2018-09-24 UTC
puddingpimp8, Gaasmann29, renem, Guest90962, ralu12, iasai, darxun11, sm7, SilverCode, tantek__ and barpthewire joined the channel
# 05:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:47 jeremycherfas !tell kevinmarks There is an xkcd for almost every eventuality. Thanks for that. Makes the pain more bearable.
# 05:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:49 jeremycherfas !tell strugee I’m just dabbling so paying is not an option unless it really improves things. Currently using SourceTree. Is there anything else you think I should try?
# 05:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
OrangeShark14, cweiske, bogz14, ceemel, swaqs10, mbologna8, swentel, jeremych_, netmonger26, [jgmac1106], BrainDamage7, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu, [schmarty] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 13:03 jacky wondering if more h-x-app services should expose things like a `byline` or `description`
# 13:03 jacky if you're _signing_ in to them, you'd already have an idea off the bat as to what they do
# 13:04 jacky and making it easy to let the app themselves define their 'store' info
# 13:04 sknebel not sure what the thoughts on the relationship of the two is
# 13:04 sknebel but at least the properties from there could be relevant for app too
eli_oat1 joined the channel
# 13:29 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sahilsinha9 joined the channel
# 13:34 cweiske my grav project ended without me implementing anything indieweb-related
# 13:34 Loqi cweiske: jeremycherfas left you a message 5 minutes ago: Are you still doing things with Grav and Twig?
# 13:36 jeremycherfas Thanks. I have a php fuunction that takes an array and returns some parts of the array, because I just could not see how to address the parts in Twig. I can create the raw array in Twig: `{% set data = page.header.imports %}
# 13:42 jeremycherfas I'm way out of my depth here, because all the Twig documentation seems extremely terse and I cannot seem to uncover any lower-level explanations or tutorials. The example of a function in Grav does not do anything. It just returns a hard-coded string.
# 13:46 jeremycherfas If I ignore the set, and use `{{ mymap(page.header.imports) }}
` I almost the same error, An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Undefined variable: data")
# 13:48 jeremycherfas At the moment, I am processing twig on the page, I can put the page and the function into gists.
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 13:53 jeremycherfas And I know that the function works, at least when it it just a standalone PHP program.
# 14:05 jeremycherfas Yes. What I see in the debug bar is generally what I expect. And the error display page is useful as far as it goes. But it doesn't help me to understand the problem in more detail.
# 14:06 jeremycherfas It tells me that there is an undefined variable data, which is clearly somewhere in my function, but I cannot for the life of me see how that might be.
# 14:07 jeremycherfas I had hoped to have this ready for IWC Nurnberg, but honestly it looks as if I should save it to be my project there. :(
[kevinmarks], barpthewire, [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:34 swentel snarfed, you won't believe the amount of variations I've tried for replying :)
# 14:34 snarfed swentel: oh god i'll believe it. i did the same thing while i was building bridgy fed initially
# 14:34 Loqi snarfed: Zegnat left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: Yeah I knew about the Telegraph-webhook-feature. I was just specifically looking at Mastodon now :) Thought different weekend plans came up so the webmention bridge is getting slightly delayed.
# 14:34 swentel I should start writing them down, because I'm sure I've done a couple of variations at least twice :)
# 14:34 snarfed yes! please do! put them in one of the issues or the readme, or the indieweb mastodon page. really valuable to capture!
# 14:35 snarfed yeah both AP and mastodon's specific req'ts, since eg auth is badly underspecified/not specified in AP
# 14:35 Loqi [annando] #4906 How does Mastodon work concerning ActivityPub?
# 14:38 swentel even people trying to implement it following the blog post on mastodon can't get it work :)
# 14:38 Loqi [generaltso] #8328 My toot doesn't show up :(
# 15:09 Loqi aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 9 hours, 24 minutes ago: That is precisely my plan, at least on paper.
# 15:09 aaronpk I had to do all sorts of unrelated things to make my notes and replies finally show up on mastodon and pleroma
# 15:23 jacky and it has indieauth and micropub support
lord_of_chaos29, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
jackjamieson, snarfed, swentel, leg, tantek__ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:08 gRegorLove I think I'll try it out. I like SourceTree ok, but it feels clunky sometimes.
# 18:12 tantek__ aaronpk, your experience with what it takes to deliver to AP inboxes of your followers would be useful in -dev IMO
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
unsound18 joined the channel
# 18:54 tantek__ I need to explore some form of at least displaying reactions on my posts, at least as a count + list of @-names (since showing icons is more work, showing someone else's content etc.)
[jgmac1106], snarfed, [Rose] and dkabot6 joined the channel
# 19:07 Loqi tantek__ has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
dougbeal|imac joined the channel
# 19:48 snarfed tantek__: oh, heh. just that you want to work on showing responses on your site
# 20:15 tantek__ snarfed, yes, I'm trying to keep thinking of ways of reducing the feature/task to a smaller thing to reduce the # of unknowns / issues
# 20:15 tantek__ I suppose I should document those in case the "simpler" version of a feature is helpful to other implementers
# 20:17 tantek__ re: implementing CardDAV API as a server (aaronpk, AngeloGladding, snarfed), any test suite(s) for it? (I'm guessing no)
# 20:18 AngeloGladding hmm what do you mean tantek__?
# 20:19 tantek__ AngeloGladding: where is a/the test suite for CardDAV? both for CardDAV clients and servers?
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:20 tantek__ also, can we replace CardDAV with Micropub of h-card objects instead?
# 20:21 AngeloGladding interesting..
# 20:21 tantek__ perhaps a feature for silo.pub: Micropub of h-card -> silo.pub -> CardDAV server
# 20:21 Zegnat The problem with replacing CardDAV with Micropub is that the built-in apps for contacts on current phones do not do Micropub ;)
# 20:21 tantek__ perhaps another feature for silo.pub: CardDAV client -> silo.pub -> Micropub of h-card
# 20:22 tantek__ Zegnat, the problem with not having a test suite is you're endlessly frustrated by weird bugs and interop problems
# 20:22 AngeloGladding there was very poor documentation on carddav when i was poking around
# 20:22 AngeloGladding i have no doubt that my implementation is iphone-specific
# 20:23 tantek__ yeah in general a bridge is the right answer for wrapping both proprietary APIs, and poorly documented / tested standards
# 20:24 AngeloGladding as we were just discussing -- this data is very private
# 20:24 snarfed bridges can do private data just as well as public
lewo joined the channel
# 20:25 AngeloGladding yeah.. it's just upping the game i think
# 20:25 AngeloGladding whenever you *touch* your address book the server gets pinged
# 20:25 AngeloGladding on iphone at least
# 20:26 AngeloGladding which is obviously my opinion
# 20:26 Zegnat I’d love to hear petermolnar on CardDAV interoperability / testing. He has blogged about using at least 3 different server implementations
# 20:26 tantek__ (sometimes using service that spends more time on privacy & security is *better* than trying to host/admin it yourself)
# 20:28 snarfed heh. god yes. most people don't want to, don't know how to, and/or shouldn't have to be sysadmins. even most technical people and engineers.
# 20:28 Zegnat The problem I always have with any not-self-hosted thing for address books is that it isn’t just my privacy, but the privacy of every single person I write down in my address book too. (But lets not rehash the entire philosophical discussion about how you don’t know how well any individual you give details to is going to protect them.)
# 20:29 snarfed Zegnat: the fallacy there is the idea that self hosted is more secure or private than outsourcing to a trusted, competent third party.
# 20:30 snarfed the vast majority of people are not good sysadmins. if they self host, they'll therefore get bad security and privacy
# 20:31 AngeloGladding we should be the sysadmins for their self-hosted software
# 20:31 AngeloGladding i won't even begin to rehash..
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 20:32 AngeloGladding anyway, i've got some working carddav python code
# 20:33 tantek__ AngeloGladding: what do you mean by "working" (passes a test suite? interops with Apple/Google phone/cloud?)
# 20:35 AngeloGladding tantek__ a contact goes in one side, winds up on the other, and vice versa -- on iOS 11.x
# 20:35 AngeloGladding the "person db" is the part im reintegrating now
# 20:35 AngeloGladding i can abstract it away
# 20:35 AngeloGladding it supported photo
# 20:36 tantek__ so you're able to configure your iOS device to use your own personal server?
# 20:36 Loqi AngeloGladding has 1 karma over the last year
# 20:38 AngeloGladding ~300 lines of Python+XML
# 20:38 AngeloGladding i'll abstract it a bit, give it some polish and present it to you guys for further bridging
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:39 Zegnat Hmm. Apparently webdav.org used to have a WebDAV (and possible CardDAV?) testing suit called litmus. But because that entire website is down now, you’d have to find the tests somewhere else :/
# 20:43 AngeloGladding i didn't resort to reverse engineering via MITM proxy for no reason
# 20:43 AngeloGladding there is not one single piece of documentation that will get you to where you're going
# 20:44 AngeloGladding but the whole experience was blissfully restful
# 20:44 AngeloGladding so i'm torn :)
# 20:44 AngeloGladding ahem *RESTful*
# 20:50 Zegnat So the format isn’t entirely without test suites.
# 20:50 AngeloGladding those pages are giving me flashbacks
# 20:51 Zegnat Have you ever tried running that tester, AngeloGladding? I would expect that it would confirm your code to work with iOS if it passes their own tests?
[eddie] joined the channel
# 21:15 [eddie] A CardDAV bridge to an h-card nicknames cache would be amazing! I think my contacts are currently synced via iCloud but it would be amazing to have my contacts become my nicknames cache
# 21:22 [eddie] Interesting. I’ve never really added venues to my contacts but it would be an easy interface for my website
# 21:25 AngeloGladding tantek__ is there an index?
# 21:26 AngeloGladding Zegnat i've downloaded and installed -- i'll try to configure and run
# 21:26 AngeloGladding but i must say my implementation was rough and to the point
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:50 Loqi [kevinmarks]: jeremycherfas left you a message 16 hours, 2 minutes ago: There is an xkcd for almost every eventuality. Thanks for that. Makes the pain more bearable.
# 21:52 Loqi [kevinmarks] addressbooker: Address Book tool
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:01 tantek__ that's another site-death, since AFAIK all site content was dropped on the floor and the domain just redirects to a W3C blog post
# 22:03 aaronpk if i could use my phone as my website's address book i would actually care about what's stored in my phone again lol
# 22:03 aaronpk right now it's a giant mess of stuff stored on my iphone vs stored in google contacts, and i can't even tell how to add stuff in google contacts most of the time
# 22:07 aaronpk most of the stuff in google i don't even care about because it was all automatically added and is a giant mess anyway
# 22:09 [kevinmarks] Yeah. We had some selectors to deal with that, but it's been a decade.
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:28 Loqi [snarfed] portablecontacts-unofficial: UNMAINTAINED: A library and REST API that serves Facebook and Twitter user data in PortableContacts format
# 22:30 aaronpk wow you really have been doing this bridging thing for a while!
# 22:39 tantek__ hopefully documenting these dead-ends so others won't be as frustrated looking for them
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:41 tantek__ kevinmarks, perhaps a bit meta and a bit dev - any patterns among/across those sites / technologies that may have been causes of their deaths?
# 22:46 tantek__ [kevinmarks]: nothing to do with FB. contacts APIs got screwed up all on their own w/o any FB interference AFAIK
# 22:46 tantek__ I suppose Apple and Google's support of CardDAV is keeping it on life support
# 22:47 [kevinmarks] Because that was the last thing they interoperated with before fighting
# 22:48 tantek__ why are they still fighting? didn't Steve Jobs pick that fight?
# 22:48 tantek__ makes no sense. they both have incentive to collaborate, or at least massively interoperate using open standards against FB
# 22:49 tantek__ what does it matter which phone people buy (iPhone vs Android) if they end up using it as a mobile Facebook App runner?
# 22:49 Loqi snarfed has 67 karma in this channel over the last year (123 in all channels)
snarfed1 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek, ludovicchabant_, renem_, tantek___ and [schmarty] joined the channel