#dev 2018-10-06

2018-10-06 UTC
[asuh] joined the channel
sounds awesome gRegorLove! adding those to your itches?
(continuing from #indieweb re: building out viewing /invitations /rsvps
renem and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
indiebookclub now has export!
sebsel joined the channel
<command> | curl -n -F 'f:1=<-' http://ix.io
gRegorLove++ for offering data export!
gRegorLove has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (114 in all channels)
[Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
This details some really clever link tracking by Google that I hadn’t seen before: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/10/privacy-badger-now-fights-more-sneaky-google-tracking
I spent yesterday working on the .json branch of webmention badges so I can have all the parts included in the #IndieWeb course template on @glitch. Today, after coaching two soccer teams, I will turn to PHP (and get farther). (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7731-2/)
Ruxton and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Ok #indieweb friends. What do you do about 404-ing webmentions? @aaronpk Especially curious for your thoughts on this WRT http://webmention.io. +@adactio @jgarber @t
↩️ Generally, 404 isn't enough to assume the author intended to delete, so I still display them. If you want to actually delete a webmention, then 410 is the better approach. See also: https://indieweb.org/deleted
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
is it considerd bad form to use the name of a mf2 property in a database table, like dt-published?
i'd drop the prefix since the prefix is a parsing instruction and not part of the property name
okay thank you
but otherwise it's fine to use the property name in a database table. my site does that quite a bit.
it'll be okay
↩️ As I am thinking about webmention badges I have to figure out if I need an error message to indicate a badge, or webmention, has been revoked. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7735-2/)
[Rose] joined the channel
@downes started to fool around with a php version of webmention badges  here: https://github.com/jgmac1106/badgemaker-prototype/tree/jgmac1106-php My thinking is one app to make the badge and another to issue as webmention badges as a micropub client when list of urls entered. Putting a parser in… http://jgregorymcverry.com/7737-2/
↩️ I am running into issues where (for instance) a tweeted webmention has disappeared. Just thinking about how I want to handle that.
licensing questions: ibc includes a lib that is MIT licensed; also the base code is based on Teacup, which is Apache license. 1) What's the best way to indicate those licenses in the ibc repo? 2) Is it ok if I license IBC overall under MIT?
I have the MIT license file in the directory for the third-party lib and figured the project README would indicate that as well as the Teacup Apache license.
It appears it's OK to redistribute under MIT as long as I make it clear in the code which parts are derived from the Apache license and note aaronpk's copyright. http://www.apache.org/foundation/license-faq.html#Distribute-changes
What is ibc
indiebookclub is an app for posting books you are reading to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/ibc
[asuh] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Yep, that is generally the case gRegorLove. As long as the licenses do not specifically exclude eachother somehow (which MIT and Apache do not, AFAIK) you just need to make sure it is somewhere specified which parts are being made available under which licence.
It also isn’t so much that you would be licensing ibc “overall”, you are picking a licence for your specific code contributions to the repo. That could be the majority of the code, but still.
(Layman’s view, of course, so consult your favourite IP lawyer for actual answers.)
what is lightning network?
It looks like we don't have a page for "lightning network" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "lightning network is ____", a sentence describing the term)
the Lightning Network is a payment protocol that settles to one or more blockchains (primarily Bitcoin as of 2018) offering fast and low cost payment transactions at the scale of billions per day
[dmitshur] joined the channel
this "lightning network" is peer-to-peer and kinda maps well to the indieweb if you squint hard enough
bitcoin blockchain -- Dec 2016 (100 GB) -- Oct 2018 (200 GB)
what part of it is web-like, or about owning your identity?
a tip web action next to the like web action
are you using it to accept payments then?
verification of a purchase (kind of like a badge?) to enhance an h-review
well on the outset all i could do is own my bitcoin transactions aka get off coinbase
but i'm more interested in a secondary payment network that settles to blockchain
not unlike the lightning
i'll keep all wiki additions web-centric
so that users of indieweb can make transactions without needing the full node
seems like a great opportunity for a bridge
deathrow1 joined the channel
This makes the Twitter/Facebook-Behemoth look like a dinosaur from ancient past. WP-Plugin already in place. Sort-of-Webmentions reloaded (which btw now has a WP-Plugin, too, by the same author as prev mentioned). The Internet is getting interesting again. Finally.
tantek__, [asuh], [dmitshur], deathrow1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jekyll-webmention_io (3.3.1): This Gem includes a suite of tools for managing webmentions in Jekyll: * Tags *… https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-webmention_io
↩️ I'm just reading into this stuff, sounds pretty exciting. I had a look at webmentions some years ago and found it hilariously unaccessable, but that issue seems to be quite fixed, so I'll give some of this stuff a shot… @tinysubversions
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel