#Loqi[tantek__] aaronpk interesting! question about Temporary Redirect to a Different Domain then, how/why does the protocol get upgraded from http to https?
#tantek__aaronpk: perhaps RelMeAuth could cite IndieAuth for redirect handling, since there's no reason to figure this out twice (and would be odd for them to be different)
#aaronpkthe final https URL is returned by the authorization servrer
#aaronpkfor example if your website knows it's served as https on its own
#aaronpke.g. a lot of web frameworks have a global setting to define the base URL including http or https
#aaronpksorry, that first redirect to example.com is not relevant to this, I misread at first
#aaronpkthis example in is actually an example of two different mechanisms. 1) an authorization server at a different domain, and 2) the user's website knowing that it is served via https
]OLI[29, renem_, cloudywizzard, iasai, Guest62932 and eli_oat joined the channel
#@jasongreen↩️ It’s not particularly an education thing. It’s an ecosystem that uses micro formats and webmentions to help people keep all their own content on their own site while generating network effects like shared events. (twitter.com/_/status/1042315053444284416)
swentel, soleblaze23, [kevinmarks], barpthewire, jeremych_, trip_, [jgmac1106], TripFandango, kinlo18, barpthewire1, Kaja_, Zegnat, sknebel and [Niklas] joined the channel
#[Niklas]I have my page so fit that I can liken, reposten and bookmark external pages. The stupid thing is that on my site I post something like “I reposted [URL]“. This solution is much less beautiful. I would like to have an preview of the site, like show the title, a description oder something like this. Anyone an idea how to make this?
#sknebelThere's a bunch of ways to extract such info from pages (which is why it's a potentially endless topic)
#sknebele.g. if it has microformats you can get a post title from those, there's OpenGraph tags that Twitter etc use for previews, you can use the <title> tag...
#Loqi[aaronpk] XRay: X-Ray returns structured data from any URL
#jeremycherfasIt's weird. The canonical links in my Grav site are https://example.com:80/blog which means that people following links in, e.g., micro.blog never connect. Remove the s by hand and everything goes through fine with a redirect to https, as intended. Remove the :80 by hand and the same happens. Cannot work out where it is coming from.
#LoqiApp likely refers to native app, typically a less functional version of a web site that is usually restricted to one or more proprietary platforms, but may also refer to the .app top level domain https://indieweb.org/app
trip__, [kevinmarks], calumryan and jgmac1106 joined the channel
#Loqi[Eugen] Link verification would work with Twitter profiles too since they have rel="me", but Twitter obfuscates links with t.co. I don't know how to deal with that, since resolving every href on the page to check for redirects doesn't seem viable.
doubleloop joined the channel
#ZegnatWhen I did it for the rel-me verification browser plugin, I did just resolve the URLs... If you are just doing HEAD requests to check redirects the overhead isn't too big.
#ZegnatAlso, you wouldn't be resolving every URL on a page. Only those with rel-me.
#LoqiUsing rel=me on a hyperlink indicates that its destination represents the same person or entity as the current page, which is a key building-block of web-sign-in and IndieAuth https://indieweb.org/rel-me
#tantek__Zegnat can you add that as at least a brainstorming proposal for how to handle Twitter profile rel=me links? Maybe in a "Silo details" section just after https://indieweb.org/rel-me#Implementations ?
#KartikPrabhualso the "title" attribute on Twitter web UI has the full URL I think
#ZegnatWhen I get back to my machine, I'll see if I can document with cites to Kevin's and my extensions.
#gRegorLoveSomeone suggested that in the thread. Eugen was concerned about someone adding a bunch of rel-me links
#ZegnatKartikPrabhu, yeah, but I really dislike a one-website-only solution
#ZegnatgRegorLove, yeah. Not really any way around that I'm afraid :(
#KartikPrabhuZegnat: yes of course. But if someone prefers scrapping over following redirects then <ahrug>
#gRegorLoveA timeout or limit the number of rel-mes to check would work. There's other ways to DoS Mastodon already
[dougbeal] joined the channel
#tantek__KartikPrabhu: in general the preference is for things "that work", and preferably efficiently, so it's not helpful to dismiss methods purely from theory.
#tantek__having a small handful of silo-specific compat strategies is practical and reasonable
#ZegnatTwitter is a pain in any case. We have reports of t.co not redirecting if you provide the wrong user agent...
#@megarush1024↩️ Hi. Regarding your webmentions, can you explain what setup you're trying to use? WordPress, Known, (ETC), where you're trying to receive mentions from, (Twitter through Bridgy, for example)? Will try to help. (twitter.com/_/status/1042486205751934979)
#@ohhelloana↩️ Hi Amanda! That's very kind of you! Are you on the indieweb slack channel? I'm currently using jekyll and using the jekyll-webmention_io plugin - i'm pretty sure i'm the one doing something wrong here :) (twitter.com/_/status/1042487917552254976)
#ZegnatThat should document the Twitter case, tantek__ ^^^
#ZegnatAnd includes example of the current HTML as returned by Twitter (when I checked my own profile page right now)
#ZegnatNot sure what the best place is to have the actual “Should we resolve every URL?” discussion.
#tantek__Zegnat, perhaps we can work together to formalize the rel-me spec some more, and create a github issues repo for it to have such discussions
#doubleloopI've noticed that in Indigenous reader the content of my own notes are displaying twice. I think it's because I have e-content, p-summary, and p-name all having the same value (the full content of the note, something that I've inherited from forking the sempress theme a while back.)
#doubleloopHowever in Monocle it doesn't display the content twice. I guess they are interpreting the markup differently?
#doubleloopIf I change it to remove the p-name and p-content, it displays correctly in both Indigenous and Monocle.
#ZegnatI am not sure how the summary should work there. (Why have summary?)
#ZegnatBut readers should be deduping title and content, those matching happens a lot. PTD spec specifically mentions the dedupe on those
#doubleloopOops - I meant if I remove p-name and p-summary
#Zegnattantek__, would love to get together and work on rel-me spec. Though not tonight, about to shut down
#doubleloopNot tried that yet - I'll give it a go now
#doubleloopZegnat, yes displays correctly in both with p-summary removed. Would you suggest that's the change to make then - just get rid of the p-summary?
#ZegnatIn general readers use PTD, there posts are identified as notes (titless) when the name is a prefix of the content. So old behaviour of having p-name and e-content on the same element is supported (see last few steps of http://ptd.spec.indieweb.org/#algorithm)
#ZegnatYou may want to drop the p-name if you know nothing depends on it and do not end up also removing it for actual titles on articles ...
iasai__, tantek, tantek__, [kevinmarks] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
#tantek__Zegnat++ rel-me impl / silo docs you added look good!
#LoqiZegnat has 59 karma in this channel over the last year (152 in all channels)
#tantek__kaushalmodi++ I reviewed your post and comments on https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/316730 and everything looks correct! Thanks for reaching out and definitely feel free to speak up if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement. From that thread it looks you have a very good understanding already!
#tantek__!tell jgmac1106 are you familiar with Zotero? https://www.zotero.org/ sounds like an edu-related thing that you may know about. Do you think it is worth pursuing for more mf2 markup support? See https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/316730 for context (if we could get webmention comments supported there for instance that would be very cool).
#[jgmac1106][tantek] yes, first open class I taught used Zotero. I remember looking at it for microformats and not being able to find the code online
#Loqi[jgmac1106]: tantek__ left you a message 1 hour, 12 minutes ago: are you familiar with Zotero? https://www.zotero.org/ sounds like an edu-related thing that you may know about. Do you think it is worth pursuing for more mf2 markup support? See https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/316730 for context (if we could get webmention comments supported there for instance that would be very cool).
#tantek__[jgmac1106]: is it a tool that is useful for indieweb and worth documenting on the wiki?
#[jgmac1106]I will look. It is given that Mendeley is now owned by Springer, it's an academic bookmarking and citation tool. Good Firefox integration, has some social features. Need to search my blog remember devs not being to keen on mf2
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Mendeley" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Mendeley is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#tantek__[jgmac1106]: the mf2 code & tools support (as well as adoption) has drastically improved every year for a while, might be worth re-asking
#[jgmac1106]Home from coaching soccer and getting kids to bed... If I got anything left I will try to get to this