#dev 2018-10-20

2018-10-20 UTC
eli_oat, mardb, renem, gRegorLove, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [Rose], Frankm, [jeremycherfas], AngeloGladding, Saa, cowglow, [cowglow], sebsel and [Marco] joined the channel
okay! so my website has some form of webmention support now !! go check - https://avinash.com.np/2018/10/16/web-weekend-kathmandu-2018-wrap-up/ so much for writing my own, now i am using http://webmention.io until i write something myself (which can take until another dashain holiday) :D
swentel, sebsel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Marco] I am teaching my first blind student to code. Any tips welcome. Decided to use plain text editor. Building her templates with just header and paragraph tags
[Rose] and [Marco] joined the channel
Hey [jgmac1106] that's a great thing to do! ❤
Thinking of tipps… woah… dunno. Ask her as many questions as possible:
- how do you feel most comfortable learning?
- which fields of coding are you interested in the most or at all? (Front End and Back End are both pretty wide fields… could be anything, and then start from there)
- what would you look for in a text/code editor?
Thinking about it, those are questions I'd ask any apprentice before starting to teach them anything. 🤔
What fascinates me, listening to the IWC feed, is how many people want the same or similar things
Let her try different editors and find out what feels best on her own (thinking about editors in specific).
When it comes to HTML I wouldn't teach it differently to a blind person than to any other person to be honest.
Start out with a "Hello World" inside a `<h1>` and then add more HTML tags as you go.
GWG: stream working well for you now?
Yes, but for some reason, Firefox doesn't support Hangouts anymore, so I'm just watching. Also have to leave soon.
So some I'll have to watch after the fact.
[Khurt], KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Thx [Marco] I am redoing my hello tutorials to be plain text. She wants to build a website to encourage restaurants to make menus more accessible
[Khurt] and [Marco] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] happy to help 🙂
[Rose] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
OK. De eerste dag van de IndieWebCamp zit er op. Morgen gaan we een half dagje zelf aan de slag met eigen projecten. Mijn plan is om de complete flow van webmentions in orde te gaan maken. Zowel het ontvangen als het versturen. Ik heb in elk geval al een… https://diggingthedigital.com/indieweb-webmention-client-ruby-a-ruby-gem-for/
[Rose], jgmac1106, Frank, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, j12t and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Good morning
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Khurt] you could try rolling back one version of Post Kinds though 3.1.1 has some important fixes.
Mf2 stream wasn't working perfectly because of a post kind bug but I know it was working well enough for you
dougbeal|imac, jgmac1106, gRegorLove and sebsel joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
More notes added ;)
Next up will be "notes before bedtime", followed by "notes while sleeping" and "notes at breakfast"? :P
really curious what tomorrow will bring :)
Hahaha, no more notes I’m afraid
Unless sknebel starts adding
[dmitshur] joined the channel
Hi. I have a question I wanted to discuss, if anyone has thoughts on this.
My personal website is open source, and all the static data is embedded. It's possible for anyone to download and run it easily. However, some of the pages rely on some dynamic data to be available, and they currently fail in ways that aren't pretty, because they assume that data must be there (and it is there in the real production environment).
I want to make that experience better so I'm thinking about different approaches I could take.
I considered hard-coding some of the critical dynamic data into code (e.g., https://github.com/shurcooL/home/commit/d75345bcf8b252251d3cbd8333f9cdffb87e2fb2) but found that approach doesn't scale. I can hard-code some data, but I later found there's more that also needs to be hard-coded... it also separates some data between 2 places (code, database). It doesn't feel right.
Another idea I had was to do some sort of federation... when run with default flags, it would assume there is no local database, and instead connect to the upstream server on the internet and use its APIs instead.
This feels like it could be pretty cool, but it has downsides:
1. obviously requires an internet connection; wouldn't run offline
2. worse, it makes the database effectively "read-only" because such an instance wouldn't be have access to modify anything remotely.
3. it's a weird unsupported mode that might break and I would never notice, since I personally wouldn't ever use it
Has anyone with an open source website tackled this problem (making it possible/friendly for someone else to download and run a local instance of it)?
j12t_, jgmac1106, [asuh], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk, what do you think about bumping indiewebify.me PHP requirement to 7.0?
It's 5.4 currently