2018-10-05 UTC
# 00:09 tantek__ [manton]: is there a public issue tracker for MarsEdit? our wiki page is very short (just the dfn)
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 00:38 [manton] Nothing public. I'm pretty familiar with MarsEdit and can probably fill in some more details on that page.
# 00:44 tantek__ thank manton that would be great. even a few "How to" sentences for feature requests, bug reports etc.
# 00:44 tantek__ And if you know of a history of asking for indieweb standards support like Micropub, good to document that too
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 01:34 [manton] I added some more to that page. Mostly from memory and could certainly be expanded with more IndieWeb-related details.
[tantek] joined the channel
# 01:44 GWG Who posts photo metadata when they post a photo?
# 01:55 GWG I'm looking for ideas to redo presentations
renem joined the channel
Kongaloosh and [tantek] joined the channel
wagle, petermolnar, [tantek], tantek__, cweiske, angelo2, [Vincent], gRegorLove, [Vanessa] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 10:40 [jgmac1106] I know how to build a form and know how to have the data post to a server, but how can I trigger the creation of a new html file from a form? That is today's learning goal
# 10:41 cweiske browser --[POST]--> server -> script -> creates file
# 10:47 [jgmac1106] oooh server side, I havent decided yet. Want to make something easier for others to use
# 10:48 cweiske <?php file_put_contents('/path/to/file', 'content'); ?>
# 10:48 cweiske <?php file_put_contents('/path/to/file', $_POST['content']); ?>
# 10:48 cweiske <?php file_put_contents('/path/to/' . $_POST['filename'], $_POST['content']); ?>
# 10:48 cweiske note that the last one is insecure, because I could set "/../../../../etc/passwd" as filename
# 10:49 Loqi cweiske has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
# 10:49 [jgmac1106] yeah I don't even really want to store the data, just want to be able to generate the html files for the webmention badging app I am working on
# 10:51 [jgmac1106] alas I have to take kids to school today, cutting into my morning hack time
# 11:39 jeremycherfas I have a PHP script on my local server that writes stuff to my Known instance. I would quite like to automate it as a cron job. Current problem is that when I call the file from the terminal it fails to find a file it needs to read. When I call it from the browser, it finds that file. So, do I need to provide an absolute URL for the file to read?
# 11:46 jeremycherfas It lives in the same directory as reading-2-known.php which is the one I run from the terminal
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[TimApple] joined the channel
# 12:01 jeremycherfas I assume the PHP knows where it is and looks in its directory for the file. Do I need to CD into that directory first?
[jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 12:07 GWG I want to convert length in the mp3 file to duration.
# 12:08 [schmarty] GWG: screech grabs that and sends it in the micropub creation request for the post. my backend stores it and i use it to render the RSS feed.
# 12:09 GWG I am going down the media rabbit hole
# 12:10 GWG I want to display media with some metadata
# 12:10 [jgmac1106] nothing wrong with mvp, pick one feature and push, add more later
# 12:10 cweiske jeremycherfas, if you only open "RSSCache.txt", then php tries to resolve the path based on the current working directory
# 12:10 cweiske which is the path you are currently on in your shell
# 12:10 GWG WordPress parses audio and video tags, but doesn't save them
# 12:11 cweiske so you either fopen(__DIR__ . 'RSSCache.txt') to provide a full path to the file, solving all current working directory problems
# 12:13 jeremycherfas I'm not sure where I was in the shell. I just tried for the first time. I need to go back and read about direrctories in PHP.
# 12:14 jeremycherfas I thought it would be easy to just run the PHP with cron. But maybe it is actually easier to make another script that includes the CD and that then runs the PHP, and let that be the script that Cron runs.
# 12:15 Zegnat It is actually easier to do what cweiske showed and make your paths start with the __DIR__ constant.
# 12:16 Zegnat PHP always sets that constant equal to the directory the current file is in.
[Rose] joined the channel
# 12:18 Zegnat The reason it checks files relative to the current working directory in your terminal is to make it easier to write cli tools.
# 12:19 Zegnat Well. One of the reasons. But that's an easy one to conceptualise.
[tantek] joined the channel
# 12:55 Zegnat Haha, it does not. And looks like cweiske forgot it in his example too
# 12:56 Zegnat Let me apologise on behalf of every PHP programmer that has gone before you 😉
# 12:56 tantek GWG, I was very happy to get at least a minor step towards a more undo-able posting UX done Wednesday night - a 10 min delay for when items show up in my Atom feed
# 12:57 Zegnat Is that Atom feed only or h-feed as well, tantek?
# 13:02 GWG Did it have the desired effect though?
# 13:02 tantek I'm hoping to work with h-feed consumers to properly support WebSub and WebSub updates
# 13:02 tantek GWG it did! It worked (tested it during HWC SF)
# 13:02 tantek and now I feel like I have more time to fix-up a post if I make any typos before people with classic feed readers see it and cache it
# 13:08 Zegnat I think I might be subscribed to your h-feed as an atom feed, through granary. So my classic feed reader is going to see stuff before being undone depending on polling, hmm
# 13:08 jeremycherfas Thanks zegnat, on behalf of every PHP programmer that will come after me.
# 13:09 jeremycherfas In other news, it works. From Terminal. Not made it to Cron yet because I need to test further. And the code is now very crufty.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 13:24 Loqi jeremycherfas has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
# 13:25 dougbeal GWG: camera stats on mouseover would be awesome for images that have it
# 13:30 dougbeal jgmac1106: trying to go back far enough to find a direct upload... the instagram uploads are... strange
# 13:33 dougbeal jgmac1106: looks like a pretty limited display... unless smugmug migration is the cause
# 13:34 [jgmac1106] no every photo has exif data unless people putting that in themeselves
# 13:50 sknebel flickr shows the camera model and some basic details if available, + an option to show all the data (or at least a large set of it, they might hide some by default)
# 13:53 aaronpk I think the old design used to show more at first but they've trimmed it down a little
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 14:02 sknebel if they don't have that data, there's only the "view exif" link on desktop too
[daniel], [manton], [Rose] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jgmac1106], [Vincent], [eddie] and calumryan joined the channel
# 15:07 [schmarty] [tantek]: i just ported my shorturl generation (2 sets of newbase60 dates) to Hugo templates (which have no real loops to speak of and no easy way to bring in external Go libs) and I feel like a haxx0r 😂
# 15:09 [schmarty] (err, one 3-digit newbase60 date, one 3-digit newbase60 seconds-in-day)
# 15:09 [jgmac1106] @schmary just realized if I want to put all these parts on Glitch I should probably build a node app coorect?
# 15:10 [schmarty] [jgmac1106] depends what you mean by parts, but as far as i understand glitch.com runs javascript serverside via node, yep.
# 15:10 [jgmac1106] was gonna start with PHP but might use their starter pack for others
[tantek] joined the channel
# 15:14 [schmarty] [tantek] it's part of my "stop talking about it and port the site to Hugo" push to get my build times down below ~1-2 minutes. :}
[AkyRhO], [TimApple], [chrisaldrich], [daniel], tantek__, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
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# 16:55 sknebel dougbeal: ah. I *think* that's flickr internal code for the camera model, not EXIF
# 16:56 dougbeal sknebel: possibly, but it puts it under Show EXIF button
# 16:57 sknebel yeah, but I remember looking into that at some point and the IDs didn't match any external documentation I could find
# 16:57 sknebel and it's not exactly uncommon to call all image metadata EXIF
[tmiller] joined the channel
# 17:15 Loqi [jgmac1106] badgemaker-prototype: Prototype for an SVG-based badge maker.
# 17:17 [jgmac1106] going back to read student blogs for awhile before redefining variables and writing functions
# 17:22 GWG petermolnar, what extra exif parameters did you add to WordPress? I vaguely remember you working on that
[schmarty], KartikPrabhu, [eddie], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], [tmiller] and [Rose] joined the channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 20:27 [grantcodes] If I have a post that has a created date and a published date and I want the permalink to include the date what is the opinion on the date I should use?
# 20:33 gRegorLove I would lean towards published, especially if it's not publicly available before then in a stream or feed.
# 20:34 gRegorLove I do similarly with event posts. the dt-start is used in the permalink, but it has an earlier dt-published
# 20:52 aaronpk i don’t really display created date anywhere, but I use published date and the event date for the URL
# 20:54 gRegorLove WordPress uses the published date field, regardless of back- or forward-dating
tantek__ and [Rose] joined the channel
# 21:07 [grantcodes] The only place I currently use it intentionally is for photo posts where the photo could have been taken ages ago but not published for a long time
# 21:10 GWG Gregorlove, WordPress has date and date modified. I've backdated posts
# 21:13 [grantcodes] I saw rolling stone I think it was has some stuff in there they had backdated from magazines before the internet existied
# 21:20 GWG Check out the oldest post on my site
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