#dev 2019-05-24

2019-05-24 UTC
[jgarber] joined the channel
Thanks, y’all!
`redirect_uri` is part of the IndieAuth spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth/#4-2-2-redirect-url
doubleloop: Good catch on the `media_endpoint` bug. That’s _probably_ an issue upstream in indieweb-endpoints-ruby: https://github.com/indieweb/indieweb-endpoints-ruby
[indieweb] indieweb-endpoints-ruby: A Ruby gem for discovering a URL's IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, and Webmention endpoints.
Luckily I know the guy that works on that… 🙃
Okay, can't filter values in kses. So much for that.
mblaney and gxt joined the channel
Wonder if it is worth bundling HTML Purifier for that
miklb, benwerd, snarfed and [jgarber] joined the channel
I’m spending way too much time poring over https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8288 (and its predecessor https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988) and found something mildly interesting…
relation-type = reg-rel-type / ext-rel-type
ext-rel-type = URI ; Section 3 of [RFC3986]
reg-rel-type = LOALPHA *( LOALPHA / DIGIT / "." / "-" )
The above defines valid `rel` values in HTTP Link headers. The URI bit makes sense. That’s how we got the original `rel="http://webmention.org/"` value before `webmention` made its way onto IANA’s blessed list (here: https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml).
What caught my attention is that underscores aren’t allowed according to the `reg-rel-type` pattern above. So, `rel="authorization_endpoint"` in an HTTP Link header is _technically_ invalid. Am I reading that right?
(Not that it matters practically, of course…)
Also worth noting that even IANA doesn’t stick to the specified format above. The registered `convertedFrom` relation name is invalid. 🙃
snarfed joined the channel
anyone has tips for authenticating a IndieAuth app on a desktop environment?
I'm working on parts of one (for Linux)
and I'm thinking about adding explicit support to my site for one
but I don't know how that flies in a cross platform way
(I know how to do that pragmatically for Linux/XDG environments)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
this looks like a standards-suggested way https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8252#section-7
it'd be easier for me to open a server on the user's machine and do that
treora joined the channel
hmm that looks like the only option
oh wait, no; it only wants the auth server to ask the user to be sure if it's the right place to go to
[eddie] joined the channel
jacky: currently most native apps use IndieAuth by the redirect url being a url on the same domain as the client_id and then the redirect_url redirects to the native app url.
So in Indigenous this is something like: https://indigenous.abode.pub/iOS/auth/redirect which then sends the user to indigenous://auth/callback
I originally tried putting the native callback scheme directly into the redirect_uri found on the client_id but there were some IndieAuth authorization endpoints that didn’t check the redirect_uri so I made the pragmatic approach rather than the official approach
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
how does that redirect from the app trigger work? [eddie]
I'm guessing since you know it's for iOS, you can just do that
I can make a page that'll emit the code to the page in a hidden way but my app will know to scan for
Yeah it’s an iOS only app
Will your app only be on Linux?
nope. It'll be built using Rust and Qt so it _should_ work on Windows and macOS as well (someone mentioned interest in getting it on macOS)
Ohhhh yeah that’s tricky
So far it’s been apps that just work on Android OR iOS OR macOS
gotta love the OR lol
Lol yep
So yeah having an app that runs on multiple sites would probably need to inspect and see if it can determine what OS it is from the user agent or something
I think I might just go that same route - showing a page that's like a "success one" but opt to have the token presented somewhere in the HTML of the page
snarfed joined the channel
I guess you could also have “open in” with the various OSes listed if you know what the url schemes would be for each OS
so the person ends up on the success page and can either click on their OS to open the app or click to copy and paste the token
yup yup
I think Indiepaper was doing something similar where it provided the token, a profiled bookmarklet, an open in the macOS app and directions for the shortcut
Pre-filled bookmarklet
Custom url schemes are pretty widely supported across platforms i thought
using that with the technique [eddie] mentioned is probably the best approach
ah okay
so I looked up custom url scheme (specifically that)
this is not well documented lol
at least for Linux
like I know how it works on macOS
yaay the internet is super-down in my hood and is probably going to be for a while :~(
aaronpk: custom url schemes are dying.. OSX denies them hard, iOS and Android got rid of them and Windows is moving away from them, but they still work
[Rose] joined the channel
Interesting you say that as Shortcuts for iOS, the app Apple released last year, makes heavy use of URL schemes.
And they also keep promoting apps that use URL schemes.
maybe it's the other way around windows/osx, it's been a year since i butted heads with it
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Ruxton: spotify:/// links are how they open for me on Android
that + URL matching
all this to say: I wanna keep indieweb stuff going without having to open my web browser lol
!tell jgarber Yes, you read the RFCs on link relations right! https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/17
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Zegnat] #17 Link relations in HTTP Link header conflict with RFC 5988.
cool new idea from github for supportng devs of opensource - https://github.com/sponsors
[Rose], [tonz], [frank], leg, mattl_, stevestreza, ludovicchabant, willnorris, miklb, [calumryan], KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], [jgmac1106], [kimberlyhirsh] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
!tell doubleloop yes sorry, I moved photo.postrchild.com to heroku and didn't realise that you have to pay for ssl certificates there, so it's currently just on http
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Morning all
[jeremycherfas] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Zegnat: Ah, fantastic. Thanks for that link to indieweb/indieauth#7!
[jgarber]: Zegnat left you a message 5 hours, 45 minutes ago: Yes, you read the RFCs on link relations right! https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/17
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
No problem :) Some of us have spent way too much time reading the same spec over and over, haha
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I’m the latest in a long line of frustrated readers of RFCs 5988 and 8288. 😂
[jgarber]: if you want frustration, I compiled all the links in https://indieweb.org/JSON#Specs ;)
When the spec editor recommends you use a different spec, you know you have issues
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[tonz] Your post replying to my Utrecht write-up did not show up as a webmentions, possibly because the u-in-reply-to in the section does not enclose my url.
[tonz] joined the channel
odd. I’ll check.
I then pinged myself, just to check, and the result is a disaster on my site.
> I then pinged myself - is this the new version of I sent myself an email to test the out of office auto-response?
Zegnat: Ohhhh nooooo 😭
[tantek] joined the channel
No. It is the new version of setting up a fake identity to email yourself to check you email rules.
So with IndieAuth, and OAuth in general, you *need* to get the user to sign in in a browser to maintain the overall security of the flow
at some point in the flow the user has to be in the browser. Doing anything else opens up a lot of opportunities for phishing attacks and other things
that said, a redirect back to the app isn't always possible, for example when you're logging in on a device that doesn't have a browser like an appletv
Wondering out loud : how would I go about setting up indieauth to log into a yarns microsub server in a different WordPress instance and then use micropub in a reader to post to a different WordPress instance? Kinda like authenticate with aperture and then post to my blog, use yarns as an outside server. Anything where I should start reading specs or code to dive into it?
Zegnat: So speaking of Link header parser… turns out we’ve got something in-house: https://github.com/indieweb/link_rel_parser-ruby
[indieweb] link_rel_parser-ruby: Parse HTTP `Link` headers into a structured format
Oh interesting
I have only used Ruby for a few weeks years ago, so I have never looked at what tooling is there
For the indieweb-endpoints.cc stuff, I’m taking a second look at the relying code. That led me down the RFC rabbit hole and has me re-thinking how I’m parsing Link headers. Which… led me to digging through rubygems.org for existing libraries which… led me to [shaners]’ indieweb/link_rel_parser-ruby repo.
[aaronpk], [schmarty], [kimberlyhirsh], [frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
[jgarber] while your looking at ruby parser stuff, how good is the ruby mf2 parser these days and are there any improvements / updates than can be pushed out quickly (without too much work)?
you’re* looking
[jgarber] joined the channel
I haven’t looked at it in a bit. Been focusing on other stuff. But my memory is that it needs some love.
There’s a feed reader (I don’t recall which one) that uses ruby and had a bad early experience with the parser, and it would be great to go back to them with an update, so they can add h-feed support
IIRC last time they were using the first parser, which has since been completely rewritten
the current one is much more in line with the rest of them, and I think is only missing some of the most recent parsing changes
[Rose] joined the channel
I’d have to refamiliarize myself with the state of the gem before making any judgments beyond the above.
Right. And it would be good to at least make sure it handles various folks’s h-feed on their homepages before sending another request
"handles" is an interesting concept
parsing is one thing, but normalizing and authorship discovery is a whole different project
That sounds like something to at least provide an informative heads-up about in the h-feed spec
i'm still not really happy with the state of things in that regard. it's not a good story to tell people right now
And if there’s convergence among h-feed consumers, we could make it a MAY or SHOULD in the spec
Are there aspects you feel are known well enough to add as informative guidance to the h-feed spec? File an issue for it?
for consuming?
yes things are reasonably stable in XRay/Aperture/Monocle right now
and I worked with adactio on fixing his site so that his author info shows up right now too
Using the same code? Or same approach / algorithms but difference code but same implementer?
(thankfully that was a simple fix for him, he just needed to change the link from adactio.com/about to adactio.com and things magically worked)
XRay is where all my logic is implemented, and that's what Aperture uses to parse feeds
yes a lot of things are "does XRay work" at this point, right?
is there an other place that also does the authorship stuff?
ok, not that bad then
[jeremycherfas], [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
Authorship is fairly well documented I think
Things like multiple feeds, pages that don't have top level feeds etc on the other hand...
and then tantek.com
goes to discover tantek.com by hand
now that i think about it...
i'm not really comfortable asking people to implement h-feed parsing until we have an h-feed validator
otherwise when something isn't working, people don't know whether it's their fault or the publisher's fault
[tonz] I have now had time to look at your webmention, and I think I see what is happening. Although it looks fine in x-ray http://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zylstra.org%2Fblog%2F2019%2F05%2F7080%2F&pretty=true `webmention.heroku.app` is picking up an additional field called name that contains a large amount of stuff from your site. The problem is, I cannot see where it is getting that from. Looks like it could be another fe
The content I am receiving mentions Rebecca Blood, and your post from 2003 about BlogTalk, which brings you and me full circle. But I cannot for the life of me discover how it is getting into the webmention.
Sounds like possibly old parser that still does implied name more often
Can take a look tonight
[Ana_R] joined the channel
Hi everyone, I hope this is the right channel to ask (i’m so sorry if it isn’t and i will move the convo elsewhere). I think I missed a crucial step and I really can’t figure out where I went wrong. This is about using webmentions.io
I have one blog post that has 3 webmentions (this one https://www.ohhelloana.blog/blogging-and-me).
For some reason I can’t “connect” Brid.gy with webmentions.io either and I know it must be something i’ve done wrong but I can’t figure out what. I thought I had everything necessary on my `<head>`
I can see them when I do a request to the API using javascript but whenever I sign in on webmentions.io there is nothing on my dashboard. I always thought it was normal until I realised yesterday that turns out people see the list of webmentions there…
Did anyone go through something similar?
Thank you so much in advance.
[aaronpk] ^^^ Would it be worth picking up the plural version of the URL?
[Ana_R]: hmm, it looks like you have two different accounts on webmention.io
the webmentions are going to your ohhelloana.blog account but when you sign in you end up at www.ohhelloana.blog
did you change your site from no-www to www at some point?
[schmarty] joined the channel
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - if i did that, it was an accident 😐 I must have done something silly when doing something domain/HTTPs or switching hosting (i don’t know a lot about this to be honest). I’m so sorry about this, I knew this was somehow my fault. How can I fix it?
😓 thank you [aaronpk]
and *not if , I clearly messed up
I always mention it without the www so, https://ohhelloana.blog
ok cool, then this will depend on your hosting provider. some of them have a checkbox where you can decide which one will redirect to the other one
what's your new web host?
Netlify - okay, I see there that I do have the www
great so figure out if there's a way you can get netlify to redirect to the no-www version. then next time you sign in to webmention.io you should see everything there
awesome - thank you so much for your time!
[jgarber] and miklb joined the channel
There is!
You can configure www to be a domain alias for the primary domain in Netlify’s Domain magement interface.
aaronpk: Did I see we might start validating h-feeds? If so, where do I add my +1?
!!!! everything works!!! i’m so happy! Thank you!!
woo awesome!
benwerd and [tantek] joined the channel
nowww has 1 karma over the last year
GWG check indiewebify me issues for an existing issue to add h-feed validation and 👍 it, if not found, file an issue requesting it!
snarfed joined the channel
[tantek]: Is there a repo for h-feed issues like we have for h-entry?
Good question, check the h-feed spec for its issues link
A validation would make more sense in indiewebify.me tho
snarfed joined the channel
Yes, but there are related spec questions
For example, should you only have one h-feed per url?
i'd love to see a "validator" that shows previews for how different readers will show a given post.
Should your h-feed be referenced by a rel feed?
[schmarty] worth filing an issue on the existing h-entry validator for that
GWG why?
GWG: i don't expose my h-feed as a rel=feed because it's redundant. the page itself *is* the feed.
To which?
GWG the default answer to extra work is NO
i only reference "sidefile" type feeds with rel=feed, like my atom feed.
I am wondering about the extra work I have to do on the processing side
By the way, I agree about the redundancy
[jeena] #13 Add test for feed/index/homepage with h-entries
Microformats repo has an h-entry but not h-feed repo
Re h-feed, then we get to implied h-feed, where I have to figure out what many h-entrys on a page are meant to mean
There are things that would help
Then there is the question of why a feed would be the child of an h-card..
I am not complaining, just think we should document these things
I had the hardest time trying to write code to make all of this work for Microsub
Hoping to save someone else the trouble by deciding how these things work in the spec and documenting appropriately
[Rose] joined the channel
GWG: this sounds like one of those times where the spec isn't complete and there isn't documentation collecting examples from the wild to try and shape a consensus.
iirc the next step would then be to start collecting examples somewhere
at the very least, you could make a subpage on your user page to collect examples you are seeing, particularly ones that require to to write special-case code.
maybe: document your implementation that way, including examples of each kind of feed that caused you to make a certain implementation choice
I need to clean up my code
And comment it
That will help writing it
[jgmac1106] and [anomalily] joined the channel
examples of what?
tantek: examples of ways to represent an h-feed on a page that might require different handling. E.g. explicit top-level h-feed, implied h-feed from a bunch of top-level h-entry, h-feed nested in h-card, ...
i have a domain to host examples of stuff like that on :)
[schmarty] all those sound like examples that could/should already be documented on /h-feed
GWG ^^ a place to document!
with nested list-item analysis below each example
in the IndieWeb Examples section
[chrisaldrich] and [tonz] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] that's even odder. The stuff about Rebecca Blood you receive is from my 'on this day' widget. I blogged her keynote at blogtalk and that is 16 years ago today.
[jeremycherfas] there is no reason it should pick up my full side bar like that. I have seen that before, with Franks blog. Maybe I at least should restrict that widget to front page
gRegorLove, [Rose] and [eddie] joined the channel
And it was very good to be reminded of it, when the world was young.
KartikPrabhu and leg joined the channel
What is nested list-item analysis?
It looks like we don't have a page for "nested list-item analysis" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "nested list-item analysis is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [cleverdevil], benwerd, KartikPrabhu, leg and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, see /video#IndieWeb_Examples for examples of nested list-item analyses of specific publishing examples
[Ana_R] joined the channel
Okay, I have one more question if that’s okay - because I messed up with my urls people have interacted with me with the (www) and without it. So when I do two different requests to the webmention.io api (one to https://www.ohhelloana.blog/ and another to https://ohhelloana.blog/) I get different responses.
I think I fixed my redirect issue so I suppose this only happens in past posts. I guess I would have to do the two requests and “merge” the results right? Or this there another way to fix this (or does it even need to be fixed)?
On a positive note: I thought I only had 3 webmentions! Turns out I actually have around 50 and found blog posts replying to me and it is really nice 🤗
i have an open issue to handle this better, but for now you can put both URLs in the API request to fetch webmentions
[aaronpk] webmention.io: Easily enable webmentions and pingbacks on any web page
[aaronpk] ooh would this work for my protocol neutral feature request? Eg requesting both http and https simultaneously?
yep! your proposed solution is definitely better, but this works right now
Hah you could redirect serverside if target param starts with // to target[]= http and https versions!
is tempted to try writing a pull request for this
i think i'd rather solve it properly
Of course! sorry, it’s already late Friday here, I completely overlooked at API option for this scenario 😓. That’s perfect! Thank you [aaronpk]
[cleverdevil] and snarfed joined the channel
[Ana_R]: nice, high-five on getting the webmentions working :D
doubleloop: [grantcodes] left you a message 11 hours, 35 minutes ago: yes sorry, I moved photo.postrchild.com to heroku and didn't realise that you have to pay for ssl certificates there, so it's currently just on http
Awww ok aaronpk then I’ll hardcore the http or https target[]= query into my code instead as a workaround. Ok if I document the workaround in the issue?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://bitsplitting.org/2019/05/24/unloved-patches/" to the "See Also" section of /WordPress https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61664&oldid=60828
[Rose] and snarfed joined the channel
Should I give an amen to that?
[cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel