[eddie]There are essentially 3 functions that seem to need to happen. A user should be able to post a suggestion, vote for a suggestion and comment on a suggestion
jeremycherfas!tell Eddie one of the things I like about the Exist roadmap is that it emails me updates. When traffic is low, that makes it easy to keep up.
[eddie]jeremycherfas: I just noticed that. That’s a cool feature. I was thinking about that. Email could definitely be a subscribe option. I’m also thinking you could have the stream of updates on a suggestion be an h-feed and link to RSS and JSON Feed, so you could get updates in a reader
Loqi[eddie]: jeremycherfas left you a message 5 hours, 23 minutes ago: one of the things I like about the Exist roadmap is that it emails me updates. When traffic is low, that makes it easy to keep up.
[eddie]Exist is a service that tracks and analyzes your life by pulling in information from various APIs and builds correlations to help you understand yourself better.
[eddie]Exist is a service that tracks and analyzes your life by pulling in information from various APIs and builds correlations to help you understand yourself better.
jmacI'm faced with how my webmention processor should handle this case: <a href="http://example.com/blah" class="u-in-reply-to">...</a> ... <a href="http://example.com/blah" class="u-repost">...</a>
jmacIf queried about what kind of wm it is, would it be better to say "It's both a reply and a repost", or is it OK to say "Its markup is wonky, soooo let's just say it's a reply" ?
ZegnatIf it also contains the in-reply-to, chances are it isn’t just a 100% share and will also contain some notes from the other party. So I am not sure if in-reply-to shouldn’t outrank repost-of
ZegnatIf you are seeing this in the wild, you are actually best suited to answer that question: in this actual example, do you think it is a repost or reply?
jmac(Before today, my Web::Mention module would check the entire h-entry in the wm source doc for e.g. an "in-reply-to" property, and mark the mention as a reply if it found one anywhere. Spot the bug!)
jmacYep. I'd certainly consider it erroneous markup and wondered how to most gracefully handle it, and I think the PTD algorithm answers that tidily. Thanks!
KartikPrabhuI save them as both "reply" and "repost" then decide which one when I am displaying them. So I don't lose any info if I change the display later
jmacI'm interested to see that Post Type Discovery lists RSVP as a post type, but not quotation. (My current list of types, which I assembled naively by myself months ago, is: reply, like, repost, quotation, mention)
jmacDo I read Post Type Discovery correctly that if an webmention's source doc's h-entry contains a valid rsvp property anywhere inside it, then the webmention is an RSVP, no matter what else might in in the source?
jeremycherfasQuotation is one that has always puzzled me, because for me it is always either part of a reply or of a bookmark. I’m not sure how I would do a quotation without a URL going to the source, which I suppose could be a <cite>
jmacCompletely separate question: Anyone wanna volunteer to help code review my Web::Mention library work? (Requires tolerance for seeing raw Perl code.)
jmacMainly looking for someone to sign off on future patches (e.g. the bugfix I'd like to publish this weekend), versus grokking the whole mess currently there
KevinMarks, [jgmac1106], pstuifzand and singpolyma joined the channel
miklbI'm not. I once looked into how I might sync multiple OPML files in a GitHub repo and after a couple of hours reading I decided it was a hill I wasn't prepared to die on.
jmacCould a kind soul please double-check that this is a valid minimal RSVP document? (This is input for an automated test.) https://pastebin.com/2PF201Px
jmacOkay... so IF the source doc has an in-reply-to property associated with a URL that I, the webmention receiver, care about, AND the doc has a valid-value "rsvp" property anywhere inside it, THEN I must treat the webmention as an RSVP. Right?
jmacJust for fun, if anyone wants to review my patch to add RSVP support and improve post type discovery to my Perl Webmention library, I've put up a pull request while I wander out to lunch. https://github.com/jmacdotorg/webmention-perl/pull/2/
miklbhey snarfed I have a really weird thing happening with replies and WP and bridgy where if I put the permalink in the preview box, it parses correctly, but if I do a micropub reply it doesn't. Any suggestions on how to track that down?
miklbmeaning, the micropub reply and syndication doesn't go through as a reply on Twitter, but if I take that same permalink and put it in the preview, it does show it as a Twitter reply
miklblooking at the last test and it shows in-reply-to h-cite with a u-url to the original tweet. I deleted the tweet last night since it didn't make any sense out of context of being a reply
miklbwell, I've been tweaking the markup for the reply to make sure it wasn't something in the parsing, but now I've narrowed it down to micropub replies only. But I had just updated my template when I tested last.
[keithjgrant]Well, I shipped omnibear 1.2.0, but I forgot to re-run npm install after I switched machines, so I shipped it with a higher version of micropub-helper than I intended