[tantek]and just realized I only need this code for notes / simple replies (comments) on issues, not for original issues, which I write in HTML anyway and thus no auto-tagging happens anyway. oh well, coded but not necessary for the today’s use-case
[schmarty], [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
[eddie]I should probably write some tests to just run once a month and basically test each post type at a predefined post url from my site to make sure I don’t break anything
jeremycherfasWell, this is very vexing. Apple Podcasts is missing my two most recent episodes, but they are very definitely in my feed, and I am still 117 episodes away from some mythincal limit that Apple supposedly enforces.
@Snorremd↩️ True, if we consider the amount of potential IndieAuth deploy targets (all the worlds Wordpress sites) the image looks far more rosy. I do think the new breed of desentralized apps/services (Mastodon, Riot/Matrix.org) should adopt IndieAuth as a good way to desentralize auth! (twitter.com/_/status/1101095273797955589)
jeremycherfasIt does have a lot of control, but I am happy that Overcast, for example, picks up the feed correctly. Don't know about the other catchers, because I don't use them. So the control Apple has is also because it is the one that most subscribers find easiest to use. It is there for everyone with an iOS device (and Windows too, I think).
ZegnatAh, the chicken or the egg problem. People not finishing IndieAuth providers because there are no consumers, and no new consumers coming up because they don’t see enough providers
Loqi[Greg McVerry] @Snorremd just go to your website https://snoree.io add link to GitHub account with a rel="me" then add a link to your website on GitHub and you are done....Now you can log into all the cool #IndieWeb blogging tools. Even our web ring https://glitch...
[jgmac1106]my podcast template gets remixed a lot though I should really take the time to move to implicit grids using fr so as to elominate media queries and make adding shows easier
[jgmac1106]I have the first show as a grid embedded in the grid, but that become a first-item and then just use item for older shows...I am really excited....I stopped podcasting because of the mental weight of DRY and trying to do this manually
[jgmac1106]just got overwhlemed every time I thought about adding a show...but everyone wants to copy my "How to use archive.org to host your podcast approach"
[jgmac1106]skenbel on another not in the mozillian Telegram chat...everyone complaining about their email 2fa approach for mozillians.org (what replaced Persona)...so wanted to jump in but didn't but wow is 2fa across all of Mozilla properties a mess that IndieAuth could solve
sknebelyes, but then (as far as I know, maybe just nobody told me the trick yet) you can't let items place themselves because they don't know they shouldn't fill those spots
[jgmac1106]this one is such a fun example of what not to do..but I love way it looks: https://edu307.glitch.me/index.html its a grid, inside a single item flexbox (why?) in random grid areas
[jgmac1106]I was sticking with explicit first and then moving on to implicit then areas....to try and really understand...all the minmax and other shortcuts..bot there yet
[jgmac1106]sknebel what is your glitch username,? I deleted the remix button on my podcast page. Have all the pieces now for a tutorial on indieweb podcast archive.org->show post->mf2 podcast page->granary
jeremycherfasIn PHP, is there a way to get the finishing position of strpos(), rather than the start? Or do I have to jump through the hoop of calculating strlen() of the target and adding that to strpos()
jeremycherfasTrying to extract a string from a page. I have a unique target identifier for the start of the string and for the end. Just trying to work out how to extract it, without using grep because grep is hard. :)
jeremycherfasIt is part of converting cleverdevil's listening script, which scrapes the OPML from Overcst, so it will need to work every day, but I do not expect Overcast to change the page structure.
jeremycherfasAh no, more complex, slightly. I can parse the OPML. That gives me the URL for a podcast episode. Now I want to extract the image URL and the content of the summary on that page.
[schmarty]jeremycherfas: i found many of the episodes in my overcast OPML export had HTML pages that are not very parseable. for now i compromised by pulling the podcast's main image from their RSS feed. in future I think i would pull down each podcast's RSS feed, match with the enclosure URL, and extract descriptions etc.
[davidmead]crosspost with #known - I think it’s time for Known to have a ‘syndicated link’ field when you post something - Would help with manual, or after-the-fact posting for Instagram, etc. Liked this in GWG’s WP implementations
jeremycherfas!tell [schmarty] Another interesting glitch is that often the original podcast page has og:description content but on the overcast page og:description is empty
jeremycherfasRight. I'm trying to decide whether to have a two step process. If Overcast does not have the summary information, go to the original episode and try there.
Loqieddiehinkle: snarfed left you a message 1 week, 4 days ago: hey podcasters, we don't yet have exact audio file size (in bytes) in mf2. how should we represent that? i'm looking at converting to RSS, where it's required. more: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-02-17#t1550418872983700
eddiehinkleI was seeing my domain name and thought Apple completely ignored the <title> but in my genious back when I was testing my new theme I put my domain name as my only title text
[tantek]eddiehinkle, yes you can depend <title> instead of og:title for the iMessage use-case AFAIK. Worth documenting that (and docs you found) on /iMessage if you like!
[manton], [frank], iasai, jjuran_ and snarfed joined the channel
GWG_swentel: The reason sending timezone offset makes sense is that where you are isn't always where the server is. So, without the timezone offset, the time you posted won't match, as the server will assume the default.
GWG_swentel: I appreciate it. WordPress stores both a local and a gmt time string for each post. I had to add a parameter to let it identify when the post came from another location.
GWG_swentel: Do you intend to do future posts? You would do a scheduled post by adding a published date in the future. If that isn't a feature you want to add, then just always send now with no UI.