#dev 2018-09-22

2018-09-22 UTC
minikdo21, renem, ThePendulum5, tabaqui0 and snarfed joined the channel
hey Zegnat, re your project you described earlier today to poll mastodon and send wms for toots, and extending it it to send wms for any web site...you've seen https://telegraph.p3k.io/superfeedr , right? it's kind of the inverse.
[snarfed] ...oh, do you mean extending the blog feature to sites that aren't on tumblr/blogger/wp.com? you're right, we could definitely do that too! at least for sending. i'd probably encourage people to use a native plugin in their CMS for that though, or te...
snarfed joined the channel
ny0x, Mikaku7, Midian17, tantek, iasai and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell Zegnat I’m the proud poster child of Fatwigoo 🙂
[eddie]: tantek__ left you a message 5 hours, 7 minutes ago: re: "His note doesn’t have u-syndication so it didn’t POSSE to twitter" - file an issue for him to add u-syndication links to his posts! https://github.com/jeena/jeena.net/issues
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] joined the channel
!tell tantek Indigenous assumes a Micropub server will handle the webmentions, because it could be a static site it’s sending to. In my case I use telegraph’s API from my Micropub server to send Webmentions
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Eddie Hinkle] Add u-syndication links to notes
Also as for the convo above, as [manton] said: I run my own node.js based website but I’ve deeply integrated it with Micro.blog. In fact I’ve detailed that process here: https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/08/23/11/article/
[Eddie Hinkle] How I send webmentions to Micro.blog
tantek__ joined the channel
good evening
tantek__: [eddie] left you a message 11 minutes ago: Indigenous assumes a Micropub server will handle the webmentions, because it could be a static site it’s sending to. In my case I use telegraph’s API from my Micropub server to send Webmentions
tantek__: [eddie] left you a message 7 minutes ago: Thanks! Issue filed: https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/09/21/21/reply/
interesting. I'm a little trouble following the interactions between indepenent sites and their posts on microblog and how they're expected to interact.
I wonder if a diagram might help
good issue, at least it gives Jeena something to work on :)
Yeah, it’s a bit complicated currently. I think [manton] plans for it to be simplified over time. But a diagram is a good idea! I’ll have to look into drawing one
Ng5 joined the channel
While this applies primarily to social media, I wonder what the indieweb implications are: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/17/technology/disinformation-tipsheet.html
hsaliak_, barpthewire, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@johnjohnston  in my rss feeds or in the post itself? been using Indigenous reader. Which uses bridgy to syndicate to Twitter as as well. Cant send webmentions, kind of pointless, but I like to try and pretend all the #IndieWeb stuff works (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7229-2/)
Publishing on my website real slow today, taking four to five times reposting before I don't time out on Bridgy...hopefully it gets better, must have a cold or the flu right now
Just discovered @openbenches (http://openbenches.org), which tags the locations of benches with memorial plaques. If I could #indieweb webmention my checkins to them, I'd totally promote a new GPS game based upon them. #indieweb #indiewebcamp
sebsel, Dan_au6 and RandomJamofJar joined the channel
@edent here's where you ought to start with developing a webmention endpoint in PHP: https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer
pie__, [johnjohnston], pocketprotector2, sonicrocketman12 and solarnetone27 joined the channel
edited /Mastodon (+327) "/* POSSE */ Add my setup"
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swentel, Telsin14, [jgmac1106], smarter_, cecemel, Diffusive13, [kevinmarks] and Kartagis17 joined the channel
↩️ If you send the webmention via http://mention.tech you can query it there even if the destination doesn't support it.
doubleloop, [tantek], {`-`}23, [kevinmarks], barpthewire, edwardly, tantek and tantek__ joined the channel
SexualRickshaw27 and [manton] joined the channel
Following up on the Webmention discussion yesterday, I've updated Micro.blog to also respect the Link HTTP header for discovering the endpoint. Should work better with jeena.net now.
[kevinmarks], [Rose], jungly, [kiai] and dbrandon- joined the channel
edited /shitpic (+125) "[kevinmarks] added "Chinese antique meme collectors http://www.ecns.cn/m/news/culture/2018-09-19/detail-ifyyehna1446070.shtml" to "See Also""
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futilago, [eddie], Jarcode5 and b0tanik7 joined the channel