#dev 2018-10-21

2018-10-21 UTC
jgmac1106 and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
Honey Bunches of Notes are Yummy, watched a few sessions tonight. I am excited for tomorrow as well
renem_ and [tantek] joined the channel
Made some improvements to a dev version of indiewebify.me. Now treats empty path and "/" the same: http://iwm.gregoreatworld.com/validate-h-card/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdougbeal.com
Improved the messaging when it finds an h-card but it's not representative: http://iwm.gregoreatworld.com/validate-h-card/?url=dougbeal.com
Let me know any thoughts on the latter. Pending that I'll submit the PR.
Thought it would be more clear to give the exact `class=` markup instead of referring to just the property name.
[Rose], [jeremycherfas], tonz and [Marco] joined the channel
calumryan and j4y_funabashi joined the channel
morning all
I have been focusing on my micropub client interface recently and actually taking a lot of inspiration from mbasic.facebook.com
I think it is all no-js and really fast + functional - the buttons are not easy to press on mobile but that is a thing I am fixing in my version
anyone else have good examples of admin interfaces?
I think you should watch Zegnat's demo later I think
j4y_funabashi: I think there are a bunch of screenshots on the micropub client page
Switched to h2, now trying to work out why resources still load over http 1
AntiVirus shield disabled and refreshed cache - h2 loading yay!
[Marco] joined the channel
🤘 Hands up for H2!
[jgmac1106] and calumryan joined the channel
[gRegorLove] I want to play with the language of IndieWebify.me for when an u-photo is missing
Many people do not want a photo of themselves online
jgmac1106, calumryan, j4y_funabashi and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Just in time before leaving for the railwaystation I succeeded in my 2nd #indieweb project on #indiewebcamp Nürnberg: changing how webmentions are handled on my site. https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2018/10/wrapping-my-head-around-webmentions-pt3/
[cowglow], [Marco] and frankmeeuwsen joined the channel
The `ch` unit is my new most favorite unit in CSS ❤
Imagine telling a paragraph to be exactly 60 characters wide at maximum to ease reading for users. 😀
`p { max-width: 60ch; }` will do just that, where `1ch` equals the width of a `0` (zero) in that specific font.
#offtopic yes, I have a favorite unit in CSS. I'm that nerdy when it comes to that language. 😄
whaaaat that's amazing
riiight! another great use: Checkbox left, label right… `[type=checkbox] { margin-right: 1ch }` always looks just right 😍
and here I did the same with the gap between the icon and the text
support is stellar: https://caniuse.com/#feat=ch-unit IE9 can do it!
> Unit representing the width of the character "0" in the current font, of particular use in combination with monospace fonts.
here's a blogpost about several other use-cases: http://revoltpuppy.com/articles/89/using-ch-an-underappreciated-css-length 🙂
raretrack, swentel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
what is the ch/em ratio for various fonts?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ch/em ratio for various fonts" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ch/em ratio for various fonts is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[kevinmarks] good question… as em is not related to the font but to the font-size set on the parent (or in the browser itself depending on the way you use the unit) I don't know how to compare the two
In the article I posted earlier the author wrote from eyeballing it looks like `.5em` roughly equals `1ch` but I'd say that depends pretty much on the font in use.
for example you could say
p { margin: 1ch; } /* unrelated to the font-size */
body { font-size: 1.25em; /* equals a font-size of 20px */ }
p { font-size: 1.5em; /* equals 30px --> 20 * 1.5 */ }
love this conversation, been messing with the ways comments display on my Known site
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, [Rose] and tonz joined the channel
Just on top of what I showed, there's a lot going on under the hood already:
- progressive font loading
- preloading font files and the main stylesheet
- built with accessibility in mind
- I excluded the critical part of my CSS and put it inline in the head
https://www.zachleat.com/web/the-compromise/ (article on the font loading technique I'm using)
jkphl and snarfed joined the channel
raretrack, bradenslen, tonz, [cleverdevil], jgmac1106, deathrow1, [jeremycherfas], [calumryan], [eddie], AngeloG, [Rose], gRegorLove and [dave] joined the channel
@frankmeeuwsen Ben je tevreden over webmentions? Ik ben er een beetje mee aan het spelen met Ghost, maar twijfel nog een beetje. Het ziet er zo snel rommelig uit.
jgmac1106, [tantek], tonz and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell GWG Overland just has an attribute or two that gets included with the location updates that tell the server whether it’s part of a trip and what type of trip it is
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell GWG and then compass will detect the “start or stop” of a trip by the appearance or removal of that attribute and when a trip is over Compass can send the data as a Micropub request
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
How does it get included?
What do you mean? In the overland to Compass or Compass to Micropub?
frankmeeuwsen joined the channel
How does it know you are on a trip?
If I installed it, wondering the benefits
Ik denk dat 99% van mijn volgers dit niet zullen snappen, maar toen ik deze regel in de logfile zag van een script waar ik mee bezig ben, werd ik heel blij en nam ik als beloning een Bitburger. Ik heb het eindelijk voor elkaar om webmentions te zenden vanaf mijn blog. #indieweb
Ohhh you have to tap a button
When my plane was ready for takeoff I started a flight trip.
When I land I'll stop that trip.
You tap on what type of trip (Car, boat, train, taxi, etc) and then you tap start and when you are done you tap stop
(I want to learn enough Swift to change that long tap button into something else, because I didn't realise how to change it before)
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that trip selector a bit
I was thinking it would be nice if it popped up a spinner in that space below it.
But that's probably not the best UI
I find long tap, force press , 3D Touch and the like are difficult for discovery.
Yeah, I’m wondering if visually it should be a bit different. But then I also want to figure out passive tracking
So that I’m not always picking up my phone (Although Shortcuts will help with that too)
Shortcuts donations will go a long way.
Okay, that Android doesn't have
I should talk to mendak
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I’m thinking probably doing something where the trip icon is obviously a selection and not just a display. And then you could have a bottom sheet pop up (like maps/music style)
I agree
Thanks, Loqi
you're welcome, [eddie]
I also agree.
jgmac1106, snarfed, [eddie] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I am thinking of adding altitude to every post
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
anyone ever put a status update in their h-card, bored, working, single, whateever?
frankmeeuwsen and snarfed joined the channel
Loqi making more work for me
jgmac1106 and [eddie] joined the channel
snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel