#dev 2018-12-19

2018-12-19 UTC
benwerd, iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
can anyone send me a webmention?
you can get https://webmention.rocks to send some to you
ah, great
alternatively gkbrk you can always send yourself a webmention too
eli_oat and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
u-featured images should be just as visible as u-photo images
where did anyone get the idea that they should be hidden / invisible etc.?
they are absolutely *not* the invisible open graph nonsense
the point of u-featured is you have multiple images in a post, and rather than letting some consuming application (reader etc.) pick just the first one to show in a link preview, you put u-featured on the *already visible image* as the one you prefer to be shown in a /link-preview
u-featured is also a way to markup a "visual meaning" image or photo that is part of an article but *not* a photo post itself. in that case as well, the image *is* visible on the post itself, and marking it up with u-featured helps communicate that that is the image to use in any link-previews, rather than guessing at any random (or first) img tag (which may be the author's icon)
iasai joined the channel
what is featured
featured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a primarily textual post https://indieweb.org/featured
yes that's the second use-case I listed above which is what motivated it. the first use-case (which of many photos) is a proposed usage
invisible data--
invisible-data has -1 karma over the last year
is there a way in micropub, when postng a h-entry, that we could easily represent the order of uploaded files in a gallery type scenario?? If it's all photos then, order of upload controls it, but if it's a mix of video/audio/photos there's seemingly no way to represnt that
the micropub property is an array so it is ordered (?)
that depends on how the server persists it, no?
like if you have files a, b, c and the completion order is c, a, b; it'd be saved and passed as such IIRC
although multipart _is_ ordered
Ruxton: is the order _vital_?
like are you trying to predict what kind of file has been uploaded?
yeah, a good example is an insta collection that has a video/photo .. it'd have a photo for both, but only a video for one
really just trying to cover that scenario
yeah that's something I know I'll run into
when I use ownyourgram to syndicate photos back to koype (for testing); it preserved the order it had on Instagram
notes that's a single client but maybe OwnYourGram has some logic for this?
jacky: it's just the order of upload
it ignores videos in collections
ahh I didn't know that
you know
the only way I can think of it getting around that is by naming the files in a sequential order
unless you're saying it completely drops videos
or defining the order in a property
because it's a problem larger than micropub, h-entry has no way of representing that order outside of the individual media properties
and there's no way to say "this u-photo is the thumb for that u-video"
i have an open issue on that somewhere
i think when i was trying to convert instagram posts to microformats
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
hm now i can't find it
@ruxton does HTML solve this problem with the poster inside the video tag?
yes, the problem is specific to microformats
because it was mostly just a coincidence that we started using the "photo" property to be a thumbnail of the "video" property
technically you CAN pass the poster in the video property too, so that's nt a huge dramas
issue is mainly not being able to order a collection of media together
rel="prev" and rel="next"?
Also back to similar collection issue... How do readers handle collections regardless of media type
they don't, they all just do order of appearance
it needs to be represented in the MF2 somehow, which in my opinion means not relying on passing the HTML content value
Been warned of nested h-feeds but to me it seems a collection is a feed in a feed
that's an interesting idea
I don't know about parsing to know why oder of appeareance is enough a cue to order of media..if goal is human readable first...
what is collection?
Or you just make a new h-feed with a p-category don't nest them and then do a post on your main feed folks follow that says, "I posted new collection"
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
But poster in a video tag plus rel="prev" and rel="next" should be enough to make a playlist... Just don't know how to make that happen
It's tracks in a mix tape. Has a name and an order.
iasai joined the channel
aaronpk: I passed all the tests on webmention.rocks
can I try sending one to you to see if it appears?
[Kartik Prabhu] Test note. This is totally a test note to test notes! Get it!?
[tantek] joined the channel
An ordered list? That should be enough to indicate order in collection as well
the children property / array in parsed mf2 JSON is ordered, all nested objects in one array
property value ordering is for simple cases only
KartikPrabhu: it went wrong
gkbrk: oh no! what happened?
look at the mentions
> Leo on kartikprabhu.com
I somehow sent it from your website
hmmm let me check
your h-entry has a u-url which is my site for some reason
u-url is for the url of your post
got it
and why is it a mention rather than a comment?
because there is no u-in-reply-to
u-in-reply-to with my posts url would make it a comment
I had it that way and microformats wiki confused me
@gkbrk best way is to publish and then ask.
gkbrk: here is an example of a reply from my site https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/re-citizen-of-indieweb and feel free to resend the webmention once you edit it
[Kartik Prabhu] To me it means: have a domain name and post content on it. Everything else is a bonus. #indieweb #indiewebcitizen
Also note that the How-to-mark-up section is only listed in the fully accepted formats (like reply) everything else is a journal of plurality on the way to best practice
ayy, everything worked
gkbrk can you say which microformats wiki page confused you? perhaps we can fix it
[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML. ...
on the description of u-in-reply-to, it has an example link
but the html of that page has class="u-url" rel="in-reply-to", the way I just made my comment work was class="u-in-reply-to"
maybe that appears later in the page but the first tag that comes up on that page isn't the right example
hmmm yeah I don't look for the older "rel-in-reply-to"
I made a Python script that goes through a URL and tries to submit a webmention to all the external links. Does that already exist or should I put this up somewhere?
gkbrk++ thank you for pointing that out!
gkbrk has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
gkbrk: https://github.com/bear/ronkyuu does that too, but more implmentations are good
[bear] ronkyuu: 論及 ronkyuu - mention, reference to, touching upon
a-ha! barnabywalters permalink example linked from h-entry has the wrong markup!
seriously gkbrk, that was quite the hidden bug. thank you
gkbrk has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[tantek]: feel free to use https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/re-citizen-of-indieweb as example if you want
[Kartik Prabhu] To me it means: have a domain name and post content on it. Everything else is a bonus. #indieweb #indiewebcitizen
yay, love me some internet points
I put it here for now, I'll probably put it on github or on my blog later
or rather it is both a non-trivial example (whereas the wiki should link to a simple example), and it is very subtly broken
[tantek]: if you don't mind me asking, are you Turkish by any chance?
gkbrk, happy to chat non indieweb things in IRC #indieweb-chat
wait wasn't that #indiechat?
!tell barnabywalters your reply-contexts have subtly broken reply-to markup. E.g. https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4V2DjG/ which uses <div class="note-reply-context p-in-reply-to h-cite"><a class="u-url" rel="in-reply-to" href="… when it should be <div class="note-reply-context u-in-reply-to h-cite"><a class="u-url" href="…
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Barnaby Walters] @jack_way I know people who’ve had a good experience with Slim, I use silex.sensiolabs.org myself for almost everything now as it uses the Symfony components and is excellently designed.
Anyway, I gotta go to bed now if I want to have any hope of getting up to work tomorrow. Bye!
When you get a chance @gkbrk you should add what you did to the contribution calendar on the wiki... Pretty cool
what's a contribution calendar? should I put the script there?
iasai joined the channel
Who is gkbrk?
Yeah you can if the documentation done as well, if not, get some sleep and save for another day
What are challenges?
Challenges refer to obstacles, problems, or barriers that individuals face with setting up, using, and/or maintaining indieweb sites and their projects https://indieweb.org/challenges
jjuran joined the channel
Nevermind that's not it I forget the page
what is indieweb challenge
The IndieWeb Challenge is to collectively ship something IndieWeb-related that benefits the community, people in addition to yourself, every day of December! https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Challenge
did you mean that jgmac1106 ^
[matpacker], [eddie] and iasai joined the channel
!tell tantek I wonder where I got that wrong idea about featured from. And why some people seemed to agree with me. I'll go check the wikis to see what I based my opinion on later.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I never thought featured should be invisible, but i think by the fact that it is rarely parsed it shouldn't be DEPENDED on to communicate content. But it most definitely should be visible on the page and supplement or help summarize the text content.
Yeah. I didn't want to imply the image should be hidden. Only that from how I interpreted it, and drew parallels in my mind with heading-background-images on e.g. Medium, the author shouldn't assume it to always be visible in other contexts.
No control on how it gets cut, or if a linkpreview will even include an image, etc.
Zegnat, antipatterns are seductive because they are *patterns*, and silo / bigco advocated anti-patterns are particularly so, due to cargo culting. That's two possible reasons why.
[tantek]: Zegnat left you a message 24 minutes ago: I wonder where I got that wrong idea about featured from. And why some people seemed to agree with me. I'll go check the wikis to see what I based my opinion on later.
Instead cultivate a default skepticism of anything advocated by silos / bigcos
iasai and Ruxton joined the channel
so continuing my words on insta multi-photos/videos.. seems like the smartest way to handle it in MF2 presentation is just using album or collection, which boils down to child h-entries, but that's not really supported by micropub yet and maybe that terminolog is incorrect
Hmm. I always thought Instagram was more like a single h-entry with multiple u-photo. Multiple nested h-entry make more sense to me if the photos are individually linkable or contain their own descriptions/tags. Neither of which Instagram does.
yeah but, to quote multi-photo kind "one ore more photos with one or more videos, use a collection post" - https://indieweb.org/multi-photo
so basically.. all photos? multi-photo.. got a photo and a video ? then collection (multiple h-entry)
Zegnat, not true. IG added per photo person-tagging in multiphotos a while ago
They did? Cool!
so yes they can individually contain their own tags. not descriptions yet though
*person-tags* in particular
Ruxton: I didn't think about the mixed video/photo. I habe seen very few of those posts in the IndieWeb community. If any...
I need to up my person tags game. I still want a Facebook like person tagging some day
I've made two the whole time, I'm more likely to make video and video together, which is just as much an issue
nah, as long as it's a pure multiphoto or multivideo, it should work fine. both are simple cases
it's when you mix them that there's an issue
either requires an explicit collection post, or creating a new u-media property that can be a photo, video, audio etc.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek]: yea.. arguably the abilty to just child h-entries into the h-entry would resolve it though (as that's how collections are presented anyway)
it would also resolve posting other types of collections that are more explicit and less reliant on a property
iasai joined the channel
is there somewhere I should formalise this so it doesn't get lost in our brains/history??
perhaps micropub-brainstorming
also with https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/today you can link to that idea
what is a collection
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
Ruxton, also on /collection#Brainstorming, perhaps a new subsection on "Micropub for collections" to capture at least questions and possibilities.
what is multiphoto
A multi-photo is like a photo post, except just with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout https://indieweb.org/multiphoto
Ruxton, you could also add some of the IG / ownyourgram specific details here: https://indieweb.org/multi-photo#Instagram
Okay, my website can now pull current location from my phone again. Another bug fixed. I give myself permission to sleep now
iasai, cweiske, [matpacker], [pfefferle], [asuh], [xavierroy] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
@gkbrk mention.tech has a "send webmention for every link in the content" tool
iasai joined the channel
@perlkonig Hi Aaron, now toying around with your nice webmentions plugin for Grav. Do you have it running somewhere and what's the way to get the mentions in your theme ? Thanks!
My article for this year's @24ways is out: "Fast Autocomplete Search for Your Website" Unsurprisingly it's built using @datasetteproj - I scrape https://24ways.org/ (with wget), build a SQLite FTS index, then build autocomplete on top in JavaScript https://24ways.org/2018/fast-autocomplete-search-for-your-website/"
iasai, [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
hm, I guess the photo vs cover image for a video would also be solved by a media container object as discussed in berlin
the overall order thing not though, at least not obviously
poster is the property for that surely?
except a "poster" property is defined nowhere
and the micropub spec suggests using photo for that purpose
poster is the preview image attribute for <video>
yeah poster can be used in any media element <video> or <audio> I do it all the time with gif bumbpers rather than editing a video
cweiske: sure, but sadly that's not reflected in mf2/micropub (even though it'd make sense)
btw, chat search does not work because I moved to a new server and have not yet setup crawling again
good to know
cweiske++ for running chat search all those years!
cweiske has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
hm, not clear from reading AS2 if it can express combined photo/video posts
barpthewire joined the channel
Do you want to parse out the poster image?
iasai joined the channel
the discussion started with parsers not recognizing the order of a media playlist and grouping all the urls for images of each vieo with the links for all the videos
what @ruxton wanted I believe was video1 w/ img1. video2 w/img2,...so it's two issues..not associating an img with its respective media file and not putting media files into the order of the playlist once parsed
so you do need an intermediate wrapper object for each video/image combination, then they'll be ordered children of the outer object. h-entry or h-cite could be used for that legitimately I think
ancarda joined the channel
<video controls class="h-cite" poster="/images/w3html5.gif">like that?
or like this <span class="h-cite><video controls cposter="/images/w3html5.gif"></span>
or you saying wrap each video in a place in an h-entry?
barnabywalters joined the channel
<div class="h-entry"> <video controls class="u-photo" poster="/images/w3html5.gif"><source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video> </div>
<div class="h-entry"> <video controls class="u-photo" poster="/images/w3html5.gif"><source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" rel="next"></video> </div> for play list order?
[J. Gregroy McVerry] Video Playlist
https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/videoplaylist.html the u-photo worked with the children but the video tag got ignored
is there even u-video and u-audio?
[J. Gregroy McVerry] Video Playlist
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[J. Gregroy McVerry] Video Playlist
gkbrk joined the channel
[kevinmarks] I am going to walk away before i lose my entire moving my videos from youtube, putting them on archive,org and building a bunch of playlists....but this looks good enough for me
iasai joined the channel
I'm making a microblog page for my website
for now it will fetch from mastodon and format everything for webmentions
fluffy is solving the SPOA problem by building new implementations: http://beesbuzz.biz/blog/4122-Authl-Yet-another-project-I-dont-have-time-for
Looking for ways to lookup someone's location without running your own server.
I have a solution with a server already
I still say the answer is the gps locator they have in their pocket
or you mean reverse look up of someone elese's GPS coordinates?
!calc gps coordinates of 16 heritage brook drive, east haddam, ct 06243
I don't know about that
worth a shot
!calc longitude and latitude of 16 heritage brook drive, east haddam, Connecticut, USA 06243
I don't know about that
...can't use Wolfram or I don't know the right query
jgmac1106, getting the gps coordinates from my phone to mu website
I want to, when I make a post, to poll my phone for the location to be more accurate
why isn't indigineous working for you?
It is. This is for when I am writing on a computer
Or for automatic posts
....then you google it>cut and paste....probably easier then figuring out a server or registering an api
auto posts...nvm
can you pay for the mapquest plugin?
[Fullworks] Description Google Maps has been changing to a paid for model and now many website owners are looking for alternative plugins that do the same job. The pricing model for Google Maps requires an active billing account, which gets a credit per month o...
Pro: Ability to store lat/long on posts and custom post types
I thought of setting up a button on my phone to update it
ok, I added "https://twobithistory.org/2018/12/18/rss.html" to the "See Also" section of /RSS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=54846&oldid=54168
jgmac1106, why would I pay for that? I built it
I store location on posts better than that plugin because I care about that more than directions
I just find html5 geolocation on my laptop never gets my location quite right
is foursquare paid only now?
time is my most expensive commodity, I thouhgt your question was how do I reliably get GPS location from a dekstop….for $30 a year..I guess is the only answer I know…
$100 a year lifetime
I mean one time
I think I will try plan B
do you . need more calls than https://foursquare.com/developers/upgrade offers?
[kevinmarks]: what does foursquare have to do with getting GPS coordinates for a desktop user?
I missed the beginning of this
GWG by "run own server", do you mean something like compass?
"Looking for ways to lookup someone's location without running your own server." is the question
hm. could you make a PWA with a notification hook that looks up location on the phone and then posts to a webhook?
you would need a server somewhere though
yeah..or autopost from your phone? If the goal is autoposting why is desktop needed?
sknebel, yes
kevinmarks, you just identified plan B
But Compass or Compass like is a long term plan
it'd be interesting to see if the PWA thing could work, or if the browsers prevent it
although at least for when you post some minimal prompt could be acceptable
another option could be integration with a tracking app that regularly sends logs, if it is ok that the location is only updated after a while, or has a "send location to server now" button
I am going to write it out
iasai joined the channel
https://gkbrk.com/microblog/ does the markup look okay?
Definitely blog post worthy... maybe tonight
eli_oat and iasai joined the channel
↩️ I don't have a demo site. You would have to create whatever templates you wanted from scratch. Search [the docs](https://github.com/Perlkonig/grav-plugin-webmention) for "expose_data" for details. The data get dumped to Twig, and you do what you want with them.
jgmac1106, KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
OK, I'm trying out this tumblr wildcard thing.
go to your tumblr, and change the custom domain to [yourname].tumblelog.xyz
see if it works for you as well as me
redirect works fine [kevinmarks]
are you willing to test the nsfw part as well?
do you have a nsfw tumblr?
that's the problem
so yours redirected too?
iasai joined the channel
I've long deleted my redirected tumblr to be honest, but I'll make one to test now
the nsfw part will be trickier
I'd need a a couple of publicly safe, but nsfw labelled things
is anyone aware of such?
snarfed joined the channel
"publicly safe"?
something that can be shown as demonstration, that custom domain tumblrs are not filtered, but is classified as adult content
search tumblr for #flagged
choose images you are comfortable with reposting
some CC-licensed nsfw photos from flickr?
sknebel: that's a good idea
otherwise I might destroy a few minds with things "you are comfortable with reposting"
did they fix the filter, or am I exempt?
Has anyone tested what happens if you yourself mark your Tumblr as nsfw? That usually prompts people to login if you use the Tumblr subdomain. Wonder if they make it accessible on private domains.
that option doesn't exist any more
ok, it very much looks like the either "fixed" the filter, or the exception with the custom domains only apply to older content
It doesn't exist anymore? So when do they decide to make your Tumblr nsfw listed? I guess they just ban the content thus the flag is unnecessary
I've tested some photos from deviantart's all time best artistic nude category, they all got filtered
Zegnat: it's the other way around. If it was marked nsfw before 17th, it's completely unavailable now for public view
I'll play more when I get home. Time for train tunnels now.
this is one of the ugliest partial-shutdown I've ever seen
jgmac1106 joined the channel
hm. I still get a privacy interstitial at kevinmarks.tumblr.com but not at kevinmarks.tumblelog.xyz
benwerd, jgmac1106, barpthewire, [tantek], iasai, koddsson and snarfed joined the channel
re: video poster image discussion - next time instead of guessing perhaps check the wiki first? https://indieweb.org/video has a poster image example
benwerd joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [sknebel] [kevinmarks] ^^^ especially before just making stuff up in chat
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Not bad I was only off by u-featured..was also thinking more in terms of playlists and collections
iasai, swentel and snarfed joined the channel
[kevinmarks]: do you know if fluffy is on IRC?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ade up would claim folks were claiming truth, while checking the wiki would have been a WAY more efficient strategy there is a difference between making things up and figuring things out
Had some time at lunch
Back to work for me
[matpacker] joined the channel
gwg has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (159 in all channels)
yes blogging through the thoughts and the failures so much more useful than just commit notes...plus you never have to answer "What should I writ about" just jot down what your going to do, what you did, or what you will do next time!!
iasai and [eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] always check the wiki first. If you don't find what you're looking for, you'll at least find where you need to add information (or questions) when you find out
chrisaldrich, leg, [jgmac1106], iasai, [asuh], eli_oat, jgmac1106 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[snarfed] I mostly chat to fluffy on mastodon: https://queer.party/@fluffy
She accepts webmentions
[kevinmarks]: thanks! accepts but doesn't display, evidently. ah well
iasai, [chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], benwerd and gkbrk joined the channel
hi gkbrk
hey snarfed
what's up?
not much
iasai and snarfed joined the channel