Zegnat!tell snarfed Yeah I knew about the Telegraph-webhook-feature. I was just specifically looking at Mastodon now :) Thought different weekend plans came up so the webmention bridge is getting slightly delayed.
Zegnat!tell [kevinmarks] Should mention.tech really display a green checkmark when the endpoint returned a "500" status? Wouldn’t that imply the mention failed?
ZegnatI think verifying is a double-edged sword. A delete mention will never verify but still has meaning for the receiving party. (I think Telegraph doesn’t even let you send those.)
jeremycherfasGot myself into a terrible git dev mess that I could not seem to back out of. May need to accept failure and start again. At least I know what I was trying to do. No shame in just torching the branch.
aaronpksometimes when I get into a git state that I don't understand, I just archive that folder somewhere, check out the project from scratch, and manually copy select files back that I changed
Loqistrugee: [eddie] left you a message on 2018-07-13 at 10:07pm UTC: So far https://github.com/strugee/node-send-webmention#readme has been working great for sending webmentions, but I can’t figure out how to get the response url back when I use it to send a webmention to bridgy