#dev 2018-09-11

2018-09-11 UTC
KartikPrabhu, eli_oat, renem, Amgine, rigelk, [jgmac1106], cweiske, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, swentel, NinjaTrappeur, jeremych_, mblaney and barpthewire joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
created /Hubpages (+166) "prompted by jeremycherfas and dfn added by jeremycherfas"
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edited /Hubpages (+39) "jeremycherfas added "http://hubpages.com" to "See Also""
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[keithjgrant] an important question to ask is when something is an “irrelevant” link. Some people may only want to show actual replies while others want to display the full list of mentions (where nothing is seen irrelevant)
I really wish I could figure out how to send webmentions. I can only do it manually. My website is broken and nobody can tell me how to fix it. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6565-2/)
dougbeal|iOS, KartikPrabhu and [dougbeal] joined the channel
Time to scare up some links. Today, I’m asking around for personal websites on Reddit’s /r/web_design—if you want to participate: post there, or respond to this on Twitter, or send this post a Webmention. https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/9etudd/what_personal_blogs_or_websites_have_you_made/
pstuifzand and jackjamieson joined the channel
↩️ Greg, your post reminded me of my ongoing inability to add your site to my Microsub reader. Last I checked (was back in August), when I tried to curl your site from my web server it failed. I tried again today and it worked, so that’s a step in the… https://wp.me/pa1ZnJ-uF
snarfed joined the channel
Things are getting pretty cool with a combination of Micropub and Microsub compatible tools and services I have complete control over my own reading list (bye bye Instapaper and Pocket) and it even pushes the articles to my Kindle! (https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/09/11/5/photo/)
iasai, [keithjgrant] and astilla joined the channel
After some invaluable input from sknebel, I did some more work on sending webmentions in a secure way: https://github.com/Zegnat/php-webmention-endpoint-discovery/wiki/Send-Webmention-to-verified-IP
swentel joined the channel
I’d love to hear if anyone has any comments on that. Still looking for ways to strengten the secureDiscover method too.
snarfed and gRegorLove joined the channel
moved /Workflow to /Shortcuts "Apple changed the name of Workflow to Shortcuts"
tantek__ joined the channel
edited /Shortcuts (+29) "Change Workflow app name references to Shortcut references"
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[eddie] joined the channel
What is Shortcuts?
Shortcuts is an iOS app formerly known as Workflow used to automate various actions https://indieweb.org/Shortcuts
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "next hwc"
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edited /next-hwc (+0) "next"
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[eddie], on your kindle, is that a reader ? or how does it work ?
It’s using grantcodes’ Microsub Notifier app
[schmarty] joined the channel
webhook to kindle?
He actually has a Kindle notification now
ah, nice upgrade
So you select what channel, select Kindle as the type and add your Kindle email address
(you also have to add the email from to your Kindle whitelist)
It’s not 💯 but it’s good enough 🙂
that's awesome
images don’t work and some characters like apostrophe are a bit funky.
oh, can it send notifications to Aperture too ? I mean, does it send a micropub request ?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Nope. It watches Microsub channels and sends webhooks
ah right
like that
does aperture support websub yet? (dot com)
because I'm writing something in Drupal now to send a micropub request to aperture, didn't want to reinvent the wheel :)
it does not womp womp
[aaronpk] #1 subscribe to WebSub hubs if available
oh yeah i guess it's on the watchtower side, since it's a subscription to manage
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk: Does one person upvoting via different emojis count? I could send more emojis
haha sure
There we go, all positive emojis sent. haha I figured the :thumbsdown: probably wouldn’t be considered an upvote 😆
jackjamieson joined the channel
aaronpk: I’m almost done with a fun PR for one of your projects 🙂
Oh wait, images don’t go from Slack to IRC anymore, do they? 😕
Need to add to the @wordpress #indieweb guides. Get webmentions from sites that do not automatically send webmentions. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6590-2/)
I am strongly resisting the tempation to figure out how to post my own indie 'cartridges' than run on this (and run this on my site, and redesign my site UI as 8-bit consistently with this) https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
[tantek] if we could get he archive.org folks to figure out away to publish save files to your own domain my kids would love you forever, they play so many classic PC games on archive.org that don't save
"classic PC games on archive.org" <- I have deliberately been avoiding that rabbithole
focuses on work again
apologizes for the distraction
I need to put this on my christmas list
I Portland needs a game called, "Squash the Hippier Than Though Regulations" i can homnestly say I have never been to a city in the US with more rules, very odd mix of free nature and conformity...fun city
hmm, can a micropub request contain an author ?
looking to send a request to aperture when a webmention comes in so I can read notifications on indigenous, but not sure how to set the author of that post then
Yeah, I do that in my website
also, would an 8-bit blogging UI be fun, weird, useful, annoying?
(completely with sound effects of course)
I'd say distracting :)
swentel, Here is my (javascript based) code for webmention notifications via Micropub: https://github.com/EdwardHinkle/abode/blob/f47da2cd05421b7bd607ff8c770e4a6f1e625461/server-src/webmentions/index.ts#L115
kind of like [grantcodes] design
oh great, thanks [eddie]!
his feels the most 8 bitty
went to find an example like https://grant.codes/2018/02/10/5a7f5850624afb7edf52775a and *just* noticed that the background is *moving* (!!!)
click the color palette in the bottom right and you can change the page around
yeah, but the browsers goes wild on that page :)
there 8-bit Wordpress themes but they cost money
I need to see if I have my old site graphics for gRegorLove 2600
gRegorLove: sknebel left you a message 6 days, 6 hours ago: can you use websub.rocks to see what update is sent out from superfeedr?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Haha yes, I enjoy my moving background, but it's not super optimized 😛
animating stuff on the web without causing CPU spikes seems still to be black art :D
That one is really simple too. I had a lot worse ones when I was working on it
Not sure what you were looking for tantek?
inspiration :)
Ah just design wise?
there's just so much joy in using these playful 8-bit UIs that I was wondering how much (if at all) they would translate from gaming to posting
or reading UIs too
tantek__, I think it is probably best to stay away from pixel fonts for text. It is just never going to be as legible as scalable fonts for modern displays, especially accessibility wise. But pixel-art elements otherwere? Why not! I always like how Shaun does it.
You should look at "brutalist" web design http://brutalistwebsites.com/
I agree
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
nope...I just want a left right scroll navigation now....
More gorgeous pixel-art navigation: custom logos in thought bubbles https://web.archive.org/web/20111210030848/https://shauninman.com/pilation/
(Nice design touch there: projects are in thought bubbles, while platforms [social media and selfhosted blog] are in speaking bubbles.)
swentel, did you find how to send an author?
[dougbeal] joined the channel
leg and cweiske joined the channel
↩️ webmentions will be interesting  data point. Though think  only publish this data in the aggregate as well. inclusion of pic , name, or website url in any post or publication about the project would require explicit consent. #OpenScience (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6609-2/)
Post Kinds, in depth #oldaily https://www.downes.ca/post/68577 This post is mostly a test of the WebMention functionality I've just built into gRSShopper.
what is gRSShopper?
It looks like we don't have a page for "gRSShopper" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "gRSShopper is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Is it for hopping or shopping?
jackjamieson joined the channel
Building a culture of continuous improvement, learning & development at work #oldaily https://www.downes.ca/post/68578 Yesterday I spent the day learning how to code a progressive web app (PWA). Today I spent it digging into the WebMention specification.
cweiske, Amgine_ and [eddie] joined the channel
I'm thinking about an Email bridge to Microsub server. I think there are two main ways we could do this. An email is received and is added to a obscure or protected RSS/JSON/H feed. or An email is received and is sent via Micropub to a Microsub server.
For the feed, I have to keep old copied of the emails on the server
But Micropub conversion wouldn't need a historical record since it would just fire the Micropub request off and after success it can dump the data
Handling feed protection can be a lot but IndieAuth/Micropub is pretty easy
However, feeds work with ALL Microsub servers, Micropub might not work for all Microsub servers
I think I'm leaning toward the Email -> Micropub bridge versus an Email Feed bridge
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
How does x-ray determine the main h item when none have a u-url matching the current page?
It's magic!
first h-* ?
snarfed joined the channel
No, the first is the h-card. It choose the h-entry
(which is correct)
(but I should probably clarify in my markup)
first that isn't an h-card I think, but you'd have to check the code
[schmarty] joined the channel
[keithjgrant]: looks like XRay tries to find the first h-* that is not an h-card. https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/blob/e79872fd374438aef9adec6dcef8bac845c4e317/lib/XRay/Formats/Mf2.php#L108
if I remember right, it really doesn't want to pick h-cards
Ah, that makes sense
I'll mimic that
schmarty has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
sknebel has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich] and TripFandango joined the channel
IIRC I was seeing way too many false positive h-cards that were really just a random h-card on a page like a blog post that didn't have other markup
People like to stick h-cards places for some reason even if the page isn't about that h-card
sounds like a WP widget scenario
I've thought about adding a conditional that h-card to only be on the home page
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk: "only" the other half of bridgy fed still sounds like a lot!
It took a lot to get there lol
I've got my h-card in the header of every page. Not really sure another way to do it, at least with this particular design
(I load page content dynamically and swap out the <main>, so I keep the universal studios outside that)
...I suppose I could also swap around "h-entry" and "h-feed" classes on the <body> on every update
universal studios 😂
KartikPrabhu joined the channel