#dev 2018-10-31

2018-10-31 UTC
[jgmac1106], [manton], [dave], [tantek] and [tanlaan] joined the channel
That's a good catch and very interesting. Is it really them ushering the admin costs to a separate company, or is it merely popular enough for short comment like posts that most everyone would already have an account for?
"leave feedback" is also not necessarily intended as the same as "leave comments in a comments section" - if they wanted the latter, a github issue would pretty much provide that, but probably be really noisy
also probably means "through what ever agency handles all of our social media" and let's not turn issues into long thread of user requests and debates
the latter is a better description for what I meant with "noisy"
I wonder what is the bridge microsoft is using to try and connect their customer CRM database with GitHub users...Wonder if the Twitter APIs established and easier
[dave], renem, [kevinmarks], snarfed, [chegalabonga], [Vincent], [tonz], myfreeweb, [schmarty], deathrow1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Kevin Marks] @jalcine @kaniini the list of protocols that you have heard of and would like support for could include h-feed, rel=me, WebSub, Webmention, Micropub, Microsub - though maybe we need a pseudo standard umbrella term like OStatus. Mastodon's refusal to ...
we have an umbrella term, we call it indieweb
swentel joined the channel
That is true, but that covers more than just protocols, hence jacky's confusion https://playvicious.social/@jalcine/100988003567796877
[A Alciné in Brooklyn! 🇭🇹🗽🌇] @KevinMarks the survey's about fediverse development and it was mostly about perceived comfort of these projects (among others). How would the IndieWeb have fit into that? @kaniini
Both OStatus and ActivityPub have a marketecture around protocols athat indieweb doesn't
My new Syndication code is designed to work for anything that uses webmentions to POSSE. So that's Indienews, Bridgy... anything else I can add?
Indieweb.xyz, does it as well.
[kevinmarks]: I'm genuinely surprised developers get confused even after they actually read a few paragraphs on our wiki
OStatus isn't really a great example TBH; I was a amazed that Eugen managed a new implementation of it
btw, are they protocols? websub, micropub, webmention. Are they not simply standards?
standards defining protocols?
they are simple standards, but that isn't a normal assumption
[schmarty] joined the channel
Testing the webmentions between Known and http://micro.blog hoping the replies I make to conversations on http://micro.blog from my Known site thread nicely in both places (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/Vvj2Q)
[dave] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Threading on micro.blog isn’t. Or rather, if it is there I cannot make it visible.
[Rose] joined the channel
yeah [jeremycherfas] it is strange they get the webmention but with my domain as my username and the reply post also gets posted as new post, shows up twice
eli_oat, snarfed, [schmarty], [aaronpk] and tglobe joined the channel
I see that a lot. I don’t know why it does not seem to happen to me. Probably because I don’t bother to reply to mb from Known.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Do we have a list of places people POSSE to?
I have a bunch of services I would like to move to posting on my site
[manton] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I think that the replies from Known are threading correctly. Are they? The duplicate is definitely a problem, though.
[kevinmarks] For an umbrella term, one thing I actually like about the IndieWeb is that the collection of formats and protocols is fairly loose. You can have Micropub and Microformats, but not Microsub, and that's okay. Certainly they all work better together, but it's not a strict requirement to support everything to be considered IndieWeb-friendly.
Perhaps that makes it more difficult for people to understand at a glance, though. Most Mastodon fans probably don't fully get the complexity beneath the surface with WebFinger, ActivityPub, HTTP signatures, etc.
eli_oat, snarfed and [schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ @ChrisAldrich This is the first I've heard of Microsub -- very cool. Would love to get both into http://Read.as!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[manton] I agree. Prefer IndieWeb building blocks, with the cornerstone being your own website
I can also reply on your Slack as not here as well, check out the original thread: https://micro.blog/jgmac1106/998058, my url became my username, not sure why three webmentions went through...maybe I was updating
[jgmac1106] @quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
joelpurra and [manton] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Oh, did you update the post after publishing it? That is a known issue with Webmentions on Micro.blog.
This is really interesting. I'll clean out the duplicates. But I think a lot of it is working... If Micro.blog can't find the right user, it now creates a "domain name" user automatically. You probably don't have that URL on your Micro.blog account so it can't match it up.
When the bugs are worked out, this change means that IndieWeb sites can participate in Micro.blog without actually registering.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
FWIW, I'd love to see Micro.blog add a sort of "nicknames database" as a service 🙂
I've wanted to implement one in Known for a while, just haven't had the time.
But, that's an awesome feature [manton].
Thanks! Yeah, Micro.blog hopefully will start to have some good data for mapping domain names, accounts, Twitter usernames, etc. We just don't do anything useful with it yet in terms of rewriting @-mentions.
Honestly, I wish I could just change my username on Micro.blog to my domain 🙂
I sort of think that should be the default for all externally hosted users.
Then, no mapping is needed.
Maybe too late to un-ring the bell, though.
snarfed joined the channel
you are correct. I don't have the website. That kind of is the nickname database for external users
[manton] yeah then it also publishes the syndicated post from my feed I can't pos't the micro.blog link because the link in publication time goes back to my website
that is awesome [manton]...this one worked: https://micro.blog/bradenslen/998401
[bradenslen] @manton This is very good. I'd love to see it expand. Thanks.
[eddie] joined the channel
I now have my url and then the @ mentions and everything worked
[cleverdevil] Indiepaper on my account, rejection #2, there was an issue with the “configure manually” button. Fixed and re-submitted
lol it’s kind of like Apple hates us, [cleverdevil] 😂
No worries, [eddie]. We'll get there soon!
Yep :thumbsup:
snarfed and eli_oat joined the channel
[cleverdevil] I think the experience is still better with a regular username, since you can sign in and manage other parts of your account, but over time I could see the domain name “usernames” being just as functional. For now the most important thing is being able to capture Webmentions that were lost before (since there was no M.b name).
[manton] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
eli_oat, [kevinmarks] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
snarfed: By the way, I am working on something that might get you issues filed
GWG: you're always so circumspect, it never fails to entertain me
do you want me to ask what you're working on?
snarfed: I risk for myself, not for others.
snarfed: I'm back to the process of retiring Bridgy Publish the plugin in favor of merging it into Syndication Links.
Most of the time, people blame the plugin for mf2 issues
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
snarfed: Since I'd imagine you don't use Bridgy Publish the plugin, the new enhancements are off by default, so if you update, it won't automatically start syndicating for you
great! yup, that should obviously be the default behavior for everyone
snarfed: Any new Bridgy stuff coming down the pike?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG: mostly bridgy fed recently
but i'm adding delete support to bridgy publish
snarfed: Delete for Tweets? Sounds fun
fun is an interesting word choice, but sure :P
snarfed: It's in line with current philosophies
snarfed, calumryan and eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ Been CMS shopping myself as of late, looking at Perch Runway, Grav, Drupal...ended up going back to Known for my stream and going to use static site for homepages and long-form writing. Just too hard to get webmentions working on Ghost. I… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/10/31/shortformernie-been-cms-shopping-myself-as-of
eli_oat, calumryan, tin1, [roland], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
manton has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
[[manton]] When the bugs are worked out, this change means that IndieWeb sites can participate in Micro.blog without actually registering.
[eddie] joined the channel
So stoked! I’m setting up an SQLite cache of my post data and I now have a table with all of my tags in it! (200 tags, it turns out). So good! I can work on finishing moving away from Jekyll AND even add a tags cache so that Indigenous can auto-suggest existing tags
[schmarty] joined the channel
I asked earlier, but what do people POSSE?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I would like to figure out how to own more stuff
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
I'd hope POSSE lists most targets people have tried. but if it's for you and not "what might people want", maybe it's a better approach to start by listing what services you use? Someone spent the hackday in Nürnberg plotting all the services they used and trying to get rid of some, I thought that was also an interesting thing to do
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
sknebel: That is what I'm thinking about
What I want to get rid of
Pinboard is probably next...Own my Bookmarks has been on there for a bit
But my list is long
Was trying to find easy wins
in their case they found a bunch of duplication too, multiple services/tools for the same thing
sknebel: Redundancy?
can be a reason to keep more, sure
I am an archivist by training
I've somewhat compensated for not being able to attend this weekend's @indiewebcamp Berlin, which is sad, by releasing the first new version of my Webmention endpoint in half a year: 0.12.6! Lots of upgrades to the code behind the scenes + a bug fix: https://webmention.herokuapp.com/
[frank] joined the channel
I store everything
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
voxpelli has 2 karma over the last year
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
voxpelli has 3 karma over the last year
KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel