#dev 2019-06-02

2019-06-02 UTC
Anyone know a way to get twitter syndication without a credit card? Bitcoin? Paypal?
What do you mean by twitter syndication?
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and [tantek] joined the channel
infominer[m] — can you take a look at https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2019-06-02#t1559442821083400 — I'm hoping to not waste your time with a bunch of (new) pages/content on the wiki that isn't directly indieweb related (it'll likely get deleted)
[[tantek]] hey infominer, just noticing the new pages. appreciate the eagerness to contribute, however please take a look at https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Should_this_be_on_the_wiki
[eddie], gRegorLove__, KartikPrabhu, jbove, [tantek] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
infominer[m]: that convo still didn't mention something re: twitter syndication re: finanical backing
[tantek] joined the channel
does anyone have any insights whether or not Google respects a <link rel="alternate" type="application/ld+json" href="" /> json-ld file or does it always have to be inline?
I am going to guess they do not refetch, but hard to say. Maybe rhiaro has some insight? I think rhiaro.co.uk sends JSON and HTML on the same URLs.
petermolnar, that dat:// move seems like a good way for people to accidentally leak config values. datbase.org gives me a full index of all the files on your site rather than just loading the index.html
ok, so, as Zegnat pointed it out, dat import imports _everything_ and it doesn't seem to have a way to exclude certain files, eg. php, or .htpasswd
sounds scary
petermolnar, kickscondor has a .datignore file
Not sure if that is a default feature or something you need to add yourself
[datproject] dat: :floppy_disk: Share & live sync files anywhere via command line
found that as well, trying to test it
Awesome, keep us posted :)
update: I managed to break dat: "Error: Groups are not supported"
I'm going to put this away for now...
cd .dat; rm content.bitfield metadata.bitfield content.tree metadata.data metadata.tree content.signatures metadata.signatures
this leaves the important files, the keyfiles untouched and lets me repair the dat db
this whole thing feels way too bleeding edge
Depends what you are comparing it to. But comparing it to HTTP, it sure is super bleeding edge
[eddie], [jgmac1106] and [tonz] joined the channel
anyone want to help me with a quick terminal question?
I can attempt to be the one-eyed person in the land of the blind, yes.
but then get this: We cannot install ./ipfs in one of the directories /usr/local/bin /usr/bin
It seems that we do not have the necessary write permissions.
Perhaps try running this script as a privileged user:
yet I am an admin on my computer with full rights
Have you actually checked the permissions on those directories?
You're on Windows, right?
figured I i all the rights will go look
Have you tried sudo `command`?
Might be easier than checking permissions
Sudo gives you full rights for one command. Requires your password.
closer but still getting this: mv: rename /Users/jgmac1106/desktop/ipfs to /usr/local/bin/ipfs: Permission denied but thank you I will try hacking around for a bit
Not seeing a `mv` command on the page you linked to.
I know I tried putting in my desktop first then when that didn't work wondered if I had to move it. i was wrong
If you open install.sh in a text editor, and the command is there, you may be able to sudo each of the commands in that script.
What is your path? At prompt type echo $PATH
Does the folder `go-ipfs` exist anywhere?
yes on my deskto[
it gettings write permissions to usr/local/bin the sudo command didn't work which is strange
ohh well off to breakfast
OK, that needs to be in your $PATH. What is the result of echo $PATH?
jeremycherfas++ for the help
jeremycherfas has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (28 in all channels)
Done jeremy thank you!!
It worked? Cool.
well when I changed the directory name back to go-ipfs
I figured I could name the directory whatever. I was wrong
No, because the script is expecting that specific name.
Looking forward to playing but first its a game of Star Wars Monopoly
I can't even.
KartikPrabhu, jbove, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie] are you supposed to come through with a user name of "web user" on webmentions?
[eddie] joined the channel
Known isn’t following the authorship algorithm correctly
I should check to see if that’s an open issue
[EdwardHinkle] #2300 Webmention parsing doesn’t seem to follow Authorship algorithm
Created by me haha
chrisaldrich and leg joined the channel
(typo: "I currently lives" )
(and maybe "read more" should be ouside the note)
Ahhh good catch!
I changed from 3rd to first person
[fluffy], [Sadik_Shahadu] and [tonz] joined the channel
jjuran, gRegorLove__, KartikPrabhu, [frank] and eli_oat joined the channel
[Zegnat] Can you help me out with the h-card on my site? On https://diggingthedigital.com/ I added some markup so as the top-left logo is enclosed in an h-card class and has both u-url and u-uid properties. That should make it a representative h-card for my site doesn't it? When I parse it through http://iwm.gregoreatworld.com/validate-h-card/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdiggingthedigital.com%2F I still get one of the other URL's on the site as the h-card
Sure. Lets see!
Hmm, I don’t see any h-card at all
That's weird...
Yeah I purged it a few times already
It's Cloudflare so it should be OK
Did you purge cloudflare?
Yeah I purged everything at cloudflare
Apparently not? Since with the dummy query string it does seem to be added
Not sure why it is saying it isn’t representative, when the URL and unique ID look the same :/
Yeah So I see...
Let me try to purge again at cf
I use a Alfred shortcut with the API, it works most of the time
Oh, duh, it is not representative for the weird URL I am testing with.
So HTML and mf2 actually look fine to me, just a weird caching issue somewhere
only cloudflare, no local caching of some kind?
Oh jeez...Siteground caching
Now it works
cache all the caches :P
Could p-label or p-note give some extra info like a site-description?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
On an h-card I would expect the p-note to be about the person
Unless you are giving the site itself an h-card (like how companies have one), but I am not sure I have seen that done before
[frank]: p-summary was proposed for h-feed (http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed#Proposed_Properties) that might fit nicely for some info about the site itself (as the feed is much more a representation of the site, vs the h-card that represents you as the author)
So the h-card for my site should be about me as a person, the author of the site. So p-name should be my name instead of the site's name.
[tonz] joined the channel
(see my h-card at https://www.zylstra.org/blog [frank], I centered it around me. It’s also the reason I cut out h-card references to my author info underneath each posts, to prevent having 17 of them on the front page. Now the author bit is just about the author, and doesn’t pretend to be an authorative h-card anymore)
Wait what happened to your layout? It's so...so... colourfull!
snarfed, jjuran, eli_oat and eli_oat1 joined the channel