[jgmac1106][aaronpk] what you made today I just realized could be basis of 4X4 grid I want in my remix machine, and I also thought why not just CSS gradients? Possibly a simpler interface then colorzillas, just choose two hex colors: http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/
Loqi[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 51 minutes ago: another example of needing an undo, when your are POSSEing in multiple conversations at once and you respond to the wrong tweet: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1046246260754305025
[jgmac1106]I had to go to Twitter and delete the tweet, as well and then retweet it to the proper thread, but either Bridgy or Twitter still recognized the duplicate, ended up having to go to twittter and not my wesbite, delete and then tweet as a reply on twitter
@fluffyOh nice, I just got my first non-synthetic webmention!
And it 100% justifies me not automatically posting webmentions as comments on my site!
(it's just a simple linkblog, nothing scandalous) (twitter.com/_/status/1046284547896147969)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "restrictions of makeLenses" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "restrictions of makeLenses is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[grantcodes], benwerd, [kevinmarks], [schmarty] and [eddie] joined the channel
[schmarty]potentially awful question: why does discovery of a micropub media endpoint require discovery of the micropub endpoint followed by a query to that endpoint? what if finding a media endpoint was done with the same link-based discovery as the "main" micropub endpoint?
[schmarty]a media endpoint can be set up as a totally different service, but clients won't find it unless your "main" micropub endpoint correctly answers a query about it.
[schmarty]link-based discovery would mean one less thing that a micropub server without built-in media support has to do. and one less thing that a user would have to configure.
[Rose]I have already seen use cases where people want to upload pictures but not text, this could make creating your own photo/file storage service easier and separate from micropub posts entirely
aaronpkMicropub can always accept a photo with no text. It's still useful to think of photos as an h-entry since they get other properties like a published date or tags that way too
ZegnatRe: what [Rose] was saying, didn’t the archiving browser extension made at the previous Berlin IWC use *just* a media-endpoint inspired uploading mechanism? They might have been helped with being able to just upload as well
ZegnatI think jgmac1106 was catching all generic mentions of his domain on his about page? As reactions/interactions with “him” rather than with a page/post
ZegnatI know some people here have started to use a channel in their micropub for notifications, but I am not sure if depending on micropub for mention notifications is logical
[eddie]Yeah, I think having a page that the user can make either public or private makes sense and I think the ability to optionally provide a Micropub endpoint to forward to is good
[schmarty]boris set up webpage-micropub-to-github, but is tripped up on using clients that require a media endpoint and not knowing how to configure a media endpoint.
ZegnatDoes it even need to have micropub in the name? Surely, the media endpoint itself is just a URL that accepts POST requests authorised with an authorization header, nothing to do with micropub perse?
[schmarty]Zegnat: presumably the media endpoint is following the media endpoint portions defined in the micropub spec, so keeping micropub in the name makes sense to me ;)
Loqi[fluffy] @KevinMarks with WebMention discovery do you know of any proposals around filtering links based on rel attributes? Like it seems like nofollow is an obvious one to exclude, as well as navigation ones, but all the implementations I find just do everyt...
ZegnatI agree, I mostly just took issue with the phrasing in the spec ;) And I found the dive down the rabbit hole interesting too, to discover what HTML-the-spec considers links/URLs
aaronpkyeah it's subtle, because if your post is public, then technically anyone can send the webmention on your behalf anyway, or the receiver could even be running a refback-to-webmention thing that triggers it
aaronpkbut there are plenty of reasons to not want to notify a URL/person that they were mentioned in the first place. I would just argue that maybe that shouldn't have been a public post to begin with.
aaronpkif it's a public post then anyone can send a webmention for it, or if someone clicks through the link it'll show up in the referrer logs plus the receiver might be converting referrer logs to webmentions so it'll end up sending a webmention anyway
sknebelhm, does HTTP have any way of indicating "here's a valid file, but you can authenticate and get a different one"? I only see that for 401, and that doesn't fit since it is an error code
sknebelaaronpk: e.g. feeds that might have more posts if you authenticate. I'd worry clients (e.g. readers) would treat a 401 as an error (it *is* an error code) and ignore the contents
ZegnatYeah, MDN only speaks about caching. Though it also says: “It is used by the server to indicate which headers it used when selecting a representation of a resource in a content negotiation algorithm.”
[jgmac1106]I am always trying to keep things threaded, my replies and replies from others threaded on one post, is there a way to say something like <link href="http://example.com/note123" class="uid-in-reply-to"><a href="http://example.com/note123" class="u-in-reply-to-1">...<a href="http://example.com/note123" class="u-in-reply-to-5">?
[jgmac1106]I found a page on /series and a page on /reply-chain if its just twitter and bridgy its great, but what if it's across networks, need more then published dates