[tantek]whoa I'd almost see it as the opposite, that a micropub developer could read the spec, then work their way through test cases to implement, and not have to reference any side-docs beyond that
[tantek]anyway the context of the discussion I referenced wasn't a *new* implementation, but rather getting details right for an existing implementation
[tantek]I think there was some confusion about how "drafts" should work, as a feature, especially across a mix of mp clients and servers that don't all support it
[eddie]I think a benefit to that would be once there has been 1-2 instances of people building based on GitHub issues, it should definitely get a stub on the wiki
[eddie]That would allow a situation like the one tantek is talking about (essentially someone like manton saying, I want to build a drafts feature, how do I do that?). In that case the person can check the wiki extensions page
[eddie]Right now there is a Micropub brainstorm page, a Micropub extensions page, the GitHub issues and the spec. So having a page that you arrive at (Micropub extensions) that lists details for active extensions and stubs for prototype extensions would be great
snarfed, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, barpthewire and [Rose] joined the channel
@voxpelli↩️ True, I myself wonder what I should do with my IndieWeb WebMention endpoint, https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ It’s great to be able to offer such capabilities as a service, but it opens one up to problems like this and it’s not really feasible to have everyone self-host everything (twitter.com/_/status/1110494524411953157)
voxpelliIn article 13 I guess it could be an issue if one hosts images or other content scraped from those sites - unsure whether that transfers the liability to the WebMention endpoint
voxpelliAnd in doing the link preview an endpoint will host text excerpts, images etc that they have scraped from the sender, to ensure privacy, performance and security
ZegnatOn the other hand, you could also sell webmentions as a service for those who want to police art 11 ;) You will know when someone has linked to you
@c2dev2↩️ Haha. It isn't like getting Fireballed. :)
I would do:
- basic h-feed support in HTML
- webmention
- indieauth
I don't POSSE anymore really (most of my stuff goes to http://Micro.blog, some also to Mastodon, but that is it). Too much to keep up with. (twitter.com/_/status/1110571740281954305)
[tantek], [Rose], [kenbauer] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie]!tell swentel Does Indigenous for Android (and IndieWeb Drupal module) support the Micropub post visibility property? https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Visibility I think I remember you mentioning that but, not 100% sure
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Didn't win @mozilla Responsible Computer Science Challenge makes me $0 out of $1.59 million on the year with another 200k pending....crappy ...
iasai, [Rose], KartikPrabhu, Dmf, [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, [asuh], [schmarty], [tantek], snarfed, treora and mblaney joined the channel
Loqijacky: Zegnat left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: for extracting author (and more) from all sorts of pages you may want to look at some prior art here: https://github.com/zotero/translators - basically extractors for different websites!