aaronpkTook a while to find info about export but this is good: "On the Lite, Professional, and Team plans, you can export your website and host it anywhere you'd like. "
swentelGWG_, looking at checkins again. What bothers me at the moment is that wouldn't be able to send a photo along in a checkin post via indigenous. So I'm really tempted to add more properties to the GeoUri
[eddie]Gotcha. Yeah that should all be very easy from the Indigenous side. Depending on how Drupal is set up it might not be as easy from the server side
sknebelaaronpk: " the local URL of the venue" - i.e. if your site backed its endpoint by e.g. the swarm API, you'd generate local urls for venues from the api? would those be expected to be actual urls, or even resolve to something useful? (afk for a bit, but want to get the question out before I forget it)
[tantek]yes I have some timeline fixes to make so that altering the future doesn't break the present. I know that sounds backwards but that's what happened.
[eddie]swentel: be careful, sometimes moving fast, "really fast" ends up making bad decisions. I'd definitely continue to talk through some of your thinking here, for example with aaronpk who has put a lot of thought into this stuff
aaronpkand can confirm that moving fast leads to not ideal solutions, as demonstrated by some of my own projects that I've had to very carefully make migration paths off of
[eddie]I tend to lock experimental features in the iOS version behind my url so that even if it ships with a feature if I'm not sure I want that feature public yet, I can safe guard it while testing it out
aaronpk"You may not cache or store any Foursquare places information (including tips, venue photos, check-ins) for more than 24 hours without refreshing."
aaronpkso like arguably ownyourswarm should follow these rules and not store anything for more than 24 hours. but I don't get the sense reading this that they're trying to prevent someone from storing their own checkins.
aaronpkswentel: that's a photo i took and posted on swarm, so I already own the copyright and am technically granting foursquare a license to use it, so i see no problem copying it back to my site
aaronpki agree with snarfed, best to just ignore stuff like that for personal use cases. now if you're building a service that's scraping a bunch of foursquare users' data and republishing it or something that's a different story and probably not okay
Loqi_, sfoster_, oodani_, NinjaTrappeur, grantcodes[m], cuibonobo, chrisaldrich, DenSchub, eli_oat, ludovicchabant, j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks]Dennis has always been in favour of other tools using foursquare venues and checking into foursquare too. I know they have got a lot more biz dev shaped recently, but the core power users get to edit venues too.
Loqisuperuser is a privileged user on a site (typically a silo, like Foursquare) that has some admin abilities, sometimes different based on what "level" of superuser the user has been granted or has achieved https://indieweb.org/superuser
LoqiGenerations in the context of the IndieWeb refer to clusters of potential IndieWeb adopters in a series of waves that are expected to naturally adopt the IndieWeb for themselves and then help inform the next generation https://indieweb.org/power_user
LoqiGenerations in the context of the IndieWeb refer to clusters of potential IndieWeb adopters in a series of waves that are expected to naturally adopt the IndieWeb for themselves and then help inform the next generation https://indieweb.org/generations