#dev 2019-03-26

2019-03-26 UTC
snarfed, tbbrown and eli_oat joined the channel
aaronpk: For q=last, what if the last thing uploaded isn't a photo?
snarfed joined the channel
By the way, just implemented Q=last
[kimberlyhirsh] and snarfed joined the channel
GWG++ nice work!
GWG has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (175 in all channels)
Adding some query support.
iasai, [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmust, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
Do proposed extensions to the micropub media endpoint go in the Github extensions repo, on the extensions page, on the media endpoint page?
use github issues for discussions. as things get solidified we'll work them into the wiki page
if you want you can also add a short summary on the wiki and link out to github for the discussion
aaronpk I think that flow needs a bit better documentation / overview. GitHub issues -> Wiki page -> Spec
I think someone mentioned recently having to check three places as a Micropub developer
tbh there should be enough documentation that a developer writing a micropub server or client should be reading the spec only as a last resort
whoa I'd almost see it as the opposite, that a micropub developer could read the spec, then work their way through test cases to implement, and not have to reference any side-docs beyond that
eh, I write HTML all the time and I've never read the HTML spec
because you've already learned it
and I certainly didn't learn it by reading the spec
sure, it was written (originally) back in the day when specs were like academic outlines
very different from how W3C and other specs are written today
i'm all for specs being readable and everything, but I dont think developers should be expected to start there
they are, for interop
once you need to get into the nitty gritty then sure they can go read the spec
e.g. browser implementers *must* read the HTML spec very carefully to implement things interoperably
but that shouldn't be the entry point. you should be able to write a functional basic implementation from other less spec-like documentation
ok I could accept that for a "getting started" tutorial for minimal basic functionality
ideally the spec *is* that minimal documentation required for interop
anyway the context of the discussion I referenced wasn't a *new* implementation, but rather getting details right for an existing implementation
I think there was some confusion about how "drafts" should work, as a feature, especially across a mix of mp clients and servers that don't all support it
I'm just the messenger in this example, not yet at the point of coding that with Micropub. I'll get there eventually now that I have https. 🙂
iasai, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove__ and [eddie] joined the channel
I think that flow is good, GitHub Issues (discussion), Wiki (coalesce from the issues), Spec after wide enough adoption.
snarfed joined the channel
I think a benefit to that would be once there has been 1-2 instances of people building based on GitHub issues, it should definitely get a stub on the wiki
snarfed joined the channel
That would allow a situation like the one tantek is talking about (essentially someone like manton saying, I want to build a drafts feature, how do I do that?). In that case the person can check the wiki extensions page
snarfed joined the channel
Right now there is a Micropub brainstorm page, a Micropub extensions page, the GitHub issues and the spec. So having a page that you arrive at (Micropub extensions) that lists details for active extensions and stubs for prototype extensions would be great
snarfed, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, barpthewire and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ For third party open badges. @badgrteam is best. Their values align most with mine. I have been experimenting with webmention badges so I can do it all from own domain and student blogs. Would work with blogspot. I hate att the WordPress… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/26/wfryer-for-third-party-open-badges-badgrteam
↩️ True, I myself wonder what I should do with my IndieWeb WebMention endpoint, https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ It’s great to be able to offer such capabilities as a service, but it opens one up to problems like this and it’s not really feasible to have everyone self-host everything
voxpelli: what part of the webmention receiver do you think will be affected by art 13?
Zegnat: it’s especially article 11 that’s an issue when it comes to that I think
In article 13 I guess it could be an issue if one hosts images or other content scraped from those sites - unsure whether that transfers the liability to the WebMention endpoint
But as article 11 will make it very hard to show any link previews/scraped content at all
I wouldn’t say so, unless that is what the endpoint is actually doing. If you are just validating URLs, that is not a problem.
art 11 is an interesting case though ...
Article 11 will make it very hard to show link previews/scraped content - and that’s pretty much 50% of what the
Webmention endpoint does
(The other 50% being validating that the mention is valid)
And in doing the link preview an endpoint will host text excerpts, images etc that they have scraped from the sender, to ensure privacy, performance and security
Yeah, if your service is being the provider of link previews that may be a problem. hmm
On the other hand, you could also sell webmentions as a service for those who want to police art 11 ;) You will know when someone has linked to you
↩️ The carve-outs are time limited to 2-3 years though if I remember correctly, and my webmention service is definitely older than that :P
wonders how hard it would be to convince work to accept webmentions
greetings human
[Rose] joined the channel
Re Micropub extensions, I guess I should document q=last on the issues and such
Good morning Loqi and indieweb people
And now article 11 and 13 has been voted through in the EU :(
[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], iasai and eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ Yes! Looks like I got that cdevroe bump! Also… Webmention is in my backlog… what else should I be looking into, indieweb-feature-wise?
iasai, tbbrown, chrisaldrich, jackjamieson, eli_oat, barpthewire, jjuran and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ Haha. It isn't like getting Fireballed. :) I would do: - basic h-feed support in HTML - webmention - indieauth I don't POSSE anymore really (most of my stuff goes to http://Micro.blog, some also to Mastodon, but that is it). Too much to keep up with.
[tantek], [Rose], [kenbauer] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk, if you don't remove the queried last image, it will post, correct?
In Quill, sorry
yes, it's like a shortcut to fill in that field automatically
my media endpoint only returns the last upload if it's within about 5 minutes of it being created
Okay, that explains it
I think that needs some clarification
I'll open it on the Micropub extensions issue tracker
aaronpk, how do we get extensions into the spec? The question manton asked... what finalizes it?
Same as Microformats?
yeah i think that makes sense
or, we don't change the spec, and instead publish new specs as extensions
when it makes sense i think that's a better option
partly because we can't change this anymore https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/
iasai joined the channel
so i'd like to reduce the amount of changes needed to the core spec unless it's absolutely necessary
aaronpk, I just want a process of some sort to say things aren't experimental
Otherwise people never feel comfortable with them
the whole internet is a giant experiment ;-)
we'll see if it sticks
[dshanske] #10 q=last on media endpoint
I have more thoughts there
chrisaldrich, gRegorLove__, snarfed, iasai, [eddie], [schmarty], eli_oat and leg joined the channel
!tell grantcodes Does Together support the Micropub Query for Support Vocabulary? (https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Query_for_Supported_Vocabulary) I thought I remembered you mentioning it at one point, but I can't remember
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kimberlyhirsh] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Hmm I don't think so
[grantcodes]: [eddie] left you a message 4 minutes ago: Does Together support the Micropub Query for Support Vocabulary? (https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Query_for_Supported_Vocabulary) I thought I remembered you mentioning it at one point, but I can't remember
It might check for supported post types?
That's what this is. The config query provides what post types the server supports
!tell swentel Does Indigenous for Android (and IndieWeb Drupal module) support the Micropub post visibility property? https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Visibility I think I remember you mentioning that but, not 100% sure
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell grantcodes, mblaney we did not win the Mozilla Responsible Computer Science Award will loop you both into next grant https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/26/didnt-win-mozilla-responsible-computer-science-challenge-makes-me-0
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Greg McVerry] Didn't win @mozilla Responsible Computer Science Challenge makes me $0 out of $1.59 million on the year with another 200k pending....crappy ...
iasai, [Rose], KartikPrabhu, Dmf, [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, [asuh], [schmarty], [tantek], snarfed, treora and mblaney joined the channel
just noticing how "simple" it might be to sync browser bookmarks with one's own site bookmarks
jacky: Zegnat left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: for extracting author (and more) from all sorts of pages you may want to look at some prior art here: https://github.com/zotero/translators - basically extractors for different websites!
wow I got pings everywhere
ah everything's in javascript
D: D:
is spending a lot of time on browser extensions in the upcoming months
snarfed and iasai joined the channel
mblaney: [jgmac1106] left you a message 3 hours, 26 minutes ago: we did not win the Mozilla Responsible Computer Science Award will loop you both into next grant https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/26/didnt-win-mozilla-responsible-computer-science-challenge-makes-me-0
thanks for letting me know jgmac1106
hi GWG
mblaney, another punt for SimplePie
oh yeah?
[eddie] joined the channel
rmccue was the previous SimplePie maintainer, a shame he hasn't jumped in on that thread yet.
[eddie]: Thanks for the assist
mblaney, I know. All he has to do is say... it's been 3 years and I've commented 0 times. Assign it to someone else
can someone else say that and make it happen?
I can say it, but I am not sure anyone cares
probably still worth giving it a go with the new interest.
in happier news, looks like I'm coming over for the summit again :-)
are you staying at the same place GWG?
mblaney, yes. Will be happy to discuss in chat or meta. Still need a roommate
will move to chat
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
mblaney I will get one to hit eventually. We will hit
The hotel [chrisaldrich] and I stayed in was quite and affordable
iasai and mblaney joined the channel