#dev 2018-09-09

2018-09-09 UTC
KartikPrabhu, TripFandango, KevinMarks, renem, snarfed, KevinMarks_, barpthewire and jjuran joined the channel
Perhaps a nice client for Microsub would be an Android app that allows you to follow a website by sharing the link. https://p83.nl/p/956
barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ IBM Workplace > Instant messaging > Linkback > Webmention > XML namespace > XML Encryption > InkML > P3P > WAI-ARIA > Timed text > XSLT
snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
Webmention links to XMLNS?!?
[aaronpk] this open source fitness syncing app looks like a great candidate for Micropub support: https://tapiriik.com (to automatically PESOS from ~20 fitness tracking apps!)
Which will probably beg the questions of how to represent the data (and how much of it).
I’m guessing they’ve figured out some common objects/properties across those various sites so that deserves looking into (and seeing how it could map to h-entry properties and/or one or more new h-* objects)
^^^ also for anyone else who wants to “own your exercises data”
What is exercise?
exercise is a (typically) passive post type that represents some form of physical activity https://indieweb.org/exercise
Hah the page already mentions Tapiriik and micropub
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Webmention links to URI instead of URL
tantek__, iasai and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
edited /exercise (+338) "/* Silo Examples */ + Tapiriik examples"
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[eddie] joined the channel
tantek aaronpk I added the common attributes I found in the code to the exercise page. Seems like a good starting place. Some of them are already mf2 like StartTime and EndTime (h-event), as well as name. And they also have a Boolean private which can be mirrored with Micropub’s visibility Extension
Oh and notes can be mf2 content
So that just leaves 3 unrepresented mf2: Type (of exercise), Distance (I think has been experimented by Aaron but not finalized), and if it was stationary exercise
Eddie++ awesome! That kind of analysis is key!
Eddie has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
edited /exercise (+150) "/* Tapiriik */ add mf2 correlations"
(view diff)
I’m definitely hoping to iterate on some exercise stuff this year and build an Apple Health sync app using Micropub. An itch for both [cleverdevil] and I
leg, [chrisaldrich], [keithjgrant] and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
apple health to micropub would be awesome
[eddie] joined the channel
My first goal is Apple Watch activity rings and step count. Then move on to sleeping and exercises
jeremych_, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
ooh, that would be awesome for de-siloing that data even if only to a private micropub server
KevinMarks and iasai joined the channel
so I've been reading something about having posts on the web
namely under https://indieweb.org/IndieMark (search for "post content in HTML")
swentel joined the channel
this effectively prohibits SPAs from working within the realm of the IndieWeb, no?
KevinMarks joined the channel
SPA doesn't necessarily mean you don't have working urls delivering HTML content
KevinMarks joined the channel
if you mean "load post content as some json blob from JS" without any fallback, then yes, that doesn't work.
an SPA that has server-side rendering or progressively enhances a post page is compatible on the other hand
KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
Okay. There's some cool new stuff I want to add the Omnibear, but I think my next task needs to be auto-send webmentions.
I might have to look into a micropub-to-git bridge before I consider moving away from jekyll
Ideally I want a github-to-webmention lib for static sites, with a “deploy to heroku” button
@jacky what are you looking to switch to
I'm debating moving to a home-grown solution that I'd eventually open source
For static sites, or more app-like CMS?
I use this lib as my micropub server for my Hugo (static) site: https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github
[voxpelli] webpage-micropub-to-github: Self-hosteable Micropub endpoint that publishes to Jekyll by committing to GitHub
might have to look into that
I host my site's code on my own Gitea instance tho
Hm, not sure this will plug into gitea
yeah some refactoring would be needed
and now I don't know. going back to a SSG site will have me end up in the same problem I have with Jekyll
my site isn't _small_ per-se
and I wouldn't want a full on CMS
I'm just going to roll something, lol
eli_oat, KevinMarks, testt, deathrow1 and [Niklas] joined the channel
Somebody here who is using Kirby CMS and microformats?
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
what is Kirby?
Kirby is a filed-based CMS written in PHP https://indieweb.org/Kirby
[Niklas]: maybe documented there ^
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and eli_oat1 joined the channel
Weekend engineering blah: • Web::Mention 1.6 fixes some bugs and adds support for RSVP webmentions. (https://metacpan.org/pod/Web::Mention) • Made giant-step progress towards a CPAN-installable version of Plerd. • Tried to go to the seafood festival Saturday but the lines were ridiculous
anyone know if there is a node equivalent to xray?
iasai joined the channel