#dev 2018-09-15
2018-09-15 UTC
snarfed1, snarfed, armegeden15 and [manton] joined the channel
snarfed, sknebel, Kaja, Zegnat, Kaja_ and renem joined the channel
@skye_mackinnon ↩️ @carole_mortimer Love it! Featured your post here https://www.twinesocial.com/skyemackinnon/rt-iartg-eartg-asmsg-indieauth/233527389 (twitter.com/_/status/1040790871992676354)
Manolis3, Orbstheorem13, leg, Japje8 and jeremych_ joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn edited /Micropub-brainstorming (+1441) "/* Brainstorming */ Add yesterday’s discussion and proposal for photo alt text in form-encoded post bodies" (view diff)
Zegnat !tell [manton] I have documented yesterday’s brainstorm on the wiki, please expand with your concrete usecase and anything else you can think of :) https://indieweb.org/Micropub-brainstorming#Alternative_text_for_photos_in_form-encoded

Yoyo1 and [Tom_Morris] joined the channel
[Tom_Morris] my site now has bidirectional rel-me links to mastodon.social
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] !tell manton I’d love to help by implementing alt text in Omnibear. Image support is one of my next to-dos and alt text seems an essential part of that to me.

naftulikay joined the channel
[keithjgrant] Oh, that discussion was only about form encoded? Is the json structure for alt already figured out?

[keithjgrant] Hey, Quill supports alt text! For some reason I thought this was still an un-addressed problem

[eddie] and jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson !tell snarfed BTW, I followed up on Moa's removal of @ mentions to Twitter and got a bit more information https://github.com/foozmeat/moa/issues/53#issuecomment-421427659
Loqi [foozmeat] @jackjamieson2 I can't point you to a specific rule. The other cross-poster was this one
You can read about the block at https://masto.donte.com.br/@crossposter/100479477531222745

kiranos_, jeremych_, xarian0, eli_oat, TripFandango, bzoz11, knocte19 and guntbert10 joined the channel
boffosocko.com uploaded /File:to_come.PNG "Example of TK editorial mark in the Medium.com user interface. https://indieweb.org/File:to_come.PNG"

mudpuppy1, ben_thatmustbeme and [manton] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] Gotcha

[keithjgrant] Hey, any static site folks around? Do you do anything for image hosting? I've got mine working, but I'm concerned adding too many images to my git repo will eventually slow it down too much.

[keithjgrant] I've had that problem with images in git before

[keithjgrant] (specifically images posted via micropub)

[keithjgrant] Ooh, interesting. I’d forgotten about that

[keithjgrant] Will my micropub server need to be aware of lfs, or can it just continue to use the repo as normal?

jjuran joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "reasoning for not using json for requests with alt text" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reasoning for not using json for requests with alt text is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Guest44066 joined the channel
tantek___ sknebel, "no data about if it's actually an issue", are you doubting there are micropub clients and/or servers that only support form-encoded requests? that seems like a reasonable assumption based on folks implementing only as much as they need for their use-case, and there are simple post-only use-cases

jjuran joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
dev.lahacker.net edited /Post_Types (+0) "Redirected page to [[posts#Types of Posts]]" (view diff)
dougbeal|imac joined the channel
[dougbeal] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] [keithjgrant] I am late to the git lfs discussion but I will the result of my personal experience with it was noooooooooooooooo

[schmarty] I ended up replacing it with a micropuedoa endpoint that is essentially a dumb file store. plus my templates wrap those image section URLs to a self-hosted instance of (willnorriss’s?) imageproxy to handle resizing and orientation

[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] Uh oh. Why not?

[schmarty] I was self hosting my git stuff at the time I set it up and it was fine, but I moved away from wanting to manage images all in my compile step

[keithjgrant] I host my images, but I serve them by proxy through Cloudinary for optimization/resizing. It's slick

[schmarty] git lfs hosting is not as much a “given” as other git hosting, and usually requires a separate http credential method than ssh keys

[schmarty] E.g. GitHub has pretty low limits on free LFS hosting. And each checkout requires extra setup to get at the actual media files

[schmarty] Eventually I decided it was worth treating as a totally separate kind of content and let the micropub media endpoint be the abstraction line

[schmarty] I am interested in playing with cloudinary or similar!

[keithjgrant] What's your micropub server?

[schmarty] My media endpoint is /Spano

[schmarty] It’s pretty much separate from my main micropub server. I run a custom server for my main site, a fork of skippy’s for another project

[keithjgrant] So do you post all micropub content to one endpoint, and it routes media to the correct place?

[schmarty] Most micropub clients will send media to the media endpoint directly, as long as the main micropub endpoint advertises that it exists

[keithjgrant] Interesting. Makes sense

[schmarty] But for those that don’t, my micropub endpoint will accept files and submit them to the media endpoint behind the scenes

[schmarty] For my static site, I treat those uploaded image URLs as “originals”, saving them in front matter attributes (photo, usually). My templates render those with imageproxy in front.

bashura_26 joined the channel
[schmarty] Mobile safari is genuinely frustrating me in trying to get at the img src, but this post is a good example if you want to check the source https://martymcgui.re/2018/07/25/190656/

Loqi [Marty McGuire] Photo for tonight’s HWC Baltimore https://martymcgui.re/imageproxy/960,fit,syruvQtGJqBToDfG0YV1k9u2gX3tQwgdwROK3vfkflGk=/https://media.martymcgui.re/3c/62/87/f8/825b936596e7baf7c24ff505c797720ff824677f7f49bcc3b0008738.jpg

[schmarty] Thank you, Loqi. You are a true friend.

[keithjgrant] Awesome thanks. I'm getting ready for a trip, but I'll have to circle back and check all this out

Loqi Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server https://indieweb.org/git_lfs

[dougbeal] joined the channel
@rubygems jekyll-webmention_io (3.2.0): This Gem includes a suite of tools for managing webmentions in Jekyll:
* Tags
*… https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-webmention_io (twitter.com/_/status/1041106085237678081)
d0tn0t16 joined the channel