#dev 2018-12-08
2018-12-08 UTC
iasai joined the channel
# kisik21 KartikPrabhu: I don't like it for several reasons. First, its output for several functions is not valid mf2 JSON (or equivalent dict), second: it takes all the fun out of parsing all these values
# KartikPrabhu the output of mf2util is not supposed to be valid mf2 JSON. it is for helping with the already mf2 JSON output
# kisik21 I like processing mf2-like dicts more, but taking some code out of mf2util would be nice
# gRegorLove mf2util++ cause it deserves more than 1
# kisik21 simplified bsd is compatible with MIT, right?
eli_oat joined the channel
# kisik21 why?
# kisik21 I don't need this parse_author() stuff, I need a proper h-card from an authorship function
# kisik21 It's not like I can't parse h-cards
# kisik21 and also
# kisik21 I'm no man
# kisik21 still I think the joke was good enough!
# gRegorLove kisik21++ hehe
# snarfed oops that's my fork, should have been https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util#authorship
# kisik21 The problem with find_author is - it doesn't return an h-card, it returns only name, photo and (presumably first) url... and I'm more comfortable with getting full h-cards
# kisik21 I just wanna copy this stuff and get rid of parse_author calls, so it would return an h-card and won't incur the overhead of additional lookups to the server (which may be even slower than mine) to look up what is already there
Ruxton_ joined the channel
# kisik21 maybe
# kisik21 and yes, I'm definitely not comfortable with handling something that the authors didn't write. And every property in mf2 can be an array. What if I put several names in my h-card? :3 by the way, look in the post_renderer.html in pyindieweb source - you'll find what do I do with properties that are not usually arrays
# kisik21 maybe I should rename it to pyindieblog btw
# kisik21 the latter looks less official
snarfed joined the channel
# kisik21 Okay, question. Should url and uid properties always contain a slash?
# kisik21 s/\?/ at the end?/
# snarfed no. technically http://x/y is a different url than http://x/y/
# kisik21 this makes stuff harder
oodani joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# kisik21 because I can't rely on every page having rel=canonical url, right?
# kisik21 yep, I can't
# kisik21 urls are harder than HTTP that uses them
# kisik21 (i mean http/1.1
# kisik21 (http/2 seems too hard for me)
# cjwillcock does root path / deserve a special treatment? IIRC I had the problem of trailing / on my own domain, as published at twitter, not matching the non-trailing slashed version of the same as publish on my own site
# cjwillcock onboarding friction
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
# aaronpk basically "http://example.com" is an incomplete URL as far as making http requests is concerned, so everything that is dealing with fetching URLs needs to add the slash when canonicalizing and comparing URLs. you shouldn't have to worry about whether you enter "http://example.com" or "http://example.com/" in your twitter profile or an indieauth sign-in prompt, the software should be dealing with it.
# gRegorLove I know indiewebify.me has an issue with that. I have a fix in progress.
iasai, [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# cjwillcock aaronpk: it was indielogin.com as far as the bio in twitter url mismatch goes
# cjwillcock and it was 9months ago or so
# cjwillcock in general - I remember that sense of 'why does this matter?' when I found that trailing slash thing
# cjwillcock aaronpk++ much obliged!
# cjwillcock and my onboarding friction was prior to June
# cjwillcock I think what gRegorLove mentioned re: indiewebify.me was the other part of it
# [jgmac1106] migrating all my podcasts to AWS rather than shared host to see if my load time improves..Not going to serve podcasts through Known. See what happens
# gRegorLove Do you use any copyrighted material in it, jgmac1106? If not you could use archive.org for free.
# gRegorLove fees donated to archive.org are probably better than to AWS :)
iasai joined the channel
# gRegorLove Some details of how I did it, though only with a few episodes: https://indieweb.org/podcast#gRegor_Morrill
# gRegorLove I'd like to get back into podcasting, or microcasting at least.
# gRegorLove I mean, if you count publishing a few episodes, sure.
# jgmac1106 gRegorLove I just do a 2 minute podcast to start https://networkedlearningcollaborative was originally a podcast network idea….we never did one show
# gRegorLove It's a pretty low barrier to entry to be "in podcasting", heh.
# gRegorLove GWG, I'd be surprised if you did. It's mostly my friend Jeremiah and I attempting to be funny.
# gRegorLove You're welcome to, though. No promises about quality, haha
iasai, [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
# jeremycherfas !tell jgmac1106 I have been serving podcasts from AWS from the start and the only Gotcha is that if something really takes off the bandwidth charges can surprise you. Good problem to have, usually.
iasai, barpthewire, leg, [kevinmarks], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] jeremycherfas do you you use the Known s3 plugin or manually link to the file?
iasai and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Cheaper. 023
# [jgmac1106] If you want to use Glacier for long term storage
# [jgmac1106] . Archives and such 0.004
# [jgmac1106] Sorry... Misunderstood... And majority of my cost come from ec2 not storage and transfer
# [jgmac1106] ... Really I just blindly pay each month... Need to hit some promo events for credits... But AWS does not hand em out like candy anymore
# [jgmac1106] Lot of features in place to stop that on AWS.. And Cloudfare would probably catch it... That is the best $20 I spend a month
swentel, eduardm and iasai joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] really regretting using explxit grid and rows in my podcast template since the show is listed in reverse chronological order...adding episode 24 gonna be PITA
# sknebel notes on AutoAuth + WebSub, feedback welcome! https://github.com/sknebel/AutoAuth/issues/8
# Zegnat swentel, re gzipping, could it be you are using PHP curl? It doesn’t automatically un-gzip and it doesn’t inform the server it is requesting from that it doesn’t handle gzip either. So you may be in a situation where a server decides to send you back gzipped content rather than uncompressed content during the request
# swentel Zegnat, yep, using https://github.com/swentel/mention-client-php
# Zegnat So when you tell curl to handle encoding, and it gets back a thing it doesn’t understand, it seems to error out. This would usually be a server error anyway. But for some reason there are a couple of PHP applications that send “none” for uncompressed, instead of “identity” which is in the spec.
jeremych_ joined the channel
# jeremycherfas [jgmac1106] I do not use Known for podcasts. My podcast site is WP, but I upload to S3 by hand and use the blubrry plugin to handle the feed, which is does well.
# jeremycherfas Not sure how that will work. I get most of my webmentions through Twitter.
# [jgmac1106] yeah I would be spreading word through Twitter, also thinking my classes and students...the podcast page is really just for the catchers
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Do you even need a page? Not just a proper feed?
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iasai joined the channel
# Zegnat I cannot tell a hub “please notify me when https://example.com/ changes for a request with Accept: application/json”. So instead WebSub seems to have tagged on the little conneg section as a way to patch this, the resource looks at the original request headers and then decides to provide a different URL to listen to instead of the base https://example.com/
# sknebel https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/84 <- why no thin pings, https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/86 <- conneg
# Zegnat Ha, of course aaronpk had already had the same thought as me: “The more HTTP-like or content-negotiation-friendly way to do that might be to include an Accept header in the subscription request” https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/86#issuecomment-272946160
iasai, [tantek], eduardm, indiewindy, [jgmac1106], swentel, gRegorLove, [eddie], [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] question bc I always get this wrong....if there is a link to that page on the same page would it get a u-uid or the u-url?
# [jgmac1106] <span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">Posted on </span><a class="u-url" href="https://jgregorymcverry.com/test-2/"> that is a link not to me but the canonical link of the psot
# [jgmac1106] stupid ass jetpack and the og graph it sticks in my header
# [jgmac1106] thank, never is a clear filter fo rme
iasai, [chrisaldrich] and [tonz] joined the channel
# kisik21 aaronpk: How should the destination ?q=config property in micropub look? Should it be https://fireburn.ru or just fireburn.ru will do?
# aaronpk trying to find docs on this... https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Destination
# aaronpk see the example here https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/3
# kisik21 aaronpk: fixed that, but still no quick post... debug screen shows up-to-date data
# kisik21 oh, also Quill doesn't wanna forget "post-types" field in config for fireburn.ru
doubleloop joined the channel
# kisik21 aaronpk: it loads cached data because I removed that post type. Do you have a stateful database somewhere in there?
# kisik21 s/post type/field
# kisik21 aaronpk: even "reset login" doesn't help!!
# kisik21 I'm expecting to see every type, but Quill doesn't wanna forget a field removed from my q=config. I don't have post-types field there anymore, so I expect that bit of quill to show me every post type supported by Quill
# kisik21 exactly!
iasai joined the channel
# kisik21 aaronpk: it works!
# kisik21 aaronpk++
strugee, snarfed, [jgmac1106], iasai and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] should css grid operate the same in Chrome as in Firefox?
# [jgmac1106] ...and after momentary freakout realizes browser was really zoomed in
[asuh] joined the channel
# Zegnat “Content satisfies the Success Criterion if it can be scaled up to 200%, that is, up to twice the width and height.” - https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-scale.html
# [jgmac1106] header is a little ugly but I am pretty okay
iasai, snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel