[jgmac1106]yeah you are right webmentions, but its built...just not scalable...have to do it manually one html file at a time, I do hope to hope to leave NYC with a system...or atelast directions for piggybacking off of third party stuff, attached to my mf2 course templates that others can use
Loqi[Greg McVerry] I have been playing with webmentions for badging. I think we can do this all from our own domains, allowing learners to own evidence, and just creating a ledger of 2-3 permalinks. No backpacks, issuers, etc. Just two websites talking together
tantek, tantek__ and sandGorgon joined the channel
Loqi[Greg McVerry] I just added Literacy, Technology, Policy, Etc….A Blog by @jenroberts1 to my following page at https://jgregorymcverry.com/following #BeYourownSocialNetwork
ZegnatThat’s why something like .u-like-of.h-cite or .u-follow-of.h-card will work. Because you want those h- objects as values on the entries like-of and follow-of properties.
ZegnatWithout any p-name and u-url classes, those properties will be implied by the parser to be the element’s content and the element’s href respectively.
Loqi[Kevin Marks] @Gargron do you verify links in a profile mirrored from another instance ? Or do you trust that instance to verify them and put them in the api?
Loqi[Eugen] @postmasterdoggo @qubyte @moonman What's wrong with the blue check mark is that it gatekeeps useful features and that it's selectively provided.Voluntary identity verification that does not involve real names or documents is fine, and more than that,...
aaronpkAlso I rely on matching "twitter.com" and "github.com" in rel=me URLs to find the user's username and know which OAuth provider to use, but there's no way to tell by looking at the URL that it's a mastodon profile so it would also take an additional check to test if the hostname is running mastodon which id have to run on every rel=me url
aaronpkI would really rather not hack up a less than ideal solution for a project which is in active development which also fits the goals and model of IndieAuth
aaronpkAnything I do along those lines would be specific to mastodon whereas we could create a solution that actually works in a way that the other fediverse projects could also adopt
[kevinmarks]hah. That could also mean that if you rel-me from twitter to your indieweb site you could prove it's your twitter without logging into twitter
[manton][aaronpk] You can register an app (and get back a client ID and secret) with an Mastodon API call. You're suppose to do this once per instance and then cache the results.
ZegnatThe git submodules will atleast keep your report somewhat clean. No need for it to track all the files in the external dependency. But it doesn't help at all with the shared dependency issue, right?
jackjamiesonI'm not very well-versed with managing dependencies like this, and WordPress makes things difficult, but could the best option be that we each assign parse-this a namespace in our respective plugins? That way each instance could run separately, right?
ZegnatNot if you are using the same base files. Namespaces are per file. So you would both need a separate clone of parse-this in your respective plugins
ZegnatIf you share a dependency, whoever loads it first picks the version. Plugins that load later can either hope their usage is compatible, or choose to not call upon that code at all.
swentelsnarfed, when I hit follow (from @swentel to @realize.be), does that mean a request should've come in at fed.brid.gy ? I wonder whether you're able to see that coming in ?
Loqi[snarfed] yes! here it is. bridgy fed responded with HTTP 501 Not Implemented.
`POST https://fed.brid.gy/realize.be/inbox`
"@context": [
swentelsnarfed, so basically, need to figure out to send a reply now in activitypub.py .. will see if I can figure that out, my python is quite rusty :)
snarfedswentel: definitely possible locally! i usually develop first with unit tests, but then you can run it with eg `dev_appserver.py --log_level debug app.yaml`
swentelsnarfed, does this ring a bell to you 'ImportError: No module named future_builtins' - getting 500 even on even a simple GET request - apologies for the possible noob question :/
doubleloopIs it be possible to use Bridgy Fed in the same way as it works with twitter? (rather than my site be its own instance.) I have an existing Mastodon account that I'd like to keep, but it'd be cool for the syndication to happen via bridgy (rather than my hack), and would be amazing to get the backfeed too
@AndreJaenisch↩️ I likely forget some links over today's writedown.
Will add those at a later point.
Since I have a static site, either reply to me here or write me an email.
(Plan is to implement #webmention properly for comments) (twitter.com/_/status/1042911455534829569)