#dev 2018-12-26

2018-12-26 UTC
I don't believe you can match protocol and hostname in RewriteRules. $ matches the end of the string, so nothing can follow it.
matching hosts needs a RewriteCond
Okay thank you, will try again
iasai, jgmac1106 and [relapse] joined the channel
How about:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://archive.jgregorymcverry.com/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^jgregorymcverry.com$ [NC]
[Greg McVerry] 1/2 people in room at @uconnresearch SBIR event faculty who chase grants everyday. I might have utilized a more production based pedagogy that took advantage of the audience but I always prefer uncoferences or at least some audience participation. I...
That matches anything under "jgregory...", and takes the Path side of the URL and adds it to the end of "archive.jgregory..."
NC is case insensitivity, 301 you know, and L is last rule.
If you're using the plain "jgregorymcverry..." URL still, you might want to add a rule that only redirects files/ directories that don't exist.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Thank you will try!
iasai, ben_thatmustbeme and jgmac1106 joined the channel
"might want to add a rule that only redirects files/ directories that don't exist." how?
[tantek] joined the channel
Make it a 404 handler
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
Those say only apply the rule if the URL searched for doesn't exist as a File or Directory.
iasai and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
CollinMorris has 1 karma over the last year
iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
CollinMorris has 2 karma over the last year
[tantek] and [relapse] joined the channel
...who's this CollinMorris you guys like?
Unless Loqi's smart enough to parse the double l into one?
iasai, barpthewire and [tantek] joined the channel
ColinMorris has 1 karma over the last year
Pixelfed joined the fediverse yesterday! https://pixelfed.social/p/dansup/23600
smart bot ;)
smart markup 🙂
dansup++ congrats!
dansup has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
iasai and [relapse] joined the channel
That's very cool.
iasai joined the channel
Ugh, my weight graph has stopped working. Firefox started complaining about the subresource integrity hash (so either that has previously not been implemented by Fx or Cloudflare has been tampering with the JS libs). Chrome does load some parts of the graph but complaints about CORS settings (again on Cloudflare’s side)
So if anyone is using cdnjs.cloudflare.com as JS lib CDN, do check that everything still loads as expected!
Huh, curling the resource I need does show the CORS header. No idea what the browsers are tripping up on
Maybe the OPTIONS preflight check... more debugging after breakfast
jjuran, [jgmac1106], cweiske, leg, iasai, swentel, cweiske_, [kevinmarks] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Can’t figure out why Cloudflare CDN stopped functioning for me. Just hosting the files myself for now
is anyone successfully using 'ek' from ekster ( https://github.com/pstuifzand/ekster )? I'm really trying to get it working, but it doesn't seem to like me.
[pstuifzand] ekster: microsub server
I still haven’t had a use for Microsub, so, not me
well, that's exactly the issue: I'm trying to automate or at least import my rss opml into microsub, be not luck so far
I'm refusing to populate it by hand :D
iasai joined the channel
At some point I was thinking about just making a dedicated OPML importer for Microsub. But as it wasn’t a direct itch of myself I dropped work on that
jgmac1106 and tglobe joined the channel
can you go to opml to json first? Lot of tools for that
What tools are there for importing a list of feeds from JSON?
the thing is... opml is horrible. But, because it's XML, it has XSL. Meaning I can do this: https://petermolnar.net/following.opml - it looks reasonable, and it's still a valid opml file.
so as much as I dislike OPML, it can be made surprisingly user readable
It was one of the reasons why I dropped the OPML import thing. It wasn’t as easy as “just read XML”, because there seemed to be some disagreement on how an OPML of feeds gets structured.
so the answer is i'd like to keep opml, because it's way more compatible, than randomly specified json
I've not found that disagreement yet
I saw some feeds that put all the subscriptions on the top level, and then some that nested them depending on categories (e.g. if exported from a reader with folders)
yes, and that is perfectly fine
just as nested mf2 is
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I meant that because of such disagreement in OPML files it wasn’t *as* trivial as I thought to just loop over OPML and subscribe to the URLs.
eli_oat and iasai joined the channel
Opml allows arbitrary nesting (it's an outline format)
So you need to recurse through it.
jjuran, jgmac1106 and eli_oat joined the channel
Yeah, I didn’t feel for writing code (and tests) for that. As it was something I wouldn’t personally use.
It just crossed over my “this would be a nice thing to do for someone else” thresshold ;)
[smerrill], skippy, swentel, iasai, eli_oat, jgmac1106, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [jgmac1106], benwerd, tglobe and [eddie] joined the channel
any messages Loqi?
iasai, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, krychu, [kevinmarks], [tantek], benwerd and [relapse] joined the channel
looking at https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Query_for_Supported_Vocabulary and curious if anyone had logic to handle the act of submitting different formats for data to their systems
What sort?
iasai and [eddie] joined the channel
Do you mean plain text vs markdown vs html?
[tantek] joined the channel
I do feel it's been discussed a few times
though I don't remember the answer anyone came up with
!tell [jgmac1106] hey your mini write-up and chat about the apache redirect directives that helped you migrate your site would make an excellent article for today's IndieWeb Challenge, especially if you explained it precisely, specifically step by step, and provided the code block for .htaccess
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
also happy to help with editing and feedback to get that out there, as /migration is certainly non-trivial (still) and many would find it useful when looking at changing what setup/CMS they have on their site (especially if they want to keep the old one running, maybe even statically, just to support old permalinks)
[metbril] and pstuifzand joined the channel
!tell petermolnar if you have problems with `ek` you can ask me. Perhaps you can create an issue on the github with the problem.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell petermolnar I also created version 0.8.3 of ek (on Github) that has better error handling (and reporting), use `ek -verbose channels`.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[smerrill], iasai, snarfed, jgmac1106, krychu and eli_oat joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: curious, had you found https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/intro.html ? If no, would that have helped you?
iasai joined the channel
witholds his opinion on that documentation until [jgmac1106] replies
[sknebel] this is exactly what would have helped
[jgmac1106] I'll point out that nowhere on that page are real-world examples that would have helped your situation. The examples there are almost completely useless in practice.
in terms of I wanted a cheat sheet. but in terms of helping me do a redirect , no
i've stumbled across that page many times and always left more confused than when I started
right, those docs are crap for what they're supposedly for "rewrite"
lol aar
documentation like that is why people use stackoverflow
first of all no Introduction is a supplement….if you use an appendix to introduce a topic you already failed
also, and it pains me to say, hyperlinks are never defintions
also it's certainly *not* a "mod_rewrite Introduction" in any meaningful/useful way except for handwaving. it might be a half-decent reference for when you already understand mod_rewrite
It should be a drop down menu for the 4-5 major use cases. then get into the weeds,
though it did make me think about wanting a date url structure
on a more urgent / hopefully useful note
saw some power in that
anything that ends with snarfed knowledge is a good something any day
my urgent question - has anyone here *cancelled* an indie event? and if so, how do you notify?
e.g. what do you webmention to invitations and RSVPs?
what presentation? what markup for a cancelled h-event?
I think i've updated my event to say "cancelled" in the name
including the calagator posse copy
did you post any sort of reply to RSVP posts?
I don't think i've ever cancelled an event that had RSVP posts
Yeah that is a question of manners not mark up
[Cancelled] Homebrew Website Club https://aaronparecki.com/2017/12/06/1/map.png
[jgmac1106] yes manners should precede the markup
looks like someone deleted the calagator copy