#dev 2018-10-07

2018-10-07 UTC
BBNZ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
What is indiepayme?
indiepay.me is a website that tracks distributed payment posts via webmention https://indieweb.org/indiepayme
renem, tantek__, cweiske and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[Rose], [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
@zegnat if you have a second today check out: https://github.com/jgmac1106/badgemaker-prototype/blob/jgmac1106-php/BadgeMaker.php trying to develop a php badge issuer
On my way!
Wait … why are the functions outside of the class?
my thinking it would be indielogin>use the form to design template (not for MVP but would like a parser to pull instructor h-card and criteria at later date) that then creates an html badge template (better yet micropub client publishes badge template)
because it was my first time trying to do this
and I was cutting and pasting from different tutorials….sounds like I need to go back to drawing board
but I feel like I am totally over thinking this and all of the parts are already made… I am just trying how you take building blocks, connect them, to make something new
I am not actually sure that one-class-to-do-all-the-things is a very good pattern, haha
Yes, webmention.io is a receiving endpoint. And you would like to offer a service that sends webmentions for you? Kinda like cweiske’s comment parade?
I just want to come up with some way to design the badge file and send the webmention….and starting from here seemed daunting…figured even if I royally screw up I won’t know how things work not trying to build it myself
[indieweb] mention-client-php: Client library for sending webmention and pingback notifications
As someone who has also worked on a library for finding webmention endpoints (https://github.com/Zegnat/php-webmention-endpoint-discovery) let me tell you right now that the details of it aren’t fun :P
[Zegnat] php-webmention-endpoint-discovery: A straight forward implementation of webmention endpoint discovery.
yeah not working on that for now…top avoid it…trying to just think how do I take soemthing like this: https://badgemakerapp.glitch.me/ and get something like this https://github.com/jgmac1106/badgemaker-prototype/blob/gh-pages/views/newbadge.html...though that view fils is from my node.js attempt
What you can do, if you have a working form, is to created an HTML file from the submitted form and then ask telegraph to send the webmention for you. That way all you need to build it generating badge HTML. (Yeay for modularity!)
basically I want people to hit remix on this project: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/indiewebcoursetemplate and have ability to make, send and receive webmention badges…though a stand alone micropub client with a built in parser makes most sense….just way above my skill level
okay that sounds like a great approach!!
I haven’t done enough server-side node to be able to comment on that side of things. But for PHP you would just need 1 PHP file that you submit your form to (submithere.php). That file will then check the data it got ($_POST) and put it in an HTML template you have already made (could use a template engine, or simply a string with variables like you have in your display_public() function). Then save the finished HTML to disk.
If the saved the HTML to disk in a web-accessible folder you could then ping telegraph with the web-accessible URL to the file, and it will send out the webmention(s)
(That last sentence doesn’t seem to make any grammatical sense, but hopefully you got the gist :D)
I got it.
I think 😂
[tmiller] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
okay I can do that sounds easy....trying to get Jess or Atul to strip away all the JQuery related to the image maker...need to get that to the clean bones
@downes I was talking to @zegnat (@martijnvdven) in  #IndieWeb dev channel. Easiest approach to webmention badges will be to use http://webmentions.io (on each activity page), have PHP form that generates HTML file and uses telegraph to send the… http://jgregorymcverry.com/7747-2/
[schmarty] joined the channel
Finally getting somewhere with my own Micropub endpoint!
[TimApple] joined the channel
Well, I saw the Baltimore video where Aaron made one in 30 minutes, and my challenge today is to make a "add these three files to your Grav install" endpoint
Micropub endpoint, media endpoint, and a config gile
If you succeed, jeremycherfas is going to be very happy 😉
That was the thought
Also: I'll be happy to not have to run something hacked for Grav
miklb joined the channel
Now, where can I include HTTP 418 in this?
step 1: build a teapot
You log food, right?
If you logged drinking tea and it returned a 418, that would be fun
Of course, everything would have to handle that...
When receiving an eat post including coffee, error out with 418
It is an error code, don't issue it for tea 😉
It's not an error code, that's the thing
It's an error code, since it's specified for attempting to brew coffee in a teapot
It's a client error, as it begins with a 4
I will be pleased, but I don’t want to scrap what I have. I think a joint attack on Perlkonig’s webmentions plugin to get the data from X-ray would be very useful.
I need to do something with web mentions
I started last year with aaronpk help but couldn’t pursue it. I’ve since got a bit better at PHP and would consider giving it another crack. The beauty of using X-ray is that the data returned has a standard format, while the methods in the plugin return everything that is there. So you have to normalise at some point.
Is there a definitive list somewhere of a list of what a micropub endpoint should be able to accept?
I'm currently going through this: https://indieweb.org/Micropub
But I'm finding that `bookmark-of` is acceptable in a h-entry, however it's not listed under h-entry itself
while this isn't quite the answer you're looking for, generally, you should look for the specific properties that you want to be able to handle based on what kinds of posts your site supports, and then also support "summary" as a fallback in case apps post things that your site doesn't recognize.
http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry lists a bunch (but could be missing some experimental ones too)
[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML. ...
That's probably the smartest approach Aaron
it's more about making sure that you have a way to display the properties you're accepting. also if the app sends stuff you don't recognize it's a good idea to stash those values away somewhere anyway incase you decide later to add support for something
I had found the microformats Wiki, but hadn't got to that link yet, thanks Sknebel!
Yes, I think my logic is backwards right now
I should be adding everything to the headers, and just changing the names/positions of those that need to be modified
Would you say that the summary would be the "meat" of the post (i.e. the content) if there is no content present?
i'd consider it fallback, as in best available, rather than the "meat"
107 lines of code later... Ish. I have an endpoint
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Yay endpoint
🎉 congrats
[jon] and [eddie] joined the channel
Need to put it in production for further testing next.
[jgmac1106] and tantek__ joined the channel
Hi tantek__, while you're unidle... if I were interested in using h-geo in a tiny HTML document as a standard format for aggregating traffic data (as an alternative to the centralized/proprietary Google traffic layer), what would be the process for suggesting additional h-geo properties (say, "p-speed" and "p-direction")?
do you publish that information yourself?
first step would be to gather existing publishing examples
Not yet, but I'd like to talk to some other people before I write any code to start doing it. :)
Ah, okay. So really, I should just start doing it first?
Document how it is being published in other formats, is also a good start. So you see there is a need and what words/labels are already in use
yes, always better to focus on real world use-cases that affect you first so you have some experience
otherwise you end up designing by theory and become an architecture astronaut
Cool. I frankly don't know any other formats that are trying to compete with google on that front. :) But I have often lamented that there isn't even a decentralized way for me to report my travel status to loved ones without going through centralized, data-mining services...
So I believe I will first make a publish-and-subscribe session so my gal can see if I'm stuck in traffic.
do you use Swarm or any other check-in tool / site / service?
"p-speed" and "p-direction" seem useful for that too: knowing where I am answers one question; knowing whether I'm moving (and how fast) answers another for her.
No, I haven't discovered any decentralized/open ones of any kind.
Is Swarm open-source/free-software?
jumping to properties is premature without exploring and documenting use-cases
Swarm is not open source, but you can use https://ownyourswarm.p3k.io to push your checkins to your own website
The two use cases I've described here have been rattling around in my head for quite some time, but I haven't written them anywhere yet.
and just to point it out, Swarm is awesomely useful, and has zero notion of speed or direction
Yeah, I'm not using any closed-source/proprietary-server location tracking services. :) But that OwnYourSwarm looks like it might be interesting; thanks.
that's an example of why it's premature to jump to properties, even property *needs* without first exploring the use-case, at least by writing it down, maybe even by doing a mock-up
whether it is closed-source/proprietary-server or not is much less important than the UX and what you actually use it for
a github repo by itself is just pile of useless text
what is plumbing?
Plumbing in the context of the IndieWeb, refers to all the underlying code, backend setup, protocols, formats that is all merely there to support the design and user experience of a site, the actual user visible and interactive parts https://indieweb.org/plumbing
I did sample Waze for a little while (just before it was bought by Google) and thought of a few nice UX improvements I'd make to it...
But I don't immediately know how it might differentiate (say) east-bound or west-bound traffic, one of which is stopped and the other which is not, without direction properties.
But you're right; I haven't tried yet. :)
So why are those "micropub" examples on OwnYourSwarm listed as JSON?
Is that more commonly used in the real world than HTTP POST formatting?
anything beyond a simple post uses JSON format https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#json-syntax
such as a nested h-card
since form-encoding is somewhat ambiguous for anything beyond simple key-value pairs
That advertises that it can use several transports, like "SMS, email, social networks, note taking applications, etc."
But from what I can tell, it doesn't actually help those applications *do* anything once the data is received. I think it just stupidly dumps geo data into the transport and doesn't care what happens to it after that, or about the usability of the data on the distant end.
This one at least appears to plot it on a map and distribute it as a graphic: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.sylvek.sharemyposition/
But that one's going google-dependent.
miklb joined the channel
what is a photo cache?
It looks like we don't have a page for "photo cache" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "photo cache is ____", a sentence describing the term)
is there a consensus on storing other people's photos for local serving?
or just a general discussion on the pros/cons?
ah nicknames-cache encompasses -- i see why snarfed brought it up the other day
[asuh] joined the channel