[tantek][aaronpk] this open source fitness syncing app looks like a great candidate for Micropub support: https://tapiriik.com (to automatically PESOS from ~20 fitness tracking apps!)
[tantek]I’m guessing they’ve figured out some common objects/properties across those various sites so that deserves looking into (and seeing how it could map to h-entry properties and/or one or more new h-* objects)
[eddie]tantek aaronpk I added the common attributes I found in the code to the exercise page. Seems like a good starting place. Some of them are already mf2 like StartTime and EndTime (h-event), as well as name. And they also have a Boolean private which can be mirrored with Micropub’s visibility Extension
[eddie]So that just leaves 3 unrepresented mf2: Type (of exercise), Distance (I think has been experimented by Aaron but not finalized), and if it was stationary exercise
[eddie]I’m definitely hoping to iterate on some exercise stuff this year and build an Apple Health sync app using Micropub. An itch for both [cleverdevil] and I
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