#dev 2019-02-21

2019-02-21 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ Yes form of decentralized syndication. Since users own data they choose where to syndicate. No one is forced on Twitter. Many use webmentions and never touch a social media silo. Some stick around for advocacy, others because that is where there… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/21/lsanger-yes-form-of-decentralized-syndication-since
[tantek], [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
I used to embed all my flickr favs (which was a way to build a gallery of my photo attributions), but they took away the embed code, how could I PESOS my favs to my wesbite?
snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I guess my flickr embed response-context is broken too
yeah [johnjohnston] built me a WordPress plugin that worked well as a replacement...need something else now
dmcweeney joined the channel
[jgmac1106] can you embed an RSS/Atom feed? Your Flick faves are available as a feed file.
yes I can!
looks like I started a manual page and never styled it, the feed will work perfectly for now https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/imagecredits.html
ohh and this reminds me
!tell zegnat another reason I started using urls as @ mentions on Twitter bc it forces, forget incentivizes , people off of social media and on to our blogs...just realized that...didn't plan it but it works
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t, jgmac1106, [eddie], [asuh], chrisaldrich, [davidmead], [dougbeal], snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@Reading "https://aaronparecki.com/2018/05/27/10/indieauth-twitter" http://ing.am/p/591j
j12t, [schmarty] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
A Followers Page on My Personal Website using Webmention #IndieWeb #WordPress https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/20/creating-a-followers-page/
j12t, [tantek], [eddie], [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, [xavierroy], barpthewire, swentel, jeremych_, swentie, [Vincent], ajf and jgmac1106 joined the channel
GWG, hmm, I think I have first UI overhaul ready, but not sure if I should release already, don't want to break your demo :)
getting close on my guestbook project, need to figue out what is why it isn;t calling my style sheet: https://indieweb-guestbook.glitch.me/
Glitch doesn’t want to wakeup/start that URL for me ...
Zegnat: [jgmac1106] left you a message 9 hours, 49 minutes ago: another reason I started using urls as @ mentions on Twitter bc it forces, forget incentivizes , people off of social media and on to our blogs...just realized that...didn't plan it but it works
yeah, weird me either…and it woked swimminlgy accept my stylesheet
worked except
I lost connection when adding myself as an author so aan array just hang
can’t figure out why the stylesheet isn’t recgonized..once I figure that just need to make it purdy and I am done
jgmac1106: I think your server.js doesn't have any code to serve the stylesheet
weird there was a bootstrap link in header.ejs that worked, I switched it with my local style sheet and I see it when I hit view source
Bootstrap link was probably an external one.
yes it was
All your local requests go through the server.js, and server.js doesn’t know how to answer a request for /public/style.css
At least, that is what I am assuming off of sknebel’s comment
You may need to define someone on `app` that tells it to serve files from /public/ directly
perfect, tommorow’s lesson then, happy where I made it..and half the time you throw it out there and someone will fix it for you
Wont be me, I can’t wait to get back to PHP after work :P
Also, jgmac1106, I like that reason for using domains to mention people on Twitter. Making people more aware of a world outside of Twitter!
yeah thought of it last yesterday when slanger was all like “how do you encourage folks off of social media and on the web…only refer to people by their url
I will continue my php lessons as I am your guineea pig for the teaching guide….there really isn’t away for someone to easily learn php anymore
i found a bazillion node.js tutorials
..but now I am all like, that;s it..let’s go make an interface to publish my follow posts…and ohh yeah your guestbook could just as easily be a tool to publish my notes on https://jgregorymcverry.com …grrrrrrr just one mroe step to zegnat’s prediction that I will end up with my own CMS
Don’t make it a self-fullfilling prophecy :P Steer clear!
bradenslen joined the channel
won’t happen until there is an easy use plug-n-play engine to be behind, really all I want, the IndieWeb plumbingm and a blank html file and blank style sheet..step by step
many of the glitch examples I've seen had their own stylesheet and the erving already configured in the example code provided. e.g. in the code for sturdy-backbone the right setup should still be around from the demo code I tweaked for it
….yeah this wasn’t a demo project
that is probably my biigest gripe..but time..the learnign stuff gets mixed in with all the junk and people can pick up bad practice
this just used external bootstrap
I want to redo using my sites stylesheet
and that is all I needed, an external stylesheet
nvm just did the body of the page…everything be styled by: user agent stylesheet
ul, menu, dir {
okay that is the Chrome default when a stylesheet is missing, back to it being tommorrow’s lesson
out of indieweb time today
eduardm and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Looks, like you figured it out. You just need to set express to serve from static directories
<— hands grantcodes the keys: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/join/b76e59a2-de84-4ffe-a2f9-e4bff5216973 and walks away to feed kids pancakes hoping “ just need to set express to serve from static directories” hoping when he comes back this works https://jgregorymcverry.com/styles.css" or the local style sheet
is it really that hard to copy-paste the solution from the project I told you you can copy paste it from that you need to ask others to do it?...
It already does from what I looked it
ah. line 47 might override it again?
ah no, it's bound below the root
jgmac1106: you just need to leave off the "public/" from the paths
that happens when I try to comment on JS projects :D
eduardm and jgmac1106 joined the channel
really, just figured public was a subdirectory without thinkig……oh yeah..public is root
and I totally missed the line setting it up first time round
[Vincent] joined the channel
THIS is great -> <details> is a super flexible, accessible element and no JS! https://github.com/muan/details-on-details
this is awesome
[tonz] joined the channel
[vincent] I had a question about that actually, I use interactive elements in bootstrap collapsible tables all the time (rubrics). I have been mocking them up in css grid and was going to use <details>
but am I reading that correctly that I should NOT use interactive elements
if so need to stick with bootstrap a bit longer
Only in the summary jgmac1106 think you can put whatever you want in the main details element
[grantcodes] beat me to it
[davidmead] joined the channel
vincent thx for sharing
redoing all my rubrics using CSS Grid and adding nested h-reviews
But jgmac1106 re "plug and play indieweb engine", that is more or less what my thing is. It probably already does most of what you are looking for. Already powers my site so it's good enough for me
I don’t know enough grid to touch our form builder yet but that is pile of Jquery and magical band aids..excited to get the rubrics doen because anyone will be able to use the template
grantcodes…yeah it was a matter of timing, had it been Summer and not winter I might have gone full bore ahead
besides let’s wait and see if we get the Responsible Computer Science Grant and then you can get paid to do it for us
Haha well let me know if you ever want to be a guinea pig 😜 could do with some testers.
swentel, don't let me stop you
and we will have mblaney making a webmention badging ledger from indiepay.me
sknebel has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
grantcodes has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
chrisburnell has 1 karma over the last year
saw him editing the document as well….was supposed to stop and move on but NOW I need to port thiis to my wesbite
I mean it parses so nice
this is for me but also thinking IndieWeb CRM for the ecommerce stores I am building people
Well I made my little glitch sample site a bit cleaner. Means when you remix it you get a clean database and media folder which is cool
grantcodes my first step would be to get webmentions displaying but never thought about just forking your site and trying to style it my way…..Will be great summer project…..couldnt’t do between semesters
will start using that next semester, I can build my lesson templates right into it and then pass it off to students for their site
Yeah, that is one part I haven't actually built into the core library yet, it sends webmentions but doesn't receive them by default
such a balancing act so much more to figure out about putting yourself online than just the code…always trying to fit the right mix into the remix
3/25 we should hear…but I have never known a grant announcement to come in on time
grantcodes they are the forward facing analytics of a for profit company so I would reduce number 50-75% but we had 25k views of the apps in the Glitch IndieWeb team
maybe we should make one that says “Donate Now” that is a micropub client where people can record they made a donation
that was last two tweeks usually average 15k-20k (again their numbers) every two weeks
grantcodes other idea…would have to wait until April/May for me…would two of us recording a podcast of you walking me through all the set up and then we can cut it up and make a strong tutorial
barpthewire joined the channel
Yeah, could probably do that at some point. Would like to have more of the library polished out and docs written before that though
like I said I won’t have time for few months, but happy to help write documentation and tutorials
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I made the mistake of putting links in the <summary> so you have to click outside the link to expand it.
but I am a big details/summary fan
yeah can’t wait to finish my rubric templates with the way you showed me to make nested h-reviews….that was the last thing keeping using bootstrap
a project from my Digital Catapult colleague that could be handy for the nickname cache problem https://fornax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide.html
i like the idea of this for the rel-me rel-friend type stuff
eli_oat joined the channel
using this with https://indiemap.org/ perhaps
Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset. 2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML with microformats2. Social graph API and interac...
[eddie], snarfed, jackjamieson, snarfed1, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, [grantcodes], tomasparks, KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [cleverdevil], leg and [tantek] joined the channel
Hey do we have a tutorial for replacing a Disqus embed with a Webmentions embed?
Who <!here> has done that? I know I've seen examples in the past but can't remember offhand
somewhat unhelpful, but i downloaded and made static my old disqus comments
[pfefferle] joined the channel
i replaced 'em with webmentions but it's not done with a widget.
blair1 joined the channel
schmarty, that's super useful ... tantek is (likely) asking for me since I was asking him
That's exactly what I'd like to do; I moved comments from wordpress to disqus years ago, when I moved from wordpress to a static jekyll site
now I'd like to purge disqus, but I don't want to lose all the comments (there are some nice ones
any chance those templates for formatting the comments are still around?
blair1: the templates to render the comments from the yaml format? i can find it.
Then I just need to figure out the best way to add some dynamic webmentions stuff into my site (thanks to Tantek for suggesting it, I'm just not sure the best way to proceed)
those are for jekyll
if you're interested in displaying comments via a javascript widget: https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/3743-More-fun-with-Webmentions
oops i think i meant this, or they are talking about the same thing: http://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/1048-Embedding-webmention-io-pings-on-your-site
eli_oat1, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and j12t joined the channel
maybe the moderated native comment system is the private way to share posts back and forth works for when I am giving feedback, post positive webmentions, target areas of growth native comments
[kevinmarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
hmm Loqi nothing?
KartikPrabhu: Well, guess chrome needs a polyfill loading WWW then :D
jgmac1106, [tantek], [zak], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and cjwillcock joined the channel
am I bugging or does IndieAuth not mention anything about preserving query params when handling the redirect URI?
[Aaron Parecki] IndieAuth
IndieAuth is an OAuth 2.0 Extension so it often only addresses things that are different than OAuth 2.9
ahh gotcha
wow if you're not careful; this site can have you bouncing around multiple RFCs lol
but yeah looks like I ought to keep the query params!
ooh this makes _so_ much sense lol
like this even enables client-side apps or in native apps to extract info
oauth2 has 1 karma over the last year
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Hey Maria, thanks for sending webmentions and posting replies to people's post. It helps create the community of readers and writers that #literacies classrooms need #edu307 (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1QjGFr)
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, jgmac1106 and eli_oat joined the channel