swentel[schmarty], any idea what I might be missing when the indiewebring can't validate my links ? they are on the site but the checker seems to miss them ..
Loqi[schmarty]: [grantcodes] left you a message 6 days, 21 hours ago: Been using your indieauth lib, but I can't open issues on https://git.schmarty.net/schmarty/indieauth-authentication So 1. It should support scopes, 2. Should be able to get a token 3. Resolve and return redirected user urls. Happy to write pull requests, but don't want to create another separate npm module
Loqi[schmarty]: swentel left you a message 3 days, 21 hours ago: tried verifying my site (realize.be) on indieweb ring, but doesn't seem to find the links .. am I doing something wrong ? :)
[schmarty]swentel: stepping through the code, i don't see why it's not picking up the links. i'm going to expand this with an admin panel that'll let me run the checks myself, add some debugging, see what i can find.
[schmarty][grantcodes] thanks for the feedback on indieauth-authentication! i was going to wait to put it on github until i had un-hardcoded the tests, but i'll make a github fork now.
[grantcodes]Personally although I know it's technically a separate thing, I really think I single library that could handle auth, scopes and tokens would be ideal
[schmarty][grantcodes]: agreed that a single library feels best. handling URL normalization / resolution, auth, and scopes/tokens. bonus if it can also get representative h-card info. mega bonus if it can do that while minimizing requests to the user's homepage. :}
jeremycherfasDefinite noob question: if I want to use rsync to backup a folder on a remote server to my local machine, is it best to run the command on the local server or on the remote server? I can use full paths in either case.
[schmarty]jeremycherfas: i find that what's "best" for that situation depends on several things. e.g. which machine is likely to be up more. i have a couple of local machines that mostly store backups and i have remote servers log into them using restricted accounts to dump their backup data.
[keithjgrant]So, given a page url... Is there a set algorithm for determining which links on the page should have webmentions sent? All links in the main h item? How do I know which h item is the "main" one?
[keithjgrant]So if my post is a reply to post X, I would have send a webmention when I first posted. Then, if mine updates, it would re-send the original webmentions, and post X could see successive comments now displayed on my site. Correct?
snarfedi haven't followed salmentions in detail, but i think in general we expect wm smarts to be mostly in receivers, not senders. ie pages send webmentions pretty blindly to everything they link to, and receivers interpret semantics, de-dupe, etc
aaronpkThink of sending a webmention as a shortcut for someone stumbling across an existing link from one page to another. It speeds up that process but the link still exists whether or not the webmention is sent