#dev 2018-10-24

2018-10-24 UTC
renem, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, strugee, cweiske, tglobe, [pfefferle], [chegalabonga], [Vincent], swentel, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Oh de hoepels waar je door springt als je je eigen oplossingen aan elkaar wilt rijgen als een kralenketting. Sinds dit weekend kan ik eindelijk webmentions versturen vanaf mijn site. Nu bestaan webmentions uit twee onderdelen: Versturen en ontvangen… https://diggingthedigital.com/webmentions-aan-jezelf/
Ton, je zou denken dat bij een statische site alle webmentions onderdeel zijn van mijn site en dus in mijn bezit zijn. Dat is (nog) niet zo. Als je een blogpost bezoekt wordt onderin een javascript geladen die vanaf de webmentions-dienst de juiste… https://diggingthedigital.com/34717/
[chegalabonga] joined the channel
Is pixelfed an "Instagram-like" thing that can be self-hosted?
looks like it. Like it!
just found the github. Answered my own q
jgmac1106 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[chegalabonga], yeah
we did a test with fed bridgy, but federation isn't ready yet
but it looks very cool :)
swentel has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (27 in all channels)
greetings human
calumryan, bradenslen and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I think my ISP is shutting down my connection as I try to move files to S3, happs three days in a row now
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
If I want to use the same key-pair on my laptop as on my desktop to access my server, do I need to edit known_hosts as well as copy over the private and public keys?
[Rose] joined the channel
copy over pub/private keys, that's all
You just need to copy the private key from your desktop to your laptop
It should be in ~/.ssh
(CMD+Shift+G, type that in, and copy away)
known_hosts will auto-populate on first connect
it keeps a list of the server hashes to identify is a hash changes
eg. reinstalled server, someone put up a fake one to make you log in, etc.
tglobe joined the channel
Groovy. Let's see if this works then.
Interesting. I had set up passwordless login via Terminal on the desktop, and it works fine. Copied over the keys to the laptop, and it requires the password. May have to read some documentation. Hey ho.
it's expected
"passwordless" is not what you think it it :)
the private key is an encrypted file, to decrypt it, you need a password
then it goes into something called an ssh-agent, which is like a session storage for private keys
it will be served from there on demand and it may even be forwarded when you use another ssh box to jump to a further one
you need to unlock that key
Everything is more complex than I expect.
ideally, your operating system provides either an unlock once or an unlock automatically on login
you could do unprotected private key, which doesn't have a password, but please don't, unless there's no other option
what is your operating system?
(if linux, include the DE)
OSX. Reading what Dreamhost suggests, I might be just as well generating a fresh key pair on the laptop and going from there. I thought I could make life simpler by copying over the desktop pair, but it doesn't seem to offer any advantage.
it really doesn't, it's actually better to have one per system
I'm doing 1 key per device right now, it's a pain to add several keys to a new server when setting it up, but then I can revoke just that one key if my device is lost or stoklen
That's what I will (attempt to) do now. I suppose I should delete the keys I copied first.
That's a good idea
Sounds like maybe the key file didn't have the right permissions when copied too. It has to be readable only by your user otherwise ssh will ignore it and you'll see the regular password prompt.
damn it, I need aliases for microsub, like miscrosub and such, the typos I've made are horrible, especially when coding (well, 'coding') in YAML :p
All good now; thanks everyone
tglobe_ and [chegalabonga] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Nautilus is great for giving me ideas for my own site. Thanks!
it still has a lot of missing pieces
but it's a start
im starting with a dummy domain currently just to flesh out the functionality for mine.
good idea. that's why I have avocado.lol
you can follow AnAvocado@avocado.lol from mastodon 😂
jgmac1106 joined the channel
* Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth/
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - https://ift.tt/2R8w9V5 #mozillian
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth https://ift.tt/2R8w9V5 #devtools #javascript
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth https://ift.tt/2R8w9V5
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth https://ift.tt/2R8w9V5
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth https://ift.tt/2R8w9V5
Well hello
lol the Mozilla blog sent me a pingback!
jackjamieson joined the channel
My post on the Mozilla Hacks blog was just published! "Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth" https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth/ If you're at #iiw today, I'll be at demo hour showing how this works!
jgmac1106 joined the channel
so many bots
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth @mozhacksさんから
[kevinmarks] and [chegalabonga] joined the channel
With an actor address, could you do without the name and just use the url?
So `@mysite.com` instead of `@name@mysite.com` ?
In activity pub.
If the website is a single persons domain this makes sense to me.
When Aaron tried that things didn't like it
Mastodon doesn't do that but the spec allows it
Makes sense, right?
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth https://goo.gl/LkjfjE #foundation #frontend #frontenddev #webdev
I don't like the idea of coding an implementation in a particular way because of how one other implementation has been done.
sebsel joined the channel
you can code it differently and write mastodon a bug
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth #javascript #dweb #featuredarticle #identity #indieauth #indieweb #oauth #100daysofcode #webdev #webdevelopment https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth/
[asteres], [cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ First thing news websites should do is remove all the social share buttons. Stop getting screwed by algorithms. Use native comments, better yet webmentions and encourage audience to join you online. #misinfocon (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/14f90J)
... yep, that last tweet of the mozilla post plain copied it...
[eddie] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk Do you replace your itineraries with trips after the fact? or do you leave both itineraries AND trips?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed, jgmac1106, deathrow1 and [chegalabonga] joined the channel
Wow, I have 4395 webmentions (most of them probably PESOS from Swarm)
[eddie]: they are separate posts for now, but it's kind of annoying me
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 3 minutes ago: Do you replace your itineraries with trips after the fact? or do you leave both itineraries AND trips?
i've been thinking about some way to add the trip data to the itinerary post after the fact
ohhh that's interesting. So essentially an update post where it adds the trip data to the existing post
yeah, and i'll probably still show the planned itinerary too
Yeah that makes sense
doubleloop and snarfed joined the channel
[aaronpk] couldn;’t you do the itenary as one post and then send updates as webmention replies?
yeah that'd be another approach
but when I go through my day permalinks, I don't really like that there are two separate posts for the same trip now
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
well when you figure it out I will have to turn it into the days to to-list...right now sending daily updates as webmentions, and have one long post for the to-do liost
tracking learning activity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AdMfGl_0-0jKL5cNkik3iEaxiq2SACvf/view still seems overly complicated to me
any more thoughts here on how to do indie unfollow? anyone strongly for or against 410 delete of the original follow post? https://indieweb.org/unfollow
seems clearer than separate unfollow post, which would require comparing dates to be sure what the current (latest) state should be. esp hard if someone follows and unfollows multiple times
410 is hard for static sites, right?
(I'm neutral, haven't thought about follow/unfollow much)
static sites, got me. all functionality seems hard for them, outside of JS
update of the original post to remove the follow property could also work, instead of 410?
hmm yes, but less clearly an unfollow
(i also wonder what that post would look like then :P)
the same, except withou the markup?
I honestly am not sure using follow posts for that works at all
snarfed joined the channel
sknebel: probably not, since the content would be something like "i'm following this person," which would no longer be true
deletion also is overloading it kind of
turning the "follow event" into a "follow state"
yup. t is a state!
[frank] joined the channel
ugh... I found out today my current webmention provider (Voxpelli's https://webmention.herokuapp.com/) doesn't filter out entries where source=target. Which for me every post is because every post has a u-url to itself because of microformats.
A WebMention Endpoint
Unfortunately Voxpelli's too busy to make a fix for it and I am just too bad of a programmer to fix a PR for it...
So I might want to switch to webmention.io and use the Jekyll plugin from Aaron Gustafson to show the entries. Only thing is, how to get the old webmentions to the new service?
[pfefferle] and swentel joined the channel
410 is the second reason (301/302 first) why I build a PHP file part of the static generation which acts as fallback default file, has an array for redirect and an array for gone
[frank]: how do you have them now?
[chegalabonga] and snarfed joined the channel
@Petermolnar Right now all webmentions are in a big JSON file. I use https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ as a service to receive and display them
A WebMention Endpoint
[Vincent] joined the channel
Has anyone else noticed that Webmention.io can send the same data to you in different formats?
As in I will get the same JSON structured differently.
If I use the https://webmention.io/api/mentions?domain=xxx&token=xxx method I get one data structure
If I send it directly to my server using the Web Hook in settings. I get a different data structure.
Is this a bug or by design?
[frank]: I converted all my former entries into yaml+md files and placed them next to my content; incoming ones are added before build: https://github.com/petermolnar/nasg/blob/master/nasg.py#L1489 so I only query webmention.io for new ones since the last
[smerrill] and [eddie] joined the channel
this feels like a bug, i’ll add it to Github issues.
@petermolnar that's an interesting way of building it. I am now in the phase where I have a local build of my testsite. I can receive webmentions through webmention.io, but for some reason they will not show up in my local build.
if it's really just the initial url comparison that'd be easy enough to fix in the heroku endpoint (ideally one would also check on redirects, thats a bit deeper in the internals, but the initial check might be enough to catch your problem)
if you want to move to webmention.io and also want to have the data in there, you could resend the webmentions yourself to webmention.io
[sknebel] I wouldn't know how to fix that in the Heroku endpoint really...
taking a look right now...
[Vincent]: I need to properly document this but if you add .jf2 to the api endpoint it'll give you the same webhook format
[chegalabonga], [tantek], strugee, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth via @mozhacks #indieweb
snarfed joined the channel