#dev 2018-09-08

2018-09-08 UTC
benwerd, renem, eli_oat, KevinMarks and [eddie] joined the channel
I’m thinking about setting up something similar to https://changemap.co/hellocode/exist/ for Indigenous, but that’s powered by IndieWeb technologies.
There are essentially 3 functions that seem to need to happen. A user should be able to post a suggestion, vote for a suggestion and comment on a suggestion
Essentially I think adding a suggestion would be a reply/syndication link to the roadmap homepage.
Voting for a suggestion would be sending a like to the permalink of a suggestion
And a comment would be a reply to a permalink
Seems like that’s all it would take. The rest would be on my administration of the suggestions by grouping them into categories on the backend
Anyone have any thoughts on that?
KevinMarks and benwerd joined the channel
!tell Eddie one of the things I like about the Exist roadmap is that it emails me updates. When traffic is low, that makes it easy to keep up.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks_, barpthewire and Nicu joined the channel
edited /RSS/silo_examples (+0) "/* Instagram */ Fixed broken RSS URL"
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KevinMarks and [eddie] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: I just noticed that. That’s a cool feature. I was thinking about that. Email could definitely be a subscribe option. I’m also thinking you could have the stream of updates on a suggestion be an h-feed and link to RSS and JSON Feed, so you could get updates in a reader
[eddie]: jeremycherfas left you a message 5 hours, 23 minutes ago: one of the things I like about the Exist roadmap is that it emails me updates. When traffic is low, that makes it easy to keep up.
swentel and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
What is Exist?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Exist" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Exist is ____", a sentence describing the term)
swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[kim_landwehr]: I'd guess he was talking about https://exist.io/
[eddie] joined the channel
Exist is a service that tracks and analyzes your life by pulling in information from various APIs and builds correlations to help you understand yourself better.
Sorry, I couldn't find a page named "Exist" or similar
What is Exist?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Exist" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Exist is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Exist is a service that tracks and analyzes your life by pulling in information from various APIs and builds correlations to help you understand yourself better.
created /Exist (+188) "prompted by [eddie] and dfn added by [eddie]"
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ok, I added "https://exist.io" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Exist https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51545&oldid=51544
edited /Exist (+36) "[eddie] added "https://exist.io" to "See Also""
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#frontend Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet http://bit.ly/2Cz9i2z
I'm faced with how my webmention processor should handle this case: <a href="http://example.com/blah" class="u-in-reply-to">...</a> ... <a href="http://example.com/blah" class="u-repost">...</a>
If you are example.com/blah, you accept the mention
If queried about what kind of wm it is, would it be better to say "It's both a reply and a repost", or is it OK to say "Its markup is wonky, soooo let's just say it's a reply" ?
Post Type Discovery says it is just a repost: https://www.w3.org/TR/post-type-discovery/#algorithm
Though I am now wondering if that is right.
Thank you, I'm not sure I knew about the Post Type Discovery algo.
If it also contains the in-reply-to, chances are it isn’t just a 100% share and will also contain some notes from the other party. So I am not sure if in-reply-to shouldn’t outrank repost-of
If you are seeing this in the wild, you are actually best suited to answer that question: in this actual example, do you think it is a repost or reply?
But it sounds like a post is generally only one thing, which is my main concern
And not potentially a whole list of things
Under Post Type Discovery, posts are treated as one thing, yes
No, not seeing it in the wild just yet. I'm fixing a bug in my processor's type detection, and the possibility of this confusion occurred to me.
(Before today, my Web::Mention module would check the entire h-entry in the wm source doc for e.g. an "in-reply-to" property, and mark the mention as a reply if it found one anywhere. Spot the bug!)
Ah. Alright. Well, generally we expect repost-of posts to be duplications in their entirety (no added value) like a retweet.
So seeing them together with in-reply-to should be rare
Yep. I'd certainly consider it erroneous markup and wondered how to most gracefully handle it, and I think the PTD algorithm answers that tidily. Thanks!
I save them as both "reply" and "repost" then decide which one when I am displaying them. So I don't lose any info if I change the display later
I don't have my webmention endpoint make those decisions either. It only makes sure it was a valid mention and stores it.
right. I think it is better to have those things separated
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Yeah... this is for library code so it doesn't care about display either, and it'd be simpler if it just picked one.
I'm interested to see that Post Type Discovery lists RSVP as a post type, but not quotation. (My current list of types, which I assembled naively by myself months ago, is: reply, like, repost, quotation, mention)
Obviously I should add RSVP support, but maybe I'm wrong in having quotations there too
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
thanks [eddie]
[Niklas] joined the channel
Do I read Post Type Discovery correctly that if an webmention's source doc's h-entry contains a valid rsvp property anywhere inside it, then the webmention is an RSVP, no matter what else might in in the source?
Quotation is one that has always puzzled me, because for me it is always either part of a reply or of a bookmark. I’m not sure how I would do a quotation without a URL going to the source, which I suppose could be a <cite>
Completely separate question: Anyone wanna volunteer to help code review my Web::Mention library work? (Requires tolerance for seeing raw Perl code.)
All my wm library work so far has been just me, but it's probably far enough along now that it could definitely benefit from double-checking
knows 0 perl.
Maybe petermolnar?
Mainly looking for someone to sign off on future patches (e.g. the bugfix I'd like to publish this weekend), versus grokking the whole mess currently there
KevinMarks, [jgmac1106], pstuifzand and singpolyma joined the channel
Talking of OPMLs: miklb, [jgmac1106], anyone, know of any sort of standard definition for feed reader export OPMLs?
I'm not. I once looked into how I might sync multiple OPML files in a GitHub repo and after a couple of hours reading I decided it was a hill I wasn't prepared to die on.
Could a kind soul please double-check that this is a valid minimal RSVP document? (This is input for an automated test.) https://pastebin.com/2PF201Px
jmac, most of the time, the event URL will be the in-reply-to. See the example here: https://indieweb.org/rsvp#How_to_RSVP_with_HTML
miklb, guess I’ll just do what pstuifzand did, grab all the URLs and not care about any nesting (which may or may not be categories / folders)
Zegnat: makes sense
You should also be able to use that to see that the RSVP is actually aimed at you.
Theoretically you could be a URL that just happened to be mentioned on the same page, and not the target of the RSVP
I agree
Okay... so IF the source doc has an in-reply-to property associated with a URL that I, the webmention receiver, care about, AND the doc has a valid-value "rsvp" property anywhere inside it, THEN I must treat the webmention as an RSVP. Right?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
That sounds right
Whew! Okay
[kevinmarks], my main question with OPML is whether readers have standardised on some way of handling things like folders / tags / etc.
If you have any code that does that, I would be interested in seeing it
leg and singpolyma joined the channel
mine just maintained the nesting in the original, it didn't try to normalize it
but microsub doesn't have nesting afaik
closest to that would be channels?
barpthewire joined the channel
Just for fun, if anyone wants to review my patch to add RSVP support and improve post type discovery to my Perl Webmention library, I've put up a pull request while I wander out to lunch. https://github.com/jmacdotorg/webmention-perl/pull/2/
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed, commented out those .htaccess rules, stupid me :/
swentel: np!
will try again to see if something happens .. :)
hey snarfed I have a really weird thing happening with replies and WP and bridgy where if I put the permalink in the preview box, it parses correctly, but if I do a micropub reply it doesn't. Any suggestions on how to track that down?
meaning, the micropub reply and syndication doesn't go through as a reply on Twitter, but if I take that same permalink and put it in the preview, it does show it as a Twitter reply
miklb: huh, odd indeed
have you looked at the logs?
looking at the last test and it shows in-reply-to h-cite with a u-url to the original tweet. I deleted the tweet last night since it didn't make any sense out of context of being a reply
I deleted the failed reply, not the original
hmm i wonder if it isn't handling composite in-reply-to right (as opposed to plain string url)
yes, I mean that I don't think that you can have channels inside channels in microsub
miklb: odd, i don't see your previews on https://brid.gy/twitter/miklb#publishes
see my previews?
this was the micropub reply that didn't come in as a reply on Twitter https://miklb.com/blog/2018/09/08/4394/
[Michael Bishop] I’ve not heard one mention of this the rest of the day.
yeah log links and contents are all public, everything sensitive gets redacted
ah ok. the one attempt at that i see in the "Published" list on your user page is that preview. i don't see a real attempt
(the parsing is the same for preview vs real publish afaik)
I deleted the Tweet it generated
as it was out of context to the tweet it was replying to
sorry, i meant, i don't see the real attempt on your bridgy user page
but if I generate the reply in teh WP admin, it works. That's the other weird part of the equation. Only via micropub does this happen
ah ok. i wonder if the post is only half rendered when micropub pings bridgy, and it doesn't have the u-in-reply-to yet, or something
I think we saw that a while back when miklb first encountered this
(unless you changed something since then?)
well, I've been tweaking the markup for the reply to make sure it wasn't something in the parsing, but now I've narrowed it down to micropub replies only. But I had just updated my template when I tested last.
[sknebel] what's weird is that the bridgy log doesn't show it even having the property in the parser result
KevinMarks joined the channel
so wanted to confirm wasn't something I was missing in the mf2 before tracked it down on the WP side.
sknebel: which log? i'm seeing the real publish attempts for that post in my server side logs, but oddly not on miklb's user page
[Niklas] joined the channel
snarfed: that was a few days ago, so the log for what I refer to in that quote isnt there any more
but it didn't have the reply-to markup miklb's page had at that point
pointing me towards something with WP not rendering it at that point
right, same on the current real publish attempts today and yesterday for https://miklb.com/blog/2018/09/08/4394/ , bridgy saw no in-reply-to
[Michael Bishop] I’ve not heard one mention of this the rest of the day.
if it would help I can do another micropub reply and not delete anything
but if syndication links are hooking into pre_micropub that might be the problem?
ah i see it only shows the latest attempt per post. i'll find the older links
goes and looks at the code
miklb: in this case it's not synd links, it
...'s the in-reply-to link
right, but if WP is trying to send the micropub syndicate-to before micropub is done rendering the post?
ahhh i see, yes
cc GWG
I think GWG is still catching up from being 1/2 across the world for a month.
so this touches micropub, post-kinds, bridgy-publish and webmention plugins. needle.haystack
snarfed joined the channel
ok, thanks for confirming that's what the problem is. That helps a lot
snarfed joined the channel
I'm just going to work back from where syndicate-to gets called in `micropub_query` and go from there
snarfed and Amgine_ joined the channel
miklb: maybe try swapping the two in the second link and try if that is enough?
KevinMarks joined the channel
I'm not sure that syndication is same as syndicate-to is it?
KevinMarks and sknebel_ joined the channel
hmm, maybe
KevinMarks joined the channel
edited /payment (+441) "/* payment page examples */ Add pay.grant.codes example"
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(sorry, my IRC setup is suddenly failing)
I lost connection for a minute myself I think
I just swapped the `after_micropub` with the `micropub_syndication` actions and am about to test
swapped the order
Amgine joined the channel
no effect
Kaja, KevinMarks, Zegnat and sknebel joined the channel
note to self: do not kill random iptables entries you do not understand what they're for... occasionally you had a reason for adding them
snarfed joined the channel
miklb: hm, then I don't have any obvious ideas for a solution :/ hopefully one of the WP experts has an idea based on what we found
snarfed joined the channel
but now I'm seeing notices from webmention and semantic linkbacks plugins. 🤦‍♂️
KevinMarks joined the channel
actually, now that I think about it, switching the order surfaced those errors. That might be worth further investigation.
KevinMarks joined the channel
unrelated :-/
KartikPrabhu, snarfed and TripFandango joined the channel
I can see I need to be more comfortable testing micropub locally
at last have a set of handy snippets I can use with shpub and my local site
KevinMarks, strugee_ and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
Well, I shipped omnibear 1.2.0, but I forgot to re-run npm install after I switched machines, so I shipped it with a higher version of micropub-helper than I intended
I'm not sure what that will mean for the WordPress interop...
I personally wasn't able to auth with Omnibear 1.1 or 1.2 with the master of all the plugins
Has anyone tested with the current stable versions?
I haven't. I've been trying to iron the bugs out the 2.0 beta
I'll do some Network traffic inspection and see if it's still sending the cookies
we see the same error with other micorpub clients like OYG, which works for me so not sure the exact source of it
maybe it was ownyourswarm
maybe even Quill
Well, fewer unique errors sounds like a bit of forward progress
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
hmm. might be coincidence but my error with Omnibear 403s getting the syndicate-to and that reply issue is related to syndicate-to
Amgine and KevinMarks joined the channel