantcodes] Also way more complicated to build 😛

[grantcodes] I'm going to set the attachment file name to be the same as the subject line. So you can set it to

and it will work better#
[grantcodes] Also happy to have contributions if you want to add more types of notifications / improve them. Collections / Editions would be difficult with how it's currently set up though

[tantek] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Node & react

[grantcodes] This is probably the folder of interest: https://github.com/grantcodes/microsub-notifier/tree/master/src/notifiers

[grantcodes] I wonder if amazon uses some meta tags or something to create the preview images. That would be awesome, but probably not supported. I was hoping title tags would work for the filename

benwerd and swentel joined the channel
[grantcodes] Yeah I thought I did, but maybe didn't restart the service or misspelled something

[grantcodes] swentel: can I test it without making a post? I added an image to a note and haven't got an error. But not posted it

[gregorlove] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Oh yeah. Got it now

[grantcodes] I got a 500 error so that's probably my fault

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Been thinking more about this.

[cleverdevil] When I get a reply to a post on Micro.blog, I get a push notification, which I can tap, and am immediately put into a position where I can type out a reply and press "send." So, I do that all the time.

[cleverdevil] Even if I did get push notifications set up through something like Pushover, I wouldn't have the fully integrated experience.

[cleverdevil] Ultimately, I am thinking that Indigenous for iOS is my best hope for a fully integrated experience.

Amgine joined the channel
[grantcodes] [eddie] Proper names working now for kindle

[eddie] [cleverdevil] I agree. That’s why I’ve started working on the Amazon serverless Push Notifications for Indigenous. For Kindle posts the Microsub notifier definitely works for me, but I haven’t set up anything like Pushover because I want to be able to force press on a notification and instantly either “like” or “reply”

[cleverdevil] Yes yes, that's what I want too 🙂

aaronparecki.com edited /Special:Log/upload () "uploaded a new version of "[[File:2018-pdx-hwc.jpg]]"" (view diff)

mattl and tantek__ joined the channel
doubleloop1 joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Special:Log/upload () "uploaded a new version of "[[File:2018-250-xoxo-indieweb-1.jpg]]"" (view diff)

doubleloop1 I'm trying to set up microsub with Aperture and Monocle - my site is running Wordpress and I've used the Wordpress Aperture plugin
doubleloop1 That's created me an account on Aperture and added <link rel="microsub" href="https://aperture.p3k.io/microsub/114"> in my head
doubleloop1 When I log in to Monocle, I get the error: "error_description": "The token endpoint could not verify this access token", with a bit more detail - "response": "
{\"error\":\"parameter_absent\",\"error_description\":\"Bearer Token Not Supplied\"}
doubleloop1 I'll paste the whole response into a pastie somewhere, one sec...
doubleloop1 https://pastebin.com/rXqPyMW6
[eddie] doubleloop1 I believe this was the fix https://wordpress.org/plugins/micropub/#faq-header

doubleloop1 Cor blimey guvnor, that fixed it!
doubleloop1 Thanks so much
doubleloop1 It's running in Apache, yes
doubleloop1 I might have nginx as a reverse proxy although I honestly don't remember setting it up as such... :/
doubleloop1 That's great, thank you very much
doubleloop1 swentel - thank you, I did that already, and it is totally awesome
doubleloop1 mind blown by being able to publish to my site from command line with shpub, mobile with indigenous, and now a reader on my mobile too, good times indeed
[tantek] joined the channel
doubleloop1 swentel: oh just to mention, in case someone else reports similar, the error message from indigenous when the microsub client wasnt working because (i assume) the same issue that monocle reported, the error was (something like) 'No channels found, please check your internet connection'
benwerd and [keithjgrant] joined the channel