#dev 2019-02-18

2019-02-18 UTC
Pixelfed is like mastodon where you shouldn't need a new account for it. In theory if yo user up bridgy fed on your site then people can follow your photos from pixelfed. I'm not sure how well this works in practice yet tho.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
!tell kartikprabhu https://kartikprabhu.com/articles/marginalia is giving me no text in chrome
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks]: happens with my entire site once I switched to using CSS grid
that seems unfortunate
if you click around a bunch of times so it selects some text, or press F12 to bring up dev tools it will appear!
I toggled Mercury Reader and now I have it without CSS, which is amusing
Chrome's CSS grid is very borken
Yeah finding Chrome doing weirdest things with Grid
well I'll fix it when all borwsers switch to the Blink engine ;)
Firefox has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
I've been using simple grids with the grid-template-areas: map thing
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
I've set up #IndieAuth on my personal site. Now on the two sites that support it I can log in using myself as an IDP.
oodani joined the channel
There isn't an easy way for all the blogs of #OER to talk. We can build really cool classroom spaces using post types like read, listen, watch, reply and bookmark. can credential using webmention badges. can export xAPI with a tiny bit of work (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1fMvvN)
[tantek], tomasparks, KartikPrabhu, [dave], [eddie], astrojuanlu[m], [kevinmarks], [Vincent], [adam], swentel, Dhewya and [dhewya16] joined the channel
[dhewya16] set the channel topic: IndieWeb development-focused chat - logs at https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/today - bridged with #indieweb-dev in IRC
↩️ bunch of of us working on #IndieWeb suite tools for activist crowd. I can publish events, RSVP, and connect with webmentions not on Facebook. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/Pnxpz)
Yeshu, barpthewire, nloadholtes_, jgmac1106, nloadholtes, [kevinmarks] and [adam] joined the channel
Can I ask how some people model webmentions in their platforms / sites? In particular I’m thinking about being able to build threads
I reply to someone on Twitter -> I can show their tweet and my reply. if someone replies to me, Bridgy sends me that, I display that, all good. but I reply to _that_, that’s going in a separate note
several people show a reply context above so you can see what the in-reply-to is pointing at
others show a full thread, but that requires more notification cooperation
the mastodon markup for it is pretty good
what is reply context?
A reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
what is salmention?
Salmention is a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/Salmention
not sure if people are still actively working on that
[Rose] joined the channel
↩️ Yeah - tough to build and manage though. Next I want to build webmention into the wiki for a slightly social experience. http://Are.na does a pretty good job here but it makes me nervous not being self hosted
It should be possible by chaining in-reply-tos in theory. Bridgy is already doing the original post discovery for me
It’s really just about showing the replies underneath replies - more of a display issue than a functional one
[Vincent] joined the channel
↩️ We can send webmention badges from the #IndieWeb wiki. Sometimes a little recognition goes a long way in supporting gardeners.Might be something to fool around with. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1plbgB)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[adam] yes my Known site during in educational twitter chat
also have some WordPress examples...ohh crapppp.forgot I need to fix my redirects....
that nav aint perfect could benefit from rel prev and next: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/16/story-of-jamaican-music
[Greg McVerry] Probably the best four disc box set in history. Tells the story of a music, movement, and people over a four album set.
but if you click through the comment permalinks all the webmentions are changed. Wish the genesis post displayed them and they stacked
no it would be first post with all threaded webmentions down to to the last one
I suppose that’s a challenge, how do you find the first post? And also filter replies that branch out
I guess first post is the either the one you’ve viewing or the the one that you’re viewing is in reply to... people can climb further if needed
It’d be nice to solve this in a way that others could copy. If I do something arbitrary it’s only so helpful
It does thread on Twitter perfectly though
...if I remember...takes 7 clicks to accomplish, want it down to one
That is where salmentions would come in: when you get a comment and add it to your page, you send a new webmention to the thing you were replying to so they can also come and fetch it
and this solves discover first post issue
its a different button]
nloadholtes_ joined the channel
zegnat or any php wizards would love an eye on this https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/fc680e2bf6436a37a3fce699b81e9a9b its really my first attempt with php
I always edited around it not the php itself
↩️ @jgmac1106 Thanks - been trying to get my head around webmentions for a while and still haven't figured it out....
The PHP there seems fine, it really doesn’t do a whole lot other than write whatever got posted into HTML.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I need to play Battleship with my son but here is an example of a webmention badge form the wiki back to my blog: https://indieweb.org/toolbuilder-badge-jgmac1106 and then displayed: https://archive.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/ think there is mad potential for community and wikis with webmention… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/18/i-need-to-play-battleship-with-my
so how do I put that into an HTML page?
Morning all
I am thinking of making an unexpected change in my lineup
jgmac1106: you are putting it in HTML, but I am guessing you mean something different.
Do you mean saving it as a separate HTML document?
swentie joined the channel
no that is what I mean, just didn’t know if it worked. I can just drop that in do I make <form action="guestbook.php" match the hml page it would be on?
I want both the forms and all the entries on the same page
a basic single page guestbook, maybe I should just do this in javascript
today’s mission was to try and just write the files, sounds like I got that part done
so thanks for looking at it for me
swentel joined the channel
I am still not clear what you want to do. Neither PHP nor JavaScript is going to automatically store any data. If you want the form to be submitted and then stored on the server, you will need to have server-side storage code
I see thank you, now I have tomorrow's task to learn. Thx for looking at the templates
and now i have to give up my computer for Carmen San Diego...PESOS DOS save files somehow
eli_oat, [schmarty], tomasparks, nloadholtes_, [tantek] and nloadholtes joined the channel
We really should add some sort of size reporting to IndieWebify.me tests of home page, post permalink etc
Interesting idea
dougbeal|mb1, [Rose], [schmarty], [davidmead] and eduardm joined the channel
I had to change one line in my location code, and I felt bad about sending out an update just for that to everyone, so I'm building a feature.
also for IndieWebify.me, # of first-level additional HTTP requests (i.e. requests you can discern by mere source inspection, e.g. all link rel-stylesheet, img src, object data, iframe src etc.)
[Rose], KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel
Am I better off, I wonder, finally building venues or building anonymous zones?
leg, snarfed, swentel, eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Hmm, this CMS looks interesting. The page suggests to me the CMS pages are generated based on the HTML rather than the other way around. https://www.vapid.com/
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
what is an anonymous zone?
It looks like we don't have a page for "anonymous zone" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "anonymous zone is ____", a sentence describing the term)
another CMS option https://www.sanity.io/
(I really like the site's use of space)
[asuh] joined the channel
GWG: I really want venues ;)
[davidmead] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Hides actual location automatically if within a radius
what is a geofence
It looks like we don't have a page for "geofence" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "geofence is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell eddie what am I missing to be able to post images with Indigenous iOS on Known https://blog.kevo.glass, the image icon greyed out
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, yes. It is geofencing I was talking about earlier.
what is geofencing
It looks like we don't have a page for "geofencing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "geofencing is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Geofencing is a virtual geographic boundary that triggers actions when entering/leaving it.
So, I want my site to automatically hide my exact location when I post from Home and just show the word Home
So, I can implement that either as a geofence around a single point... I would call that a zone
Simple implementation
Flickr has this
Or the more complex venue...
I have been avoiding writing venues
But if I write these geofenced zones, they would conflict with venues later the way I designed the features in my head
One would be an option/setting, the other a data structure
So that is my dilemma
Do I build the simple feature or not?
Especially since I have been to talking about the more complex one for a while.
I don't really see why those conflict
jgmac1106 and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell jgmac1106 if the image icon is grayed out that probably means you don’t have a Media Endpoint. That reminds me I need to add non-media endpoint functionality in the near-ish future
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[eddie]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 hour ago: what am I missing to be able to post images with Indigenous iOS on Known https://blog.kevo.glass, the image icon greyed out
aaronpk, so, you'd implement two features that work differently that track locations?
as an aside, id really like it if there were an open database for 'venues'.
yea thats prob the best option. i get the feeling its not particularly complete, but usable.
GWG I just mean that it sounds like you can do both, I dont see why they have to be mutually exclusive or two separate features
aaronpk, they don't need to be
That's the problem. If I build the geofencing into the venue concept, then it is neater, but if I build it separately, it is simpler to implement just the geofencing
I think I have a fix for the aperture bug that I created last week
probably should not deploy this from the plane again tho
jgmac1106 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
on to a different project
css is so hard
I also keep running into this problem with author h-cards
I often want the photo to be a sibling element of the name in order to get the CSS to work right
I can usually pull it off with some "clever" floats and negative margins but that feels fragile and wrong
I hear JS makes CSS easier 😉
aaronpk do you have a rough sketch of what you're trying to do?
like what aspects are you trying size / align across?
KartikPrabhu: I think flexbox is exactly what doesn't work in this case
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
obvs the date shouldn't be inside the h-card, but a flexbox solution would cause that
where should the date go?
I got this to work with float:left and a negative margin on the image
the date is the dt-published so it needs to be a child of the h-entry not the h-card
aaronpk: so you want the positioning to be as in the screeshot but not have the dt-published inside the h-card?
ahhh interesting
aaronpk: this is probably from your site yes?
the same pattern applies on my "like" posts which I am now trying to recreate for all my posts, where the author photo hangs off the left of the text https://aaronparecki.com/2019/01/21/4/
it seems like a flexbox layout would make more sense but I need the photo and name to be in the same h-card element
CS grid with display:contents on the h-card should work
but that depends on how much nesting you are doing with <div>s
"photo hangs off the left of the text" I think needs float. or grid with some negative bottom margin
if I describe it that way yeah but if you look at it it's really a two column layout
[tantek]: I think grid has the ability to hang without negative margins
so maybe grid then
I thought you could put grid-items inside a grid at different "levels" of the markup nested inside the grid
[tantek]: oh no!
I do really need to get better at cssgrid. I don't really have a good understanding of it
Grid only lays out direct children in the Grid layout
maybe I am thinking of subgrid
yes, which is not a thing yet :P
I work around it using display:contents but that has some side-effects with nesting and fragments
now let's see if I can cram a full h-card into just an img tag
er, <a><img></a>
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Oh, new version of the postrchild bot is up. Not sure how well it works, but it is a bit smarter now 😄
aaronpk you can definitely do that
oh dear, I think the php parser is swapping the order of things
lemme make a small test case
the h-card gets put after the plain URL value
I think there's an issue for that
I will fix my markup to not include the redundant h-card anyway
[sknebel] #212 wrong order of property values (if nested object is present?)
wait when did that plain url become a thing!?
oh wait nvm
has forgotten parsing rules now
Hmm, do we have a service somewhere that would return me the author of a url ? specifically, I need the author main image. I don't want to write a mf2 parser in java :(
ah cool
what is xray
XRay is an open source API that returns structured data for a URL by parsing microformats and following other indieweb algorithms, and is part of the p3k suite of applications https://indieweb.org/XRay
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
hmm that would give me a feed, but, to be me more specific, I need the h-card for the owner of the site/url
I guess I could loop over that json, but not ideal
swentel, what for?
GWG, revamping the Indigenous UI. With a drawer, which shows the author info at the top (a bit like gmail)
swentel pretty sure XRay will give you authorship info
swentel, the new Gmail for Android?
swentel: is the microsub server not giving you enough info?
that kind of thing was supposed to be left up to the microsub server to avoid exactly the problem you said "I don't want to write a mf2 parser in java"
I wasn't, but I fixed that on the back end
aaronpk, that's totally fine. See the screenshot. I want to display more information about the account/url you are authenticated with (name, author, image)
ah sorry slow internet here
heh no worries :)
omg this is worse than medium
why does an image sharing website need to send me notifications
I asked the same thing
swentel, why can't you query the backend for that?
ah I see what you're doing! that should actually be part of the indieauth flow
the indieauth server should be able to give you that info
mm yeah, makes sense
aaronpk, how?
there are two places I would add this in the flow. the step that returns you the token currently also returns the "me" url, and that's a good place to also return a full h-card
second, the token endpoint can return the h-card when it's queried using a token, since it also currently returns the "me" url given a token
[asuh] joined the channel
this is basically equivalent to openid connect's "userinfo" endpoint so there's precedent here
I am happy to implement that
mm yeah, that would help, and it makes sense to ask the indieauth server indeed
Is it best in both places or just one?
I think both, not sure yet
apps that are doing purely login, not getting a token, will only talk to the authorization endpoint, so they'd need it from there
or actually
this is more like the "profile" scope in openid connect
needs some more thought
but basically the two use cases (login only, vs getting a token for micropub/microsub stuff) need to be able to get that info somehow
aaronpk, need to look up the profile scope then
yeah that might be the way to go
A scope?
I would imagine you don't always want to share as much
yeah, depends on whether name + photo are considered something people may not want to share with the site they're logging in to
(additional profile fields are treated separately in openid connect, like email and address info, so should also be separate here too)
aaronpk, varies doesn't it?
well it's only important if someone wants to be able to choose on an app-by-app basis which apps get to see that info
if you never want to share that with any apps then your server can just never return the info
(e.g. it becomes a server config issue not a spec issue)
aaronpk, seems easy enough to implement
yes should be
i'll have to add a microformats parser and h-card finder to tokens.indieauth.com so that it can do it for people's arbitrary sites, but when a site has a built-in indieauth provider it should be straightforward
aaronpk, will you have a profile scope?
probably not since my name and photo are public