#dev 2019-02-20

2019-02-20 UTC
snarfed and cjwillcock joined the channel
↩️ For basics of Webmention try this intro article. For a quick start with notifications, try creating a http://Webmentions.io account & put an endpoint into <head> of your site so you can receive them in the erstwhile [more...] cc: @mxbck @AaronGustafson https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/19/reply-to-tom-critchlow-about-webmention-for-jekyll/
snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
the more I think about it; the more I realize making a chat app using indieauth is super viable
s/indieauth/IndieWeb tools/g
just a lot of private webmentions lol
or a forum
Jacky folks often suggest websub for this
No forums but like idea if chat, using an emdedded third party chat app on my website now
that makes sense
As my students hated signing up for one more thing
it's designed for (near-)real-time data
websub would be better for a group chat, but private webmentions would be better for 1-1 chat
that said, i'm not sure either is really ideal, i kind of feel like chat is different enough that it warrants its own thing
But love idea of a light weight chat app groups could share... Guess there is irc
right like maybe using a private webmention to give access to a page that uses websockets or something like a meta refresh to load the convo
really wants some sort of indieweb chat system
that's _really_ my last heel of sorts lol
but that's _kinda_ what e-mail and/or XMPP was supposed to handle
yeah and matrix went and reinvented xmpp so i'm happy to let those two evolve on their own and see what happens. we've got enough other things to tackle in the mean time :)
lol true
Me as well but I would consider Twitter or Mastodon to be fast enough
if anyone is curious about Dat; I got this guide from @darius@friend.camp https://datprotocol.github.io/how-dat-works/
jacky ifps support is in Roadmap for Known after the 1.0 release
I was going to try Riot or Matrix for class but needed something dead simple. Thus third party app.
to be honest
if I was like super good at design / graphics
I'd want to make something like that page for things in the IW space
what we have is good
we definitely need more things like that
design.. Writing documentation that is accessible to many....that too is crazy hard
I tried to lay out the workflow in the GDoc and I am working on the low end of choices... folks happy to start on the high end
Atul Varma ( cc'd him on your webmention toolness) his an old friend from Mozilla (finally met him at NYC). He is interested in IndieWeb and skilled at Dat.
But you should connect with benwerd as he wants to go this way
Jacky not sure for a small community if we had private sharing and webmentions a social reader wouldn't be enough... Maybe a websub public wall folks syndicate to
Now you make me want to go try the Known to IRC plugin...never saw the need but curious about the lag
[manton] and [davidmead] joined the channel
tantek I find (personally) using elements like <article> makes me think more about the structure of my content, and gives me a better idea of what to hang CSS on. I still use <div> tags, but less than most people
I’ve found the rise of <div> & Bootsrapification divorces a lot of developers from thinking about content as, well, content. It just becomes stuffing for containers around by the designer
Finally at the point where I’m bringing in IndieAuth logic into my Elixir library! This is _really_ helpful since I can import this into Fortress and Koype Publish for free! Building blocks made universal! (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/83589ece-309f-4475-b58d-bdf12a4975fd)
[davidmead]: the CSS bit is _def_ another big win
it's one less class name to use if you can target the tag within a specific scope
really nice
how come that show up in here and not in #-meta?
jacky I mentioned using <article> in #known, tantek carried on convo here 🙂
ahh nah I meant Loqi mentioned my post
also, using specific HTML elements helps me visualize the building blocks and overall structure rather than hunting for classes on divs. Reminds me too much of nested <td> tags from my early front-end days 😜
which fits in with…
>Designed for humans first and machines second
I also use <article> and <section> to organise my HTML, more than have it machine-readable or something
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky, re: CSS styling: not sure about how maintainable targeting a tag within a specific scope is
`body.page__entry--type > article` is one example off the top of my head using SMACSS
is working to rewrite a lot of Koype's CSS that way
jacky do you find the CSS is maintainable?
Yeah! And it's been a bit easier to communicate. Granted, I do use preprocessors like Sass (less and less now thanks to CSS vars) to consolidate some repeated bits like spacing, colors and etc
I'm still figuring out a redesign of my templates to produce -> what HTML structure -> style by what CSS
What I have sort of works, but I want to make it more explicitly modular and maintainable like a bunch of components
I feel like CSS grid and flexbox will allow much more flexibility in the markup structure, thus hopefully easier / better templating to produce that structure.
well CSS grid restricts you markup quite a bit, since only direct children are grid items :P
same for flex box
yeah true
yeah we need subgrid to use more flexible markup with CSS grid
jackyfromchat, snarfed, [Vincent], [tantek] and swentel joined the channel
rise and shine!
KartikPrabhu and HyperDark joined the channel
So many interesting dev chats I have been missing :(
https://github.com/matatk/landmarks - interesting for the whole accessibility landmarks testing in browsers
[matatk] landmarks: Allows you to navigate a web page via WAI-ARIA landmarks, using the keyboard or a pop-up menu
Without having to know screenreaders
I also like the discussion about profile scope in IndieAuth.
Good stuff going around!
chrisaldrich joined the channel
(now I wonder if any screenreaders have a text output mode for testing - I personally find them somewhat difficult to get into without training, if I could read what it wants to say that might be easier)
deathrow1, swentie and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[davidmead] my issue was you were using <article> on what was intended to be a note, I wouldn't out an <article> tag on that just as I would't on a Twitter update, its a note not a post
I think you are mistaking the HTML5 <article> and your internal view of post kinds.
no the word article had meaning for me outside of HTML and noone will convinve me a note in an article
well, you're wrong in this case
might as call a reply an <essay>
And I'm saying that you "meaning" of the word article is the issue, not the use of the tag.
article is no where on our template
I'll let davidmead discuss his point further with you.
go ask ten people, "there is a website with an article on it? What do you think article means?"
they will say an article is a long form piece of wrting
You're being silly and provocative. Go ask 10 people "what is a microformat" and you won't even get 10 answers.
eduardm joined the channel
I agree with [davidmead] I use <section> alot for this because I need to break pages up into modular pieces in my head
why I would never ask that questio...I just think the word <article> to mean any content seperate from main content is a silly semantic splitting of hairs
Section, you mean like a saggital section? Or a transverse section?
just hard for me to see a note as an article
a note is short articles are long
"for me" QED
<article class="h-entry">
<time class="dt-published">2013-03-07</time>:
<a class="u-author" href="/">I</a> ate a cheese sandwich.
<p class="p-name p-content">
would be a valid note...but does it feel right to you semantically?
absolutely :)
Absolutely, yes.
the note can stand alone as content
wow and I learn somethinbg everyday a distinction of a section IS the etymology of an article
What do you mean by etymology in this context?
as far back as the e Apostles Creed https://www.etymonline.com/word/article
I stand corrected then article has always meant a stand alone piece of content
Sorry. I thought that you were saying that there is an etymological connection between the words section and article.
no, now I understand I could have a <section> of my website that was articles about elephant farts, and each <article> can be anything in that <section>if it is its own content
wonders if the /note publishing example shouldn’t explicitly use HTML landmarks like <article> …
that is what I started with
a note doesn'f feel like an article, but using article on a note is still fine with HTML standards
but that was my bias onf thinking of an article like long form journalism in a paper and not the words original meaning
but now I lost thirty minutes where I was supposed to figure out how to save my guestbook into my html server side...so I can atleast pretend I tried to learn befor you folks teach me at vHWC
...but then comment section it an <article> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Html/Elements/article
rather than each comment......
so an blog post is its own standalone peice of content but all the comments to that content are just one type of content and not their own stand alone piecee.......
nv, each comment got marked up with an article
[jgmac1106]: also note that the words chosen for HTML elements do not always match the actual meaning from the element’s description. What do you think <small> means? ;)
atleast that is how I use <small>when I am citing photos and quotes and stuff
That would be wrong then
no it wouldn't
Well, guess it depends how you write your citations
"including copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation."
But <small> is supposed to be side comments (basically inline version of <aside>) or be used for small print (disclaimers, legal sstatements)
to me that means somethngs CC license
Ah, yes, “citation” to me just didn’t mean photo attribution
I could use figure and then figure caption, but I like <small> less tags
oh sorry should have said attribution
Citation to me means source information, which would be <cite> (when appropriate) but basically never small
don't get me started on <cite>...still find it weird one is only supposed to wrap the title when I often want to <cite> an author
Yeah, they were super specific about a person not being a work and therefor not quotable
Or citable, rather
"how to save php in html server side" is not a good search term...they were being super specific wrong....different domains of knowledge place emphasis in different places as to what gets a site
.....probablyt he same person who think you the site need a a url and you the person need a different one
That HTTPRange-14 thing is engraved in my brain for ever now
"how to save php in html server side" is not finding me tutorials or documentation...what should I be looking for
swentel__ and swentel joined the channel
http://php.net/manual/en/ only documentation no tutotials or how to guides..have any php 101 favortie sites
I think my favourite PHP learning sites may have closed down 10 years ago already, hahahaha
Usually I find Google to work well enough. Maybe search something like “php store form as file”?
I did a very useful MOOC at University of Michigan, but that's by no means instant.
yeah it is my serarch term that is off server side, html file too common
Probably best to just play with saving to a file. Easy enough to change the string you are saving to HTML at a later point :)
and you can't ask on Twitter bc you will get , "Who the f still learns php? have your tried node.js, python, or something people under 80 use..so I can;t go there"
djmoch joined the channel
I thought about teaching PHP for a bit, a local trades school was looking for teachers. But then I remembered I am not well suited for teaching
you lie, teach me a ton
Lets rephrase: I am not well suited for a classroom environment
then you put up a class online and charge 20 a seat or offer for free...I would charge
and if I can't figure this out you will teach me again...I could use javascript but wanted to learn something
Tell [jgmac1106] If you can be more specific about what you want to save to a file, and how you are receiving the information, I can try to share a gist with you.
I save info from an RSS feed to use in my Reading to Known script, and it just works. I also had one that saved from a POST, but I'm not currently using that. There are examples in, for example, nanopub.
https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/fc680e2bf6436a37a3fce699b81e9a9b but people said I can do this without setting uo a database
that is the goal
Databases do have a steeper learning curve than file based. file_put_contents() is going to store data in a file no problem, your mysql_query() in that gist is just a hole into your database with that current code.
Little Bobby Tables sort of hole
OK, so that's the form in there. If I were you, I would store the content of each form field as an array of key:value pairs, and then write that array to a file, using a form of fopen().
The PHP manual does have examples of using fopen
Use file_put_contents() instead of fopen() would be my recommendation. No need to get into the whole file resources thing fopen() has you do.
I'm a bit tied up right now, but I can share my code later.
so I am looking for a site that teaches how to: "array of key:value pairs, and then write that array to a file, using a form of fopen()." or do "file_put_contents()"
Yeah, you really do need to step back a bit. Slowly does it, very slowly in my case.
sweet I am going to vHWC...you would think with php being around for ever the tutorials would be the best in show....you can find WAY better tutorials and guides for like every other scripting language out there
the YouRube videos woefully out of data
Chances are any PHP you think is out of date still runs perfectly well ;)
I think with PHP having been around forever, the kind of people who make youtube video tutorials prefer newer shiny.
Codeacademy and others have good tutorials, but you really do need to go stepwise.
This does make me wonder how people are picking up a language like PHP today
My knowledge was, and still is, very patchy, which is why I went for a solid MOOC.
Zegnat: I doubt that much differently? The tricky bit has always been "which tutorials are good" :D
In my case, it was translating the bits of FORTRAN and BASIC I learned into PHP-like concepts. And I still find objects incredibly difficult to wrap my head around.
Back in my day… *cough*cough*cough*
I know, I know.
Actually I was interrupting myself from going on about how I got into PHP, hahaha
Not meant as a comment against you jeremycherfas!
sknebel but there has been explosion of tutorials for everything else..I tried using this: http://php.net/manual/en/tutorial.forms.php but found it useless
I didn't take it as such.
Also, I am sitting next to a good JS dev at work jeremycherfas, knows all this modern stuff, and he also finds object oriented stuff a struggle at times
So I wouldn’t take that too hard :)
[jgmac1106] You need to think about mixing up your PHP and your HTML if you want to use PHP for the form.
[Rose] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: that tutorial seems to cover forms pretty OK though. Both the HTML and then how to access the data in PHP. Next step would be going from having the data in the $_POST array, to doing something with that array in PHP
Python is older than PHP, so it amuses me that people like it because it's "newer"
I am not sure people actually like Python more than PHP, not within web dev context. But maybe I’m wrong.
I like both languages for different things.
[jgmac1106]: sure, but there's still thousands of php tutorials around (which is why "the tricky bit is finding the good ones"). I.e. the official node.js tutorial is also extremely brief
zegnat the comments and feedback from users on the getting started page just got so confusing so quick...why you invite people to add layers of complexity to a getting started tutorial
Stackoverflow can be good too
But that can also get complex quickly.
that is a tutorial, there are words and a sandbox
The problem is also with tutorials for specific things. Is it better for me to have a tutorial about just handling form-posted data? And then refer to tutorials on writing data to files, and tutorials for databases separately? Or should I have tutorials for form->php->file and form->php->db completely written up
tutorials need to take you from web zero to web hero
I think there's a need for both kinds of things. One that explores, say, why you might use fopen() in one case and file_put_contents() in another. And others that go through a whole scenario of one way of doing things.
first is documentation the second is a tutorial
I wonder if Node has profitted from front-end developers joining in, thus creating more nice-looking front-facing content. While PHP only running backend has programmer-types running around whos idea of helping people is IRC.
well its 7am time to go start my day
Maybe I’ll write a form->file tutorial on my way home on the train :P
ha ha , good point zegnat but I think its just popularity, angular, node, python, javascript...alll have hundreds of modern tutorials with great ui...php links to old listserv posts
Python has that? The most modern Python tutorials I ever found were random Medium articles of questionable quality
We can critique that in vHWC Zegnat
noteven sure code.org has a class on php
granted I have philosophical issues with code.org but they are driving force in k12 compsci education in uS
I have a series of Python tutorials for web development that were kickstartered relatively recently. The quality is pretty good - but they're pay for courses not free ones.
code academy stopped teaching php all together
Huh. Well, just shows you when I last used code aacademny
Zegnat: at least for web-specific stuff there's a bunch of good ones. and the one in the official docs isn't that newbie-friendly (quite dense, could use more specific examples), but should be pretty good to get up to speed for someone like you
ha ha jeremycherfas was that the MOOC you did?
Oh, yeah sknebel, I can probably swing Python just using docs. But I can also do PHP just using docs. I was thinking more compared with the Node things [jgmac1106] linked.
I just checked all the major coding schools online and those directed at k12, noon either offers or eliminated their php classes
I am happy to help with instructional design for any language or library....but I really gotta go now
(and fwiw, even just searching "php write a guest book" brought up enough simple examples that at least provide inspiration what to look up to understand how they work...)
They all had PHP 5.2 courses at most when I started learning. So I just made stuff up, stack overflowed and read documents until I made something that works.
and starting 2/25! perfect timing
I don't consider code academy a MOOC. A MOOC has homework etc etc.
It is interesting how the industry is self-sabotaging a bit on the PHP thing. My brother was seeing the same: his trade school spent whole courses on node and JavaScript, and then sends their students out to work on ecommerce solutions that are all written in PHP (Drupal Commerce, WordPress stuff, etc.)
stack overflow makes me sad for humanity when I visit...I hate watching people trying to learn get yelled at
There will be bits you already know, and bits you don't, but I found it incredibly valuable.
..yep the schools are trying to stay with the high tech industry when every field is high tech...just ten years back
Interesting how they either seem to be teaching old things because curriculum hasn’t been updated in years, or they try and use the latest hot thing where actual application isn’t at scale yet “in the real world”. Very interesting.
I just figured everyone I know is old so getting help in php would be the easiest language to learn given my peer group
snark aside, it was my thinking if I am investing my time in Known..iI need to know more php than just changing HTML templates
wonder if lynda.com has php course we get those free at work
[Rose]: if you are still around, was cache updates (or whatever that is) the slowest part of Grav? How does that work when you edit a page, is the whole cache reset or are they smart about it?
zegnat, even though it isn't canonical if you want people to use your first name redirect you should put it on the wiki...will update my folloiwng page later
I don’t know if I want people to use it. If you are writing actual links <a>Martijn</a> I would urge people use the non-redirect URL
You are probably the only person I know who writes just the URLs in posts ;)
how else o best @ mention someone with webmentions?
I figure the url, was way easier than trying to remember martiin is this person here and that person there..and I don't need to rely on Twitter to pass through the mention
Oh it is, just saying I haven’t seen anyone else do it
Zegnat I changed the caching settings and it's much better now.
But yes, it is smart about recaching stuff - in the admin GUI you also have a clear cache button which has options, e.g. Just images, everything, etc.
CSS seems to be the slowest to regenerate, for me. And that's possibly a browser thing. I haven't worked out how to use CSS filename versions yet for Grav
[davidmead] joined the channel
Looks like I missed all the good <article> discussion. Scrolling back it it seems my gist example helped jgmac1106 ?
just experimented with screenreaders a bit. JAWS uses <article> for navigation, but NVDA seems to totally ignore them
[Rose], jeremycherfas, interesting. I may have to give Grav another try.
[Vincent] joined the channel
(or it expects some structure to my page I don't have, also possible)
attempts to add a "cancelled" option to his flight posts
davidmead....it helps...but I still may use a <div> and not a <article> on a note...but was good to learn the eytymoogy of article and that my assumptions were totally wrong
...I could have used that for Austin...but don;t publish my flights
[schmarty], cjwillcock and [grantcodes] joined the channel
sknebel swentie zegnat jeremycherfas Without beating a dead horse around <article> I would appreciate any comments on my 2 gists where I lay out using that tag for blog posts etc. Structure or mf use would help me too.
Where did you add experimental u-listen-of?
[davidmead]: as soon as I get to a calmer level of DEFCON at work I’ll let you know my thoughts
[tonz] joined the channel
Few things to note.. Listen like many post types is experimental. For accepted post types Known is legit, all the templates have their Sundays on
But no one can tell you best way to mark up a listen post as it is experimental
For example on p-category for status folks would like it to work across all media. I prefer started, finished, in-progress, and want-to others like present perfect progressive tense...
So go now u-listen-of all I care about
Mean for me what I like
[davidmead] joined the channel
I think that makes sense jgmac1106
might dip more into the experimental mf of listen to refresh my memory
dougbeal|mb1, [xavierroy], snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
smalltag has -1 karma over the last year
I'm STRONGly against all the backsemantic presentational tags in HTML5, they're horrible hard to both teach, and remember what odd quirky meaning they were given after the fact.
like <i> and <b> tantek
They're warts that should have been removed, not attempted to be repurposed for some theoretical semantic
I used to try to use them, and once I realized how much cognitive effort they took, I realized they were a usability error.
<i> just seems to be there for FontAwesome to hang icons on
What is backsemantic
It looks like we don't have a page for "backsemantic" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "backsemantic is ____", a sentence describing the term)
... I am perfect example I thought article was reserved for long form writing like newspapers.. I had no idea an article could be a stand alone piece of content
nanont joined the channel
I am addicted to <section>.. Especially bc I like full bleed layout... Sections help me think in blocks....plus I can style and do nth color changes and all kinds of fun stufd
dougbeal, no need to define here per se. it's like backronym
@serapath ok, I can't help you if you persist in ignorance. I hope you'll get the opportunity one day to discuss with disabled ppl using the web, and understand why semantics and accessibility matter. Until then, your websites won't be usable for them.
[kevinmarks], [Vincent] and iasai joined the channel
↩️ You don't need to explain decentralization to me ;-) I am literally the author of several W3C specs that are being used to build decentralized social networks! https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/ https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/ https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth/
i hope that wasn't too snarky
No it's the same if it has DNS or is attached to W3C it isnt decentralized
tired argument...
no i don't think he understood that there are specs
regardless of whether they are w3c specs
In his post indieweb.com doesn't fit definition of decentralized because it uses DNS and W3c standard
[Rose] joined the channel
indieweb.com isn't a thing, it redirects to a coworking space website
I know.. He is wrong on link and assumption
i really don't think w3c is the problem here, unless i am completely misreading his tweet
But he is defining decentralized as "no dns and no standard board" you get that alot 8n folks talking blockchain who don't know blockchain
I would love to read an analysis of how well this project satisfies the vision of a decentralized social media architecture. I might not be able to get around to doing such an analysis myself for a while. https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/1098209013315948544
i know people here have worked hard in past talks to explain why we consciously chose to (re)use DNS, HTML, etc
[schmarty] joined the channel
the point about DNS is that it is fungible, even if not fully decentralized
you can swap out providers at al layers of DNS except the roots.
and there are well established procedures for doing so with dispute resolution processes and so on
i would like a few more folks to help play with IndieWeb building blocks and tools on .onion sites
since they are *almost* a drop-in replacement for DNS.
Yeah if people want convo willing... But that was tske time to explain what you do so I can explain why you wrong by describing what I haven't done
jackjamieson joined the channel
And a lot of the decentralized crowd now reject all things W3C since addition of DRM.... And they will complain vigorously on what ever tool they use driven by W3C standards
EFF with their resignation flared this up among people.. If EFF says something is bad it must be evil
cowglow, snarfed, [eddie], [grantcodes], [ken], barpthewire and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
schmarty has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
what is onion
It looks like we don't have a page for "onion" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "onion is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[schmarty]: is your site available over tor?
[jgmac1106] the subset of dweb crowd rejecting W3C for whatever reason is probably better for meta
is there a micropub giphy client? or is that just a feature that another client could add?
what is kapowski?
Kapowski is a simple app for posting animated GIF photos to your website using Micropub, powered by Giphy search https://indieweb.org/Kapowski
already done :D
[Rose] joined the channel
what is a micropub gif client
It looks like we don't have a page for "micropub gif client" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "micropub gif client is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is a micropub giphy client
It looks like we don't have a page for "micropub giphy client" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "micropub giphy client is ____", a sentence describing the term)
micropub gif client is /Kapowski
micropub giphy client is /Kapowski
↩️ you definitely should not have both... I learned that recently. Not sure the Twitter app handles webmentions. Would love for you to experiment so we can compare markup. Do one with both one one with each and throw a random hmtl tag in to see… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/20/ken_bauer-you-definitely-should-not-have-both
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
lol is that a vanity address?
aaronpk: it is! i let my old dogecoin miner spin on it until i got a .onion address that started with schmarty. i am ridiculous.
is that like getting a bitcoin address with a pony in?
now that the new longer onion addresses are out i need to update and i doubt i'll bother going vanity again.
i recently played with apache content rewriting to update links and hrefs to point to my .onion site and remove the third-party image proxy (you just get giant images, sorry)
ha wow
it wasn't too hard to set up! i should blog about it.
You should, [schmarty]! I'd love to read it
Dat << slides for talking about DAT http://slides.kevinmarks.com/dat.html
ok, I added "slides for talking about DAT http://slides.kevinmarks.com/dat.html" to the "See Also" section of /Dat https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=56919&oldid=55925
oh! i also set up my media endpoint to serve over .onion at http://media.schmartyp7qtjzn7.onion/ so that's also pretty ncie.
[schmarty]: neat. Been meaning to have my site handle weird protocols at least for WMs and such, good to have a test case
my other infrastructure needs some work before i'm all "onion"ed up. e.g. a webmention handler that can resolve .onions. likewise for pretty much all micropub clients, since they submit over an HTTP backchannel.
vanity hash urls are the real proof of work. DAT has hex in the urls so harder to make them work
(or i could stand up a micropub proxy from regular HTTP+DNS to the .onion site)
[cleverdevil], swentel and [davidmead] joined the channel
since i'm stuck at the airport all day, i think this sounds like a perfect time to launch the new aperture feature/bugfix i wrote on the plane
what could go wrong?
I'm fine as I use my own server :)
but I'm interested what the feature/bugfix is ;)
might be interested for people who want to add menus and the like using <details> https://github.com/muan/details-on-details
[muan] details-on-details: Notes from my talk at Brooklyn JS – Details on <details>.
There's a bug in the cleanup script that makes old articles appear again
if you don't have any channels set to delete old content then you wouldn't see it
I'm struggling with that in the drupal module as well
still not sure on best approach there, so only have a temporary fix at the moment
I see it happen in two cases:
1. pinned items which get deleted (on mastodon)
2. user deletes a post on the site, so a post on page 2 suddenly comes back on page 1
oh interesting, that's not at all the problem for me
i suspect we treat things completely differently internally
well I have a setting that says 'keep x posts' and I also store the number of items per feed
so I can decide if I can cleanup or not
but it's tricky
so now I always keep 5 more internally than configured
isn't /that/ pretty, but kind of works right now
i can describe my problem and the solution, which may apply to you
sure, go ahead
the problem happens when there's a feed with content spanning a long period of time, like someone's infrequently updated feed of articles
channels can be configured to drop content older than X days
so the cleanup script goes through everything and removes entries older than X
and then a second pass will actually purge those entries from the DB entirely
(the first pass is more like unlinking the entry from the channel)
so then the next time the feed is polled, all the old entries appear for the first time again so they all get added back
then they get deleted again in the next cleanup
oooh, hehe :)
cowglow joined the channel
this was pretty funny when I didn't know it was happening, the graphs showing new entries added was going through the roof
hmm, curious about the fix
so my fix is I added a flag to the entries table to mark whether an entry is currently in the feed. now when the second pass runs, it will never actually delete an entry if it's marked as being in the last snapshot of the feed
then the next time the feed is polled, if an entry falls off the end of the feed, it gets marked as no longer current, and then it will be deleted
oh, so you fetch the feed first and then compare ?
oh wait
fetch the feed, go through all the entries adding any new ones and updating existing ones, then mark any that used to be in the feed that aren't there anymore
right, right, mmmmmm
and the cleanup script just never deletes those if they were in the last feed fetch
Jacky I want to play with nested <details> for displaying threaded webmentions...no plumbing yet but I love the look
that might be a good approach for me too
although, it probably doesn't completely fix my 2 use case I think
snarfed joined the channel
i guess it's theoretically possible for your #2 situation to still be a problem for me, but i feel like the odds of that are pretty small
snarfed joined the channel
#2 doesn't happen /that/ often
it's usually does pinned items, I should probably juse use the atom feed from mastodon users
although I had it with your feed recently
and I have no idea what happened there
oh i did something drastic to my home page last week
i switched it into "conference mode" so only posts tagged with certain tags appear
so suddenly there were a bunch of old posts on my home page
right, yeah
and then when i switched it back, a bunch of new content all at once
hmm, I should probably follow a different feed :)
maybe just /all
you do not want to do that trust me
try https://aaronparecki.com/primary which is my home page content, but i don't think it'll switch into conference mode
but good to know what happened there
yeah i had that thought as i was toggling that on
maybe I should drop the 'keep x posts' feature all along
i dunno, it's a good way to avoid filling up your database
i have a few channels that are super high volume and also i don't actually care about archiving everything in them so i have that turned on for them
(it's "keep last X days" for me though)
oh, will see how it behaves right now, it's steady for a week now *fingers crossed*
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
btw, I got an mf2 parser working in java to get h-card :)
I can now show the author image and name, really cool :)
the app now almost looks professional hehe
snarfed, [Rose], [grantcodes] and [tantek] joined the channel
swentel++ wow indeed! which one? one of these? http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#Java
swentel has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
[tantek], yep, mf2j
this is how it will look in the next release :) https://twitter.com/swentel/status/1097881041505828865
Added a drawer layout to Indigenous displaying your account info in the header! Oh, and uploading multiple pictures will be possible in the next release too :) #indieweb https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dzx0-65X4AUJBoW.jpg
snarfed, chrisaldrich, leg and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Awesome swentel. Like that it is starting to look more androidy!
swentel has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
snarfed, [kevinmarks] and [davidmead] joined the channel
that looks great swentel++
swentel has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
[manton], [aaronpk] and snarfed joined the channel
I need to sit down and grok WebSub
short version: 1. "hey let me know if you update this URL, send me the changes here" 2. "just double checking, is this where you want me to send you the changes?" 3. "the URL changed, here are the new contents"
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky: i would love to test my knowledge by trying to explain any parts of websub, if you're willing to wade through some misunderstandings and memory failings
aaronpk: don't forget the publishing side! :}
that's technically out of scope :P
forget it, then, hahahaha
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Jacky hope I didn't send you down a rabbit hole with my, "I'd ActivityPub really the answer?" post
[jgmac1106]: nah like I'm going to tilt the "experience" by using the AP world as a giant 'experiment'
100% going to disclose that it's an attempt to make a relative 'generic' social reader
Yes that's why it's awesome IMO read, write, notify (polling seems wrong) in different speca
thankfully QML by Qt is so flexible you could pull in different layouts from the Web and natively render it
working on a tutorial for someone who wants to sign in to the wiki, why won't this work? jgregorymcverry.wordpress.com
switched my github account but when I click login on the wiki it just reloads the homepage
after I enter the ur;
jgmac1106: try logging in at indieauth.com and see if it finds an issue?
indielogin.com *
oh the wiki blocks wordpress.com URLs
it worked there...maybe caching issue...been signing in and out with different people
ummm okay
(and a handful of others)
he has a wordpress.org so that will work, just didn't want to spin up a new instance for one simple tutorial...oh well..after New Haven edites
why? did we have a bunch of people going through all the trouble to spam the wiki...or a bias towards..that isn't a real Domain?
it's a super old policy we've had to encourage people to have a real domain of their own
okay, I'll spin ip a new WP.org instance and re-record the "hwot to sign in to wiki" tutorial
but the policy should change
bring it up in #meta or add to the organizers wiki page agenda :)
it's been there forever and i don't think we've ever discussed changing it so it's probably worth talking about
will do..juts triaging drewmcweeney wants to up tmiller and I organize IWC-New Haven
was recording tutorial for him as decided against using an IndieWeb WordPress theme, he needs a how to add manual h-card tutorial..but for now how to add rel=me and link in GitHub needed
no what does this mean: too many redirects for https://indieweb.org/Main_Page - .
must have been a cache error, wouldn't recognize my rel=me on GitHub but worked fine in privacy mode
haha woah. i just updated watchtower for the first time in a while, including running migrations 0005-0008 and suddenly a ton of feeds started updating again!
aaronpk++ for watchtower and aperture
aaronpk has 79 karma in this channel over the last year (257 in all channels)
[schmarty]: lol! i wonder what bugs i fixed!
idk, but a lot of feeds had not been moving and i think they clearly are now.
is not sure he wants to read through all this stuff he has been "missing".
lol yeah at some point it's not relevant anymore
like the EFF blog posts a lot of dupe content and it's all breathless outrage machine type stuff.
which i often appreciate but sometimes is too much
snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
I decided to build geofencing
What is watchtower?
Watchtower is a minimal API for watching web pages for changes, roughly speaks the WebSub protocol https://indieweb.org/Watchtower
[schmarty]: I'd def take you up on that offer!
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky: sweet! I'm at HWC for the next ~1.5 hours so feel free 😄
ahh it wouldn't be today lol
snarfed joined the channel
def still working on work stuff atm :$
lol good point
And it doesn't have to be Known to Known.. Webmentions is a W3C standard, makes the web our network. Webmentions do work and look better with microformats. This is why #IndieWeb struggles in WordPress. It is amazingly hard to add properties to HTML… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/20/and-it-doesnt-have-to-be-known
[tantek], [kevinmarks], Guest25732, dmcweeney, [eddie] and cjwillcock joined the channel