#dev 2018-10-25

2018-10-25 UTC
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://buff.ly/2D3uDRe
gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://mzl.la/2PgmJJZ
renem joined the channel
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://buff.ly/2D3uDRe
#RT @HustleFundBaby: RT @fitterweb: Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://mzl.la/2PgmJJZ
snarfed joined the channel
woo, bridgy fed now translates u-follow-of webmentions to AP Follow activities. so you can indie follow a mastodon user and it will work!
it's probably the first service implementation of u-follow-of, and possibly the first implementation in code at all, ie as opposed to hand-written HTML. https://indieweb.org/follow
let a thousand flowers bloom, etc
on an unrelated note, traffic to bridgy's home page spiked on 10/14 and has stayed high since. all direct, not referrals (ie links) or social. pretty spread out across countries, browsers, networks. not sure where they're coming from yet.
(according to google analytics, which is JS with good filters, so almost certainly not bot traffic)
snarfed and cweiske joined the channel
[chegalabonga], [pfefferle], KartikPrabhu and [Vincent] joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
[aaronpk] thanks!
swentel joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ I guess, any static site generator should work with https://webmention.io/ You just set the "target" for every page and add proper JS code. I haven't tried it myself though.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ Take a look at https://indieweb.org/Webmention#Services ; http://webmention.io, as mentioned before, works quite well when in comes to static generators.
↩️ @kaihendry For Jekyll take a look at @AaronGustafson plugin as an example for both sending/receiving Webmentions https://aarongustafson.github.io/jekyll-webmention_io/
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell Snarfed the traffic spike seems to match the Google+ announcement. Wonder if folks looking?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
still have days & days of logs to catch-up, however I am very interested in figuring out how to represent all the information on my Lanyrd but on my own site: http://lanyrd.com/profile/t/ including my full history of sessions: http://lanyrd.com/profile/t/sessions/
Tantek Çelik
pretty sure most of this is already covered by a combination of h-feed h-entry h-event h-card however I think to know for sure we need to actually fully mark-up all the information in a way it can be consumed and then see what's left over and still needs to be marked up with extra properties, tags, objects etc.
if anyone wants to start on this, /Lanyrd#Brainstorming would be a good place to link to experiments and add your notes
Pretty cool. Us academics call it a Vita 😎 lot of parallels... All my sessions listed on my website but just p and list tags
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth @mozhacksから
[tantek] would you then use h-resume instead of h-entry?
[chegalabonga] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] it's not really a "resumé" per se, though it could be part of one? Since each item is something that occurs/occurred at a particular datetime, I think h-feed is likely sufficient for the top level of such a "sessions" speaking history page
Can I have multiple h-entries on one page? I thought that breaks parsers?
Nvm it would be multiple h-events in one h-entry
[Rose] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] what's the use case for multiple h-events in one h-entry?
did you mean multiple h-event in one h-feed?
also multiple h-entrys on a page is the "simple" version of a stream
[calumryan] joined the channel
Yes... I mixed up my thinking as I am seeing more HTML5 infinite scroll themes where you have multiple h-entry on a page.... I remember someone telling me parsers don't handle it well
Now also....I do want to get my vita off of GDocs and onto my site... So you sent me down rabbit hole.... That better not lead back to how to mix APA and mf2 again
Though @zegnat built me a citation builder
❌Sign in with Facebook? ❌Sign in with Google? ✅Sign in with my own website! @aaronpk teaches how to manage your own identity with IndieAuth in the latest piece in the dweb series on @mozhacks. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth/
dietrich has 1 karma over the last year
[aaronpk] that is like the third, post to my blog, syndicate to Mastodon and then use Mastodon plugin to Twitter... Will add to the POSSE page later.
Oh is that mastodon to Twitter? I assumed he was doing it the other way around
[Vincent] joined the channel
Actually not sure but Mastodon to Twitter is more and more frequent especially among WordPress crowd... I will log an example.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
[eddie] joined the channel
renem and tantek__ joined the channel
Anyone notice this?
oh yeah I need to deal with that
aaronpk, how?
probably will switch to dark sky
aaronpk, I have to figure out who else I want to feel my personal weather station data to.
I also store it locally, but..
And I send it to open weather map
I should find a way to display it on my site
aaronpk, keep me posted
I think eddie uses dark sky for his Weather posts
Any ideas about personal weather stations and one's website?
GWG there are countless options
personally I try to collect all my sensor data into collectd, and from there, it could be anything, say, mqtt, the your site could poll mqtt
guess the first question would be: what ways do you have to get the data out?
then push that in some form of log/time-series-like storage
if you want to go trendy, there's influxdb
↩️ yeah removing Open Graph fully would be the only way to really control it... Though I often respond to myself on Known to keep webmentions threaded the unfurl looks weird their as well with my img. Will try your fix thanks. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/nHo3w)
eli_oat joined the channel
Yep, I use dark sky for my weather posts. I enjoy it
[tantek] joined the channel
yes [jgmac1106] the link-preview on Twitter from notes cross-posted from Known are of zero benefit
everything in the link-preview is already in the tweet
your image, the abbreviation of the text is already in the tweet etc.
best to get rid of all the Twitter Cards / Open Graph metacrap
tantek__, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
now to go back in and put in some stuff I deleted trying to get here
tantek__ joined the channel; jgmac1106 left the channel
[jgmac1106] what stuff? make sure you have a strong consuming code use-case for anything you would put back in
and good job getting rid of the superfluous preview
it was a javascript file to unfurl urls...I kind of like just having a link
I just made slides out of all the web pages I showed during the IndieAuth session at IIW!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
RT @dietrich@mastodon.social ❌Sign in with Facebook? ❌Sign in with Google? ✅Sign in with my own website! aaronpk teaches how to manage your own identity with IndieAuth in the latest piece in the dweb series on (1/2)
↩️ I'm not building on it myself, but I have it set up with rel="me" linking with my personal site http://davegoesthedistance.com so I can use it as my sign-in option with IndieAuth -- see https://indielogin.com/api for info
what is processwire?
ProcessWire is an open source PHP content management system/content management framework https://indieweb.org/ProcessWire
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/10/dweb-identity-for-the-decentralized-web-with-indieauth/
Identité pour le web décentralisé avec #IndieAuth https://www.christopheducamp.com/2018/10/25/identite-web-avec-indieauth/ #indieweb (Traduction d'un article de @aaronpk@aaronparecki.com avec introduction de @dietrich@mastodon.social)
Does anyone here use any of the addons to preserve file creation dates in git? I get confused as heck because checking out a different branch sets all dates and times to the time of checkout.
I didn't even know such addons existed :D
what is ssbc?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ssbc" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ssbc is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is ssb?
Secure Scuttlebutt is a P2P system to sync message feeds, used to build (among others) social applications that work in off-grid/sneakernet scenarios https://indieweb.org/SSB
ssb << [https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/ Scuttlebutt Protocol Guide – How Scuttlebutt peers find and talk to each other]
ok, I added "[https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/ Scuttlebutt Protocol Guide – How Scuttlebutt peers find and talk to each other]" to the "See Also" section of /Secure_Scuttlebutt https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=53183&oldid=48340
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, snarfed1 and swentel joined the channel
"GET /timeline HTTP/1.1" 200 37191 "-" "IndieWeb Drupal Microsub server"
it's alive :)
[eddie] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk Hmmm either something is wrong with foursquare or ownyourswarm. It’s not loading any checkins and when I tried to re-Auth I got an error
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I hope my api access didn't get turned off
Hmm api says a push failed
eli_oat and [eddie] joined the channel
How strange. I wonder what that means...
KartikPrabhu, swentel, [asuh] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Re weather earlier, I use weewx which can output to mqtt and influxdb etc
[manton] joined the channel
Anyone accept Webmentions to their root domain (not an individual post) and don't mind receiving a couple test replies? I added support in Micro.blog for sending Webmentions like "@manton.org Hello world." and want to see if it actually works with some real sites. 🙂
[eddie] joined the channel
[manton] I accept them and don’t mind
Cool, thanks! Do you display them anywhere?
Not publicly but they go into my Microsub reader so I can confirm they appear
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Same! Please do
I do but have trouble figuring out what to do with them
[manton] uh oh my username and url are the same so it matched my username and ignored the domain
[eddie] Yep, still have a few things to work out with username display.
aaronpk might be better because his domain is different than his username
I'll have to fix this. I think it will break verifying the link as-is.
Ahh gotcha
manton, by the way, I now added external url to Jsonfeed on all Post Kinds enabled sites if you ever want to use it
Yeah it definitely didn’t come through as is
@GWG Great, I'll check that out. Thanks.
I know it was on your radar
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
I can also receive webmentions at root level, FWIW.
snarfed joined the channel
time to debug ownyourswarm
snarfed: [jgmac1106] left you a message 14 hours, 4 minutes ago: the traffic spike seems to match the Google+ announcement. Wonder if folks looking?
also [manton] [eddie] [GWG], follow posts are homepage mentions, and we will hopefully start seeing more of those around. https://indieweb.org/follow
whoa, getting 403 when I fetch the URL from my server, but the same URL works from my laptop
GWG++ for already rendering u-follow-of wms nicely in wordpress!
GWG has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (164 in all channels)
works from my other server
I must be rate limited!
aaronpk: yeah your IP
snarfed, I need to retune then because while WordPress accepts them, it doesn't do much useful with them
I would like to do a follow list
[jrsinclair] #33 Has Vimeo blocked the IP addresses for huffduff-video?
they say they return an HTTP header with the time the rate limit will be reset, but I don't see that